What is the best batman movie for a beginner?

What is the best batman movie for a beginner?
and whats the best batman movie overall?

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I also want to know this, bump.

nolan trilogy is the only good capeshit

Batman (1989) & Batman Returns (1992) are all that you need.

Batman returns.

Batman (1989) is goofy and boring imo.

Burton Films
Batman (1989)
Batman Returns (1992)

Nolan Trilogy
Batman Begins (2005)
The Dark Knight (2008)
The Dark Knight Rises (2012)

Batman: The Animated Series (1992 - 1995)

Joker (2019)

You can literally skip everything else.

>Joker (2019)
i was wondering if that will be good

Time will tell, but I have faith that it will be. In fact, it really needs to be.

>Skipping Batman (1966), the movie

There has never been a bad Batman film before Nolan.

True kino is Batman and Returns, still undefeated years later.
Forver and & Robin are fun schlock, true to the comics in how silly they are.

Begins is a mess.
The Dark Knight is good if you can get past some shitty dialogue.
Place Scene aside, Rises is trash.

BvS is a fantastic disaster, it has so much good things in it but there's so much shit in the mix that it makes you not really sure on what to feel.

>not one single Batman & Robin

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i watched it long ago and thought it was funny

Fuck off, you retarded boomer. That film is shit.

>Prepare for a bitter harvest. Winter... has come at last

game of thrones BTFO

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>Prepare to get ICED.

What did he mean by this?

forgot pic

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What killed the dinosaurs? THE ICE AGEEE

The Nolan trilogy is overrated trash. Takes itself way too seriously and the dialogue is super dry. The original Burton Batman films and Batman forever are kino.


The Burton films and the animated series are very great for beginners. It made most of the modern fanbase Batman fans as kids to begin with. I'd then watch the Adam West Batman show and movie for the laughs. Then watch the Nolan films if you have 12 hours to kill.

>Enjoys Batman & Robin
You're probably gay, so I don't value your opinion. Suicide, I highly recommend it.

>skipping Batman (1943 15-chapter theatrical serial)
Silly user

i saw some of that and like the cheese

The Burton films and Batman Forever

Don't know why people are overlooking batman forever. That movie was actually the first live action batman movie that was about batman. The burton films didn't have a batman arc or really explore the character, Returns in particular had Batman as a glorified background character.

Zoomer detected. Probably thinks the nolan films are 3deep5u and peak cinema.

Burton was more about drawing parallels to his villains, this is very evident in Returns. Forever was the first attempt to get into Batman’s psyche, unfortunately a lot of those scenes were cut by the studio. The fan cuts of Forever, add them back in and make the film go from good to great.

pic related
anyone saying batman forever or batman and robin is a contrarian retard

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>Burton was more about drawing parallels to his villains, this is very evident in Returns.
Burton and Nolan both wanted to emphasize the freakish nature of the hero and villains, while the animated series wanted to humanize them. It's sad that a cartoon remains the best version of the Batman story but perhaps with this sort of thing real actors just can't do the story justice.

Degenerate homo shit, kys

Go back

All these post in and nobody has posted the actual best Batman movie yet

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This film was only half-way decent because Burton produced, but it still has the Schumacher cheese that can't be ignored.

>Burton films weren’t cheesy

>doesn’t like fun

>Tim Burton good
>Joel Schumacher bad

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I never denied there was some cheese in Burton films, but it still manages still come across as darker and more violent compared to what came after them. Go back and watch Batman Returns again.

You just posted it.

>Those Schumacher movies are SO cheesy. I prefer a dark, eerie, suspenseful Batman movie with gut-wrenching character development and a bone-chilling slow burn. That’s why Christopher Nolan’s Batman is the best

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>Why yes, I think Schumacher Batman films are so kino, how could you tell?

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Not 1989.
Terrible ass movie.
Batman is incompetent as fuck. The most retarded "detective" work. Fucker just stands there as people get hurt. Goddamn tim burton sucks ass.
Rewatched these and realized they were fucking SHIT.

I see they almost decided to put defined nipples on the batgirl suit too. Too bad they couldn’t get her a nice set of puffies

>don't like batman
>was the perfect age for the 90s cartoon and still didn't like it
>grow up
>suddenly everybody fucking loves batman
>friend gets really into it
>makes me watch all of them
>after each one say "nope, didn't like it, didn't care" etc
>'youll like the next one more it has arnold schwarzenegger'
>only good thing in any of them is the kiss from the nose song during the credits
>he gets so into batman he buys the dark knight rises porn parody
>it's better than the actual dark knight rises
convince me to like this stupid bat idiot

>he didnt like the cartoon
Yer beyond saving

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>you can skip everything else