The most alpha chad on the planet takes an interest in her

>the most alpha chad on the planet takes an interest in her
>one of them suggests a booty call
>it doesn't matter who suggested it because she went along with it
>he fucks her brains out for THREE hours, making her cum THREE times (probably at hourly intervals because he's in total alpha control)
>she sits on a bench for THREE hours recapping the entire glorious fuck session in her mind from start to finish
>realizes her normie boyfriend can never please her like that
>leaves town without bothering to tell him
>finds out she's pregnant and keeps it because Homelander might reward her with another fuck

>season two starts with her tongue kissing Homelander and telling Butcher to get the fuck off their lawn

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Other urls found in this thread:

his arm looks weird closest to the camera

Honestly OP?

Butcher kills Homelanders kid due to him being half human

nuclear billy can't kill Homelander? No problem, he'll just kill his kid and the kid's mom

But why

Wtf, I can make my GF cum 3 times in 5 minutes. This is stupid

Ho boy! I can't wait to see what happens next season! This show really gets my edgy sense of humor. I'll be sure and keep my Amazon Prime™ account renewed so I won't miss an single action-packed minute of the great films we have to offer!

why are you so upset

but homelander cums in under 10 seconds flat even in elizabeth shues stretched out old cockgarage
he probably just yelled and cried at her for 3 hours then raped her for all of 4 seconds

Oh. So the cucking is why you like this show.

>he fucks her brains out for THREE hours
Here's the plothole - Homelander was a quick draw

>hollywood show
>ends with cuckolding

Supes are cunts. Kid would've grown up to be half a cunt, like something out of Dr. Phil.

Homelander has to have a weakness, maybe his kid becomes that after his mommy is gone.

Butcher will kill the wife just for cucking him tho.

Wrong. Butcher trains the kid to defy Homelander. The kid turned out normal because he was raised by an actual parent, unlike Homelander, who's sociopathic. He rejects his father's ideologies and is eventually the one who kills him. He's the only one who can now that the "safety switch" from the comics no longer exists.

unless it really is black noir

The only thing I'm upset about is not having more episodes of The Boys to enjoy! Good thing Prime Video is adding great content every single day for me to enjoy, like the Mr. Bean Animated Series and our favorite meme a minute movie here at TV, Spider-Man 3! I'd stay to chat more but I'm going to be over at Prime Video watching Rush Hour 3 or maybe one of the exciting new Amazon Originals, like Good Omens or Tom Clancy's Jack Ryan

>Homelander was a quick draw
Only with his mommy, someone he had a real difficult relationship with, and maybe even had feelings for

some random bimbo who wants the fuck of her life? completely different.
(but yes the story still has some fishy details)


What the fuck was her problem?

>The Kid becomes actual good-natured wholesome and hopeful Superman
Would be kino not even memeing

That's the real plot twist. SHe fucked him consensually, enjoyed it and had his child.

Is this what really happens or? If so based but sure the show will fuck it up some how

It can't be, because Black Noir can bleed.

Nah, in the book Butcher smashes the kid's head in with a lamp right after it tears his wife apart.

Why does everything I read about the comic makes it look like shit?

Superduper was a great concept tho, shame about the execution

The show is already drastically different from the comic's story, anything could happen. No point in even guessing.

Ennis is a polarizing guy. It's a solid story about male camaraderie if you can overlook the gore and Ennis' (admittedly crude) sense of humor.

>making her cum THREE times
This isn't really as hard you think it is.

Homelander is going to slaughter that kid in season 2
There's no possible way his paranoia and desire for godhood will allow him to let someone who could potentially challenge him in any way exist

It’s some bullshit involving the shape shifting super.

Think about it, Homelander knows Billy isn’t afraid to an hero himself. Therefore he needs to try and break him instead of killing him.

Why doesn't somebody like Hughie take Compound V?

This. For a man of his abilities that's actually extremely low for a duration of 3 hours. Honestly.

have sex

You've got to be kidding me

in the comicbooks they all do

cmon just a bit of sex, you can do it

>butcher’s entire character is about hating and killing superhumans, no matter who they are as individuals
Giving him a half-meta kid is definitely an interesting twist for the character and I’m excited to see where the writers take it, but I’ve got to say, it would be hard for me to buy him taking the kid under his wing (not because he’s a cuckspawn, but because he’s meta)

Hope they don't do that here. The "normie humans vs superpowered chads" concept is too good to throw away.
Keep Kimiko as the supe of the team and have the rest just be human

Damn, I dream about experiencing the female orgasm, but desu, only cumming 3 times in 3 hours seems like the mother of all letdowns

I really like this Homelander so much more over his comic book version, something about how the actor depicts him.

Weird post. Still checked though

You'll like Banshee, then.

predictably insecure response

He would have to take him under his wing because he's Becca's son. Homelander has really fucked himself: he clearly wants to be with his son, but his son would want to be with his mother, and the mother would want to be with Butcher. So Homelander and Butcher might have to have to awkwardly get along for awhile, until something bad happens.

Typical Yea Forums incel response. Wanna keep going?

please do, your insecurity is highly entertaining

Homelander describes difficulty in using it on adult subjects, presumably there's a reasonably high chance that it just makes your heart explode or something, which is why infants need a slow IV drip of the stuff in an incubator in order to safely develop powers

the edge is the greatest pleb filter there has ever been

In the comics humans take it to survive having sex with superheroes. I wonder if Becca was on it

Anyone who thinks that 3 orgasms in 3 hours is normal for a woman either A; literally doesn't know what sex is really like or B; has a wife/gf who gets her kicks elsewhere.

>and the mother would want to be with Butcher
This remains to be seen
It would be needlessly cruel and jarring to have Becka come out and say "Homelander fucked me so good that I was willing to completely abandon you to raise his child" but it's still a possibility. Although, the more likely answer is that they forced her to take care of it, otherwise they would have murdered Billy and all her friends and family or something similarly vicious

You seem to have taken umbrage with my comment on proper male sexual performance. That's what insecurity really looks like. All I'm saying is that for a super hero his stroke game is weak.

Not to mention Butcher is a completely different person now

Micro penis. It's his "biggest" secret.

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Having the Female keep her powers already torpedoes that concept, now when the going gets tough they’ll just call in her.

yikes kiddo, saved

First, Butcher has been shown not to directly harm children, even if they're supes. Second, he hates Homelander the most and will recognize the kid as the only way to kill him. Third, it's Becca's son. Even if it's half Homelander's.

I bet a big part of the series will be his hatred of the kid that he has to let go.

I hope she does come out and say that. Honestly, I hope it was completely consensual and Butcher was just completely wrong. That would be relatively new and unexplored territory. That level of cuckholdry would be unprecedented and lead to new things we don't see as often if at all.

What was the point of his eyes lighting up? Is it because he's in proximity to Homelander and that's activated all of his powers? If so that might be bad news.

Wasted trips.

You realize Butcher just set off a bomb next to a supe baby

Kimiko isn't all that strong though, she just has above average speed and strength. She's only really good as an unexpected trap like when she broke A-Train's leg, they can't just rely on her to be able to take on Homelander or Black Noir, or really any significantly powerful super in a one-on-one fight

We already know it was consensual because Becca emerged from that room scared that someone might see her, not scared of Homelander. And she went into it willingly.

Well he did explode a baby in cold blood.
But I do agree with everything else, especially that last part

I suspected that was Homelander's kid but doesn't he say to the old scientist dude that he thought supes impregnating humans was impossible, after being told about Becca?

Considering Black Noir is a ripoff of Batman, its fucking plausible

Stillwell's kid wasn't super, though. On top of not demonstrating any powers, If it was anybody's kid, it would have had to be Homelander's, and his obvious contempt for it means that it couldn't have been his

I mean, she's strong and literally unkillable but she's not Homelander-level. She's good for when they need to run or when they play it smart (which is part of the whole "normies vs supes")

Nah, he's in control with Becca. Mommy had the pusy he can't have whenever he wants, so he can't last 3 seconds in it.

nah, Butcher will probably end up raising Homelander JR, lol

She’s still powered, it ain’t like they’re gonna do Batman prep-time shit against the Supes. And they’re actually pretty bad at that anyway, given what we’ve seen of them fighting the Supes so far

Yep, Homelander says he thought he couldn't impregnate someone. Ruling out Stillwell's kid as being his, unless she somehow stole sperm from his ballsack without him noticing.

If you don't know, he was also Homelander's clone in the comics. Don't know if they use that in the show or not.

ITT retards not knowing the supes are made with the drug so the father doesn't matter... It's all subversion.

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I don't think that's what was being implied

They don't, because

>The kid who both looks like Homelander and has his laser eyes isn't his child

>play it smart
Their only fights thus far have been won through luck or the Female, they really need to get their shit together next season

Collateral damage for killing Homelander. He didn't want to.

Did you see how many fucking bombs were strapped to her? He probably took out the entire fucking block

>reatrds calling this kino when it's the oldest capeshit cliche on the book

What are you guys talking about? He obviously can impregnate humans, he has a teenage son. The baby could easily be his, but two kids turning out to be Homelander's would be dumb.

impressive rate would be 1 to 5. regular rate is 1 to 3. each time you come your woman must have cum 3 times. a woman can have another orgasm while during having one.

bitter oldfag


Talking about the scene when he's talking to the old scientist. Homelander says he thought he couldn't impregnate anyone, or specifically a normal human, when he finds out about Becca. That means Stillwell's baby couldn't have been his because he was under the assumption he couldn't impregnate.

Butcher would be a shit parent . He is an alt version for you Butcher is prissy and obsessed, kid kills him and goes on to be a chad with his dad and because he was not raised into an autism he is more assertive and imaginative than his dad.

His ass looks weird

They really consistently fuck every single thing up. It's kind of charming, actually. As a team they suck and individually they are pathetic. I love it.

You are thinking to much into it, it was the show runners way of saying that he really was Homelander's child

Man, how quickly you guys forget scenes. This is what Homelander says to his kid:

>I'm your father. And WE are a family.

He's clearly moving in on that turf. Butcher is literally only there to get supremely cucked.

Why does he have to believe he can impregnate to impregnate? Or do you mean it was just dangerous?

are you retarded?

Yeah I kinda suspected it was just visual confirmation for Ameridumbs. I was hoping it wasn't though

>came 3 times over the duration of 3 HOURS
>still thinking he's a Chad

one line of dialogue really shocked me

>''Homelander:the fucking mud people!''

geez I wasn't aware Sam Raimi was a writer in this show

I think it was specifically hinting / confirming he had powers, which is easier to do quickly by having his eyes glow.

Do you really think he wouldn't suspect Stillwell's kid was his if they'd been fucking and she was suddenly pregnant? Homelander isn't that stupid, and he shows no indication that he even suspects it might be his kid. In fact he openly hates that fucking kid, which only further proves it isn't his, because of how he reacts to his own son. Stillwell's kid was a red herring to make you THINK it was Homelander's.

Yes but this is hardly the time

Yeah, I already said it would be a dumb twist to say two kids are his, but it would be possible.

Kys you faggot, so sick of your shill capeshit garbage threads

This. But what would Yea Forums know about that? Prolly nothin'

Why do you only know how to speak in buzzwords? Raised by Yea Forums huh? Tough break

Maybe Stillwell lied to him about being sterile, then said someone else artificially inseminated her or something. The absence of a father is kinda fishy.

Imagine if season 2 opens with a charred baby emerging from the rubble and slowly healing

what show though lmao

fucking shills trying their hardest yet forget to give the name

Filter them then, autist. Stop looking for attention, I won't give you another (You)

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The Lads

The Cold Ones

If you want an In-universe explanation remember how Starlight's eyes glow when she had an orgasm?
Could be also a way of showing that the kid was experiencing some form of high state of emotion

But who knows, if that sort of thing will get brought up again

The Fantastical Homelander and His Penchant for Menacing Shenanigans

The Guys

The Bros

The Homies

>Takes three hours to make her cum three times
Are you sure he's superhuman?

Those Niggas

thats his leg you moron

*Them Niggas

What's your high score? I guarantee mine is bigger.

The Niggas

holy shit the maximum cuckening

This Ain't the Justice League XXX

Chads, please, settle down. This is Yea Forums. Have some decorum for God's sake.

The People

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the alternative is obamaflix so who cares

The Chucks

Based and pretty accurate.

I like this angle. But how the fuck can a little kid beat Homelander unless they have like 5 seasons planned so he can grow up

You salty bro? I could make your momma cum three times before she even cums once.

>"waahh anything popular is trash"
kys my son

Le Compagnons

Yeah, I'm salty. Salty milk and coins!

Calling it now, Homelander dies by the Boys inventing or discovering something that repels his lasers, and he accidentally cuts himself in half.

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What a shit fucking show

kid is stronger than Homelander even at infant-level, it's classic powerlevel writing, the son is stronger than the father

The Goodfellas

What if season 2 is basically the plot of Womb

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>discovering something that repels light

Heat and light aren't the same thing.

Hughey will get chosen by the keyblade.

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my wife's son sort of a deal huh?he already blames homelander even though he saw the footage of his wife cucking him.

Is it established that Compound V hands out powers randomly, or can they manipulate the drug to give people specific powers? At first I thought it was random, but Homelander is the Superman equivalent and he was carefully raised in a lab, so maybe they can control it to some extent.

Ok what's the actual name.

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The Comrades

Who gives a fuck about this silly love triangle. What about the superpowered terrorists all over the globe who are probably headed directly for America?

Many such cases.

The Diversity Hires

Reverse Watchmen

>controlling his ejaculations

So what i think happened:
Vought saw an unprecedented opportunity with the pregnancy. Homelander is their biggest success, but because they feared him so, they had such little experience, he was raised in laboratory conditions with no affection, he's is a sociopathic nightmare.

They set her up to raise the next Homelander in a loving and nurturing environment so that he would be a well adjusted individual who actually cares about people, having been raised as an actual person. William Butcher was a cynical asshole even before the incident, Vought probably determined he would skew the results and hinder the kid's wholesomeness.

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Momma's Milkies Wanna Succi Succi

The Normies

Them Dudes

Vought already knew being raised in a proper household was the only way to get properly functioning superheroes, that's why they dose babies in hospitals then let them mature somewhere else with a normal family, instead of raising them in a lab and turning them into psychos. Becca's kid wasn't really an experiment in that, I think it was more of an experiment to see what a naturally occurring superhero/human hybrid would be like.

My Girlfriend Exploded (And Here's Why That's a Good Thing)

Isn't it possible that homelander can't impregnate and what actually happened was she was already pregnant with billy's child and homelanders cum gave the baby super powers or something? That would give billy a reason to care about the kid in S2

The Boys.

faggot detected


Yes, but Homelander was sterile, or so they thought. All those other capes like Annie, they could be raised by others because their abilities weren't really as dangerous.
He is the most valuable property to develop and his abilities are the most valuable for military applications. But he is also the most unwieldy and hard to handle cape.

Homelander's stock was never reproduced before. They took the opportunity to develop another Homelander, under their control.

The fact that they dose babies in hospitals isnt motivated by the expectation of mental health from raising the kid normal. Most of them are assholes anyways. Homelander was too dangerous to be raised normal is all, and they had too little experience, technology wasnt where it needed to be to protect the parents. The dosing babies at hospitals is part of their cover story that it is a naturally occurring phenomenon.

They're talking about Stillwells kid but that's an interesting point

Maybe she was pregnant with Butchers baby and Homelanders sperm kicked it out early kek

fuck you user

Get a load of this faggot

If you dumb faggots didn't point it out and treated it like any other he wouldn't have known, dumb niggers. Unless he's typing each and every one into google.

>not letting anons lurk and find shit on their own
the absolute state of Yea Forums

He's got more in common with Black Noir than Batman. Tek Knight is more like Batman.

it's genetic too

>All those other capes like Annie, they could be raised by others because their abilities weren't really as dangerous.
But Becca's just another mother like Annie's parent. Homelander's kid, if he is a reproduction as you suggest, was raised in uncontrolled conditions.

Unless it turns out that house is in a fake neighborhood on an island somewhere.

That's fucking stupid.

Does this scene count as character establishment or character reveal?
Would character reveal count as the first scene where he and Maeve beat up the bank robbers?

>for THREE hours
>cum THREE times
>total alpha control

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Neither because you don't find out until the next episode that he did it on his own accord. You're led to think he's Stillwell's personal hitman but he's really a loose cannon that likes shooting lasers at things.

You dont know that he is in an uncontrolled condition.
Actually, the fact that Vought knew about her, since Homelander got the info from the old guy, suggests that they finance/provide for Becca. They would never just leave her alone. They knew what happened from the conception.
Think about it, how would she even survive raising a kid that powerful without special equipment?

More like three minutes amirite, chad bro? Hit me up on PM bro, we can compare dick pics

Why would someone go on the internet and just lie? I've never understood this.

Looked like a normal house to me, but yeah I guess if he did develop his powers straight away like the other baby then there would be laser holes all over the house. Or maybe they held him in the lab until he could control it then gave him back to Becca. tl;dr It's too early to even guess.

Now that you point it out, after the first episode you get the feeling Stillwell is the sole mastermind and Homelander is just a pretty boy mascot that serves her blindly.
Maybe it was mentioned in the first episode, but I think only later on we learn that Stillwell isn't even the CEO of Vaught.

It's a fair assumption that it is a controlled environment.
They wouldn't allow for anything else, the kid is a huge liability.

The fact they know about the kid and Becca alone, and even know where they are, guarantees they have control over the situation.

so is the cliffhanger oc shit that was never in the comic?

this, MM's brother got powers from his mother who was infected with V

It would be a controlled environment if they're on an island somewhere. If the kid is living in an actual suburban neighborhood, surrounded by civilians, as the scene suggests, then it isn't a controlled environment, because he could accidentally do ANYTHING and people could die, and Vaught won't get there quick enough. A controlled environment would be keeping him in a box like his dad was. Out in the open is not, especially if he can fly.


In the comics, Becca was raped and falls into a deep depression over it. She becomes pregnant, but the premature kid actually claws it's way out of Becca one night, right next to Butcher, in the bed while they slept. Butcher almost dies fighting the premature baby and just barely manages to cave its skull in with a brass lamp, presumably because it was practically a fetus.

Yes. Becca's actually dead in the comic and Stillwell survives until the very end.

That sounds awful but hilarious.

Nothing suggests they started there right off the bat.

The kid is aware of his abilities, so it stands to reason that he has been raised with a measure of self control.
They could have worked their way up to living among humans. But for instilling real empathy, it would be necessary. Like mentioned before, probably started in the lab as an infant.

Sent ;)

how useless is this cunt? shows how dumb batman is without plot armor.

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Butcher is only alive for torture

it was never confirmed it was rape though. Why did Noir leave her alive? How did he know it was homelander who did it? In the comics supes can't have sex without the woman using blue otherwise they'll be too rough too

It first I was confused that rich people would make a 'rich people bad' TV show, but then it became a 'religious people bad'/'conservative people bad' TV show and I could relax again.

>it was never confirmed it was rape though.

Fuck off. It was very clear it was rape, mra fag.

This is bait btw

In the comics he's a clone of Homelander, a fail safe in case the real Homelander turns on America
But he's bonkers too and does shit as Homelander to make him go nutty and speed up his chance to kill him. And he does
I don't think he's a clone in the show though because the Female managed to slice him up like a regular supe

I just realised that's the redhead girl from Final Destination 4.

the cia gave him a fake diary so he would be a soldier

how does a drug give a man magical powers of defying the laws of physics, and give him essentially unlimited energy emanating out of his eyes?

Sounds dumb i hope they don't do that.

they used the same font as Black Panther for him

Butcher takes some of the Blue shit and beats the shit out Homelander and fucks the mom in front of him and the son

maybe, but the seven obviously ape the justice league.

Wtf just turn your brain off, dude

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He's right though. For the most part it's edgey trash. You just haven't got the memo yet. The only redeeming quality of this show is they somewhat address why homelander is like this way. And the conflict at the heart of The deep.

Fucking normies n muh sex muh gore.

>female orgasm
>letting a woman pee on you

man, i've seen some incels on here, but buddy you take the cake.

The Chads

>tfw we're not getting the kino of stillwell standing up and telling homelander he doesn't impress him
Thanks Rogen you cunt

Kys my invincible son

why doesn't homelander give the entire planet unlimited energy by just firing his laser beam eyes into water to run some massive steam turbines 24/7?

The Redditors

Butcher becomes a scientist and stays in a bunker for 10 years while working on Compound W so he can get strong enough to torture and kill every one of them.

His actor is black.

Maybe Mr. Edgar will tell him that instead

Whenever i hear Mr. Edgar mentioned, i think back on Homelander mentioning how Edgar is close to a coronary death, how his blood is think like syrup.

Why'd you kill me dog Jack?

This. A few days ago I made my wife cum three times in 60 minutes.

>we have

subtle kek

He thought he was killing himself. He didn't give a shit who else got hurt. I'm sure he will have to deal with blowing up half the neighbourhood in the coming season.

Maybe he didnt know.

But he would know if the kid survived, i think.

There are countless ways to look it up with the information provided in this thread, retards don't deserve to be spoonfed

In the show, who told Butch that his wife got raped by Homelander? I don't remember this happening.

CIA did

Did Becca ever tell Butch he was raped, in the show?

Why did Vought tell the CIA this?

>kid raised by a single mother

wouldn't be surprised if ended up more fucked in the head than homelander

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Hopefully they introduce the real Stillwell next season, and just give him a different name. Show Stillwell is a nice oc character, but nothing like the comic version.

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I just assumed it was random, and Vought's approach was to just play a numbers game until they got their perfect specimen with Homelander
If they can decide who gets what then I'd imagine there'd be more than one flying, indestructible superman with laser eyes

Did Jack really do that to Terror? That seemed like such a bitch move, I assumed it was orchestrated by someone else.



Who cares
Homelander will cut them in half with his laser eyes in exchange for whatever Vought wants, or they establish some kind of wrestling routine where they struggle before the Hero wins and the villain disappears
It would be neat if the terrorists turn out to be both stronger than the 7 and not under anyone's control, but that would defeat the purpose of all the corporate satire because then Vought would literally be the only way to save the world

Its not quite like that. Its more that if you can make her cum once. You can make her cum several times.

he was checking your numbers you fucking tourist

When did Becca realize she was pregnant? Was it right after she fucked Homelander or was it hours later when she went to that park? Oh, did she see Butch again after the incident?

The men

everyone who disagrees with this is a fucktard piece of garbage low iq idiot. I was thinking about doing the same. It's for the sake of comedy. So many wrong answers have been posted that when someone posts the real one he'll just go "yeah right", or alternatively he'll say "hey this is the one!" meaning he confirms he googled each and every one of those replies, but you retards weren't in on it, you couldn't read between the lines because you're socially retarded.

"Leftflix" sounds better and more like 'Netflix'


What's his role in all of this and why did Homelander shit his pants when Stillwell told him to take whatever they were arguing about up with him?

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That may be so but he's the most based character in the show

Well he is the head of the company, the big boss. I'd imagine that he could snap his fingers and have Homelander killed. You don't create something as powerful as Homelander and not put in a kill switch.

it cost me $0 to watch and it's going to cost me $13 to watch season 2 if I don't get another free trial offer

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But what was he up to while Stillwell ran all the meaningful operations?

>According Erin Moriarty, if she could have a superpower in real life it would be to have a shield around her
What did she mean by this? Why does she want to be protected? Why did you fail her, user?

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so was it rape?I don't see how he could rape her for 3 hours. Plus, why didn't she tell Homelander about the baby

I hope /ourteam/ shows up next season, and dudeweedlmao doesn't ruin them.

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Who would name a show that? are your retarded?

Le miserables

Stillwell ran public PR, presumably he was in charge of the real nasty shit like being in charge of test subjects, monitoring the progress of babies doped with compound V, colluding with foreign governments about selling them their own superheroes, etc. The part where Vought stops being a merchandising corporation and starts being a defense contractor/arms dealer

>why didn't she tell Homelander about the baby
Obviously Vought didn't want Homelander to know and interfere. I think it's pretty obvious they wanted the baby to live as normal a life as possible while secretly under constant watch. Though much of that is out the window now.

>American television show
>Fans of the show demanding cuckolding angle after 8 episodes

based degenerate muttposter

>But he's bonkers too
is he also a parody of Deadpool?

So was she actually raped? And when did she find out she was pregnant? I don't understand the timeline. How could she know she was pregnant in a matter if hours, go to the doctor at Vought, tell them she was raped, then be taken away to a secret place? Also, why would Vought even tell the CIA she was raped?

Can someone explain this shit

Imagine not being able to find shows online for free

We don't know

explain more about them

What do you think?

The Senpai

They're pretty much superheroes with low tier powers and/or mental handicaps like tourettes. They operate out in the middle of nowhere, and do rather banal tasks like rescuing cats and stuff. Probably the only genuinely good supes out there that are unaffected by all the corporate evil.

In the comics a big time hero is sent there on probation (similar to what happens to The Deep in the show) and starts abusing them. Hughie and Butcher come in and save the day, more or less. One of the better parts of the comic, in my opinion.

To be fair if I could fly and shoot laser with my eyes at things I will probably do this everyday.

not even a little bit

he did actually make her cum 3 times in 5 minutes, the rest 2 hours and 55 minutes were spent discussing his lactation and mommy fetish

>>season two starts with her tongue kissing Homelander and telling Butcher to get the fuck off their lawn
please let this be true
billy "elliot rodger" butcher


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I just want to hug him and give him all the milkies he's ever wanted

The Band of Brothers

and you're The Cunt

They are all fulltime human, Some of them just tot compoundv in their system....

actually she didn't. She just showed him the video, and told him that becca has spent 3 hours with homelander in a room. Butcher just persuaded himself that it was rape, because wouldn't you rather think that your wife was raped instead of her being a cheating piece of shit?

>tfw the Brit gets cucked

This is the problem with book/comic fags. They're so snowed in on their own extremely narrow and unimgainative mind that they can't comprehend that something equally as good if not better could replace the original narrative. There is zero point in doing an adaption if it's going to be 1:1 because faithful adaptions always pale in comparison to the original. Always.

the guy who plays gus fring being introduced near the end makes me think hes going to be exactly that

tits or gtfo

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The Last Jedis

The cucks

FYI, they are getting jack. They are turning him into a fucking porn star instead and butcher only gets terror for one episode in S2.


Your GF fucks other guys

Black noir is homelander clone and will eventually kill him

Ahahaha that was the funniest shit ive seen in a while. Expecially the tourette dude kek

She was obviously sitting on the bench talking with Transparent

The Men

The Humans

A white man being shown in a positive light in a paternal sense? That's just begging to get them called racist.

Probably won't watch season 2 if they're going the comic book twist route, hope they do it differently and have their own take on it.

If the show doesn't use Butcher's death from the comic I'll be upset, one of the only genuinely good moments

>single mother
shit we're going to have 2 mentally unstable supermans

>all these buthurt incel replies
