>Kane clearly knees him in the back and gets away with it
Must be nice being bongland's sweetheart

At least we got an early goal there to settle things a bit

after that they play everton, leeds, newcastle and spurs

which they will easily win
meanwhile spurs have burnley, who they historically struggle against

Ngl that’s pretty gay

Do you neets stay up all night or something? Cigarettes and candy before 8am? No wonder we're all obese fucking hell

god damn i hate americans

It literally happened because the player tries to cut his path

whites make best twinks, this is probably what a black one looks like al little muscly maybe

>spurs thread full of absolutely seething arsenal fans already


500m spent and you can't even get top 4

in case you didn't notice, dyche has been sacked
and it's a bad of a sad cope for an arsenal fan yourself to pretend to be a spurs fan in their match thread