This film was average/above average. What was everyone raging about?
This film was average/above average. What was everyone raging about?
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I loled twice in this movie right near the beginning and then no more
also to add its nothing like the trailer. I feel like people only saw that and assumed it was terrible
Thank god they're going to ignore it and are proceeding with Ghostbusters 2020.
>2019...We're forgotten
>This film was average/above average.
It wasn't. Stop baiting. We already have enough garbage threads, because of basedacks and capeshits.
They couldn't have called it something else? It's not hard to make a similar movie with a similar premise and have it still work out. Hollywood used to do it all the time.
The reason some people didn't like this was because Ghostbusters was just slapped on this average movie. They could have made a funny movie about a team of females investigating and hunting paranormal activity, hired talented actresses, and it could have turned out decent. But (((they))) require garunteed asses in seats which is why this piece of shit movie is considered a part of the franchise.
Look at Hobbes and Shaw. All the marketing still has "Fast and the Furious" all over it, in case normies didn't realize its still part of that universe. It's why The Hobbit went from a 200pg children's book to bloated Trilogy filled with CGI and characters/references from the actual good trilogy.
Feminist were angry that their agenda project was criticised and the producer tried to shame push others into seeing the movie to get financial even.
yeah i agree with this. When i saw rouge one i fully expected it to be 2nd in new star wars trilogy, was buttmad
okay buddy
This. It wasn't terrible by any means, it just shot itself in the foot trying create/go with controversy and turned a lot of people off seeing it. What was originally a fun movie for all ages was being turned into another feminist battleground. The movie itself was ok but they didn't need to reboot it and could've easily kept it in the original universe with nods/cameos of the original cast but they didn't even want to do that.
When you copy a masterpiece almost beat by beat and it turns out average/below average..why could anyone rage?
still doesn't seem like a reason to get angry
Becuase the whole damyic of the marketing was mah powyerful women subverting your racist white male expections.
Surprise surprise, people don’t like it being implied you are evil for being white.
The movie could have been a 10/10 and I would never watch it because it is literally part of the subversive culture trying to tear about this country
imagine this being your actual opinion. Have you ever spoken like this to someone IRL?
>What was everyone raging about?
Unnecessary re-boot. Most people would have been fine with a passing of the torch film. Forced diversity. You could smell that bullshit a mile away. Paul Fag as director doesn't help. Leslie Jones is ugly as fuck. Beyond terrible trailer(s). Fan shaming. Sony email leaks showing how incompetent the people making this horse shit really were. Dog piling on an Eceleb all because he said that he refused to watch it. Military dance numbers.
Probably could add more. What a fun summer that was.
>This film was average
If that's true then average has dropped really low.
The marketing aspect of Ghostbusters 2016 was just crazy. The whole thing was about girl power.
Amy Pascal nearly killed the IP.
Did anyone ever explain to Leslie Jones or Feig that Sony is making it and them bitching to anybody but them about throwing the shitfest under the bus is retarded?
>What was everyone raging about?
The majority of people raging were the filmmakers and SJWs championing the film without intent to ever watch it because public consensus was "the movie looks like boring, asinine tripe" and "the movie is banking on brand name recognition to make an easy buck."
I rewatched it a month ago, full directors cut with all the shit they took out.
The movie is surprisingly good IF and ONLY IF you treat it as a serious drama about fucked up people. The only person in the entire movie who's 'normal' is Patti...everyone else is messed up.
One scene I found particularly well done (which was cut, of course), was when the fat one with the glasses gets possessed; it happens when she's in the bathroom, and she just starts projectile vomiting slime the same way the ghost did at the beginning. That was well done. Same with the concert scene in the basement with the mannequins running around.
I think they could have fixed the film by taking out all of the attempts at jokes and try to present it as a serious film wherein weird shit happens to people. Unlike a lot of people, I like the ghost designs and execution, and I accept that the fluorescent colours (Disney haunted mansion or Scooby Doo) were necessary for the 3-D presentation (colours always have to be exaggerated because the damn glasses darken everything). For instance, the ghost in the subway is excellent, frightening, and if that was put in place with the original cast no one would complain.
>tl;dr It's enjoyable if you remove all humour.
OP, it's because Sony kike cunt Amy Pascal was using an all female cast to shield the movie from criticism while promoting it as a triumph of feminism against The Patriarchy and screaming that anyone who didn't like it or want to see it was a sexist incel manbaby etc... same as Captain Marvel!!!FACT!!!
Let's see how the completely rational fans of the 2016 Ghostbusters: Answer the Call movie reacted to news that they weren't getting a sequel and that Ghostbusters III was moving into production instead...
Only good thing was the publicity which provided some comedy gold!!!FACT!!!
This fucking guy is the worst whiny manchild I have ever seen.
There was nothing special about the original either. it was solid 7/10, the sequel and the fembusters both were 6/10. Never understood the obsession over this franchise.
>it's only watchable if the women stop trying to be funny.
Checks out.
James didn't deserve the backlash
I don't have any faith in this movie either.
Jesus Christ this cunt needs a life.
It was generic hollywood trash that tried to hide it's trash-ness by being """progressive""" and failing miserably.
>Chuck Wendig
>the guy whose anti-Trump rhetoric was so bad he managed to get himself fired from writing Ultra Liberal Progressive Star Wars novels
Hoes mad.
Also find it funny how the only black character was a loud obnoxious working class woman whose job was LITERALLY dispensing tokens!!!FACT!!!
Everything that kid is in just seems like Stranger Things reskinned.
God Wolfhard is so cute
>>Faithful to the original
>>Cameos from the films stars
almost at gunpoint in Bill Murray's case.
>>Best performing talent from the modern era of SNL
yeaaaaah, that's not a selling point.
that's not a real woman is it?
Why do these people keep saying "dudebros" to describe Ghostbusters fans? They're really consistent with it (it and "manbabies").
What the fuck is wrong with this idiot? Okay Chuck, here's a better strategy.
Let's make a movie that completely ignores the gigantic fanbase of the original movies, a fanbase that has disposable income (because they're now old enough to be working), children whom they introduce to the series through enthusiasm (and buying toys, costumes, etc. in the process), and instead let's focus the movie towards childless people who either don't know the originals or don't like the originals, don't buy toys and merchandise, and are politically active but practically lazy, and hope that they'll replace the fans in number economically.
Yup, that'll work!
How the fuck does a person like this survive?
>implying we don't want Mommy Tulsi
>I'm not just some idiot with a blue checkmark online
>I was a managing editor for the Nerdist for 3 years!
Is that a dude?
I wouldn't know, I never watched it lel.
He's such a good Male Feminist.
"Roving gangs of manbabies"...? What timeline were these people living in?
Last one.
Hopefully these tweets provided you with some insight into what the fanbase of Ghostbusters 2016 is like. These are the people Sony courted, remolding the franchise into a shape that would appeal to them.
This. Always said the beginning up to the point of the one chick getting fired was actually funny. But that's only like the first 8 minutes.
I hate the black one. This movie wouldn't exist if not for social justice bullshit and even still, the black character is somehow more niggerish than Winston was before.
>I don't have any faith in this movie either
I feel the same. Once it was confirmed the plot centers on kid ghostbusters, I lost the last drop of interest I had.
I loathe to imagine how insufferable she is in everyday life.
You just know she's the type of insufferable twat to instantly complain about any minor inconvenience and raise her voice to try and shame anyone responsible for making her feel that way.
Needs a good fucking slap if you ask me.
>I loathe to imagine how insufferable she is in everyday life.
Pretty much anybody who works for The Nerdist is an insufferable sperg.
No sane human being reacts this way to news about a fucking movie. What the fuck is wrong with Democrats?
>instantly complain about any minor inconvenience and raise her voice to try and shame anyone responsible for making her feel that way
Since you put it that way, it reminded me of this:
Patrice nailed it when he said dead on the inside. That's the type of person that twatter is.
>Why do these people keep saying "dudebros" to describe Ghostbusters fans?
Likely one person on twitter said it and so everyone began copying them in an effort to regurgitate the exact same opinions. Honestly, when I think of a "dudebro" I imagine someone who hangs out at a gym and is hyper masculine. The opposite of a Ghostbusters fan.
I used to like Jeremy when he would just bitch about Sjws in Magic. I don’t care about any of the other shit he started talking about and in turn it got me to stop caring about Magic and stop watching him altogether.
so I suppose in a roundabout way, I’m grateful to him for snapping me out of it
haha you say your not mad but sound mad to me! lol!!11
“”””Alicia”””” needs to dilate
Studios mangle their franchises and IPs to appeal to these sorts of people just because they screech the loudest on social media. But these people never actually go to see the movie or buy the merch or support it in any monetary why, even after the produce has been reworked to appeal exclusively to them.
Yet studios keep doing it.
misted lol
Boogie's just angry because they didn't cast him to play Slimer.
It's sub par. Let's just be honest. You can't look at it in a vacuum, it's a remake of a truly great film. If it had just been a sequel with these gals continuing the legacy of the original Ghostbusters that would have been fine, since Ghostbusters 2 is also sub par. But they had the audacity to make a remake and call anyone who criticized it a sexist.
>call anyone who criticized it a sexist.
I'll take Things That Didn't Happen for $500, Alex.
>wife leaves him because he's a lazy loser that won't shut up about brown people ruining the country
>suddenly women are oppressing men and he's the only warrior willing to fight the estrogenic hordes
The people marketing the movie used sexism as the only reason to explain why the movie was doing poorly.
He's still married, why do you make shit up?
His wife is fucking other men. They don't live together. He lives in an apartment by himself.
>Ignorance: The Post
>I'll take Things That Didn't Happen for $500, Alex.
There are 20 social media screencaps in this thread that prove you wrong.
Loled once. When Chris Hemsworth is asking which portrait of him looks better: 1. Him playing the saxophone, or 2. Him listening to the saxophone, but he's holding it up to his ear like a conch shell. It was genuinely unexpected and funny.
>the only funny joke in All-Female Ghostbusters was the joke delivered by a man
Makes sense.
It's nothing but a series of sketches stitched together through a flimsy story.
They completely drop things without consequence like how they accidentally murdered someone.
They all act the same instead of distinct characterizations of the characters in the original
They thought that Janine in the original movies was a stupid idiotic slut so they made her male equivalent like that.
Tries to hard to be funny. They just constantly bombard you with shit jokes just to see what sticks.
FUCKING ZUUL WAS GOING TO BE THE VILLAIN OF THE NEXT MOVIES IF IT WAS MADE WHEN ZUUL IS JUST A FUCKING DEMON DOG shows how little they understood the series. They only remember "There is no Dana, only Zuul" and think that Zuul is a major villain. In fact they probably thought that Gozer was Zuul.