Films with this asthetic?

I have seen:
>The Intouchables (2011)
>Me Before You
>The Theory of everything

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Other urls found in this thread:

>Hannah just graduated from Carleton College, where she studied Sociology and Anthropology. Her future aspirations include attending graduate school and owning a goat sanctuary. She films and edits the “Squirmy and Grubs” vlog.

>Shane and Hannah have been dating for 3+ years and living together in Minneapolis for a year. On June 15th, 2019 they got engaged!!!! Their interabled relationship often confuses people, because much of society still cannot fathom people with disabilities being involved in loving, intimate relationships.

>If I make this slightly Yea Forums related somehow and post from my iPhone maybe mods wont ban me

Kek, also lonely horny ect

>Squirmy and Grubs
why he called squirmy
but racist...

Smug little grub man

The Be All and End All

hes laughing at you tv

So how exactly do they >have sex?

Good for him.

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she does all the work most likely. this guy is a gigachad

imagine kicking him in the head lol

so the girl is a sociopath who reasoned that dating a retard would be an easy way to get internet famous, right? or is the retard is rich?

she obviously fucks blacks on the side....he's loaded and she's just waiting for him to die. the best part about this is that HE KNOWS about this.

every girl i knew wanted to be hugged and protected. therefore this is not normal

>seething and coping incels who'll never even touch a girl like that

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Michael J Fox "Hey I've seen this one before!"

Just an internet scam artist for publicity/monetary gain giving false hope to incels/soys.

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>interabled relationship

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This feel. FUCK.

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These fuckers are trolling hard

Lovecraft seems happy in his second incarnation.

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Why does he let her whore herself out

Seriously.. how much money do you need to pay a full time 10/10 whore?

She is getting off on being his bitch obviously. She changes his nappies or whatever and has to feed him and bathe him every day

What a freak lads, corrrrrrrrrrrr

Forst Gump.

act friendly, positive, and talkative and girls will like you

like this guy is peak onions, but girls want him

lads look at these butthurt incels who have never touched a woman, can you imagine the absolute state?

Cope. She's a freak you can see it in her eyes lol

This reality is a fucking joke, fuck this shit.

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post body

Tim Mcveigh was his second incarnation

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holy shit this dudes a CHAD

This dude actually.

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There's more than one user, he is infinite.

breaking the waves

Weird content. How anybody could think that this relationship is real is beyond me.

She is reasonably hot, she probably got tired of all the chumps hitting on her and all the chads fucking her once and dumping her.
With him she knows it is very unlikely he can do better so she can relax and enjoy the relationship.
It’s like the reverse of that song "if you want to be happy for the rest of your days get a fat girl to marry you"

post the warwick pasta in his comments PLEASE

>tfw no cutie able-bodied gf to carry me gently into a swimming pool

Attached: squigs pool.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

You are clearly a incel or less than 22 years old, this relationship is very real and this sort of cute girl with handicapped guy isn’t even uncommon

she's his live in caretaker. figure $90k a year

lmao you wish you had a freak who would even look at your pimply ass face incel

She's pumped
Defined lifts
>Checks channel
I've been here too long, can't tell if this is shameless porn or a kink or genuine human affection

She's doing it for attention. She isn't settling for a literal retard, retard.

She unironically looks like she fucks black guys.

Must have hit a nerve. Calm down lad

I bet he told her that his condition will kill him young and she'll inherit all his money

But I think it actually won't

like how Boogie had a cute wife, and the moment he lost weight she left him because he was less likely to die of a massive coronary and leave her all those sweet sweet youtube dimes

He is t a retard, his mind is fine.

I guess I am a prude but I find it weird how modern swimsuits sure off so much ass. I went to the beach recently and was shocked at how most women were in thongs, much worse than that pic. 15 years ago you did not see that at public beaches in America

they do it for attention and money
its 2019
get real idiots
nobody loves anybody

have sex

what's like it to take a shower with a girl, bros?

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incels coping

Damn those crazy eyes

sociopath is written all over her face

>interabled relationship
jesus christ

not as awesome as you'd think
its hot for like the first minute rubbing each other
but then it's hard to penetrate and get your footing
plus one person gets the hot water and the other person doesnt
if you've got a big enough bathtub a double bath is way way better

What exactly is his job? He’s gotta be earning a lot to afford all this

He wrote a book, I think that's where all his money comes from

someone came up with a theory last time
she most likely strap on a dildo on his forehead and pushes back on forth doing all the work


Someone post the webm of her sperging out.