Would you do it Yea Forums?

Attached: combchest.jpg (1280x720, 98K)

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me in the back

no because there are literally zero possible repercussions. he can't hurt you.

No. I'd tell Sneed at the top of my lungs over and over while clapping, skipping, snorting, laughing and drooling in order to make them leave me alone.

>you first nigga

His hair isn't thick enough to comb, so no.

no because he's talking to a nigger not me

Would you realize this at 10-11 though?
Actually never mind, of course you would because you're ebin and smarter than everyone else.

You have to be a complete fuck up to be in this situation at 10-11

>”Gladly if you can provide a proper form of compensation!”

A 10-11 year old being a fuck up is 100% the fault of the parents.

you think that's hairy, nigger?
*pulls down pants*
*bends over*
*spreads cheeks*
THAT's hairy
now comb that shit nigguh

>that twink fucktoy in the back looking sad

Attached: Isildur.gif (500x209, 1.94M)

No, but I would suck his BBC indiscriminately

Unless it's all staged, he will hurt you if you provoke him. He's in prison for his lack of self control.


>surrounded by guards and film crew
>still does what the scary man tells you
Imagine being this cucked.

is this show called
naked and afraid?

He will have been thoroughly searched for weapons, the absolute worst he could do would be get one punch off before he's pounced by a dozen guards and then spends the next month in solitary.

that’s what the show is about you retard.
utter fuck ups who need to be brought to a prison to get scared out of the “thug life” that they’re slipping into.

people die from one punch all the time. especially when their unconscious head crashes on to a hard floor

t. Saitama

Scared Straight

but op pic is gay

I would just walk in there all cocky because I know legally neither the guards nor the inmates are allowed to physically touch me

So what's the outcome of all these juveniles starring on a reality TV drama? Expunged records and money for exploiting themselves on national television.

i would knock that NIGGER in his jaw then piss down his throat

But they're prisoners aiming for a lower prison time through that public service, so they are already rehabilitated and just acting like their former selves to look scary.

yeah their records all get expunged and they get out of doing any sort of probation or time in juvi. Once they're 18 though those records all get expunged anyways though, so there's not really a benefit to it all

I wouldn't be in that situation cause I'm not criminally inclined but if I were and he were threatening my safety with violence then I would have to reciprocate his chest hair combing

for me, it's scared straight 1978

How the fuck is this even scary? They unironically look like a bunch of faggots.

if someone messes with you in prison and you hit them will they rape you after you've been beaten up/knocked out? asking for a friend that might end up in prison.

yes, hes bigger and stronger than me and seems like he could protect me

>parents let me stay up late one night. OK deal, fuck sleep. They let me stay up to watch scared straight.

Brother is serving 25 and I'm a felon. That shit don't work.

>Renee, 14

Pretty based

So you had both your parents and still ended up becoming pieces of shit?

prison rape is a meme especially after the prison rape elimination act

I'd lick it so everyone in the prison would see some dude licking his chest and think he's a fag.

Prison rape while a thing isn't as common as the media makes it out to be. In fact most prisoners are very anti-rape and will kill you the moment they either find out or suspect you raped a dude.

God I wish I was a white sissy prison bitch

Jailbait the show

>Prison rape while a thing isn't as common as the media makes it out to be
There was a great thread on another chan where an user was talking about the 2 years or so they did for dealing E. He said he got raped once but the guy had a small dick and user got really fat in prison so it didn't even get in his ass properly and user basically didn't feel anything and let the guy come in his crack then went and washed it off.
He said the worst thing about the rape was when he got out, his dad tried to ask him if he got raped inside but couldn't bring himself to actually ask directly so he kept talking around the idea and it got really awkward.

Kek some faggot nutted between fat asscheeks. Honestly if someone tried to rape you why not just shit on his dick?

more like scared gay

>shows his bare ass in prison

t. sheltered

>why not just shit on his dick?
Because shivs.
user just wanted to do his two years and get out, not end up fucked up.

no im above 6 ft