>it actually has soul
how is this possible?
It actually has soul
Other urls found in this thread:
They actually put effort into it and didn't have a committee check off boxes.
It was wholesome and used minorities naturally instead of forcing them.
this movie was trash
this movie had a lot of problems, bad villain, unnecessarily introducing too many other characters, bad pacing
and yet it was enjoyable
yeah sure objectively its not a good film, but effort and care was put into it which makes it refreshing (not good but refreshing) as a big movie that's surrounded by mass produced marvel films and star wars.
>yet another white guy playing a superhero
>"shit, the (((media))) will pick this up and tear it apart"
>flick is critically acclaimed
>check on the actor
>he's a Jew
>he's a Jew
He's not
>lead is a Jew
The villain was ok, he just wasn't that fleshed out, but he had some real motives despite being portrayed as shallow. Still better than most other superhero flicks.
>Not Jewish
Yeah ok
>he doesn't know
You just got GOYED kike
hes literally not a jew
which is fucking hillarious
>implying souls exist
jay bauman holding cigarette.jpg
I didn't enjoy it, too cringe 4 me.
it was just a simple film about a kid getting superpowers.
Shazam's concept is peak soul and wholesome, you can't adapt it into something edgy or epic. Childlike innocence is at the core
Sivana was one of the better villains in any cape shit yet. His character was literally a reflection of Billy's. Sivana was losing his family while BIlly was finding his. Sivana's 8 ball and Billy's compass. Both tools for the unsure and lost. The Demons themselves serve as probably the bigger antagonist and they themselves have some of the best creature designs and scenes. Overall he was a pretty well written Character in an already pretty good movie.
Cryptojews absolutely exist. Remember that the kikes consider their identity matrilineal and that means you'll have jewesses taking goyim names as they marry European men. Levi is absolutely a sheenie, just look at him.
>some of the best creature designs and scenes
they were the absolute worst part of the movie
I disagree since they had a very raimi scene and I appreciated the details in the creature designs and personalities. Worst part of the film is the mother abandonment stuff but it's not too bad that it's distracting
i wish you guys didn't hate jews and worship jay bauman so you'd stop bringing up raimi in every fucking super hero thread
ONE sin had personality and it was given less than a minute of screen time. they never got personal with anybody else and i couldn't tell them apart because all cgi is bad cgi
Because it felt like the filmmakers actually cared and weren’t just satisfying a committe of producers. It’s the best comic book movie in a really long time. Very reminiscent of the Raimi Spider-Man films.
you couldn't tell them apart cause you're retarded. You probably thought the fat one was you.
and everybody knows mike is the alpha so kys even more faggot
He uses a pseudonym
by the power of quadruple consecutive drubs
the second half of this movie was more boring than Captain Marvel which is a hard thing to accomplish.
The pacing was so shitty.
while it wasn't particularly great it was very very comfy
only first half was comfy.
Nailed it. All while being extremely faithful to the source material.
What does minority usage have to do with the quality of work?
This was the second worst movie I've ever seen behind Alita.
The guy who made this also has a youtube channel, it's pretty cool
His brain is probably rotted by memes and since there was no manufactured outrage by marketers and useful idiots he didn't know to get angry about the brown people.
I liked Sivana. He’s a bitter, vindictive asshole, but once you realize he spent his entire life with those assholes for a family, you get it. He’s actually a better person than he has any right to be. I was rooting for him in that boardroom scene.
>Outlook: Not so good.
If you couldn’t tell them apart, you have some issues, my man. I could tell which Sin was which on sight.
Jay Bauman is a manchild spastic who gushes over chidren’s movies and knows absolutely nothing about real film to the point that the only cinematic context he has for points of comparison is Disney Marvelshit, which he invariably recommends to his manchild viewers. He once tried to actually watch a genuinely celebrated film on the very day of the Academy Awards so he could LARP like he’s part of real film discussions, but he couldn’t hack it because there weren’t enough quips and explosions. The only Best Picture nominees he’s reviewed in the last several years are fucking Black Panther and Get Out lmaooo. Dude is hugely embarrassing as hell and the fact that he occupies such a prominent place in your minds that you bring him up in unrelated capeshit threads speaks volumes as to your lack of shame and self awareness. Never saw this movie btw, but I’m pretty sure the target audience was families with prepubescent children, so I hope to God you lot have kids
>not having a jewish sounding stage name so you get a Tribe Pass
Absolute plebian
Sup mike
Three Billboards is a film about revenge not helping anyone and only making things worse while on the surface and in the marketing looking like a "Mother finds her daughter's killer" plot.
When it's revealed that we wont find the killer and that we're bad people for wanting it, a lot of audiences turned away from the moral message. Of course Jay hated it without the huge expected bow at the end.
Shazam and Aquaman compliment each other perfectly. One is more small scale and focuses on human drama while the latter is a bog bombastic epic. I love them both and although I've loved many of the MCU flicks I don't think they've made one that compared to either!!!FACT!!!
He uses a fake name that sounds jewish to have a jewish pass. Since most people are stupid, they fall easily for Zachary's trick.
I thought this was an Adam Sandler movie.
I think they just decided to have fun with it.
Well said, CTM.
That was...
very informative
He is right, the movie pacing is ridiculous, like written by a teenager who thinks himself as "deep" ridiculous. The tipping and winking in this is so apparent it hurts.
>character A: Simple but rough small town woman grieving the death of her daughter
>character B: Drunk cop suspected of police brutality
>A: funny that you called my friend over there a faggot, did you know that 40% of suicide rates are transsexuals and that a thousand something people are victim of homofobic crimes?
>B: Well, (hicup) it's interesting that you highlited such statistics, as you are well as a police officer I also know some stuff about this, like for example the crime statistics of transsexual victims of violent crim...
>character A, the same, enters her house and her son is talking to a priest
>priest gives that talk of forgive and forget
>character A: Funny how you say this, in 2015 there X numbers of minor sexual abuses inside the catholic church, with leaked information of the upper echelons trying to silence...
This movie is fucking ridiculous. First you are here, in a normal scene, with believable characters, and them *SNAP* they start preaching about politics in raw, with no lube whatsoever, it's like somebody picked a script from a regular movie, and them inserted paragraphs of info they found in the news on it. I dropped the movie when that happened THE FIFTH TIME, AND I WASN'T EVEN IN THE HALF OF IT.
Three billboards is fucking awful.
Is it funny? I don't really enjoy superhero movies but I like comedys
Because you're a corporate slave(see coloured person) that doesn't actually know a single thing about having a soul
Have you seen three movies or something? Neither of those are even terribly memorable, let alone bad enough to be considered the worst two movies any adult could reasonably have seen
Back to your hug box, stormnigger. I’m sure you have many farts to sniff
I'm already there. And also here at the same time. Browsers have this thing called "multiple tabs", that makes it very practical to post on multiple threads, and even boards.
And I repeat: You are a dumb souless corporate slave, and no amount of seething will change that.
>t. soulless NPC
No, it's the principle of the matter. Instead of shoving in tokens just to be tokens and score brownie points with the woke crowd, the diversity of life present in a foster home is natural and more egalitarian. Rather than having Darla face racism to give a woke hot take she just functions as the adorable little sister who's excited to have a new brother. For the lack of screen time they're given, each of the siblings had enough of their personality be shown to be characters that can act as compliments and foils to each other and be a part of the same family unit (although the Asian kid was pretty pigeonholed. Him yelling hadouken made me smile though because it genuinely felt like something a vidya obsessed kid would do).
>Enjoying thing bad
It’s pretty fucking funny. Sweet story, too m
>oh my god, calling him from the board I don't like didn't work, what do I do
>I know, I will repeat their memes, that will surely pull a sting
You can't even invent your own insults. That's straight up pathetic.
Gas yourself bro
top kek that's what my grandma used to call jews
>uses coloured person as a bait point
>posts a screencap from a film with a black Deuteragonist
>Browsers have this thing called "multiple tabs", that makes it very practical to post on multiple threads, and even boards.
>black Deuteragonist
Which is also a fucking cat. You forgot to add that up.
>Him yelling hadouken
One of my favorite moments. The Latino kid realizing that “Holy shit, I really am this strong,” was great, too.
You completely forgot Wybie existed didn't you
Had to google it up. I only know him as "the useless character that is not in the books which they added because plot reasons".
I was mostly memeing. I thought he was enjoyable but I guess his other self did most of the work.
>The only Best Picture nominees he’s reviewed in the last several years are fucking Black Panther and Get Out