Do you think Sarah Silverman's career will survive, or is it over for her?
Do you think Sarah Silverman's career will survive, or is it over for her?
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Here is the blackface photo in question. It's coms courtesy of a Medium article titled "Why I Still Can't Stop Thinking About Sarah Silverman's Blackface Moment."
What career? she hasn't been relevant for years.
She's Jewish and she has thicc thighs, she'll be fine
And here's another. It's from a Buzzfeed News article titled "A Guy Defended Blackface And Was Absolutely Shut Down."
Dumb racist bitch I hope she gets taken out.
She;s not hot anymore so who cares
jews can't be racist because they don't hold institutional power. this is about as offensive as a black person pulling their eyes back to look oriental. punching sideways basically
She's done two movies every year this decade, including the hit Wreck-It Ralph and its sequel, voicing a character who appears to be modeled after her.
Drake does blackface and nothing bad for him even though he's also Jewish and no one considers him black.
I remember she did a London show and bombed hard. Only had 45 minutes of material, got booed hard when she finished so she had to come out again but without any material to fill the time.
She’s already moaning about how shitty “cancel culture” is now that she’s been caught by it. Live by the sword, die by the sword.
Weinstein and Epstein were both Jewish, too, and they didn't weather the storm. If I were a bit more conspiratorial, I would say it seems like Jews are being ousted from Hollywood (especially given a lot of anti-white sentiment seems to be directed at them as well).
So no career then?
Who did she try to cancel? As I recall, she stood by Louis CK (even going on to say that he jerked off in front of her and it was no big deal).
They weathered the storm for over 20 years, Silverman was in only black face she wasn't fucking children or molesting actresses
No, the fact that she's in two movies a year, including very successful ones, means she has a career (or had).
She was always pretty vocally supportive of people who got caught by it for example Louis CK.
And the Sarah Silverman blackface has been around since 2007, with people complaining and bringing it up for years. Hell, when I first heard this story, I knew exactly what they were talking about. It wasn't new, but it seems like being Jewish no longer means you get away with it.
looks cute desu.
Those are the only two successful movies she has been in with a major part lmao. Nice cope
Will Silverman's friend (and former lover) Jimmy Kimmel be next?
Reap what you sow.
These leftist scum started this social justice witch hunt, thinking that they are morally just and pure, except that no-one is and it will always come back and bite you in the arse.
Justice is a dish best served poetically.
>been in two highly successful movies in the last couple years, with the last one coming out last year
Your argument isn't based on facts. Mine is. Unless you have something beyond your own word (which doesn't mean anything since you say things that the facts prove wrong) then we're done here. Give me a final (You) with your shitty barbs and insults, and then scoot.
>Reap what you sow.
>These leftist scum started this social justice witch hunt, thinking that they are morally just and pure, except that no-one is and it will always come back and bite you in the arse.
Where did she do any of that?
See and
Institutional power? WTF does that have to do with ANYTHING?
Remember when this bitch did everything she could to ruin Louis CK's career? Initially she came out in support of him and people were enraged at her, so she quickly flipped the switch and talked about that one time Louis asked to jerk off in front of her and how she felt totally attacked by it.
And now, here we go, the good ol' poetic justice. It's a shame she's such a moron because for a female comic (most are complete shit), she's not half bad. I mean, she's not great but among female comedians, she's probably one of the few that can sometimes get a chuckle out of me.
Don't worry, I'm sure he will just cry on camera and CNN will do a heartwarming story on how much he's contributed to black lives matter. All the mutts will ultimately forgive him, and will cleanse the video from existence
>FAGGOT poster DEMOLISHES another poster with FACTS AND LOGIC
Post pics of your sisters tits or fuck off, Ben
>so she quickly flipped the switch and talked about that one time Louis asked to jerk off in front of her and how she felt totally attacked by it.
She never said that.
>Sarah Silverman Says Louis C.K. Masturbated in Front of Her With Her Consent
>With Her Consent
And then here's her statement.
>“I don’t know if I’m going to regret saying this,” Silverman said. “I’ve known Louis forever, I’m not making excuses for him, so please don’t take this that way. We are peers. We are equals. When we were kids, and he asked if he could masturbate in front of me, sometimes I’d go, ‘F— yeah I want to see that!’ … It’s not analogous to the other women that are talking about what he did to them. He could offer me nothing. We were only just friends. So sometimes, yeah, I wanted to see it, it was amazing. Sometimes I would say, ‘F—ing no, gross,’ and we got pizza.”
She got attacked for it and apologized but never went after Louis CK herself.
>Remember when this bitch did everything she could to ruin Louis CK's career? Initially she came out in support of him and people were enraged at her, so she quickly flipped the switch and talked about that one time Louis asked to jerk off in front of her and how she felt totally attacked by it.
So she did everything she could to not ruin his career?
You're completely fucking mental
oooh thats nor nice
weinstein and epstein were thrown under the bus by richer, more powerful lich-tier jews
This thread would be a bit better if everyone just admitted they hate women
Wrong. Like I said, she flip-flopped on the whole thing.
>“He wielded his power with women in f—ed up ways, sometimes to the point where they left comedy entirely,” she said. “I could couch this with heartwarming stories of our friendship and what a great dad he is, but that’s totally irrelevant, isn’t it? Yes, it is. It’s a real mindf—, because I love Louis. But Louis did these things. Both of those statements are true. So I just keep asking myself, ‘Can you love someone who did bad things? Can you still love them?'”
No but it was funny.
I agree, she would actually be good if she could keep her stinky politics to herself
Ehh, not a fan of Silvermans by any means but anyone championing this sort of behaviour from the mob is a moron.
Someone like RDJ wouldn't be allowed to do it now and I guess we should be surprised he hasn't got #blackfacetoo'd.
Doesn't matter if she specifically supported something similar to this in the past or not. She played a part in creating this SJW monster that we have terrorizing our culture right now, she helped fuel the fire by adding in her own liberal bullshit during other "issues", she never took a stand against it until it affected her. She helped make the monster and now that it got bigger than she wanted she's complaining, well too bad.
but i like women, specially jewish women
What's even the context of this
Trump Curse strikes again.
I just realized her last name is supposed to be an allegory for sweets.
To bad it reads like the german word for sweat.
At a time when Louis CK also admitted he did fucked up shit and apologized for it. That's not an attack. That's a defense of Louis CK. Louis CK's actual critics and haters took it as such and went after Silverman over it. Are you really this socially inept, or are you just merely acting because you misremembered what happened and are now trying to cover up for your mistake by disagreeing? Because either way, just give it up, you stubborn fool.
Based, these jews don’t deserve any pity.
Yeah, boy, it really got that Epstein guy.
>but it seems like being Jewish no longer means you get away with it.
because 2-3 people got found out? that's not even the tip of the ice(((berg)))
>jews can't be racist because they don't hold institutional power.
Are you saying that Jews do not hold institutional power in Hollywood?
love it when ((())) tricks backfire
she will fuck a brutha like she does and they will forgive her
It's a joke. Specifically, it's a joke from the 2007 The Sarah Silverman Program.
>"Face Wars"
>Sarah has been denied entry to a tennis club, supposedly because she is Jewish, and argues with a man that claims being black is harder than being Jewish. Sarah tries to prove him wrong by putting on blackface. Meanwhile, Brian and Steve buy and smoke medical marijuana.
Because Louis is a cuck and they convinced him hes a rapist. He also chose to keep feeding the monster rather than taking a stand.
Epstein killed himself. I’m just confused how someone under suicide watch was able to take their own life by shooting themselves in the back of the head, can any gunanons tell me about it?
america is pretty okay, but the way they treat blackface and the word nigger is just insane
>Someone like RDJ wouldn't be allowed to do it now and I guess we should be surprised he hasn't got #blackfacetoo'd.
Why the fuck you stupid fucking zoomers can't understand for once that he wasn't doing blackface. He was playing a character that was doing blackface.
You missed the bit where I talked about how the anti-white stuff in Hollywood also gets aimed at Jews because Jewish actors and such are billed as white. Some black guy getting a role because "diversity" means some Jewish guy didn't get that role.
it's disrespectful to spaniards
She tried to cancel construction workers.
Yeah, what a brave stand she took against him by saying what he did was 'fucked up'. Just because Louis CK caved to pressure and made some token, half-assed apology was no reason at all for her to try and pile on -- and that is exactly what happened in the quote I posted.
Keep in mind, they were REALLY close friends according to both of them, nearing on family. Imagine if your brother came out and said something like that. I'm sorry but it's an attack, just a pussified one where she attempts to hedge her bets a little.
>Silverman did not name the film but discussed “cancel culture” with Simmons, saying that the current climate had left her feeling fearful. “I think it’s really scary and it’s a very odd thing that it’s invaded the left primarily and the right will mimic it,” adding that she dubs it “righteousness porn”.
Her squeaky voice isn't fooling anyone
You say it like context matters by this point
>jews can't be racist because they don't hold institutional power.
Yeah, so was Al Jolsen. Do you really think it matters to these folks? It's a headline, an easy click -- that's what this is all about.
>*puts on facial mask*
>black people:
>"am I a joke to you?"
so what? 99% of the time the producers and up are still jewish and making way more than the pre-designated token actors they're casting. don't worry user, plenty of jews are still getting movie roles
It's over, she's too old and haggard to keep her career going by sucking producer dick. She's a subpar comedian with a history of edgy jokes that are in direct contradiction to her new uptight progressive left pro censorship persona.
>Yeah, what a brave stand she took against him by saying what he did was 'fucked up'.
He himself said what he did was fucked up. And she took fire for it because she said to forgive him for it and tried to downplay it by going "well he did it to me and i like it and when i said no we just ate pizza lol."
If my brother got accused of, I dunno, theft, and he said "yeah I did it" what am I supposed to do? Say he didn't actually do it when even he disagrees with that? Or do I go "yeah well it's fucked he did that but it's not so bad and I think people should give him another shot, he's a good guy?" The answer is of course the latter, and that's exactly what she did with her friend, and she got shit on for it. Hell, this shit is probably in part revenge for her defending him.
You're just not going to convince me that you're right when her own words and actions and things that even you quoted prove you wrong.
>a rich 1% of the top jews get to keep their positions
>the rest of the jews are out on the streets
They don't get roles any more. See
those lips have a few miles left
>She played a part in creating this SJW monster that we have terrorizing our culture right now
Please check into a mental hospital for your own safety.
What led him to such mischief?
i would not
>As I recall, she stood by Louis CK (even going on to say that he jerked off in front of her and it was no big deal).
lol a slut defending a creepy incel
>was able to take their own life by shooting themselves in the back of the head
He did not
>If my brother got accused of, I dunno, theft, and he said "yeah I did it" what am I supposed to do?
I don't know, maybe don't say anything at all on it if the only alternative is to say someone you care about did some fucked up shit?
Do you really believe Louis' statement was genuine and heartfelt? Or do you believe it was a man with his back against the wall of scathing public opinion making a last-ditch effort to salvage any vestige of a career that might be left to him?
Hell, if you take ANY apology given under those conditions seriously, you're out of your goddamn mind. Do you want me to walk you through CK's statement and explain to you why it's bullshit as well?
The whole joke of the episode is she tries to be black, and she does this really terrible blackface, and people give her shit for doing blackface (which she interprets as people giving her shit for being black).
how does one jew being outed equal the rest of the jews being 'out on the streets'?
you're not a victim yet, schlomo
>Ehh, not a fan of Silvermans by any means but anyone championing this sort of behaviour from the mob is a moron.
huh they just apply their own rules to themselves, it is what they love.
>As I recall, she stood by Louis CK (even going on to say that he jerked off in front of her and it was no big deal).
I thought it was funny.
Best blackface is when is used in a way that even a casual spectator would not guess that is used
>from a show that was airing 12 years ago
well i hope not
doesn't matter.
It's current year. Even if you did something before current year, it retroactively gets rejudged according to current year rules.
I don't even understand what that "sentence" means.
I hope all jews lose their money and die in a ditch
she was trying to keep her name in the media and stay relevant, so there's definitely a reason she was using it for her own gain
>I don't know, maybe don't say anything at all on it if the only alternative is to say someone you care about did some fucked up shit?
And the reporters hound me, and because I'm a celebrity, people give me shit because I'm "remaining silent on the issue" and I wind up looking bad. And then you take issue with it and say I threw him under the bus by "not talking about it." You'd just as easily say I threw him out to the wolves and abandoned him, because you don't care about what actually happens, you're just stuck to a shitty narrative because you didn't know the facts of the situation and just assumed "well she's a leftist so of course she tries to cancel people, of course that's what she thinks, because the entire left is this monolithic hivemind that never eats its own or disagrees." In other words, you're stupid, and I've wasted more than enough time on you. Goodbye.
>jews can't be racist because they don't hold institutional power
Serious question: how many of you unironically believe this?
I know the media tells you that Jews are a class of victims and that to say otherwise is anti-semitism, but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that Jews are over-represented in positions of power and influence?
She lied about a comedy club owner refusing to pay her because she's a woman. He definitely would have been fucked if he hadn't exposed her.
>this is about as offensive as a black person pulling their eyes back to look oriental
That is racist, you racist fuck.
I don't understand what the stink is about. The joke is that her character is a moron that thinks she can "walk a mile in their shoes" by wearing blackface, and mistakes people's disgust at wearing blackface for their disgust for black people.
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that white people are over-represented in positions of power and influence?
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that men are over-represented in positions of power and influence?
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that white men are over-represented in positions of power and influence?
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that black people and people of color in general are under-represented in positions of power and influence?
not always
i laughed
>well she's a leftist so of course she tries to cancel people, of course that's what she thinks
She did
the stink is that its current year and you cant wear blackface period
Am I misremembering or does the black guy do jew face in the same episode?
>"well she's a leftist so of course she tries to cancel people, of course that's what she thinks, because the entire left is this monolithic hivemind that never eats its own or disagrees."
The palpable irony here is that I'm not a conservative, just not a fan of her hypocrisy at all and I'm pleased to see her get her just desserts.
Now, again, let's go back to your weird analogy about your brother that committed theft. Maybe I should've picked it apart more thoroughly but it was a bunk premise from the start: Louis CK never committed a crime. He was not charged with anything by the police.
You want to talk about a monolithic hivemind? Because that's what CK was up against. Nobody cared about the facts, or that he never did it without consent -- they just heard about a celebrity doing something wrong and decided it was time for him to go away forever. CK himself said that these women 'admired' him which meant that he had influence over them, and made what he did wrong but let me ask you something: is it wrong for a rock star or a rapper to date someone they met as a fan, or even someone who just happens to like their music and admire them for their perceived talent? Because if admiration means influence and having sex with anyone you are capable of influencing is wrong, there are a lot of people that need to be lined up against the wall and have their careers killed.
Blackface. Is. Not. Ok.
>>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that black people and people of color in general are under-represented in positions of power and influence?
>>Don't do anything but collect welfare.
>>Why aren't we in power yet?
That's not really blackface (although people will call it that). Blackface is putting on makeup to do a comedic caricature of a black person. The makeup itself is a part of the joke (like a clown's makeup is at least meant to be funny). If you just make yourself look like a real black person to the point where nobody can even tell, it's not really blackface but rather a disguise or a really good costume. But again, the general public doesn't agree with that. To the general public, putting on a face mask to clear out your pores is blackface if the mask is darkly colored.
I don't think you got the point.
>I look like the beautiful Queen Latifah :O
Honestly it was a funny bit. Can't believe they did this to my girl Sarah
>Country built by white people is favorable towards white people.
No shit.
The point here is that Jews try to paint themselves as helpless victims when they are they most disproportionately powerful people on the planet.
>does anyone in 2019 really doubt that Jews are over-represented in positions of power and influence?
I don't know. I can only assume they got there on their own merit, just like I can assume every milquetoast white person in a position of power got their on their own merit.
To think anything else would make me no different than, say, transgender people pushing for more representation in positions of power, or even in television and films. I'd rather not be one of those annoying minority voices stinking up the public discourse, thank you very much.
>crime only exists if the police say so
>Blackface and jokes about retards in the same skit
>Beloved by all in Hollywood
How is he so untouchable?
No, crime only exists if the law says so.
a lot of people seem unaware of the minstrel show and its popularity throughout the 19th century
>The point here is that Jews try to paint themselves as helpless victims when they are they most disproportionately powerful people on the planet.
So you're bitching about a lack of representation of white people in powerful positions, right? Just be honest.
You need to stop drinking the /pol/aid and wake the fuck up
The internet will forever haunt you for your past mistakes.
not black enough
it's gotta be at least shoe polish-level
Tig was the one that attacked him whole sale, Sarah here at least admits the complicated nature of the problem while trying to keep her own career in tact. It’d be nice if she defended him but how would you?
>crimes exist as soon as theres an accusation
not yet commie retard, dont get ahead of yourself
>they got there on their own merit
I'm not saying Jews are incompetent or stupid (they aren't), but what really gives them power is that they stick together and promote their own people, even putting aside things like 'merit' if they need to.
I'm guessing for this news cycle she's a fellow white?
Yeah, it's a pretty good episode. Definitely worth a watch. The black guy doing "jew face" at the end is fucking great, odd nobody brings that bit up.
pretty sure they're bitching about jews being disproportionately powerful and still acting like victims
>being Popular gets you out of it
>she is no longer popular
You have to remember the joke at the time was in the post ironic era and the joke was :we all know this was incredibly racist, but now that we are no longer racist, we can laugh about how racist we were. THAT was the joke. No one actually finds blackface funny intristicly.
But than blacks people realized they were losing their race card. Play and they would actully have to try in school and not be given make work jobs at the DNV and school administration so they saturated playing the victim again.
Yes, yes, I know. Jews invented nepotism and are the only ones to ever use it to their advantage. No white man ever gave his son a position he didn't deserve because he was his son! We're better than that, goddamnit. We've got the morals of Christ!
When's his turn?
All while telling whites to do the opposite.
Yes. Fuck this no talent cunt
Can clothes be racist too?
>So you're bitching about a lack of representation of white people in powerful positions, right? Just be honest.
No. It's the hypocrisy of Jews who claim to be powerless when they are very powerful. Why is this so hard to understand?
>Live by the sword, die by the sword.
What she did was fine when she did it, but the ratchet is real, and things have drifted ever more leftward.
Seriously. I've NEVER understood how he got away with it. It amazes me.
cripple jimmy from degrassi
He truly is the Ironmensh
>All while telling whites to do the opposite.
This. Having in-group preference and promoting your own tribe is the only logical thing to do. Hyper-individualistic societies with no sense of cohesion are doomed.
because it's his character doing blackface not RDJ
they earned their way into being on top so they deserve it. i wish i was jewish so i could get a slice of the shekel pie
>Why is this so hard to understand?
Yeah Schlomo Shekelstein working a deskjob at some shit company is truly a powerful individual.
You mean just like Silverman?
Jimmy no!
Still blows my mind that he unironically got an Oscar nomination for that roll.
How fucking different were things 10 yeas ago
>how did he get away with it?
Is it becuase he is a white man in a white mans world?
he should have gone into politics/banking/producing like all of his friends then
she reaps what she sows. she's made a career out of screeching about racism and sexism and now the same leftist outrage culture she's helped fuel has come back to bite her.
>Yeah Schlomo Shekelstein working a deskjob at some shit company is truly a powerful individual.
>owns banks
>owns media
>owns government
Hell, a huge number of US senators have dual-citizenship with Israel. Are people really this daft? It's amazing that something so obvious is so controversial, but then again the average person is pretty dumb.
From a legal standpoint, you've done no crime until you're convicted.
That said, of course people are going to come to their own conclusions and decide for themselves. Is it fair? No, not entirely. Is that human nature? Oh, absolutely. And it's something you've probably been guilty of at least once if you're honest about it.
Also, keep in mind, in the situation of Louis CK, it wasn't a matter of crime or not, but that Louis CK did something wrong. You can follow the law and still be a terrible human being. And it's hard to argue that Louis CK didn't do what he's accused of to at least some degree when he's admitted it before.
Personally, I don't think Louis CK was in the wrong. Pathetic as fuck, yes, to the point where he's just beyond a fucking joke (which also didn't help him at all, that he came off as such a loser asking girls if he could pleasure himself while they watched), but not wrong. He asked for consent and got it. He wasn't their boss, and they clearly didn't think he had authority over him since they reported him the next day IIRC. Is Louis CK not allowed to do sexual things with other human beings (not even sex but just jerking off while they watch)? If not, why not? I don't know, I think some people (liberals) have unrealistic expectations of how life and sex actually works. Yeah, sometimes you're going to have sex with a person and it's unsatisfactory. Sometimes you'll agree to sex shit you'll later wish you hadn't (or even in the moment, but you never express that because you think well fuck it let's just get through this shit and get done). That's not rape, and trying to even equate the two experiences just alienates you from any actual human beings that will give it a second of thought.
Yeah just like how it worked for Kramer amirite?
The funny part is the reason we are so weird about is most of us actually feel bad about the past where the rest of the world would have just told them to shut up, and are trying to be upright and fair, but then blacks take adavange and riot about actual home invasion criminals getting shot by police which makes everything really difficult
Wtf Drake?
it's literally taught to everyone in school now
Painting your face black is as offensive as any other color. "Blackface" is retarded.
You think the retards care?
Theres a sea of difference between having personal prejudices and actually mobbing someone over a suspicion you dirty sophist coward
>jews dont hold institutional power
>it's literally taught to everyone in school now
No it isn't.
Good point also, have a you.
Before, if the 5 major media company’s that control the newspapers and TVs and movies decided something was not a story, it basically didn’t exist. Even if you had a copy of her in blackface, not like you had a way to show anybody
>Only had 45 minutes of material
how long is standup routine usually?
Controversial? You're making every Jew out to be some sort of powerful demi-god of influence. There is nothing worse than screaming about Jews being overrepresented in positions of power while making fun of niggers and faggots for screaming about white people being overrepresented. The fuck do you actually want? A qoutas like every hippie cunt out there?
Sure, but just going "yeah I think he did it" online isn't "mobbing" someone. Don't be so sensitive. "Oh, you're harassing Louis CK online because you made a joke about him being a serial masturbator boohoo." Correct, people who went after his career were assholes, but I never did that shit and nobody in this thread did to the best of my knowledge.
The movie was wrote by Ben Stiller
Ahaha you think merit gets you to the top? Ahahahahah
He means the changes definition of racism is taught in schools. The definition that says whites are racist for existing and no other race can be racist (becuase they don’t have power)
Dumbasses are falling for this shitty bait. Fuck my life.
Remember how Colbert used to slant his eyes and go "ching chang chong me love you long time" and shit? And then that Asian bitch complained? If that had happened today, Colbert would be over. Instead, they called that Asian bitch a "professional umbrage-taker" and ousted her ass from the Internet.
Never. That movie is a classic and he was based
Kek now she gets a taste of her own PC justice from the phony outrage mob.
She ranted at the Democratic National convention about Trump, she made an entire show about "wokeness" for Hulu that was canceled after one season, tons of other bullshit. The one good thing is she tried to defend Louie, but only until someone challenged her and then she turned her back on him.
Let the left eat their own. It amuses me.
>"whites are over-represented and hold all the power"
>"jews are over-represented and hold all the power"
You say shit like this but cry and piss yourself if someone dares to say whitey isn't an angel himself
>a person voices dissatisfaction with a politician
that's bullshit and you know it. colbert says what the left wants to hear so he could literally get away with murder if he wanted to and still have his job
Dont act as if therea no hordes of people directly calling for his ruin. Im obviusly not talking about jokes.
>colbert says what the left wants to hear so
Sarah Silverman doesn't? The person who is "fuck Trump" and "abortions are great" and "the wage gap is bad" isn't also saying what the left wants to hear? The only bullshit I'm hearing is coming from you. Only way he'd get away with an offensive comment is if he's saying it about Trump.
>Let the left eat their own.
The left doesn't just try to hunt down those on the right and center- they will eat their own kind.
Being 'woke' and politically correct is a constant balancing act of being both chronically offended and apologetic. Anyone who strays from the path even the slightest bit (whether it's intentionally or not) is instantly devoured and made an example of.
Being a lefty must be hell. You have no true friends, and you live in a prison even within your own mind.
You have done this shitty strawman damage control at least three times now in this thread
>"Oy vey the Holocaust was such a tragedy, give us shekels and all of American media"
Yeah, earned...
you really think anything is actually going to come of this? I guarantee she is already landing on her feet.
>Dont act as if therea no hordes of people directly calling for his ruin.
I didn't. See >Correct, people who went after his career were assholes
It's just, as I said, none of those people are in this thread. If you want to rage against them, try Twitter. Getting angry that someone in this thread came to a conclusion based on available evidence, something every human being including yourself does (in fact, you seem to be coming to the conclusion that people who say "yeah he did that shit" are the same ones who tried to get him fired even though that's not even remotely true) is just ridiculous, and if you continue to act ridiculous, then I'm just going to ridicule you because there's no point in even trying to discuss it with you if that's how you want to behave.
No, I haven't.
Like an hour and a half
I hope she does because the whole thing is stupid. It's stupid to get angry over a joke told over a decade ago.
I think satire is on its deathbed. People are too emotionally immature to deal with any depictions or jokes about minorities now, even if they aren't presented maliciously or if it contributes to a larger point about modern society. This outrage culture is a beast the left thought could be controlled and directed only at thier enemies, that reveals a complete lack of self-awareness. They made it so that given context is irrelevant, an effective zero tolerance approach. Anybody can be a target, no one is safe.
>Being a lefty must be hell. You have no true friends, and you live in a prison even within your own mind
But it is fun to watch.
Yep. And any joke towards people who seen as "disadvantaged" or "discriminated" is a joke that worsens their condition. Supposedly. So no tranny jokes, gay jokes because any jokes to those people will, in their mind, literally kill them.
I think any sane person that finds a joke too mean or cruel will simply switch to another comedian.
satire is completely fine
as long as it's directed at exclusively white or christian people
this is satire, right?
kek funny episode dont know what the big fuss is about.
its less about the blackface and more of her character being retarded even the black guy has a jewish caricature on
The problem is that you still act as if you have something meaningful to add to my original statement when all you have done is use it to prop your pointless ramblings.
>all you have done is use it to prop your pointless ramblings
sounds like effective shitposting
Sarah "You're being ridiculous" Silverman
Let's see her virtue signal herself out of this situation.
Sarah Silverman isn't great but her brand of comedy gels with mine
everyone was doing edgy comedy back then anyway
a few earned their way the rest is nepotism
It's OK when black people do it.
>This outrage culture is a beast the left thought could be controlled and directed only at thier enemies
It's like the warlock who summoned a demon to do his bidding, but lost control and was devoured along with his enemies.
>Being a lefty must be hell. You have no true friends, and you live in a prison even within your own mind.
Do you think it's any different for the right? Look at all the big right-wing Internet celebrities from a few years ago. Look at the "Youtube alternative influence network." Sargon of Akkad. Ben Shapiro. Coach Redpill. Steven Crowder. Mike Cernovich. These guys were beloved, you retards couldn't stop sucking their cocks. "Oh, Milo Yiannapolis is so awesome. He's FUCKING BASED. PRAISE KEKISTAN!" And how beloved are any of those faggots now? One by one, the right ate their own. You destroyed your own. Who the fuck is left? Where are your gods now, you dumb fuck?
Fuck, look at Trump.
>2016: haha MAGA trump that bitch one inch higher take their coats it's an awoovement my fellow magapedes.
>2019: MAGA more like MIGA trump is a kike lover fuck his dumb ass WHERE'S THE WALL?
The left eats their own, but at least they save some for later. The right has absolutely destroyed itself and salted the earth.
This, her character is a womanchild who knows nothing of the world
There was an entire episode where she got backlash for licking her own dog's butt out of curiosity
>not liking someone i like is bad
That movie's nearly 30 years old
Lenny Henry the black British comedian in white man make up.
kys nigger
>You need to stop drinking the /pol/aid and wake the fuck up
Took long enough. Geez. Jew privilege is a heck of a shield.
Now I feel ancient.
This was on tv and I remember when it happened and no one cared. It makes no sense that this is something that "surfaces" and you suddenly get fired over it when its a thing that was out in the open for over a decade.
It's becoming blatantly obvious that every time this #metoo shit happens it's just an excuse for some present grievance.
Accusations, anger, and paranoia are pretty normal for leftist get-togethers. The atheist conferences that were popular a decade ago died out because they kept accusing the attendees of bigotry and rape.
This doesn't actually work for Jews and should be pointed out to say white people can't be racist. Jews own the banks, Congress, media, etc. so they're the only ones capable of truly being racist.
evidently they dont
What the fuck are you talking about? They are exactly where they have always been.
this guys comics are actually pretty good
bitch did a whole joke about fuck you martin luther king and got no problem with it, just face it man, when you are belong to the tribe u can just do whatever you want
So? Libtards make that excuse as to why it's ok for coloreds to be race swapped in movies all the times. It's still poking fun at another's race. Stop making excuses for them
Yeah I remember zero outrage over the show in general, that's just how humor was back then
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
Nah, that's a dumb illogical opinion only cucked whites are on board with.
>something she did for a skit is now enough to trigger the termination of her career
I'd feel bad if she didn't help create this environment with her libtardism
kek, she was a headliner at the DNC
That shit is fucking disgusting. All of the worst parts of the bible are coming true. Right in front of us. The end of days is near
The right will kick people out for being far-right, the left will never kick anyone out for being far-left.
I'm going to tell you why this can't be tolerated under any circumstance, just like when Kramer said the n-word at the heckler.
It's about protecting your victimhood. If you pick and choose the violations to accept or laugh about you open the door for people to find gaps to normalize it. If it gets normalized, then you can't weaponize it.
If you look at the race card like an investment stock, you don't want it to be devalued if you have your life's savings in it.
*Blocks your path*
Sorry liberals, but blackface isn't going away any time soon!
These so much these
Nobody cared then. Nobody cares now. Move on. Americans have such short memories. When someone reminds them of something more than two days ago they have a relapse. It’s like you all have Alzheimer’s.
Does anyone else think that shouldn't be allowed?
>Nobody cares now.
so she didn't get fired?
>Oh, the sun shines bright on my old Kentucky home
>'Tis summer, and the darkies are gay
>Where the corn top's ripe and the meadow's in the bloom
>While the birds make music all the day
I know you’re joking.
Btw, what is with people putting a period after every word? Are they stupid?
I like how the left eat's it's self. Like pottery.
>Peter has been denied entry to a tennis club, supposedly because he is Protestant, and argues with Cleveland who claims being black is harder than being Protestant. Peter tries to prove him wrong by putting on blackface. Meanwhile, Brian and Stewie buy and smoke medical marijuana.
Minorities think Jews are white. All you need to do is teach them the difference.
>Americans have such short memories.
I agree, considering this whole Sarah Silverman thing is meant to distract from the Epstein assassination.
Hilarious to watch this mentally defective piece of shit be pissed on but she's a mental female kike so nothing of real consequence will ever happen to her. Pretty impressive to go from sucking Gerry Shandling's dick for relevance to sinking the 2016 Democratic Presidential hopes thus launching us into current clown world. All from one dumb little JAP.
If only this was true
He didn’t. It was controversial at the time but people put up more of a stink over the retard bit. Go look at clips.
THhing is anyone with a brain realized the entire point of that character is satire of the extremes a method actor would implement for their craft
Why would anyone give a shit in the first place?
All this is making me wanna do is rewatch the whole series
sure. time is a flat circle and stuff
They've got from "right-wing heroes" to complete fucking jokes. Milo is something like $2m in debt because the right turned their backs on him. They turn their backs on every figure because they eat their own, even President fucking Trump. Who does the left eat? Sarah fucking Silverman? Sarah fucking Silverman wasn't the fucking figure head of the fucking left. She's not the fucking president. She's fucking nobody. The left has so many spearhead figures right now, they have to split their presidential candidate debates into fucking two. Who does the right have? Name ten right-wing figureheads who have any form of popularity in the right, who aren't a fucking joke among the right at this point. Name 'em. Because I asked you to do that before and you pussied out because you fucking can't.
I guarantee you the only people seething right now are white people. Move on.
>"the left eat their own"
>"oh, no, the left doesn't actually do that shit haha"
That’s not caring. That’s reacting and and poorly.
Yes. Fuck poor children.
Funnily, 30 Rock ripped off the Sarah Silverman blackface episode. Silverman did it better.
What happened to Bill Clinton in 2016? What's happened to every white male in that black panther party? You silly milky licker.
How many "cancel culture" people have a brain? They don't care about context. He'll get thrown under the bus when he's no longer useful, just like everyone else.
>Why would anyone give a shit in the first place?
About Epstein or Silverman? Epstein because he was going to reveal all the elite that are into sick degenerate practices. Silverman because she has been active in silencing right wing personalities for racism, sexism, whatever, so the fact she is getting hurt by the same backlash she had a part in is poetic justice.
>in the back of the head
>level 1 opinion
he is in gitmo taking down QAnon.
>jews can't be racist because they don't hold institutional power.
>Oh, won't somebody please think of the children?
Maybe you should stop taking what you read on /pol/ as fact. You are aware anyone can post there right?
I sincerely don't understand why the left hasn't eaten her alive or why she doesn't have the self awareness to blow her own brains out after her chimpery in 2016.
They eat anyone who strays from the path, it's not the same as what the right does to their own.
Oh, no he's crying! Better open the borders.
Jolsen was doing blackface, you dumb fuck. He is the quintessential example of it. Blackface isn’t just putting shoe polish on your face; it’s putting the makeup on and acting out racial stereotypes. Jolsen was putting on a whole stage performance as a black character.
RDJ, on the other hand, was playing Kirk Lazarus, a “serious” actor so up his own ass that he’s either blind to how insensitive what he’s doing is, or he simply doesn’t care. That’s what makes it fucking funny - it’s poking fun at not only serious actors, but also the industry in general.
The difference between RDJ and Jolsen is the difference between playing a racist and being one. I don’t know how I could possibly make this any clearer.
git ouda hya with that postmodern definition of racism, faggit.
>Why does anyone in 2019 believe that the colour of your skin somehow determines your thoughts and politics?
Who gives a fuck which race are over represented or underrepresented or in power or out of power?
>having 20+ 'spearhead' candidates
>they all bicker and try to out-virtue each other
>they will all lose anyway
>this is a good thing
>President Trump
>Tremendously successful
>Hugely popular
The situation isn't even comparable. The right simply does not have the cannibalistic outrage culture that is consuming the left. The fact that you are even trying to make this argument is hilarious.
I'm not basing it off of /pol/. I'm basing their popularity's clear decline on facts such as their channels tanking and their careers drying up and them going into fucking debt all because the completely right turned their backs on them. Milo was the right-wing's poster child and now they don't return his calls and he's FUCKING $2M IN DEBT.
Daily reminder, THIS is the man who took Sarah Silverman's virginity.
Actually they pretty much wrote the book you fucking retarded zoomer
No shit, she's racist
She's jewish ffs
It blows my mind people like this still exist. Has this silly cocksucker never looked at statistics before?
What are you even talking about? Did you get dropped on your head?
Why's he impersonating Tom Jones?
>The atheist conferences that were popular a decade ago died out because they kept accusing the attendees of bigotry and rape.
Atheists always have that problem because atheists are actually molesters and sexual assaulters, I used to think it was a meme nonchristians lack morals but after every major atheist pusher got taken down I see it does seem to be a problem for the,
>he was going to reveal all the elite that are into sick degenerate practices
I mean I dont doubt thats why they capped him but was he really? Either way its not like its an american-only thing that people dont care a pederast was assasinated.
>asked to name ten right-wing personalities who are still popular
You've now proven me correct. Thank you. I appreciate it.
That's because his work is done.
No one knows what this even is.
She deserves it for all her anti-Christian rhetoric.
Institutional power can suck my ass
Oh, he's fucking done alright. The right made sure to cancel his ass permanently.
The (((right)))
Blackface has been controversial for decades dude. Especially in America.
This music video was banned in the 80s because of it
stop mistaking being left, with being mentally retarded please, they're two completely different things
Sargons channel is still as popular as ever and you talk about Milo like he was a cult leader which is just you dumb leftie perception. Why would anyone take responsability for his debts? That doesnt makes sense
>jews can't be racist because they don't hold institutional power.
Um, you sure about Jews not holding institutional power?
The women he did it to were fellow comedians, not "fans" with a backstage ticket or whatever. He was a big star compared to most of them and had the power to alter the future of their careers. Not a comparable situation to a rock star fucking a random groupie.
Wasn't Sammy Davis Jr. a fellow Jew?
Are they?
it was the left that deplatformed him from social media for joking about the fat negroid in ghostbusters.
your general argument doesn't work because there is no such thing as being too correct.
The right has popular personalities on Fox News. People like Tucker Carlson and Hannity have viewerships larger than 50+ left-wing pundits put together. That's a lot more valuable than having an army of nobodies that nobody cares about. If it weren't, Trump would not be president.
But please, tell me more about your C-list personalities and your parade of leftist Netflix shows that get cancelled after one season.
>Has this silly cocksucker never looked at statistics before
No, NPCs don't dare to look at such things.
Soul Man reboot when?
>was he really?
Yes. He recorded every encounter on his island and the guests included British royalty, bankers, Ivy league academics, governors, senators, and Presidents (like Bill Cinton). He was going to reveal what the elite really get up to. The scandal could have hypothetically sowed the seed for an uprising against the ruling class so they had him killed.
don't hit on me silly goys
I mean, his purpose was to wake people up to political correctness, and now we're all pretty aware of it so he's not needed anymore.
>I maed picture implying thing
Just wondering, how is he in debt that much? You can’t get a loan that big without a co-sign or collateral usually, and you can’t get. CC limit that big either
>jews don't hold institutional power
/pol/ will rot your brain sweetie
>a Jewish women defended a Jewish man from allegations made by shiksa victims of his sexual abuse
Imagine my shock.
I don't think that guy meant a groupie or anything. What if you just meet someone naturally at a party or something that likes your music and is a fan?
The fact that these women weren't just fans and were actual professionals climbing the ladder is an important difference that is being overlooked. Like I said, it's not considered wrong for a rapper to fuck a ho he meets at a party that is a fan but it's somehow considered wrong for a guy to ask the odd peer of his for consent to jerk off in front of them?
I mean, obviously it's weird but all you have to do is say no. There is no proof that he ever went after or did anything to hurt anyone's career that said no to him.
No one ever really liked Milo for Milo, they like Milo because he pissed off the left. As soon as that ceased to be interesting he was dropped like a sack of shit because again, no one liked him to begin with.
Blackface unironically has deep lore. I only learned about "Two Real Coons" this summer. You can literally draw a line between their act and Dave Chappelle, It's amazing.
>/pol/ will rot your brain
/pol/ actually frees your brain with knowledge, it rots your soul from now knowing the truth about Jews, politics, women, etc..
>Sargons channel is still as popular as ever
Sargon has multiple channels and none of them are doing well. He went from getting like 900k views per video to around 100k on average on his main channel. His The Thinkery channel does even worse than that, like sub 100k. And then his livestream channel is in an even worse state than that. Considering the amount of subs he still has, those are garbage numbers. The whole "Sargon of Applebees" thing really did a number on him. And that's not even going into his political career.
As for Milo, I've been completely accurate in how he was once treated and how he's treated now. I think you need to take an honest look at how the right talked just a few years ago and all the faggotry hero-worshipping that went on. A bit of self-reflection might do you wonders.
Nobody is talking about him getting banned from Twitter. People get banned from Twitter all the time. Getting banned from Twitter doesn't put you $2M in debt. It doesn't even put you one dollar into debt. His right-wing audience turning its back on him and refusing to paypiggy for him any more is what did him in. The right kills everyone they love.
Why do these losers always cry in front of the camera whenever the right actually does something good?
1. Tucker Carlson
2. Hannity
Go ahead, fill out your list.
you aren't clever enough to have this discussion and I'm not going to help you by explaining it.
>nobody brings that up
Theres no history behind it stupid
Not in prison and wealthy enough to retire >Epstein
Dead or back at the island.
>900k views per video
This never happened you straight up liar, his videos always have average between 100k and 400k depending on topic and only when its something really hot they break the 600k mark. Shut the fuck up.
Because emotional appeals are effective, more so than appeals to logic and reason, on the average person.
>there's no history behind antisemitism
Oy vey! Shut this post down!
He's actually running a more successful channel now than he was at GG's peak if you use playing nicely with youtube's algorithms as your quality metric. Raw viewership is no longer king, rather it's reliable viewership. Even still, many fans, myself included, have contributed to the lower overall numbers by switching to Bitchute.
>Sargon of Applebees
I don’t follow meaningless youtubers so I have no idea what that is but I care enough if you can give a quick rundown in one post on what
Sargon of Applebees
Go back a few years and he was routinely hitting around the 1m mark. Even if I'm wrong, 100k to 400k (with 600k) is still lower than what he's doing now, which is often less than 100k.
Why do you care?
pretty amazing makeup job
Based negro.
That’s fucking impressive.
>the point
>your head
It's about quality over quantity. Fox News hosts are massively popular. As of this year their once-biggest competitor (CNN) has been overtaken by the Food Network. The media pushes out an endless stream of leftist garbage that nobody watches or reads, so who cares.
I see you ignore any mention of the president. The fact that you lost the white house still enrages you to this day, and that's pretty damned funny.
Much of the drop was due to his increased focus on Brexit content. The UK's population is 66 million, which is some 250 million fewer than the US. I'm not gonna Stan Sargon that hard, (though I do throw him about 20 bucks a year) but I don't think a drop in viewership is indicative of his ideas being poorly thought out.
Reading comprehension is really difficult, I know.
Check his video on Epstein. He veered well away from conspiracy theories.
>Who is Harassing Anita Sarkeesian?
>The Meltdown
>three weeks ago
He's been on a decline for a while. His MEP run gave him a brief spike but it came back tumbling down.
Sargon got a little too high off his own farts and started telling Mr Metokur (some other rando) that he was going to have meeting of some sort while wearing a suit, and telling him that he (Metokur) probably didn't even own a suit.
These are the pictures that followed. Horribly fitting suit, looked mostly like an Applebee's waiter.
1. Tucker Carlson
2. Hannity
I'm giving you time to fill out your list and prove me wrong. Failure to do so proves me right.
I guess she should've kept saying fag, huh?
What is this weasel attitude?
>deny deny deny, we never admit anyone we know did anything wrong
You know what it reminds me of? That Kitchen Nightmares episode where Gordon finds the dead rat. All the black restaurant employees and owners know the place has a rat problem, they bring in exterminators regularly, they've all seen the rats, they talk in hushed tones among each other that they know about the rats and they aren't surprised Gordon found one... but when openly confronted by Gordon about it, the owner lies and all the others either lie too or stay silent. She accuses him of planting the rat and the rest roll with the lie. You even see the owner and manager whisper to each other beforehand to coordinate the lie.
You're really advocating that attitude? What a disgusting mindset. If somebody you love does something fucked up, you just admit that it's fucked up.
>being this autistic
>being this mad
Bro I really do hope that you can get over this whole Trump-derangement-syndrome. It's just no way to live. You'll find that a weight will be lifted off of you and you will be happier.
That doesnt substantiates your claims that he was consistently hitting over 1M views or that their viewers backstabbed him tho. Even a popularity loss wouldnt prove your argument that the right is eating itself too in any way you retardo.
Not the same user but Hannity is a Buffon but a Buffon who is more reliable than Madow, Lemon, Cuomo, Cooper, Scarborough and the rest of of the actors/talking heads.
I never said it did. The overall point that "his channel is doing well" is incorrect.
>The fact that these women weren't just fans and were actual professionals climbing the ladder is an important difference that is being overlooked.
No, it's not being overlooked - that's the entire argument for why what he did was wrong. Someone who wields considerably more influence in your profession asking you to be involved in a sexual act is inappropriate. It's the same shit Weinstein would pull - "come to my room to talk shop, but oops I'm only wearing a towel."
You're right that there's no evidence he tried to squash anyone who said no (unlike Weinstein) but that's actually irrelevant to whether or not the act is appropriate in the moment - putting someone in the position of having to say "no" to engaging in a sexual act with a person who *could* change their life, if they wanted to.
When Seinfeld & other comedians were talking about how he stopped doing college shows because of PC culture she blasted them for not changing with the times or something to that effect.
Her show & her standup was pretty harsh as I recall, she had a chunck about why it made sense to round up EVERYONE with HIV/AIDs and send them to the moon and I'm surprised that hasn't boomeranged back at her.
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that poc and specifically blacks are responsible for a disproportionate amount of violent crime
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that the best predictors of likelihood of committing a crime are intelligence and immediate social surroundings, esp. during early socialization
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that custody and divorce law is heavily skewed towards women
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that women receive lighter sentences for identical crimes
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that poc and women are being put into positions of power based on representation instead of merit
>but does anyone in 2019 really doubt that grievance studies are activist garbage
Go fuck yourself with your intersectional lived experience drivel.
His videos are hitting the exact same marks they have always got. If thats not doing well then hes never done well.
Oof imagine believing this drivel
Spotted the White Savior. Go for a walk in the hood, by yourself, at night. See if they feel the same as you.
I'm not denying what Louis did wrong as a tactic, or saying that he, or Silverman, or anyone else should have denied it as a tactic.
They should deny it because he actually DIDN'T do anything wrong. He did something weird.
Louis didn't say 'come to my office' and when they walked in, he was jerking off behind his desk. The comparison to Weinstein is entirely rubbish -- different situations entirely. Nor was Louis an executive with the power to make decisions on who works and who doesn't work. I don't know how much you know about the comedy business but there are a ton of little 'factions' that despise each other and everyone keeps working. Most comedians hate the owners of the Comedy Store these days, for example, but they still get booked and work there.
What you're saying is that it's wrong to basically fuck anyone that is in the same business as you if you are prominent in that business, from the girl in the mail room to the CFO. I'm sorry but that sort of broad generalization purges all nuance from the conversation.
I'm going to accept that as a concession of defeat, then, and an admittance that you're wrong. And not to add insult to injury, but Hannity constantly gets shit on for being a "neocon idiot out of touch with what Trump supporters actually want" (true) and Tucker's popularity is tied largely to Trump's, whose also a sinking ship. The right may not have eaten them yet, they're certainly still popular, but it's only a matter of time before your list of 2 out of 10 (which is a 20% F grade, don't see me after class, just stop coming to school altogether because it's a waste of my time when you do) is a 0 out of 10.
And I'm not on the left. I voted for Trump. I abandoned the right when I saw what the right was doing: they're eating their own. I'm out and have been out for a while, have fun burning every fucking bridge imaginable while pretending like that fire isn't going to consume you, too. Just don't let your dying last gasps be that you were never warned. Remember: I told you so.
The end.
>he's doing well!
Nope. See
She was never really funny. Her comedy was always "get away with being edgy as possible"
"Say something outrageous but do it with a cute smile and a quicrky delivery
Because the whole point was that he was white and wrong and as long as he pulled it off at the end and realized that it was excusable.
Also it wasn't that great of a movie and most people were more inteested in Tom Cruise being fat, bald & jewish.
"Weird" and "fucked up" mean the same thing.
>Even a popularity loss wouldnt prove your argument that the right is eating itself too in any way you retardo.
Except the popularity loss is caused by his viewership leaving him. The viewership was the right. He's a joke now among the right.
>jews can't be racist because they don't hold institutional power.
Dumbest shit I read all day.
Private Prisons, Hollywood, Major Media Networks, The Music Industry, Institutions of Higher Learning. Lobbying of Congress. Nah theydon't hold any power at all
You are really grasping for straws here
Does Yea Forums even know about this one?
>use actual statistics and numbers to prove my point
>"you're grasping at straws"
This is such a retarded argument. Every country in the developed world loses a similar average per capita to illness, suicides and car accidents. But few of them lose people to gun violence and mass shootings in anywhere close to the same numbers as in the USA.
Its how a funny how paying less attention to someone equals to betrayal in your head but I guess thats to be expected from the kind of retard that helped create outrage culture