/seriea/ - Juve Merda Edition

>Friday, 15th April
19:00 Spezia 1 - 0 Inter
21:00 Milan 2 - 0 Genoa

>Saturday 16th April
12:30 Cagliari - Sassuolo
14:30 Udinese - Empoli
14:30 Sampdoria - Salernita
16:30 Fiorentina - Venezia
18:30 Juventus - Bologna
20:45 Lazio - Torino

>Monday 18th April
19:00 Napoli - Roma
21:00 Atalanta - Verona

Coppa Italia Semifinals
>Tuesday 19th April
21:00 Inter - Milan (0:0)

>Wednesday 20th April,
21:00 Juventus - Fiorentina (1:0)

Reminder to keep it comfy, take your meds, never expect oral on a Friday night, a carpet or a rug nailed to a wall is considered a tapestry, shave your balls and throw salmon filets at opposing fans.

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Other urls found in this thread:


>1 - 0

>becomes SC Braga's coach
Would that make you finally watch our league!?

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Reminder that without Insigne the NT won't qualify to the next EUROs

Please be honest with me, will it finally happen?

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The griffin looks confused

Good afternoon /seriea/

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> breakfast
my favourite meal

italian also has "merda"? cool
it's a lovely word

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> mfw a chink is whiter than that terroncello
absolute state of terroni

>throw salmon filets at opposing fans
What did I miss?

The fiance often makes brunch or brinner. Thicc American pancakes are a delight.

just ate french toasts + honey
orange juice

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just riommers doing their riommering

A hero threw a salmon filet at sbrodo fans

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Oh yeah she makes that a lot too! Very nice.

please refer to

Good morning fellow Ferraribros! How are we going to cheat today? :)
I can't wait to bribe someone today!!!

>The City Football Group has set its sights on Palermo. The indiscretion, launched yesterday by the Giornale di Sicilia, finds space today at the opening of the well-known newspaper, which in a high-cut headline: "Palermo attracts interest, the owners of Manchester City interested in buying".

Palemmo City

race is next week, negroid
today we use the bribes to amnesty your mother's disproportionate ass

>Palermo attracts interest

btw duccio how do i stop Yea Forums from rotating the pics i upload from my iphone?

Just rotate your phone bro

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Hmm. Oliveira Bros?

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good morning!

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more fitting than Manchester i guess


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Arnault is a war criminal, do you really want him to be your next owner?

user, they had Berlusconi..

Honestly i'd rather Elliott kept >us because at least you know what to expect of them now and these people fund p*ssrael

And? As far as I'm concerned he's innocent

I think bologna can win if they manage to score at least 1 goal more than juventus

Good day /seriea/

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I take a screenshot of the photo and upload the screenshot.

Investcorp: Investment for corporations

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my controversial opinion: leao > twink



Wait what the fuck he's only 36 years old

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>Intel sources say Moskva had at least two nuclear weapons aboard when it went down in the Black Sea
>apparently it also carried a Orthodox relic as well
Probably fake but my sides are in orbit regardless

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1 Domenico Tedesco

Remember that meeting with Paratici where he had a big folder? What happened then?

La Deiola


You don't get it do you? He's going to take over from Mongcini with the NT. /seriea/ was calling for a German coach and God has delivered one that was born in Italy... it was written in the threads.

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white? probably not.
the new klopp? probably not.
endowed with controcoglioni? his biography speaks for him.

>they're finding out about Tedesco now
where were you in 2018?

>where were you in 2018?
Having sex


>discharging fluids instead of increasing your football knowledge

screaming against allegri

Don’t need knowledge when you have CALCIO and SCHOP

have a comfy weekend /seriea/

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>tfw no handicapped surfing qt gf

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you now remember Djuricic

Heerenveen legend

You now remember Amauri.

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tfw no flipper gf

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what did he mean by this, /seriea/ ?

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can i get uhhh 1 konrad laimer please


> AC Milan is worth more than a billion euros to #Elliott: it would become the highest paid team of all time. The sporting value is evidenced by two seasons at the top of the league, the commercial value is certified by 27 new sponsorship deals in two years.

> ubadala, the Abu Dhabi sovereign wealth fund that owns 20% of the Bahraini financial company, is involved in the acquisition of Milan with #Investcorp, whose support would be crucial for the success of the operation.

> Among the possible financiers of the operation there is also the American bank #JPMorgan. #Rossoneri fans would have the right to dream big: the dimension to which the new ownership seems to aspire is even greater than the current one.

>it would become the highest paid team of all time
Only for it to be dwarfed 2 days later when Chelsea gets sold
Holy cope