There must have been couple of days he just raped around.
How many rapes would you have conducted?
There must have been couple of days he just raped around.
How many rapes would you have conducted?
just rape tomorrow it's ok
How many children did he rape and murder
As many as he wanted, probably drove to other towns when he got bored raping same old kids again and again.
Would you do ass rape or pussy rape?
Mouth rape is dangerous because she can bite dick off, not recommendable
I bet he raped the groundhog too
Your dick reappears the next day
How do you know?
You just know
Town was closed tho
>Scared of a bit of hair.
You are a pussy.
Like a million rapes. By, say, the 100th day I doubt I'd ever want to leave my time loop. I'd have lists of the best women in town to rape, their schedules, their responses to the various sexual depravities I've inflicted on them. Sometimes I'll go about my business quietly, invading a home and staying there to terrorize the occupants util my day is up. Others I'll just rampage--looting, raping cheerleaders at the local diner, killing all who oppose me. I will be a god of perversion, or lustful deviancy. And I will not ever be stopped.
Imagine how boring it would be raping the same people again and again?
I think you mispelled "fantastic"
I honestly believe there was a day that he basically just played irl GTA and started driving on the side walk
None, out of fear the time loop would end.
probably none, i didn't see any little girls in that town
All of them
>How many rapes would you have conducted?
All of them
0 because the day reset
y not both
remake this movie nao
That scene where he breaks the neck of everyone living in that town without even being seen until he's the only one left is bit unrealistic, he would've needed years in order to refine his technique and learn all those patterns
This thread is sickening. Wtf is your problem you fucking perverts?
Does this thread trigger anybody?
Me, personally? Probably no more than my usual once a month. Raping properly is hard work. I'd probably actually kill one of those little harlots though. Although that would rob me of stalking them to see them suffer, I can't do that in the loop anyway. So, probably just my usual once a month, but with a different flavour.
I don't know man, I thought much about this, but I think I would be very spooked about breaking the magic just the day I rape someone.
Imagine that it's all a trap, you repeat the day over and over again, going slowly insane, and finally when you snap and do something terrible, you go to sleep in a putrid cell only to wake up on it the next day.
What's insane is this is the one time I believe one of these fucking edgelord posts
I'd study PUA shit and just seduce every single girl I've ever known. By knowing exactly what to say to each one, he can probably bang 3 girls a day and become the biggest sex god the world has ever known.
I've thought of that too but what if the one time you do the most evil shit imaginable, the day changes and the loop goes away? Then you spend life in prison as that perfectly normal weatherman who just snaps one day.
you've already spent ten thousand years repeating the same day. you'd probably suicide by cop at the nearest chance
All of them. I would have conducted all of the rapes.
In that scenario, you tell the truth and go to a comfy insane asylum instead of Buttrape Central.
>In this 2019 remake, Australian troll Brenton Tarrant gets stuck in a time loop. Nobody how hard he shitposts, how many (Yous) he gets, it all resets and he’s back to being a newfag on 8 Chan the next day.
Finally, he settles on a plan: to make the most glorious shitpost of all time to see if it breaks the Spacetime Continuum.
Fucking kek.
The issue with that sort of behaviour is that he didn't know why the loop existed and if or when it would end.
So any time he ended the day (or died), there was always the chance he wouldn't loop next time and that was it.
He tried that but it didn't even work on the one girl because he was being fake. He only got anywhere when he was literally being himself and not just trying to pick her up.
Considering he tried killing himself to end the loop I would say he went passed that fear.
to link to a board is three memearrows
he could've been there for years for all you know.
I wouldn't have because an episode of Pepper ann showed why: when you say "screw it" and just start being a jackass, THAT is when the time loop stops. Whatever being put it into place has a messed up sense of humor.
If the only thing that's stopping you from raping people is the fear of consequences then you're nothing more than a nigger.
It's not rape until she decides to think a little more about it a few years down the line.
What if the loop ended during one of the suicides?
what if it starts looping upon your arrival at buttrape central
>get stuck in time loop
>rape 3 women
>loops ends and you're in jail for life
That would have been a funny ending.
but a little rape doesnt count
i'll rape everybody in prison so much they'll think they're stuck in a time loop you faggot
I don't think I could rape someone. I would just pick a girl that I really liked and keep trying to have a date with her that night and keep retrying till we do. We would eat, have a nice time, maybe have sex at the end (not necessary), and fall in love. And then I would do that over and over again .
Me personally? i wouldn't waste the time in raping anyone. I would carefully use my time to learn as much about everything that is humanely possible. Imagine having unlimited time of straight study time. Unlimited time to master whatever craft you desire without aging a day. I imagine that once Phil got out of the loop with Rita that he would later go on to become the worlds most renowned nuclear physicist, while simultaneously running a campaign for president of the United States.
>mfw i will never have that much time to do whatever i want
Thousands, but knowing my luck the day repeat would end at that point.
this is so weird, I just watched this film yesterday and theres a thread on it. Guy must have lived for at least 5 years in that day
you'd shitpost on Yea Forums all day long and you know it
dumb frogposter
All of them.
I wouldn’t risk it out of fear the loop would close
It was a small town and there was no wat out of it that day. Would you rape all the old, ugly and infant females?
Ask any married man.
He literally started killing himself several times
That would be my hangup too.
I'd keep trying to crack the code.
If he got an STD would he have it the next day?
Have sex
I do.
if i could have one superpower it would be to be able to make my life a groundhog day style loop which gives me infinite lives essentially. Like im born and live my live and die and im reborn as the same person again. having infinite time and options but it saves you from normal immortality traps like getting stuck somewhere and not being able to get out or even being found out by government. you could get to know entire world and everyone in it. i guess it would be boring a few lapse in but then you can become some god billionaire genius and start making your own shit to make it more exciting
That's something i day dream a lot about
but that would only happen on the "perfect" day so I think it would be the best day to end it on
I've dreamed about this before. If I were stuck in groundhog day Yea Forums would get so boring since it would always be the same day's events. I'd have to change it myself and come up with OC. Eventually I'd get so good at it I'd be able to slap together time tested masterpieces in MSpaint literally in seconds before moving onto the next one so I can fill the board with something new and get new content from the replies. It would still grow old to me but to the other anons it would be the most glorious sight.
at one point he try suicide to achieve and end of the loop. So raping and ending the loop because of that transgression would be something on the table to try.
If suicide was the last thing he could do to end the loop, imagine what he tried before that point.
No, just the hot ones, like Nancy Taylor and the broad in the maid outfit.
But after a while, I'd try all the MILFs. Perhaps no rape would be necessary.
You just have to change your first post and then everything woukd be different (aka butterfly effect)
It would have to be a really good post to disrupt everything, otherwise there'd be very little to browse outside of the threads that already exist and it would start to blend together as I'm fishing for replies in the same threads. I'd need to make new and good OC for everything I wanted new replies in.
then again now that I think about it I can pretty easily get a thread going about most tv shows and there's a lot that's seldom talked about
So you just need to sneedpost
Explain me again why the loop was supposed to be bad.
Imagine browsing Yea Forums in that time loop. Same threads every fucking day.
imagine knowing all the posts to come in a thread and pretending to see the future
>your next post will be about raping
I can't decide if I like it or not. It's better if it's random when it starts and stops because lessons/moral of the stories are gay, but why did it do it to some poor guy in the 80s with no internet.
I would get all the gets
Even on the homeless guy?
Then it's done. Either way it's win-win.
Now that's a prime sniff-station
What if that turned out to be the final day of the repetition?
And the difference for us is that in our world we are aware of the trope of the repeating day, so we know that it will at one day end. And any day can be that day. So no one would really dare do anything absurd.