Leave porn

>leave porn
>gets hit by car

What do you call this feel and what movie would she be casted in?

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>she survived
I call that a disappointing feel

I hate women so fucking much I wish I could just kill them with my mind.

Do you love your mother?


>leave porn
Fuck, she should do some cam stuff

>leave porn
hahah how naive

The only sane women I ever met were not attractive at all. I hate my dick for not wanting any business with them.

This, not a day goes by where I don’t wish for these white sluts to die

No one leaves porn. You better just use that money for self employment, because you ain't finding work after porn.

Why not?

>that whore that wanted to play Yen crying on twitter yesterday because the twitch streamer she was trying to get with wanted nothing to do with her because his chat was pissed they would be called cucks every single day

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You wish. She has better odds to find a work than NEETS who got their degree at almost 30 years old.

Roxy Raye did too, she got absolutely fucked up.


One of the chicks in Game of Thrones used to be a porn actress, and not just a one-off thing.

>>that whore that wanted to play Yen crying on twitter yesterday because the twitch streamer she was trying to get with wanted nothing to do with her because his chat was pissed they would be called cucks every single day
I literally don't understand a sinle word but I want to. Please explain


>NEETS who got their degree
What do you think neet stands for?

Probably gave her the "skills" required to get that role

She just signed a contract with Jew lansky. She definitely is one of the hotter porn stars out there.

It's quite simple. Without the beauty that women have, they don't have access to female privilege aka easy mode. Thus they are forced to learn how to use reason.

Isn't it a bit late for Amerimutts to be up?

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>fucks black guys on camera
>supports donald trump on twitter

what did she mean by this?

Back in my day leaving porn means we never here from you again, now they just go on instabook and facespace instead

Go to Evelyn Claire's twitter feed, it's one of her tweets from yesterday and has a whole long reply chain of white knight faggots trying to console the dumb coal burner, I'm too lazy to actually go find it again.


I love pornstars

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>female privilege
Sounds like all millennials are accusing each other of being privilege, ignoring that they are all a generation of autistic, spoiled manchildren and womanchildren.

Instead of giving millennial creatures a freedom that they clearly don't deserve or even want, why aren't millennials drafted?
I'm sure being a slave of the military industry for 10 years or so would humble you.

Can we have a superhero flick about this guy? It would make 1 quintillion dollars at the box office.

Madonna-whore complex

is that the one that fakes brain damage?

Sure, draft everyone. But the war has to be AGAINST Israel this time.

No, it should be between you.
Aren't you calling for civil war all the time?
Well, lets you give you the war you talk about so much, lets see if you were for real or larping.
And lets see how many millennials die of panic attacks.

this but unironically

>"I wish what i did for a living didnt make it hard for people to be with me"

>blackedraw is her top pictures on insta

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Who was she trying to hook up with?

You wouldn't like what came out after that. We wouldn't just salt and burn carthage. The world becomes carthage.

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JIDF shill. Israel must die.

/pol/ thinks she's based

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what is this called?

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based and redpilled to be honest

suicide squad

bbc addiction

The point of that would be to end the idea of "millennial".
Besides, war in the US > collapse in the US > Israel is alone.

>leave porn

You can't do that. It's not possible.

bimbofication and it's hot

It's a process where a human is bogpilled unwillingly.

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Well she mentioned brand, so she was trying to hook up with someone who was already someone most likely. Fame climbing. She also mentioned that hooking up with an active pornstar would make said person seem like either a pervert or cuck. At least she's self aware.

wat is this?


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>anything but ''human'' garbage
kek good one

Not trying to white knight but honestly what is the issue?