*qualifies for the world cup*
*qualifies for the world cup*
>white flag
>Not even a real country, border land
You just know FIFA will make this happen somehow
Oer ma deid body thay fookin will, laddie
israel b side
Hope they qualify bc they are shit.
(((How?))) I thought all the men were fighting the evil russians?
If we play them we're obviously just going to let them win because supporting the current thing is le good
I hope they do. I can't think of who I like more from Scotland/Wales/Ukraine. You all deserve to be at the World Cup, unlike those conCACAf shitters.
Wales is the clearly superior option of those three
If England steps aside and gives WC spot to Ukraine it will be truly awesome, and it will also ridicule and hurt Putin too.
FA should do this.
No one cares about Ukraine anymore. It's old news.
lol this isn't true
see more ukraine flags than union jacks or even LGBT flags in town
Am sorry Ukraine, but I cannae let that happen.
The ukie flag is just a globohomo virtue signal that's now largely disconnected from the actual war.
Why's the flag upside down?
It’s just a given that there’d be no union jacks flown in town. No one cares about this country except for the Christian taliban across the water
Watch The Last Castle with James Gandolfini and Robert Redford. Great film.
qui bon, Marie
Is that self reported?
death to america, now suck this dick
suddenly, every normie has a strong opinion on the national identity of slavs in a particular region of eastern europe
I remember seeing the news report about rando nigga being given molotov cocktails and thinking there was no way that was gonna work. Wouldnt a grenade be easier if you want to have an insurgency
They voted NO.
suddenly every fragile homo realizes that his world view is only shared by a fraction of people on his image board
Fuck off back to Ukraine and die there if you love it so much
They don't occupy it. They gave up ¾'s of the island to allow nationalist try things out on their own. Ireland was inherited by Strongbow who had to give it to William of Orange as his king. Ireland was never a unified country before that point.
lmao even nordie 9 years olds can throw molotovs better than that. Ukie pigs are pathetic
Smells like roasted pork now
Reminder that Ireland has only ever been unified under British rule.
hope not. sick of these guys
i feel that ukrainians are slimy shits after this entire thing fuck them
Fuck Ukraine
So heckin edgy bro!
>So heckin edgy bro!
Send all the Ukranians back and nuke that shit. Problem solved
Yes, it’s a census
what happened to Moskva, bro? Surely it's been debunked by now
Norn Iron fuckery aside, this map's useful for seeing which parts of England have been lost.
>all that purple in London
We all got completely psyopped. Russia is run by a mafia, an actual mafia, they are global in nature and they operate on both sides of the border. Now listen very close, because this is the most important part: They are in complete league with all the other globalist rats in the cage.
Zelensky and all the Jews in Kiev that hijacked the good will of the people when they tried to throw out Poroshenko and company, manipulated everybody. But since the, lots and lots of young Ukrainians were turning to hard nationalism and trying to find a new life among the ruins. This was becoming a big threat to Zelensky and co. and certainly to the global order. The last thing this globalist system needs is for Ukrainian youth (or any youth really) to become nationalist and take their country with their own hands.
Now Putin's handlers made up some fake shit in the East, putting in mobsters and other criminals to help run the racket. Truth was, they were laying some foundations down for this so called "invasion". But what is this invasion really? It's to protect the Jews in Kiev. Yes you heard me: Putin's gang invaded Ukraine to DEFEND the Jews and exterminate all the nationalist youth of Ukraine. It's no surprise that there was such a big fuss and movement to send all the Ukrainian Jews to Israel before the war really started.
Putin isn't "fighting against Zelensky" and he absolutely is not "fighting against globalism". He's fighting, in his own words, "against the nazis". Against the nationalist youth. Note how the Western media latched onto this and turned Zelensky into some kind of hero, whereas in Ukraine he was treated like a joke and outright despised in many cases. This whole thing is a false flag.
Why is no one Irish in Ireland?
Lots of UK holidaymakers there.