>black swedes
>black swedes
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Sweden is hell on Earth
thats just a finn
All people were black 15000 years ago. Lighter skin evolved later.
(I know this is a b8 thread.)
Oh fuck off with that sarcastic headline. They sure as fuck wouldn't mock any other race complaining about depictions of them being inaccurate.
I wasn't, idiot. I wasn't alive back then lmao.
Explains why swedes are such niggers they need systembolaget.
But the depiction is accurate, retard
Somalians are Aryans dumbass
they are semites
bro the truth is we are retarded and think we understand the past when we don't. I wouldn't believe anyone telling me what was real over 1000 years ago
Revisionists history.
When extreme leftists try to rewrite what happened to suit their own bizarre self hating ideals
There's only one universal truth, all women are whores.
Let me guess, the true owner of this account is American.
How the hell would people have developed dark skin in northern Europe?
This user thinks "white" people developed in Europe ... LEL
>All humans came from Africa
dude life is about balance. if women are whores than men are walking pistons
Modern Nordic phenotype is only a few k years old. Earliest stratum of modern Nordic ancestry was possibly dark skinned, but that's based on a lack of alleles that we know to cause light skin, and it's possible/likely that early Euro hunter gatherers had depignenting alleles that aren't present today, and so aren't recognized by genetic tests.
Either way, earliest Swedes wouldn't look anything like modern Swedes. Whole Euro population is the result of blanda upping that occurred within the last 7k years or so.
now this is fine bait
considering the current state of swedish teenagers, very realistic.
Can we let the Danes back in charge please? I need my 80kr tray of over 4% beer
Old pureblood Saami could be pretty dark. Eskimos at same lattitude are dark too.
Nice revisionist lies faggot
inb4 they get gang raped by them negroes
Everyone knows Finns got here first
>a bunch of 12 year old mutts
Lmfao at this baboon cope
They were dark when they got there.
Howdid this even happen?
Evolution takes a long time. Not 15,000 years.
It isn't. The studies of genetics found gaps they didn't expect and they just decided it meant they were black at the time. They weren't. Not geneticists or archaelogist takes it seriously.
oh yeah?
>he's still posting
You will never be European. Behave and you'll keep getting handouts.
>Not 15,000 years.
Modern Europeans only came to Europe 4500 years ago.
race does not define an european. A black man can be a swede.
>Modern Europeans only came to Europe 4500 years ago.
This is bible-thumping creationist tier retarded. 3/10.
>implying they all don't fuck the top 5%
You're completely wrong.
And migration of humans didn't create wholesale ethnic slaughter.
what the fuck are you talking about?
Yeah and those gaps were the genes that cause pale skin. So if they are not there it makes sense to assume they had dark skin. Please provide a source for the claim that geneticists and archeologists disagree because this just sounds like typical denial to me.
He will never be a true swede and he knows this. Deep down he'll never be on the same level.
You're really stupid
Already debunked
No, he can live in sweden as a foreigner. Otherwise hes an african who should return to his home, you globalist filth
How about you seething poltards actually read the study this was based on, even though I doubt you'd understand even half of the words.
Those are arabs.
>Yeah and those gaps were the genes that cause pale skin
Actually that is incorrect. The people didn't have the genes they expected them to have for dark skin. But they assumed they would have dark skin. Truthfull they don't know the persons skin colour so they assumed what they would look like.
That thing is not white
She looks kurdish.
>this is what americans consider white
If we wuz black doesn't that make every white person a poc
no we were made in a lab by a bigbrainednigga called yakub
I want my reparations
Dios mío...Espíritu del Señor. Espíritu de Dios, Padre, Hijo y Espíritu Santo, Santísima Trinidad, Virgen Inmaculada, ángeles, arcángeles y santos del paraíso, descended sobre mí. Fúndeme, Señor, lléname de ti. Expulsa de mi todas las fuerzas del mal, aniquílas, destrúyelas. Expulsa de mí los maleficos, la magia negra, el ogro de las tinieblas, el luz extinguido, el americano... Por favor, destruye la infestación diabólica; todo lo que es mal, pecado, envidia, celos y perfidia; la enfermedad física, psíquica, moral, espiritual y diabólica... destruye al monstruo, a la creatura... Quema a este mal en el infierno, para que nunca más me toquen a mí ni a ningun ser. Ordeno y mando con la fuerza de Dios omnipotente, en nombre de Jesucristo Salvador, por intermedio de la Virgen Inmaculada, a todos los espíritus inmundos, a inmediatamente, que me abandonen definitivamente y que se vayan al infierno eterno. El chupa-chupacabras no puede triunfar, el monstruo, el abominación... debe morir... Encadenado por San Miguel arcángel, por San Gabriel, por San Rafael, aplastado bajo el talón de la Virgen Santísima Inmaculada, aleja el aberración genetíca, al ogro de las Americas... Amén.
He can be a swedish citizen, not a swede.
sweden is a better place than like 98% of the planet
by saying these women are not white, you're basically saying that "oh yeah, sweden is already dead"
so I still win.
The future is now.
never understood how this kind of narrative is allowed on the sjw cabala (regardless of its legitimacy), it puts non-blacks as more evolutioned than blacks and enables another talking points: if the genes can change in such time why cant the intelligence/brain?, a big nono for antiracism, also implies blacks dont belong on the land as they become something else (another nono for multiculti agenda)
Oh so you mean there are lots of trashy immigrants in swedish suburbs? I never knew.
Africa will be 4 billion in 2040 that is around 20% of the population if this continues it can easily get to 40-50% in the next 50 years. EVENTUALLY THE ENTIRE PLANET WILL BE AFRICAN.
They didn't have negro noses, you assholes.
They looked more like Indians or Arabs, "dark" dosen't mean nigger and you know it.
If our ancestors and black africans, doesn't that mean white europeans evolved as an "upgraded" version of and we are in fact NOT all the same?
Wait I noticed something:
wonder where all these africans will be.
On Wednesday in the journal Nature, two teams of scientists — one based at the University of Copenhagen and one based at Harvard University — presented the largest studies to date of ancient European DNA, extracted from skeletons found in countries from Spain to Russia. Both studies indicate that today’s Europeans descend from three groups who moved into Europe at different stages of history.
1. The first were hunter-gatherers who arrived some 45,000 years ago in Europe. (the dark-skinned guy in the OP)
2. Then came farmers who arrived from the Near East about 8,000 years ago. (mostly around the where present day Iran / Persia is today)
3. Finally, a group of nomadic sheepherders from western Russia called the Yamnaya arrived about 4,500 years ago. The authors of the new studies also suggest that the Yamnaya language may have given rise to many of the languages spoken in Europe today. (aka these were fathers of most modern 'white' Europeans today)
I literally said they weren't black. They just DECIDED they were black.
Get reading comprehension.
Even if it was true they wouldn't look like a afro-american with blue lences...
Race does not define an Asian. A white man can be a Chinese.
Migrations don't kill off everyone that live there before. But created admixtures.
they look some mudslime african mutts
Looks Jewish
Why can this skinny alien looking somali get a piece of (not ethnically swedish) ass like that but me, the perfect nordic specimen, can not?
>he doesn't know the concept of tanning
you're hilarious m8
yeah yeah and they invented everything and then whites stole it somehow
its just exactly what happens when you give women power.
empathy takes over and kills everyone.
Nah, you know what, I want them to keep on this route. I invite the black washing of history just so that one day, far from now, I get to hear about how the black populace of Europe, ruled by their Black leaders, enslaved Black Africans and then the black people with their black slaves went to the Americas and genocided the natives, then fought a black on black war with themselves to free their black slaves from black rule and have an entire black populace screaming for reparations from their black government in their black country.
All while having no idea where the white people came from.
Black africans have been evolving for the same length of time. White people are just more adapted to the climates where white people live.
Also to some other guy earlier, 90%+ of most Europeans' blood come from a migration from Turkey ~7kya and/or one from the part of Russia near western Kazakhstan.
Kek. Blacked roleplayer.
Mixed race couples are tiny.
>he's still spamming his cuck folder
Whats his endgame Yea Forums?
find jesus
103% of those women were raped and killed by their partner
is the endgame of this propaganda to hate niggers even more?
I prefer islam over degenerate liberalism.
to what extent? they didnt have to need to adapt to a new clima, the retoric for semi-races are still there
The fuck would they know about skin pigmentation of early humans.
>Evolution takes a long time. Not 15,000 years.
Evolution can happen in a few generations you absolute brainlet.
This, there is 1 in a 100000 that is a mixed couple. Most stick to their own kind which is good but it will end in a bloody mess or we'll have to split sweden in 3
Yup, too bad he's pretty much preaching to the choir here and all his efforts are just a waste of time.
Daily reminder.
And before that they were yellow. That's right, Sneed was the first human.
Ahh yes, this shit was cringe as hell. Also very expensive!
>Evolution takes a long time
not true
this is actual anti-white propaganda though
>posting a shitty youtube "scientist"
He is arguing that culls in two centuries caused different genes to be cut. When literally changing society/technology caused most of the changes he is discussing.
That isn't humans.
doesn't matter my point still stands, evolution and the speed at which it takes place still hasn't been fully understood. our change in pigmentation is recently being seen as something that happened in a relatively short time period
>Sneed was the first human.
You mean sub-human
>change in pigmentation is recently being seen as something that happened in a relatively short time period
over night, even
>>posting a shitty youtube "scientist"
>muh youtube means it's wrong
The guys uses peer reviewed data.
You're basically denying evolution at this point, pic related.
>He is arguing that culls in two centuries caused different genes to be cut.
This is empirically what happened.
Argue about the actual effect it had, sure, but to deny it had an evolutionary effect on the population is hilariously wrong.
>When literally changing society/technology caused most of the changes he is discussing.
LOL Then why are there plenty of countries with technology where people are extremely violent?