Slow burn bone chilling kino?

slow burn bone chilling kino?

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If the movie didnt have the basement twist, it would have been a masterpiece.


>slow burn bone chilling kino?

Attached: filename.png (454x520, 11K)

>remove fun part to make it boring as shit generic oscarbait dramedy
Ok. Would have never win the Palme d'or.

basement twist was fine
the seemingly normal dad murdering someone over his stinky poor cunt smell was too much

Are you fucking retarded? This stupid fucking men doesn’t apply to Korean kino

That was built up throughout the whole movie. Would have been a completly different movie without.

You have got to have the shortest attention span if you consider this film "slow".

>That was built up throughout the whole movie
yes, i understand the stinky poor cunt thing was built up, it doesn't make it any less stupid that he kills someone in cold blood

His daughter was dying in his arms, his wife barely fend off the basement fag and all the rich cunt cared about at that moment was the smell so he just snapped.

>slow burn

Attached: soyboy_wojak.jpg (644x800, 71K)

>If the movie hadn't killed off the qt3.14 sister, it would have been a masterpiece.

This. Why the fuck did the bitch mom live instead of Jessica nice?

Attached: Jessica nice.jpg (1920x1080, 296K)

Im not really into gooks but thats a pretty cute gook desu senpai.

Attached: Park-So-dam.jpg (500x333, 25K)

Probably because no one would give a shit about the fat mom dying.

I think I prefer the rich mom more

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shill thread

>slow burn

Attached: 1474158801819.gif (484x281, 1.94M)

>for a movie that is not released until october
>but is already in the torrents

>young girl literally dying in front of him
>all he cares about is taking away her only means of salvation because his retarded son fainted
I would have snapped too

Generic plastic korean woman
Park so damn natural and cute
(great casting btw)

Explain the stone?

She's natural though

Attached: Cho Yeo joeng.png (707x475, 336K)

She clearly had at least eyelid surgery

She has double eyelid on the left

It was already in cinemas, user. I saw it in Sydney. What slowpoke country are you in that won't release it till October?

So she did it before the pic was taken, probably amongst many other procedures. Look at that jaw. Please

Do people really like this movie? It's dishonest and pretentious.

You can literally see the plastic surgery

decent subs are out?

Seems you lost your way looking for a capeshit thread

Its a pretty cute plastic surgery.

Wrong girl, that one is 100% natural

What's with the stink bug symbolism with the dad?
>flicks stink bug away
>doesn't bother closing the window when they spray insecticide
>Reacts aggressively when wife calls him cockroach, plays it off as a joke
>Visibly bothered when the rich people talk about / react to his smell
>Kills rich dad when he's disgusted by the basement guy's smell


Attached: Screenshot_2019-08-12-15-31-16~2.png (720x1033, 621K)

I think its because his smell was always the least of his problems and saw it as something trivial.
The rich folk on the other hand saw it as talking point and something to be worried about, so when shit went down and the daughter was stabbed and the wife was fighting for her life, the rich dude acknowledged the smell in the midst of it instead of trying to help, so the dad just snapped because how self centered and arrogant the man was.

Seething low test weebs

she has a nice martial arts movie

All chinks are disgusting
They smell like yellow vomit with chunks of raw fish cant smell things through movies.

I'm fine calling Parasite a masterpiece. Name one fault in it (hint: you can't)

No, she didn't. Her eyelids look the same in the old and new pictures.

Attached: 33033-asianeyelidpng.png.660x0_q80_crop-scale_upscale.png (660x440, 436K)

Most Koreans are natural to be honest. People just assume "oh, they're hot, that means they must have had work done!" which is just dumb.

Attached: plastic surgery.webm (480x480, 2.19M)

?? don't see any martial art movie in her filmography

Just watched this. Fucking KINO. I'm sad the cool sister died though

>absolutely average main plot
>rushed sting subplot
>characters' motivations arent very clear
>everything in the movie tries to pander to symbolism
>characters are quite retarded
>its neither comedy, drama not thriller
Dont get me wrong, its a good movie but not great.


Attached: Cho Yeojeong young.png (718x875, 717K)

>everything in the movie tries to pander to symbolism
this is the most retarded shit I read on Yea Forums all year.

thanks for providing illustrated proof that she was born with monolid


She clearly has more than one eyelid, retard.

Attached: THIS GUY AMIRITE.gif (200x150, 1.47M)


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Oh sorry.I thought her as another chink who look same.LMAO

That's amazing proof user, thanks for posting, I clearly see it too.

Attached: CrystalClear.jpg (713x402, 60K)

>upper eyelid
>lower eyelid
That's two. Two plus two is four. Learn your numbers, dipshit.

Attached: Eye labeled.jpg (346x300, 84K)

You're welcome.

>Ok. Would have never win the Palme d'or.
You obviously haven't seen some Palme winners this decade.

>slow burn
>borrows premise, pace and structure from several american 80's comedies

this wasn't a slow movie. It was kinda very dynamic desu

Really makes me think

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Boring gook flick. Lets talk about The Boys instead.