A true Cinderella story :)
A true Cinderella story :)
TIL that when Matt Leblanc auditioned for the role of Joey on friends he only had $11 to his name. First thing he bought after his paycheck was a hot dinner.
I hope Emma does well today
can confirm this, I was the dinner
i bet a lot of actors in holywood bought a bucket of ice to sit on with their first paycheque
That’s a normal woman thing regardless of income class. Women who make 100k per year still manage to live paycheck to paycheck
has the German Emma poster reached a new level of obsession or is this someone else??
It's our very same friend
well Nike alone sponsored her for £100k per year at that stage. I suspect the story is bullshit attempting to disguise what an actual greedy cunt Ems is, both now and probably then.
Where did she get the $44 from? Sucking BBC I bet
yeah, because she spent it all before the tournament
regardless of that, I'd let her cinder my roll, if you catch my drift
I see you enjoy her armpit as well.
Based Evian drinker
Who cares about how much money she has? She fucked black men before being rich and still fucks them now
>Mutt's law
Imagine crafting this disgusting fan fiction
Why is the Evian bottle in English?
I bet it's a Brit larping on VPN.
emma haters niggers though?
Emma who? We jumped bandwagons long ago. Pic extremely related.
Grotesque, at least cover her up in a Sweet Emma thread
no niggers? sad desu
None of the women there are attracted to those low T “men”
>he actually believes women are attracted to low IQ niggers
Is that the facial pic
like all asian women, emma simply can't get enough white cock to satisfy herself
it’s not funny anymore
I was pretty good at tennis when I was young. You ain't getting there if you don't have money. Bullshit.
Ethnic chinese fraud
I'm curious as well.
Emma isn't a slag and we wouldn't want her to be one either
With or without beans
It's in German, see picrel
I would give everything for thar NOT to happen. I'm not interested in Emma in that way.
Please post the link. I'm dying to watch Emma get blacked.
How did are Emma do today?
solid performance, like in her best days
her father is a fucking banker
Not too well sadly, but that was to be expected.
What's more concerning is that she again had to deal with blisters. This time on her feet.
I hope she can sort these problems out in the future and doesn't take the loss too harsh.
Even though I didn't even expect her to win, it still stings and my mood is down.
I hate how it effects me desu
Yeah, but her personal bank account had about enough for lunch
I admire the dedication
She was given those for free to wear for promotional purposes retard.
why has she got £44 in the bank when Nike alone were shoving £100k p.a. up her derriere, even at that stage?
I'm sure Ems Accountant Daddy could have helped, by such desperate poverty. AND this is also why people who smell FRAUD from every pore of this FRAUD get upset. Endless bullshit like this.
Her parents probably hoovered up all her sponsorship money directly and gave her like a tiny allowance in her own bank kek
Tennis is an expensive sport
How did she do? You may have mixed up your words. She did not do, she was done. Done by a group of homeless African men, if you catch my drift
>why has she got £44 in the bank
Cause she was spending all her money frivolously like a normal young woman. Or maybe she doesn't believe in banks because her father is a gypsy banker and she would rather keep cash money dude
kek miss that lad
What is she so attracted to Jimmy Butler? Does he really have a crazy BBC?
because she along with the other WTA girls were PAID to hang out with him for a commercial u obsessed little man
Iga looks like she's with a bro here, Emma looks like she wants to take his clothes off with her eyes there. Know the difference.
seek help, you are one deranged and obsessed individual.
Hateful loser
why would a 17 or 18 year old have much in the bank?
>This picture of her biting her lip watching Jimmy Butler? HEADCANON! S-S-She just bit her lip by accident when the camera was taken!!!!
Kek white people absolutely SEETHING that they’ve lost again and must drop another woman
>that pic
A man of culture I see
as opposed to 19 year olds with £12 million in the bank, that mostly for sweet fuck all?
how embarrassing. your window cleaner will be mocking you.
>implying Hans gaff has windows