>loses to the wolves
>we want the suns anyways
>the suns are so scared of us
>our new sqaud is gonna wipe the suns
previous threads
>loses to the wolves
>we want the suns anyways
>the suns are so scared of us
>our new sqaud is gonna wipe the suns
previous threads
Other urls found in this thread:
First for trannies
suns chads
who is we?
From last thread;
Would you rather fuck Margot Robbie for the rest of your life or see your team win the championship once and ONLY once in your life (it will never happen again).
get in your hot playoff takes now or forever be a bitch nigga
already posted my bracket
If they kept rondo instead of west brick yeah
>Could they win 70 games?
They couldn't even win half of that. Lel
Can't wait for the Clippers to beat the Suns first round
Based & Sunpilled
I have not sided with snus fags all season long but that one Clippers dude who kept spamming “I WANT THAT FIRST ROUND AGAINST THE SUNS” looks incredibly fucking dumb right now. One of the biggest KWAB moments of the season so far.
>battle of la is gonna be so fun bros
nba media pushed this for about a year, even worse when covid hit and this is all they talked about
Kek this is bullshit.
For one the Timberwolves actually might beat the Grizzlies. Also, Luka fucked himself and his Team.
Suns are winning the West.
He will never be seen in this general again
based op
suns have a very kino logo i will not lie, very nostalgic
i had a dream that the celtics and grizzlies met in the finals
The stars are aligning for us bros
its coming together
>Pelicans are extremely successful apex predators. Their primary hunting tool, their beaks, have remained relatively unchanged for 30 million years.
It's right in the name of the team.
some say they are good at hunting frauds
For those not from the Valley the reason why the Suns' Home Jerseys look like that is because that is actually what the Sunsets look like here.
if you hate any team that had kawhi on it, you just hate good hoops. simple as.
>some say they are good at hunting frauds
You're right. Look at what they just did tonight.
clippies might as well not have kiwi at this point
>if you hate any team that had kawhi on it
What team did Kawhi play on this Season exactly?
i dont care what you think, the play in is dope as fuck, both those games felt like a game 7 and was exiting to watch. i dont understand how you could hate playoff basketball, from pat bev, the glue women, hawks and ice trae, the clippers downfall and the pelicans rise, its kino
phoenix would be such an amazing city if not for the pollution and illegals
To be honest he correctly predicted his team "losing on purpose" to play the Suns, but I guess the Clippies forgot they only had to lose "on purpose" once, not twice.
And I have dreams where my teeth fall out and I keep failing college classes when I hadn't attended college in many years.
Dreams are dreams for a reason.
shit is dumb. If they're going to do shit like the play in and the tournament that they want for some dumbass reason then the season shouldn't be 82 games
night losers, fun day today
That is becauser the Play-Ins resemble both March Maddness and the NFL Playoffs a whole lot, which to be honest are the most exciting single games in sports.
Do we think Zion will rumble into the 'offs?
dreams with teeth falling out is a very bad sign. you should seek help.
damn the clippers are a pathetic team, fucking pat bev laughing eternally from this sorry ass shit
The pollution and illegals pale in comparison to the literal death levels of heat during half of the year. The only reason I still live here is because I don't have the money to fucking move.
>LeMickey "I don't think a lot of people was educated" James, Russell Westbrick and the Los Angeles Lelkers finished the season 16 games under .500 and out of the playoffs
>LeMickey was not good enough to get a team with possibly six hall of famers into the playoffs
is it really that hot? i know its sunny, cant you just wear a hat and long sleeves? im from Mississippi its pretty hot but i dont see how you can die from it unless youre retarded
they could have used his energy to keep the clippers going and get into the young pelicans head
And Jason Kidd. Lakers had no system this season it's the most bizarre thing I have ever watched. Just playing rec center ball.
I had a blast watching this play-ins but it really shouldn't exist. At least make it best of 3.
nigga with these house prices and rent nearly doubling its getting silly here now
The pollution is actually not that bad for a large city, and the illegals aren't that big here either: You're thinking Tucson.
The thing that sucks about Phoenix is the Heat that literally never fucking goes away for about 4 months out of the year: It seriously never goes below 90* even at night.
but CJ would have made sure his team didnt get phase, BI just shoots over his head, and JV body slamms him. also that boy Jose Alvarado is like a younger pat bev thats useful for more stuff than taunting
Do you want to live in a place that is over 110 in the day and 90 at night? That is Phoenix when it is dry in the summer.
A hat and long sleeves actually do help though and things like cooling towels actually do work really well here because it is so dry.
good night /nba/ had a blast shitposting about ice trae and the clippshits, playoffs starts today see ya when the time comes
idk looks pretty bad user
Compare Phoenix to Salt Lake or LA in the winter. New Orleans is polluted as hell too.
The only place that gets hotter in the US is the middle of Death Valley, and it's not by much. This god damn city's heat is comparable to a place that literally has death in the name. More people die here from heat exhaustion in the summer than freezing deaths in New York's winters. The only reason anybody can reasonably live here is because AC exists. I don't know what the retards who settled here before electricity were thinking.
Yuma is hotter than Phoenix.
>New Orleans is polluted as hell too.
What? I live here, it's definitely not in terms of air pollution. Out in New Orleans East there's a lot of urban pollution, but New Orleans is all flat, whatever winds come in here move whatever air is above us very easily, so there's no real smog or air pollution, we're not next to a bunch of hills / mountains like Los Angeles that trap all the car exhaust.
a tough game to end a season with a lot of good moments...........good bye /nba/. i hope next year is better
gn clippie
Yuma is a lie that hillbillies tell us city folk about to scare us into thinking that He'll exist on earth.
You do realize New Orleans has a lot of water and water gets polluted really easily and really badly, right?
Good morning.
In 40 hours Giannis quest to win 4 in a row and surpass michael jordan begins.
you can buy bottled water you cant choose not to breathe phoenix air
New Orleans had bad water pollution decades ago, it's much better now. They've really cleaned up lake Pontchartrain in recent decades.
The biggest pollution problem here is assholes littering and getting all the trash into the canals that carries it to the lake.