Why is their rivalry so fucking boring?
Why is their rivalry so fucking boring?
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Because they love each other
Because everyone knows Klopp is the superior manager and there’s no bad blood between them
because there is no "rivalry" a fake oil club that'll go back to irrelevancy once fraudiola leaves and the sheikh gets bored and a club with 1 league title in 30 years, doesnt matter how much the anglo media try to hype this up
Whatever you say Mou
We know you're a Lel Liga shill Sanjay
The bald fraud is entertaining, just everything related to Klopp is boring and inoffensive.
Because the players don't hate eachother, the managers don't hate eachother, the fans don't hate eachother, there is no hate and thus no soul.
because no one cares about man city
artificial "rivalry"
because klopp and his personality is as fake as his teeth whereas guardiola is a fraud who proved he ain't shit ever since barcelona days, having won grand total of 0 (zero) CLs despite having a then-triple-winning bayern hunchen and then city with infinite amounts of money at his disposal
He's unironically right tho. There isnt a rivalry because its extremly contrived and media pushed
fucking weirdo
lmao never thought I'd live to see the day where Indians wake up in India and clean the shit out of their fingernails and get to typing about my beloved Manchester City FC with a fervour matched only by their rank odour
blessed Man City
based Man City
They only rival in who can suck the other dick harder at press conferences.
Klopp and Pep hate each other. Everything they say about the other is nothing but sarcasm.
you'll also be probably live long enough to see loads of shit encrusted indian hands on your women as well nigel , still doesnt make a rivalry between them
Is your point that Liverpool aren't a big or successful club?
Klopp makes it boring.
When it was Mou vs Pep they were both absolute asshats and it was beyond kino
holy shit stop he's already dead
They're both soft faggots who don't want to insult each other.
they used to be in the 70s-80s, not anymore sadly
>man city is a plastic club
>they respect each other
Ironically, when you look at results over the years, turns out City became the legitimate football SPORTING club while Manure became, well, a plastic commercial club with a decaying stadium, low impact players and trash owners.
No he's a Man U fan
Because it's artificial, pushed by the media desperate to create a similar rivalry to Mou vs Guardiola, the fact is that the premier can't allow that since they are way too deep in the globohomo narrative so instead is more like a "friends that sometimes clash between them".
There's no genuine venom there like there was between Fergie and Wenger or '00s Mou and everyone.
Why are amusing celebrity feuds not really much of a thing anymore, anyway? It seems to be across the board.
I don't see how either are entertaining other than the football they produce. Both just suck each other's dicks and take things out on the press occasionally.
lmaoooo Indian men are like napalm to English women. They'd rather drown in the sea than get any of you on them
best of luck with the bobs and vagene though hahaaa CITY CITY CITYYYY
No legitimate tension.
pep is pathetic.
>ok it was a draw but I must show strength
Why you so angry because your favorite Manchester club isn't relevant again youtu.be
>There's no genuine venom
of course there is. are you guys all retards or what? those guys work 24/7 H24 and they keep having their ambitions cockblocked by each others, klopp must be seething at seeing pep having unlimited funds every transfer windows, pep must be seething at how klopp achieved everything he dreamed of with a premier league club. they deeply hate each others. if klopp wins the premier league or the quadruple I guarantee you pep will ragequit.
kek based pajeet
In that case they must have immensely good PR training not to let it spill out onto the pitch.
well yes user, we're in the fucking current year, they such it up all their hatred.
>proud pakistani immigrant in england
Which is exactly why it's so boring.
They like each other too much. Also it’s difficult to live up to past rivalries that were based on genuine dislike.
cause there's barely anything more boring than football
Most sports are boring in comparison to football.
Because it's a fake rivalry
oh ok. but I can feel their hate.
name 5
i can give you marathon and chess, but the second one isn't a sport. that's all
not starcraft 2
Rugby Union
Based esports chad
not a sport
i can give you that
not true
>Rugby Union
not true
not true
The day Yea Forums realised the football on the pitch isn't enough.
They need their handbags and reality show off the pitch woman's controversy.
How is snooker more interesting than football?
Sports are just reality shows for men.
you've got impressive shots all the time, while in football you've got an interesting action every couple of matches
>you've got impressive shots all the time
In a match that can last for hours.
but that's 4 hours of something interesting happening all the time, instead of multiple 90 minute matches when nothing happens
>but that's 4 hours of something interesting happening all the time
Like that frame at the World Championships a few years ago where they kept fouling? That was fucking retarded.
>instead of multiple 90 minute matches when nothing happens
Complete nonsense.
The league is missing Mourinho and Ferguson as antagonists. Pep was universally adored at Barca and Bayern, and Klopp has always been loved. Even United fans admit to liking Klopp. Both are nice people and the media tries to make Pep the antagonist but he shows he is anything but in his interviews. The league's missing guys like Ferguson, Mourinho (when he was successful) and other guys like Allardyce: characters that are truly one of a kind and can't be replaced no matter how hard the journalists try
La Liga is better than the Premier Meme but Anjeets watch the Premier Lellek
Liverpool are completely soulless
and thats a GOOD thing
Did he say some faggy shit in the post match interview
>Today...was a victory for football
I'd bet my left nut he did