
Attached: jones running these streets.jpg (1112x1200, 163K)

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I'm sorry I made fun of guys that fap to traps

I never doubted him

I've never doubted you AJ.

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AJ is a gatekeeper. Everything he says is true but with the intent of misguiding truthseekers

Alex Jones is, unironically, the funniest man in America.

Alex is controlled opposition. He pretends to be nuts, associates himself with something true (like child rape on a global scale among elites) with the purpose of making it into mere conspiracy theory.
So when legitimate people investigate its dismissed as "Thats just Alex Jones tinfoil shit"
Pure CIA disinfo.

he's shows are great regardless of politics

Why do lefties love to make fun of elderly people who worked for decades building america just because in their old age their joints are worn out and they need scooters to move around?

Parasites that want to dehumanize others while living off of them

>durr they share my politics quit making fun of scooter patrol


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funny thing is these fat scooter drivers are more usefull to society than your common lefty


Only once you're at the age of bring retired, you have the excuse of being fat because they don't need to do anything for anyone fuck off

If liberals are wealthy elitists why do they not vote for lower taxes


this, americans are fucking retarded

I've met a good ampunt of burgers who think the same though. More like American boomers and conspiracy normies are stupid

Why would they give a fuck about taxes if it just means a little less to invest each month?

Its the people that actually need the money they earn that are fucked over by taxes.

>Why would they give a fuck about taxes
because paying a marginal rate of 37% is a 1/3 of your income lost

>epstein thread devolves into right vs left dichotomy shitposting
Almost as if someone was paid to derail and shill on Yea Forums

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You just steal old pol memes and make them worse, you cant create anything. Truml is the best option they have. Its not about republicucks or demorats. Who else would you have? The socialists or the 80 year old neolib/con?

So the middle class. Which trump largely lowered taxes on, unlike any left wingers or neolibs/cons.


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based truml

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>We keep em comforble

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The same people who want to seize the means of production haven't worked a single day in their lives

Cry more libcuck fascist

You really are a fucking idiot.

problem bud?

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Thats why communism is such gay bullshit. You hand a farm over to some pin-armed numale whos never worked a day in his life

Why is "eat" in a different color

u mad?

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Drumpf BTFO!

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>we're the worker class party
>proceeds to kill wages with immigration and castrate your children

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unintentional irony==best irony

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Its totally not photoshop goy

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It's impressive that Google managed to wipe this image so quickly

not really he's clearly innocent

Those people are just fat. Also polcels hate boomers now.

>low IQ socialist feigns intelligence by misusing boolean operator

>unironically defending boomers
The state of r/the_donald and /pol/

what went so horribly wrong?

Pol lives in your head rent free

for what? epstein was a known pedo, alex jones hasn't done a single thing to bring any 'hidden' pedos to justice.

He was talking about epstein before your corporate media

>Muh boomer

Why are zoomers so pointless

>tank division

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>implying its not a millenial subhuman

It was meant to say stomp, you can see the ā€˜Pā€™ at the end in a wierd shade of black to hide it

How are the shills this retarded?

Whats the difference?
Zoomers and millennials both have a chip on their shoulders and believe society owes them success

>henry's pint already empty

Zoomers dont

/cric/ sent me here

epstein was being investigated way back in 2005 and it was an open secret long before then, jones didn't say anything that wasn't already public knowledge.

Damn, boomers are seething today

Do they only want communism so they can be forced on a diet?

You'll never be a homeowner and that's ok.

It's a joke, calm your tits

I got a shared apartment with 3 other friends and that's just fine ;)

Nice cope, he promoted it when it was unfashionable while you watched cnn and sucked cock

Bluepilled af

Hey now, it's a temporary solution while I wrap up my 4-year degree~


>what a load of garbage! Liberal, conservative, Democrat, Republican; it's all there too control you! Two sides of the same coin! Two management teams bidding for control of the CEO job of slavery incorporated!

>wtf I'm love Republicans now!

And Ben Garrison worships Trump now, we live in clown world user

even the searches kek

>claims to have psychosis so Sandy Hook parents can't sue him

Based Alex

you brainlets don't understand that everything has changed now

Race and ethnonationalism are more important than EVERY issue.
Why do you think tons of libertarians are now ethno nationalists?

seek help

>everything has changed now
t. started paying attention 3 years ago

What's it like not living in the real world?

3 years ago was when everything changed

here's what's changed, people saw MAGA hats flying off the shelves and people saw that /pol/ and it's ilk had become a viable target market to exploit by pandering to them.

When you hit puberty?

Youtube celeb videos isn't the real world

Wrong, white people actually started to wake up and realized they are being ethnically replaced in their own countries.
Most of the MAGA people are white nationalists deep down.

Why does reality upset you so much?
Imagine totally denying the fact that race is now the primary issue in american policies.
lol brainlet

See the reply above this one, it applies to you too.

78 posts
34 unique posters

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All of your filenames scream normalfag trying to blend in with edgy contrarianism. Maybe you should get over 2016 and assimilate

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now THIS is cope

Im sorry, hicks


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Can't wait to vote for Trump in 2020
fuck niggers

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