Well hello beautiful!

>Well hello beautiful!

Attached: tdk_0929.jpg (573x300, 20K)

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I guess that's why he's called the jester!

And they say my jokes are bad

For me, this was the defining moment.

This is when I realised he had crossed that line, this ad-lib cemented the joker's insanity and it was perfect. RIP Heath.

You guys are all faggots. Maggie isnt a supermodel, but she is pretty.

Based Patrice


Attached: 1Nfho12.jpg (700x516, 299K)

Attached: Maggie Gyllenhaal.png (337x675, 236K)

no she isnt but i still want to fuck her

I saw her in Park Slope last weekend and she actually looks pretty qt in person. In a well-put-together milf kinda way. I would.

Almost ruin the movie desu

is there any cosmetic surgery she could get to look better? I can't even put my finger on why her looks are so unfortunate

This. And she’s infinitely better than Brie Larson, Tessa Thompson, Elisabeth Moss, Sarah Paulson and other freakish horrors of modern American cinema.

Anne Hathaway is way better. The Joker did him a favor.


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post the nudes and wipe the smile off this mans face

her cheeks hang low, creating the sagging/massive eyebag/z-tier star wars character "Ben Quadinaros" look, whilst also having quite wide cheek bones it seems

I presume she looks far better when she's smiling

I wonder if there's some kind of fix for that. Her nose isn't all that great either and her philtrum is very long and deep too.

droopy eyes


Attached: maggie smiling.jpg (843x1000, 181K)

How is it possible to have this saggy of tits in your 20s?

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ffs Jake absolutely annihilates her

she's hunching but it does seem like she just got all the shit part of their parents' genes while her brother got all the good ones (besides the whole Jewish thing)

she was kinda cute in Darko

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>Park Slope
Nigga you don't live in NYC

I remember watching this with my brother and his gf and she immediately started shittalking her when this scene came up.
They are getting married this weekend.

have a good time at the wedding. congrats on their nuptials

Attached: Maggie Gyllenhaal The Deuce S01E01 1.webm (1920x1080, 3M)

Attached: Maggie Gyllenhaal The Deuce S01E02 2.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

How is that surprising? Women shittalk other women all the time, its like their #1 activity, I knew two girls who were supposedly best friends but would slander each other any chance they got

Attached: Maggie Gyllenhaal The Deuce S01E02.webm (1280x720, 2.99M)

i had to sit at a table of women whenever one of them left they would shit talk her

Attached: Maggie Gyllenhaal The Deuce S01E07.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>later a group of unarmed police run into a crowd of violent criminals with assault rifles and tanks trained on them

how are her tits so sad and saggy looking? it's actually very odd, she almost looks ill

God damn it, why did I watch that

who is her official provider IRL?