Did punching Bill Murray kill her career?

Did punching Bill Murray kill her career?

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Isn't she a recluse irl?

Shes the co star of one of the most popular network telivision shows. And has been for 7 seasons.

Wait, that ugly chink dared to punch based Bill?

Lack of acting killed her

zero cool is the only reason to watch that show

I'm sure she'll be fine after Elementary.


but I disagree. Rule 63 watson is also kino

Just like most TV-actors, she was never going to become a movie star. But unlike many other TV-actors, she has managed to make herself a good career in long running TV-shows.

Does she skin bleach?

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Did she have a good reason to punch him?

From MTV.com:
" In bored moments, you may have wondered why Bernie Mac replaced Bill Murray as Bosley in the sequel, “Charlie’s Angels: Full Throttle.” It’s reportedly due to a fight the comedian provoked with Lucy Liu on set of “Charlie’s Angels.” The story is Murray stopped a scene, pointed to Drew Barrymore, Cameron Diaz and Liu, and said in order, “I get why you’re here. And you’ve got talent. But what in the hell are you doing here? You can’t act.” The “Kill Bill” actress flipped and began showering Murray with punches until crew members separated them. "
Whenever I feel sad and doubt myself -- I remember this. Because I can't imagine the level of humiliation to be called out in front of everyone by a well-respected actor and told you suck. She must have felt like crawling into a hole -- I would've.
Instead of curling up and licking her wounds she decided to clean Bill Murray's clock.
Don't listen to haters -- Fuck a hater's face up.

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Everybody besides zoomers know her from those Charlie's Angels movies.

How much would you pay to fuck her. Out and pee on her Yea Forums?

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Are you retarded? She already became a movie star decades ago

so smol !

Eh, that sound fair enough.

50 years old

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If a person at my workplace criticized my work and I beat him up I would be fired and sued.

Based, Bill Murray's a lazy prick who only had 2 good movies.

If the genders were reversed she'd (he'd) be in fucking jail

I always thought it was so funny of Bill to say this considering Drew Barrymore and Cameron Diaz are terrible actors. Lucy is about on the same level as them in terms of raw acting talent.

He beat and cheated on his ex wife so he probably deserved it. Plus he's well known to be difficult to work with

But she's and asian 50. That's like a normal mid 30s.

While she was in movies, I wouldn't call her the star of those movies. Even on Charlies Angels she was overshadowed by Barrymore and Diaz.

If you were a women and none of your punches really landed, (ie you just spazed out the way women do with hitting with the bottom of thier fists sometimes) there is a good chance you would get a pass depending on the workplace

Pretty rich that Bill fucking Murray is criticizing someone for phoning it in.

Her range as an actress is very one note, she only plays one type of character and it's the somewhat bitchy character which is basically just her.

She was also in kill bill, not calling her a movie star is pretty dumb.

Reminder that Lucy Liu had sex with a ghost:

>She was laying down on the couch for a nap, and felt an unknown presence on top of her. What followed was a pleasurable spell of lovemaking. “It was sheer bliss. I felt everything. I climaxed. And then he floated away.”


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Fuck off Lucy

She wasn't a star there either.

based slimer

She starred in Ecks vs Sever though

Asians can get tans

Her simpsons episode was cringe and pretty racist, and not in a funny way

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Where did he say anything about phoning it in there? Just that she's untalented

extraordinary things happen to extraordinary people, normies don’t understand.
I just want her to tell me I am pretty

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Murray is a notorious asshole though, i'm surprised he wasn't punched before.

And her feet look delicious.

10/10 would impregnate her multiple times.

Bill Murray has always just played himself, what a fucking fag

I would drag my balls over a mile of broken glass just to hear her fart through a walkie talkie.
I wonder what having this sort of power over men has on a women’s personality

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Hello Redito

Yes because you're replaceable. You can't replace a main actress of a high budget Hollywood production without catastrophic consequences. That's why virtually all A-class celebs can get away with being a drama queen or outrageous demands, because they know the studio is dependant on them.


See Christian Bale's freakout on Terminator.

gods she's hot

The Simpsons had a bunch of off-colored racist travel episodes between Seasons 10-20 and no-one ever talks about them, like they weren't good satire or anything just lame and mean-spirited. Weird that it's touted as a progressive masterpiece again since it had a patch of offness.

>she only plays one type
That's just how most of the actors act user. Highest paying actor ever, RDJ, become a highest paying actor by playing a same character in every movie he was in.

I'd murder my own mother for that

Groundhog Day and the Life Aquatic better be what you're referring to.

"Americans travel abroad" in any American show is fucking dire

Violence is never acceptable.

This, wtf.

>asians don't age
Oh bullshit. Lucy Liu looks old as fuck now, and that's with all the makeup and botox and plastic surgery.

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It's not that she doesn't age; just that she looks better than almost every 50 year old white woman.

Have you seen the typical 40 year old white women?

He probably has been punched a lot of times, but Hollywood generally keeps those incidents out from the limelight. It's bad business, after for people to find out that the stars of a movie hated each other.

Based Ryan Stiles

Welp, time to fap to Asa Akira again

>based Bill
oh shut the fuck up with this meme murray worship. you've probably seen a max of 2 of his movies and never saw how shit he was on snl

Bales freak out was completely justified, and he was actually pretty fair about it
>you’re a nice guy, you’re a nice guy, but that doesn’t cut it...
First, he was likely all hyped up from adrenaline during the scene, two he is right.
You’ve never had a executive type job, but when a studio is spending littertety millions of dollars on a movie, you have to get scenes right, and if the guy was being distracting on set multiple times, something has to be said.
Normal wage slavers, even well paid ones wouldnt understand.

Do you actually care about the content of those episodes? they're as tame as one would expect. If the simpsons ''triggers'' you, what are you even doing here?

Just watch Rise: Blood Hunter it's almost softporn.

Dude she confronts him in tinamen square in a tank. It’s not funny either, just sort of cringe.

The Britbong one offended me.

Asian American porn stars are all incredibly cringe.
Just pornhub porn movies from China and japan, protip:translate words into Chinese characters on google translate and search on pornhub with them to see stuff that will never come up otherwise with English searches

Lol as if Barrymore and Diaz are so much better. I would understand Bill's criticism if she had been surrounded by actual talented and respected actors, but her co-stars were not good actors by any means. It made no sense why he called only her out.

Which one was that? I do not think I have seen it

Of course she looks better than the average person. She's a celebrity. She has access to makeup artists and plastic surgeons galore.
Compare her to other 50 year old actresses. Jennifer Aniston, Sharon Stone, Michelle Pfieffer, Nicole Kidman, Sandra Bullock. She's only hotter than them if you have an Asian fetish.
I think the real issue is you guys have zero contact with actual Asians in real life. I live in an Asian country. Trust me, your average woman hits the fucking wall the moment the hit 30. My coworker was showing me some of her photos, and I was like "damn, she's hot, what the fuck is this shit, is this even you?" Turns out, it was her ten years ago, when she was 27.

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The one where tony Blair did a voice?
Btw why was it rated m in Britain?

Fuck off fag, you don't know shit

You're now getting to the crux of the joke. They're all terrible, but Bill used Liu as the butt of the gag to have a laugh at all of them.

she either kept fucking up or did something to piss him off. he just wanted to insult her.

Nah, your crazy. Asians age amazing, if nothing else just becuase they don’t tend to get fat ever, which makes a huge difference over the long term

Liu likely didn’t sleep with him like drew and Diaz did. Becuase Asians tend to be more conservative


nearly all asians do

if you go anywhere there, you'll have a tough time finding sunblock that doesn't have a skin pigmentation whitener

The only Asian women you see are on TV or JAV. Opinion discarded.

Wouldn't skin bleaching completely fuck up your skin in the long term?

>and that's with all the makeup and botox and plastic surgery.

That makes her worse looking though.

She stars in the female Sherlock Holmes TV show though.

Just because you aren't watching it doesn't mean her career has been killed.

Nah, I know one third gen japanese that got American fat, she has tons of issues and is ugly.
I know several Chinese Asians and they are all the hottest women I know irl, all in thier 30s. I grew up in pasadena. So knowing Asians from San Marino and Arcadia is to be expected. Also sometimes I shop in little Tokyo or monaey park, and see tons of Asians. I have also been to japan. When I do agree they are not all pretty, even the weird face ones age really well on average

Post these 30 year old Chinese girls who are the hottest you know.

Why would I post my friends on this shithole?

>"i fap to chinks on instagram and once went to chinatown shut up they're hot"
You don't know shit.

Hey, I put up with a lot of your fucking lies but I'm not going to sit here and pretend you have any friends. Piss off.

Also he privately apologised to the guy afterwards and it had already been settled between the two for months before it got leaked.

>She starred in Ecks vs Sever though
This movie is routinely considered one of the worst movies made, that stars well known actors.
It literally appears on multiple lists for the subject of bad movies, and just talking to friends about bad movies and it gets mentioned.

>“I get why you’re here.
>at Drew
That's the joke.
Drew Barrymore's from an acting family.
Acting (aka prostituting) since she was a kid and could crawl onto the casting couch.
>And you've got talent
at Diaz. Meaning, "you're still hot/haven't hit the wall" or "I've heard rumors about your talented mouth" etc.
>You can't act.
means that liu probably puts out the least.

Why is there no webm of the strip dance scene in Charlie's Angel's?

RDJ had a career before Marvel, user.


Yeah, totally stable guy

Drew was there because she paid for it. More actresses should do the same if they want to act past 28.

He is pretty overrated but i would not say he is bad as Yea Forums sometimes claims.

She is a talentless asshat who may have been mildly fapworthy to teens decades ago.
Also, don't fuck with Bill.

god damn. women can be so hot when they don't paint their finger and toenails instead of trying to look like a clown

asian girls with decent genetics don't have to try nearly as hard to look pretty. Granted she's still wearing plenty of makeup there.

Is that the only reason why tom green is even in this film?

i still cant believe people bitched about apus accent but not them giving him 8 kids (who are all older than maggie)

well it's inevitable that they paint their faces, they all do. nail polish is just a huge pet peeve of mine it looks weird as hell and immediately off-putting

He did, career where he acted like Tony Stark

To be fair snl was never funny.
I agree he is overrated, but Bill Murray has two comeplete classics, ground hog day and ghost busters, and two is a lot more than a lot of famous actors make

I like it becuase I think it makes them look feminine, and when the hand is around my dick, the contrast between my masculine dick and their feminine hands gets me off. I hate fake nails though, and I used to hate nail polish, so I respect your opinion

The British episode was hard cringe. Tony Blair embarrassed the country appearing in it.

>"you rear-ended the queen"

Most brits would see that as "you arsefucked the queen" more than "you hit the queen with your car"

>Most brits would see that as "you arsefucked the queen" more than "you hit the queen with your car"
way to miss the literal joke

>tfw based ghost gives your girl orgasms but you can't

that's because you're a cucked wagie
now go back in your cagie

I love the man but he deserved that one.

Tony Blair embarrassed the country by being PM. He's universally hated these days.

Isn't he friends with Obama? How can he be hated? Seems like he would be a really nice guy.

God she's ugly.

Not him but as an American tony Blair followed bush into Iraq for no reason, and that alone is pretty unforgivable

Have a (you).
What is your 10/10 then?

lol the angry roasties tell people not to be angry


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sounds like a copypasta

You unironically sound like a nigger.

it's always cute when a woman tries to hurt a man

How can white women even compete?

literally perfect

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>never saw how shit he was on snl
>watching snl
ok lol

>Liu likely didn’t sleep with him like drew and Diaz did. Becuase Asians tend to be more conservative
there's a link in this very thread were she claims she fucked a ghost, chinaman worshipper

She looks like she ____ _____ ____

fucks ghosts

Based, so many old faggot actors think they can just push people around, fuck em

Fucking ghost slut. I bet she fucked all the ghosts.

He only said one has talent, implying the other got hired for looks and Liu doesnt't even have that. Based.

fucking kek
pretty brutal

based user

I always liked her. Now I'm officially in love.

>out from the limelight
Holy shit, kill yourself you retarded little bitch.

reminder an asian 9 is a white 7 at best

Bill Murray is an asshole but I admire his lack of a filter.

Nope. Asian>white>latina>black.

the fact that you have to remind people of it doesn't make your claim very convincing

>she only plays one type of character
That's all of them, including Murray.

I'd add Zombie Land as well.

would suck and fuck

>Liu likely didn’t sleep with him like drew and Diaz did. Becuase Asians tend to be more conservative

Lucy Liu is in no way conservative. She's is 100% a hollywood slut. She played strippers and hookers for a while before making it big and has done full frontal photoshoots, we've seen every bit of her.

Of course, a bitch is just a slut that won't sleep with you in particular so you could still be right.

>Is that the only reason why tom green is even in this film?
Barrymore was the first listed producer, which means she basically made the film happen and was the voice of the studio, more or less. She can easily put her boyfriend in the film.

Wait, she fucks ghosts, Murry busts them.
It's all coming together.
He busted her ghost lover and she's out for revenge because no meat cock gets her off anymore.

They were married at the time I think.



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