heat next
any other frauds wanna challenge us? ice trae, ginger killer, slavDAWG, the hunter and Italian Stallion will be expecting your arrival
heat next
any other frauds wanna challenge us? ice trae, ginger killer, slavDAWG, the hunter and Italian Stallion will be expecting your arrival
>LeMickey "I don't think a lot of people was educated" James, Russell Westbrick and the Los Angeles Lelkers finished the season 16 games under .500 and out of the playoffs
>LeMickey was not good enough to get a team with possibly six hall of famers into the playoffs
i believe in clippekun supremacy
>Suns and Clippers fans
>play in game going on
>still obsessing over lebron
god damn it pellies
do you guys really think every suns fan is nomad he hasn't been in the general or active on twitter in 2 hours
SUNSISTERS are obviously SCARED to DEATH of my CLIPPIES and watching this meltdown in REAL TIME is HILARIOUS
Who ended the clippers season last year? since no one wants to answer
15 ain't all that bad
>being scared
>of a team they beat last year
you fucking stalking a tripfag's twitter?
why would i be scared of a team that we beat last year
>that endless brick possession
Pelicans are COOKED they can't make shit
i dont know. YOU tell ME why it is you are SCARED of my CLIPPERS
valanciunas choking so bad rn
ok the bucks ended our season, but who ended the clippers season last year? surely this isn't a hard question
yes i think he's cute
>the bucks ended our season
lol @ at the ref
sunsisters were fucking praying that the pels beat us lmao
Pause at 5 seconds, that's a foul. Hooked his arm.
who ended the clippers season tho
Literally all the clippersfags here do is shitpost and spam anime images, no actual arguments or being reasonable.
>no zion
>no paul george
>no kawhi
nba has become so shit, they need to stop the steroid issue it's causing people to get too heavy that they get injured more often
at least our team has made the finals before
Playoff JV has no dawg
Let's face it: neither of the two teams playing right now is going to win it all this year.
Just like LeMickey.
i had plenty of arguments as to why I wasn't scared of the pels and all you guys did was saying hurrr you dont have pg13.
zion ain't take steroids nigga he take sausages
yea but who ended the clippers season last year.
nah we already beat the clippers last year, why would be be scared
>sunsfags praying tonight hoping the pellies win
>yfw no play in team has made it past the first round
Well that just speaks volumes to your confidence. Why would you be praying that you don't have to play us? Because you're SCARED of the new and IMPROVED CLIPPERS
Norman Powell got that championship pedigree in him.
He KNOWS winning. Unlike the entire Suns franchise....
i have been asking the same question and have gotten no response, who ended the Los Angeles Clippers season last year
Clippies so inspirational
>who is javale mcgee
norman has dawg in him ... unlike that suns franchise
Make of this what you will.
they definitely didn't let someone like giannis drop 50 points on them despite being
>le best team in the nba
to anyone who wasn't here earlier, go thru the last 3 or so generals. suns fans were praying and cope-smug posting about the pels beating the clips. lmfao they were scared as fuck
If you're rooting for the soulless Clippers, you need to stop posting on /nba/
You're not welcome.
good thing i don't consider advanced statistics real since they very obviously favor big men
clippers fans really in that discord. 1st round exists, suns just better
this lmfao no way the clippers actually have fans
>suns just better
>proceeds to let giannis drop 50, which he laters order that same number of chicken nuggets from chick-fil-a
>devin shooker put on a spectacular performance of 0/7 3pt
>ayton gets his alley oop blocked by giannis in the last 2 minutes
but who ended the clippers season tho, that was my question
Reality favors big men in the sport of basketball, nerd.
As a Suns fan I hope the Clippers win this game because Paul George is going to miss the first 3 games against Phoenix
is just the pisscord faggots again and its so obvious., the leaf, constant shit posting and the anime spam. its them
All part of the plan…
>Here's your suns ""Fans"" bro!
allie getting old bros...wall approaching
she's becoming doris-pilled. i'm still going to be hornyposting about her in 2050 /nba/
steve ballmer
Suns are so proud of a team that barely beat a Kawhiless Clippers and got their shit kicked in by Giannis huh
LOL says the fucking SUNS "FANS". you are the fucking definition of SOULLESS. we are the COMEBACK KIDS and we have the most DAWG of any TEAM
what did the clippers do in the 2021 playoffs tho, who beat them, yea suns just better than them lol
Wtf is this rent free obsessed image lmao you people need to go outside
well said nomad
put your trip back on you faggot lmfao cant wait for my clippies to destroy your lame ass team
>he spent time out of his day to make a screencap for a tripfag that i filtered months ago
this is what /nba/ has come to?
>comeback kids
definition of SOULLESS
Guarantee you haven't been to a game all year
took 2 minutes at best. fuck tripfags, and fuck kobe, he's burning in hell.
i seriously don't know why they are obsessed with him. like he uses the trip for attention and gets it when he's not even in the thread lmfao are u guys fucking serious
Holy shit check the news Russia just dropped a nuke in Ukraine
why are you larping as yourself
you guys can't be this schizo. get off Yea Forums for a while man
why wont you take your meds, you giving tripfags attention and making fucking screencaps for them and not using your filters for them is the reason why they will never leave
Like I said, rent free...
Why do suns haters have to bring up the bucks to defend their own teams shame? This is some real bitchmade shit. Also its massive cope. Grow a spine.
Ummmm clippie bros?
not worried at all
Are you team Allie LaForce or Kristen Ledlow?
>Buck status: Broken
Giannis dropped 50.
why did the thread go silent all of a sudden
Clipper sisters...
Chimney posters seethe