I want to remind all of you that this happened

I want to remind all of you that this happened

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Other urls found in this thread:


Leia is essentially superman. Who knew?

Who cares? It's a crap franchise about space wizards.

anyone else not even watched it yet

People were legitimately laughing when this happened

I didn't believe people at first.

Attached: SW TLJ - original ending.webm (600x338, 2.24M)

Same, it seemed too silly to be real and I assumed Yea Forums was just memeing

Would have been better and slightly less retarded than what we got

And then, the cherry on top, she died in real life so it was 100% pointless

d-did she just fly Pumaman-style through a bunch of massive spaceships?

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I have no intention of watching it.

>"what? you expected luke to be a badass? grow the fuck up."
>and yet, this scene is also in the movie.

*fart noise*

The better cherry is, that could have re-edited the movie to make that her send off. But no, they chose to turn her into CGI monstrosity for the upcoming movie.

>she could have had holdos death and gone out like a fucking champ
>but now she’ll either be CGI or just die offscreen
>all so rian could have his purple haired man killer

so whats the deal with episode 9 is JJ going to cgi her in like rogue one or will they just splice in unused footage from episode 8?

This was genuinely worse than hobbit 3 legolas

This, I still enjoy trashing it on Yea Forums with the boys though

Honestly would've been better. It would cover the problem people had that anybody could lightspeed ram.

What was point of that movie? (apart from making millions)

Shitting on TLJ was worth the price of admission


Which is worse, that or pic related?

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What were they thinking???

Nothing is worse then how they did Luke.

The funniest/saddest thing about her magic superman resurrection is that she's only going to die offscreen at the beginning of the next film anyway

This scene is fucking fine. This is the same series where yoda walks with a cane one minute and puts fucking Gabby Douglas to shame the next.

Fuck this is the same series with wise cracking robots, 50s diners, and a gay evil wizard that shoots lightning out of his hands.

But an old lady pulling herself back to her ship is too far?

Bitch, please.

Do you think Carrie thought it was cringe?

milk was stupid but not a child wrote this tier

Episodes 4&5 were the only good ones, people are fucking blind to nostalgia. This was just shitting in a clogged toilet.

there is literally nothing wrong with him drinking blue milk, he drank blue milk in the OT.

It's the "every thing else" that ruined it.

>Keep Leia alive because THE FORCE IS FEMALE
>Kill off Solo and, presumably, Luke
>Carrie dies.
>Harrison and Mark still alive
The irony is so fucking thick jesus christ lmao

rip carrie though she was cool

I think all star wars movies are garbage

A) At least Leia's scene has a purpose, her living but suffering from her injuries is a plot point of the movie and B) Leia's scene, as stupid as it is, was at least an attempt to try and recapture the heroism that these characters used to have, while Luke's scenes were utterly pointless, and only served to degrade and humiliate him

She was a script doctor she probably wrote it herself

Luke was always a pussy, he is just an icon for incels even Anakin had more character in him than that faggot farmboy

Why are disney wars writers such hacks?

I don't think it's the drinking that's the problem rather than the fucking milking.

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It's very entertaining reading all this butthurt, when I liked the movie for what it did to Luke

Write fanfiction if you can do better you faggot, maybe studio one day will adapt you genius work

Because they're jooz and wahmen

Like that fanfiction TLJ is based on?

>milk comes from carton package
>I so autistic I have no idea how this world works

Episode 8 was pure kino, “fans” who have unofficial film directing knowledge just wanted a coked out Luke go space Jesus on PCP in the end. basically force unleashed. Any other shithead who would’ve directed would’ve deep down been another Micheal Bay with non stop acrobatic lightsaber fights. And you guys call yourselves Star Wars fans. Any other studio would’ve fucked this franchise, Disney improved and had the balls to announce how many Star Wars flicks and do whatever they wanted even build a damn original theme park for the franchise while George could barely handle 6 flicks and gave more screen time to upcoming action figures. “R1aN JoHnSon ruIn3d $tAr WarS” right, as if he really made a bunch of space teddy bears take on the whole empire with rocks and tree branches for arrows during the big climactic battle of 6.

literally who cares?
you have to milk to get milk, it's realistic that way.
Imagine drinking milk that didn't come from an animal...

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As is every adaptation done without creator just like TESB

I "downloaded" the blue ray but sadly i watched it

>i have returned for my...jellybeans

Fuck off Rian.

5 is overrated, 6 is kino because of the final scene with Palpatine (ewoks aren't bad enough to ruin the entire movie).
Prequels are... different but by ROTS they have redeemed themselves.

Apparently it's going to be unused footage from both 7 and 8.

Is it so hard to write a star wars movie?

I don't know if this is a bait but you are not wrong user, sw fans are just that "nerds" who want to dominate on others with their supreme knowledge of product, thats why they are mad EU is now in legends. EU had a few good things most of it was pure garbage.

I wouldn't have minded it if the creature was on all fours or something. The pose of lounging on the rocks with the tits up was fucking hilarious.

Did you cry when I ruin jonsoned you childhood?

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>a star wars movie
What is a star wars movie? who decides it? Apparently not even George, he got fucking death treats for prequels by a retarded fans who now say prequels are actually good

I wish he had said that he 100% right

>who now say prequels are actually good
the people who praise the OT to high heavens aren't the same people who are saying the prequels are good. Also people respect the prequels for what they bring to the Star Wars franchise, expanding the lore of the Jedi and worldbuilding the SW universe. After they got to play the various games, read the various books, and watched some shows that ultimately deal more with the prequels than the OT, fans came around to being ok with at least having good content based on the prequels even if the prequels themselves were largely shit.

i remember webm with better editing, this one shit.

>t. Onions apologist

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Le based

This does not bother me.

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Based and areyoume?pilled

Even as someone who liked TLJ this scene was awful. It was also forced in by Kennedy from what I heard, so not even Rian's fault.

>the sequels are cannon
Thanks for the laugh

sorry guys i made a mistake, my joke was in reference to jack black in tropic thunder and his heroin (jellybeans) addiction, but as we know carrie fisher is addicted to cocaine

Keep jerking off to your dear EU. One day plagueis will show up in you dreams to rape your boypussy so all your desires can be achieved

>Keep jerking off to your dear EU.
Dont know a thing about it

Think about it though, let’s say Colombia (Sony) got their hands on the franchise, they’d shamelessly promote their own product (like they always do with ALL Sony films, look how marvel movies everyone has iPhones but the MCU spidey flicks literally EVERYONE and I mean EVERYONE even SHIELD has Sony phones) and knowing them they’d make Lucasfilms have their logo in Star Wars font somewhere just to promote themselves and also killing what made Star Wars unique, Earth or our galaxy doesn’t even exist in this Universe so for Sony, an Earth product to promote themselves within Star Wars is inevitable and wouldve easily killed this franchise. Imagine seeing Yea Forums talking about that Sony product placement in a Star Wars flick. Don’t even get me started with universal. I believe Universal and Warner Bros could’ve done just a good job as Fox did but seeing how both studios whored themselves out to Comcast and AT&T, the worst companies ever claimed Hollywood’s giants so who knows what they would’ve done to Star Wars. At least Disney buying Fox is basically a studio fusing with another studio so there’s still plenty of Kino and even more so with Disney and Fox together. Disney isn’t buying everything, if Comcast would’ve had it their way, they already own Universal, they bid to buy Disney early 2000s, they bid for Warner Bros but lost to AT&T but let’s say they did won and most recent the huge bidding war between Disney for Fox and again let’s say they won and had it their way. 4 of the big 6 studios would’ve been under Comcast’s control. Disney would’ve been first, then universal, then Warner Bros then Fox.

It would have been touching had they kept it as it was in the original script. Leia sees her son, Ben, going back to Snoke and it ignites a fire in her not to give up because she doesn't want to give up on her son. They could have made it look better visually as well. It just looked really silly.

Why do they all look the same it's weird.

This shit had to have been added post production. In fact everything with holdo as well feels as if Carrie May have been too far gone while filming

Why wasn't all the air sucked out of her body? Why didn't she instantly freeze. How can you hold your breath for so long? How did she get back on board a ship

Yeah, because it's either way too different, and the fans flip shit, or it's too samey and the fans flip shit.

all this does is make me mildly angry and also ashamed that I care at all about star wars anymore

And it's funnier every time I see it. And not because Carrie had died irl before it came out, but because it revealed to the whole world how tasteless and tone-deaf the suits calling the shots really are.

>I want to remind all of you that Leia used her inherited Force abilities to pull herself to safety
I mean... okay?

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>be inside a giant explosion
>sucked into space in a cloud of debris and broken glass
>not even a scratch on her face

And people defend this movie.

And the way Retard defended it revealed that he's too brainlet to think his way out of a wet paper bag.

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Aren't those ships supposed to be moving at full speed?

How the fuck is she still next to them after like a minute of drifting in space?

This reminds me, Disney can now add a CGI scene on the New Hope where it is revealed, that Leia uses her inherit force ability to find the correct duct to shoot open during the jail break.

Goddam, that's fucking harsh.

She'd be moving at the same speed

i haven't watched any of the new ones

Carrie clearly had nothing at all to do with this script. If she had, the absolute shit-tier "yo mama" joke and Snoke radio-drama-ing his own demise would have never made it to the screen.

fuck off Ryan you fucked up beyond repair lol

She should have mary poppinsed into the first order ship instead of the lightspeed ram. Same effect, but just her instead.

See .

They're *not* moving at a constant speed. They're all either accelerating at the same rate(like they would be in normal space), or Star Wars space has some sort of atmosphere/"drag" that causes things to slow down when they run out of fuel(like we see happening when the FO overtakes ships as they lose power). Either way, there's no scenario where Leia and her debris field should just be hanging there motionless relative to the ship.

weak bait. he literally says im not afraid halfway through episode 5

I'm pretty sure there is jpg evidence of Carrie's corrections on TLJ script, so you're wrong.

Poe is shit though, but he always was since TFA.

Not saying she didn't sizzle up some of her own lines, but suggesting Fisher had any meaningful input on a script that included:

>We're going to win this war not by fighting what we hate, but saving what we love!
>I want to put my fist through this beautiful city.

Is laughable.

There is nothing wrong with either of those lines, though.

Pls go Kevin Smith.

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Keven Smith is braindead fanboy, just like you. Unless you can make a worthwhile post detailing your issue with those lines, you should cease posting forerver.

They're gay

Just drink up user.

>Leia finally uses the force
>It looks like this

>"let's character assassinate all the male leads from the old trilogy, don't worry we have Leia to bring in the trilogy fans"
>carrie fisher dies irl

JUST lmao

The blue milk thing got way overblown. It’s just an exaggerated event to showcase how far he’s fallen. If it was an old karate master milking a cow and then drinking the milk, no one would give a fuck. Literally the same thing but in Star Wars.

the force

>the only reason I can’t enjoy this scene and think it’s awful is because it’s a Star Wars alien that doesn’t have 4 legs.

>S-she has inherited force abilities!
>There’s no resistance in zero-g!
>T-the ship wasn’t moving right there!
>L-leia is a b-badass!
The fact that you have to argue about it to justify why it’s not fucking stupid means that it is. There’s no question that this was fucking terrible schlock, and Rian Johnson is a pinheaded muppet.

I enjoy it a lot for the laughs it brings me.

Anyone who ever read the now-noncanon books.

The worst part about all this isn't the space flight.
It's looking at carrie fischer's coked out leather face. She emotes like a chuck-e-cheese animatronic
Whoever thought it was a good idea to drag this crack whore out of retirement and put her in these movies should be fired.

R1 will forever be the last Star Wars film I ever had the misfortune to watch all the way through

As a guy who never watched Star Wars and heard about this I don’t get what the big deal is. People can shoot lighting for their fingers but they can’t fly through space? The force is essentially magic, who cares?

Ship moving fags are unironically retarded

She would be travelling at the same speed as the ship minus the speed of her ejection

Considering the scale of the ships she wouldn't have travelled an appreciable distance in a few minutes

I forgot how shitty the movie is.
I saw last jedi in theatres not knowing it would be bad and I shouted wtf at this scene.
The only good scene in the movie was the infinite Rey scene.
Everything else was just bad or annoying. It seems like it should be it is so bad it is good type of film but it is just that it has effort into the shit.

Because bad writing.

>the force is essentially magic
Except it’s not, dipshit. I’m tired of hearing this lame fucking excuse

yeah imagine someone doing something magic in a fantasy series how wild

Ruin johnsöy destroyed Star Wars on purpose, not even him is thar much of a hack to direct this shit unironically

Green milk is not inherently terrible, i.e. Luke could be living like a dirty hobo on a miserable planet to try and get closer to the force by imitating what Yoda did on Dagobah is a neat idea
The execution was completely botched though since there's no real backing for any of it, he's just grumpy

brugh i haven't seen a star wars since i999 i will watch the next one ten times if ray cops it up the dungus from that sam huyde dude from girls

That's how it's done!

Haven't seen any of the new SW or any Marvel after Iron Man 2

what's the problem?

Look how they massacred my boy

Not after getting violently sucked out. She should be flying in a different direction.

Have not seen any but ep 1-6

of course there is

We don't get paid by Disney so we see the scene as the embarrassing shit it is

Haven't even seen Force Awakens. Rogue One was ok.

the last jedi is not canon

haven't watched any disney wars nor a single MCU film

I'm what they call based

So lighting fingers is on the table but exerting some force to propel yourself through space isn’t? Ok, retard.

well sure
but I'd really like to know what these faggots think the problem is

Yes, Disney would reanimate the corpse of Carrie Fisher in order to make money off of Nu Wars.

have never seen the sequels and never will

They should have made a Force Unleashed trilogy instead, would have been kino.

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Only saw Forced Awakens by pirating it and the Vader scene of Rogue One on YouTube.

Didn't watch The Last Jedi and Solo for obvious reasons. I wouldn't even pirate those.

I still can't believe this shit is real. What the FUCK were they thinking? This movie really blows my mind every time I think about it.

I still remember arguing with people here that the Luke drinking milk picture is fucking fake. Jesus Christ Kathleen.

force unleashed is like babby's first edgelording

When I was younger I loved TFU, but even I knew that Starkiller was ludicrously overpowered

They are using cut content from TFA and TLJ, not CGI.

Couldn't she have pulled the ship towards herself instead?

You want more prequels?

It looked really silly. For one, her old ass shouldn't be floating in space like a flying nun...for two I don't think the force brings people back from suffocation. Even in retarded eu books where they were stupid over powered that didn't happen.

Or the retard prequels. Obiwan and quigon had to use breathing tech to dive in water.


How much more kino it would've been if Kylo had killed her with the missiles.

So it'd be weird if they don't do the hyperspeed ramming shit anymore right? It destroyed an entire fleet.

>tfw watched it three times (including against my will)
I hope I never watch it again, probably the most boring theater experience I ever had.

I've already seen most of it through webms posted on Yea Forums

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People defending this trash should be executed.

New Hope and ESB were such massive hits and cultural phenomenons because they felt real. SW universe felt real.

Battles in episodes IV and V are like old style semi realistic WW2 movies with lasers. Luke almost gets killed by a random Tie Fighter. Falcon barely defeats 4 fighters. One bad guy slaughters good guys one after another until miracle happens.

Meanwhile what do we get in sequel trilogy? Rey can destroy 3 Tie Fighters with one laser blast. Poe effortlessly destroys like a dozen. One X-wing can solo miles long warships.

Fuck anyone defending this utter garbage.

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somehow her exposure to the vacuum of space will shrink her nose back to normal from the large ("bigger") size it became for those two days of TLJ

Leia force pulling herself from the void of space is the least offensive thing this movie did.

Right here, was going to skip 7 altogether but caught a matinee a few weeks into release just cuz I had a free morning. Knew it was a mistake immediately but still just finished the movie, and dropped Disney SJWars right then, haven’t see anything aside from your guys’ webms since

The titty monster scene was by far the worst. They cut out a scene of him grieving Han just to show him drinking green milk.

Like what?

Ship shields being completely useless now because a fighter can just bypass them for some reason?

Force ghosts being able to actually interact with the world?

Snoke being a literal who did literally nothing?

Luke being a sad boomer the entire movie and then dying because Rian Johnson didn't want him to become an actual character?

Yet it was a fucking fun game, and made by people actually loving Star Wars.

You got it.

Fucking this, it would be a huge success 100%
Nigga crashed a fucking star destroyer youtube.com/watch?v=i8zMxto9EO4

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Down syndrome

ROTS is zoomercore, fuck off. Phantom is the patrician prequel

>jar jar and trade negotiations

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>me want explosion and lightsaber noise

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It's amazing how the eighth film broke so much goddamn canon

>reddit droids
>quips x10
>too much flash, no substance
>Ani suddenly becomes full blown evil in literally a few shots
>cringe dialogue
>overly drawn out battle in le epic planet lava
hard pass. The only parts worth watching are the last 2 minutes and the scene where Vader breathes from his mask for the first time

Can the force do this? I dont know much about Star Wars lore and I've only known and watched Star Wars from Rian Johnsons films

Why would any person subject themselves to that torture? Just watch the E:R video.

>anyone else not even watched it yet
I started watching it but had to stop after the first scene.

My brother make me watch it a bit. The ultimate pleb even like it

Never seen Star Wars, ever

Yikes so edgy, even holds the saber in an edgy way

I unironically liked it. In a cosmic sort of way

anons who defend rogue one are even worse than genuine last jedi fans

absolute dog shit writing.

This was so forced.

It was on netflix, I was bored, made it to maybe the second purple hair lady scene and couldn't bear it. Never finished.

I only watched the cam version and never touched it since.


Skipped all of 'em.

do work queen


He lost when he started directing a fucking star wars movie. A franchise for kids.

Me and that includes the rest of the disney trash. And still i know all the memes.

> Fuck this is the same series with wise cracking robots, 50s diners, and a gay evil wizard that shoots lightning out of his hands.
All of these things are perfectly fine. What the fuck are you trying to say.



The context in which the first one is said is completely fucked. Finn wasn’t trying to kill something he hated. He was already trying to save something he loved - by sacrificing himself to destroy the weapon that was about to breach the Resistance’s stronghold.

The second line is just an incredibly weak metaphor. It sounds retarded and makes Rose sound retarded. If that’s the intention, bravo, but I really don’t think it is. Not to mention it contradicts what she says later, because her desire is to do the very thing she is supposedly preventing Finn from doing at the end - destroying something she hates.

Nope! If it had been intended to be an old master drinking milk straight from a cow, it wouldn’t have been presented as weird or comedic, which it was. Rey wouldn’t be reacting to it as if it’s somehow weird.

Same. That slow-motion shot of the Korean girl dying killed the last bit of hope I had for this movie.

She sure as fuck wouldn’t be hanging motionless relative to the ship. You see her explosively flung into space in the previous scene. You see how quickly ships fall behind when they “run out of gas.” She would have been hundreds of feet, if not miles away in the amount of time that had elapsed.

I tried a bunch of times but I'm bored before the crawl has even ended

Yeah, retard, they are. Because they are part of the “magic.” In the story, it’s the tech and the “magic” of the Force that break the otherwise familiar physics of the setting. In Leia’s scene, it’s the writer/director’s own stupidity that’s breaking the physics.


Based and Pon Farr-pilled.

me. I only watched TFA (not in cinema, streamed online when dvd got leaked) and had enough. Disney is not getting a penny out of me.

>ROTS Yoda exerts a decent amount of effort to life a senate chair with the force
>Rey can lift fucking boulders with no effort whatsoever
So does weight/mass matter for the force or not?

>Fantasy series where all kinds of unrealistic and impossible things happen
>But this one thing here is extra unrealistic so we can't accept that

I fucking hate Star Wars "fans" so much.

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Yes. All of those are worse offenses. The whole movie is an active insult to the audience’s intelligence, though.

Or watched Return of The Jedi. She floats an Ewok in the deleted scene.

I fucking hate how Rey just stands there with her arm stretched out. Is she reaching towards one particular rock?

Hi Rian



I just don’t see why no one acknowledged it. Like, yeah, sure, she’s a Skywalker, but still... no Jedi had ever done that before. Shouldn’t someone at least acknowledge how fucking crazy it was?

If you’re too fucking stupid to distinguish between when the conventions of the setting are being utilized appropriately and when it’s just a dumb, imaginative hack unknowingly violating the very physical laws of not just this setting, but any *conceivable* setting, you have no business accusing anyone else of being a brainlet, not on this site or any other.

i still can't understand how the FUCK JG Quintel managed to afford hamill to play one of regular show's main characters.

>Only one thing in the galaxy can get you this rich.

Yeah, because richest people made their fortunes on war right? Jesus Christs guy who wrote this has mental age of 12.

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>Bitch, please

>"And the Ministry had not only to supply the multifarious needs of the Party but also to repeat the whole operation at a lower level for the benefit of the proletariat. There was a whole chain of separate departments dealing with proletarian literature, music, drama, and entertainment generally. Here were produced rubbishy newspapers, containing almost nothing except sport, crime, and astrology, sensational five-cent novelettes, films oozing with sex, and sentimental songs which were composed entirely by mechanical means on a special kind of kaleidoscope known as a versificator. There was even a whole subsection–Pornosec, it was called in Newspeak–engaged in producing the lowest kind of pornography, which was sent out in sealed packets and which no Party member, other than those who worked on it, was permitted to look at.”

Wasn’t happy with Force Awakens. Don’t intend to watch Star Wars ever again.

If you take a big established setting and want to make money on fans of that setting you need to follow it's rules.

Batman doesn't suddenly start firing lasers from his eyes. Bond doesn't transform into a robot. People go to watch those things expecting certain stuff. You can't just go "fuck it" and expect long term fans to not care.

If you can't grasp such a simple concept you are completely retarded.

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he's called starkiller what did you expect retard
stop being a faggot


In space you are weightless so it wouldn't take much force ability to pull yourself to another object.

Its still edgy shit.

Way better than the movies

Yodas frailty back then was a cover for his battle prowess. In episode 5 however he was legit senile as fuck from only hanging around with dead blue ghosts on a swamp planet and tripping balls in the force cave where luke saw vader

Shit covered garbage is better than the movies

Fuck StarKiller we need a Kyle Katarn trilogy

amazing observation

In space, you only slow down when some outside force stops you. So why is she still anywhere near the ship?

compared to who? seems pretty tame compared to Kylo

don't worry, this and capeshit is all that this sub watches

Nigger i havent even watched the prequels yet, what makes you think i watched the fucking new ones.

Reminder that Georges original scripts were far more interesting, and what they turned into was some of the worst fantasy schlock.

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Sorry, forgot about the part in Return of the Jedi where they establish the rule that you can't force fly through space.

This, prequels were kino for their score and design alone

How could I forget

This would have been wildly retarded and innapropriate even if her actress wasn't already dead

Yeah having a George's movies be about Midichlorians like Arthur and Minimoys would be truly entertaining

As if she cared. She just wanted the money.

I watched it once, pirated of course, just to see how bad it is. It IS bad.


Your trolling is too obvious. You ignore every post that blows you the fuck out.


Yep, never will.

How do bombs fall in outer space???

Coca cola is now L level canon to the star wars universe so I dont know what your rant is even for.

This even sounds exactly like Rian

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I have not watched it, nor do I ever intend to.


No he wasn't you twat. It was all an act! Are you that fucking dense that it has to be spelt out to you?

that makes rogue one the only good star wars film
fucking overpowered unkillable plot armors

>bitch, please
Do you have any idea how Reddit you sound man

made it 10 minutes in and the brown guy prank called a star destroyer so i turned it off

good one Rian

I thought black science man explained this kind of stuff to people like you?

She chased a fucking starship moving at full speed. And large ships in SW are fucking fast. Star Destroyers could chase Falcon.

>So what if Gandalf uses super speed to take down Sauron?

Fucking trashy films made for people with micro brains who literally like visual and audio cgi cum on-screen.

what did he explain to people like me?

So I have to post every fucking scene where they establish the laws of the universe in the original films.
Fucking cumbrain

I get paid by Disney and still think it’s shit

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she did pull the ship towards her, but in low gravity her tiny mass gets pulled towards the ship

She flies through space like superman tho

>Action Man 247 leaps away from an explosion and shelters behind a car and escapes an explosion unscathed.
>Two movies later, retarded hack has him stand flat-footed and absorb the brunt of an explosion like Superman just because he was too stupid and lazy to come up with a way to make his survival plausible.
>Autistically defends his lazy, unimaginative shit for years by trying to argue that it was never realistic to begin with.

I’ll take “Breaking Suspension” for 500, Alex.

same. after the force awakens i literally dont give a shit

Got trough like 2 min when it was on netflix and stopped there

What stopped her tiny “mass” in the first place?

Since her actress died, wouldn't this have been the perfect time to kill of Leia?

why does this scene trigger retards so much? there are so many more legitimate issues with this movie.

If serious, please kill yourself

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And that's a good thing.

I watched it recently, it's as bad as you've read and worse

That’s a big bird.

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Mark voice acts all the time even weirdly minor roles

i haven’t seen any star wars or mcu films and i never will

Attached: 8512F379-7495-416C-9B80-EF0DF2B1F719.png (500x575, 216K)

My man. After Rogue One, I'm not watching anymore of this shit.



God bless John Williams. I’ll forever feel like I can tank a nuke while this is playing.

yep, TFA was such a blunder that I never found interest in seeing this trashcan

It and Indiana Jones are my internalized hero themes.

I have not seen a single nu-starwars film and never will. As soon as I saw all the og starwars pandering and the stronk female protag in the first couple of trailers for a force awakens, my interest in starwars was completely gone. Its funny too cause as a kid I was obsessed with starwars and used fantasize about a new trilogy just about daily.

You know something I truly don’t get? The absolute lack of any genuine sense of awe or wonder being conveyed by the principal characters. Rey fanboys all over Han for precisely ten seconds, then just takes it all in stride, even all the Jedi mysticism. There is no sense of anything being amazing or her or any of the other characters being amazed by anything. That was one of the things that drove me nuts about the Hyperspace Ram scene. Not a single character expresses any sign that they’ve just witnessed power on a scale to rival a Death Star, and everyone just treats it like another day at the office. More so than anything else, this is what told me that Retard didn’t even realize he’d broken the rules so egregiously.

>darth vader built c3po

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You got a better reason for the chorus to be around for the entire plot

I think this was the scene that broke the visage for a lot of people. Up until then, most of the bullshit you can ignore if you turn your brain off. But it's impossible to ignore Leia flying through space while striking a superman pose

I havent seen non anime stuff in maybe 7 years

God spoiler week was such a fun
Time on Yea Forums. I fucking miss it

anyone rec some films on the ravages of time

I watched the chinese rip Yea Forums gave me during release week. The low quality made the hilarity of the garbage script even better.

Now this is based

There was absolutely no reason for droids to be around in PT.

This December user, just you wait.

IX is going to be an even bigger shitstorm.

was thinking the same thing

Attached: 785207.webm (640x360, 728K)

>tfw TROS opening week won't have anywhere near the same impact because everyone's lost interest and people will only be paying attention to see how shit it's become and try and force a meme
Nothing can ever capture TLJ's release again. Maybe if Cameron buttfucks Avatar 2 in secret...

Why do retards always misinterpret this in such a stupid way? It's obvious that they just meant he found the parts in a scrapyard and pieced them together.
What? Did you think an 8 year old kid happened to independently design a common protocol droid by himself?

Why do laser cannons have projectile drop?

Because Rian is a retard.

I miss the low quality caps and webms. They just fit the low overall quality of this crappy movie so well, made it feel like some mid-budget Star Wars clone from the 80s.

So will the First Order just spam hyperdrive kamikazes to fight the rebels? They have a seemingly infinite amount of resources

So many questions about this movie can be answered the same way.

Yeah, so?

lol wtf

>Why is the Resistance green-lighting a plan they have zero confidence in, just to abort it when it's on the verge of success?
>Why are the elite command of the First Order falling for an obvious prank call?
>Why are they so intent on hearing Poe and being heard *by* Poe if their sole reason for being there is to destroy them all anyway?
>Why is the Resistance dropping out of Hyperspace before they've even reached any apparent destination?
>Why are they saying it's impossible to be tracked through Hyperspace when they've been capable of that very thing since the first movie?
>Why are they gee-whizzing a brand new, wholly unnecessary method for tracking through Hyperspace instead of arriving at the more obvious, familiar conclusion that at least one of their ships has a beacon attached to it and possibly a spy?
>Why is Resistance Command treating Poe as if it's his fault they lost some fighters and crew when without his plan and their noble sacrifice, *all* their lives would now be forfeit to the onslaught of the still-intact "fleet-killer" that would now be chasing them?
I could go on and on and on.

Hyperspace ram that makes me question the entire point of space battles