Homophobic character is secretly gay themselves

>homophobic character is secretly gay themselves
Is this a realistic trope?

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CHUDS ARE BTFO women and minorities are epic! XD gays are also epic unless they are Hitler nazis then they are cringe haha just throw anything at the wall to try and show /pol/ whose fricking boss!

yes, every single Islamist is a secret transvestite Jew

this but ironically

>Is this a realistic trope
among republican politicians? yes. among the general population? no, not really.

t. secretly wants to be republican

wait wait wait

wasn't there a secret plan by the uk to sneak female hormones into hitlers food?

just looked it up quick


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but i am.

Gross, that means all gays are secretly Nazis. Time to gas them. I also heard Hitler was Jewish himself.

I hate fags but have my own fantasies. However I realize that it's just the brainwashing getting through to my head, I'm hip to these deceptive tricks of the devils in human skin, and it will never get the better of me.

No, its pure projection, like everything else from the left. Sodomites are evil incarnate. Crabs in a bucket.

washington examiner is a far-right rag/tabloid dummy

Wow, Hitler was gay AND addicted to drugs AND fucked trannies? I can't believe the nerve of these historical revisionists who doubt the Six Million(tm)!

You hate gays, you must secretly be gay!
You hate jews you must secretly be jewish!
You hate black people, you must secretly be black!
You hate ants, you must secretly be an ant!

does this mean hating on hitler is transphobic?

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Are there any examples of films/shows where this happens to female characters?

Based dog

And here is where the propaganda breaks down. Hitler was simultaneously a tranny faggot who took hormones willingly or a stupid racist victim of some epix womyn spy operation. This is a non-partisan objective observation.

according to liberals being gay or trans is a good thing
so why do they constantly use them as insults
shouldnt this mean that hitler was a progressive liberal and a good person

If you think that youre far left. Same as a national socialist saying hillary clinton is a communist. Fuck off brainlet subhuman.

Welcome to leftwing identity politics in 2019. A fucking farce. At least its destroying the democratic party as it brings down the rest of civilised society.

>that filename
lmao what happened, you got rangebanned?
Well, looking at this, it seems like it.

Well you maintain your straight yet you started this thread

Oh vet stop asking questions goy i mean guy

Progressives could only dream of killing as many white people as Hitler did

>so why do they constantly use them as insults
To dissuade his supporters or future supporters by making Hitler something his supporters would usually hate on. This is not liberals doing, it's the jews. Liberals are just simple pawns, they don't have the mental capacity to spread propaganda.

it kinda makes sense Hitler being a sissy, he had small balls right?

like all psychology, it's a jewish trick.

>oh yeah? you dont like to see two faggots kissing in public? hmmm, i have used my powerful mind to deduce that you must be gay yourself

>If you hate racists you really just want to fuck a neo-nazi

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>implying there exists a human being on this planet capable of being a non-partisan in a debate on uncle Addy

why does everybody pick on Adolf? he didn't murder anybody.
but it's kinda true, I was super jealous of any guy my girlfriends talked to, always tried to catch them in lies, i just knew they'd cheat on me, because i cheated on them
turns out i was right though, they were cheating on me, every girlfriend i've had has cheated but i've only cheated on four of them

I like how they want to insult Hitler calling him gay. Very progressive

I am one such person, or as close as

Harold has a gay crush on Hitler and spams him every day

colbert tried the same thing with trump

gays itt will say no

Well theres the fact that adorno pathologized right wing beliefs in founding sociology

Provide as much proof as possible or I will otherwise assume you to be a blatant liar and will contact your parents immiediately.


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