
Why have we not seen an uprising like this? Especially in our current society, obviously it would be much harder to get away with but I feel like with the right minds involved it could 100% happen

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People intelligent enough to pull something like that off are too smart to forfeit their lives for such a dumb cause.

Well arguably in the direction shit has been going lately, idk man, I wouldn’t call it completely unreasonable

ok then you make uprising, succesful anarchist man

the films ultimate legacy is that men was to be brad pit in fight club, its peak human male

Because believe it or not. Normal people, aka the johnsons, and the smiths who live in your non highrise areas and citys will happily join together with all their guns and extended friends and family and proceed to wipe out any "anarchist" who came near them. This is all providing the cops and army dont squash them first.

What are you expecting to happen?
>blow up a few skyscrapers
>wipe out cops
Youd have 3-4 days of the initial bullshit. Just think of a chimpout when some black teen gets shot. The idiots would run around and steal shit for a bit. Then if the cops did nothing your actual criminals and organised crime would step in and start turning parts of citys into warzones. Then your everyday normal (white) people would just organize neighboirhod watch type things and basically start cleansing areas of brown people.

The white man doesnt wanna waste time with this bullshit. So after the initial 1-2 weeks of the scum roaming around looting shops and stuff whitey moves in for the kill. Nobody would stand a chance other than maybe cartels. Within 2 months shit is basically back to normal other than maybe a few people still looting and raiding the odd thing or 2.

why do that when you can play fortnite and league instead?

IRL Anarchists usually are society's loser and their philosophical/political stance is closely linked to their situation as a way to cope with it.
It's easy to be capitalist when you're rich
It's easy to be polyamorous when you're unfaithful
It's easy to be anarchist when you're a teenager living off of your parents without realizing what payin & working implies
etc etc etc

Because people smart enough to pull it off aren’t retard anarchists

He’s a twink in that movie, far as fuck from peak

Fight Club is anti-anarchy

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no two anarchists can ever agree on anything. they spend all their time arguing among themselves, and never get anything done.

hes otter mode

/fit/ard take your faggot bearmode fetish and GET

back to /fit/ you mentally ill faggot

Anarchism is merely a power vacuum until such time as another idea or people come to the fore to fill that vacuum.

It is however a VERY good tool for destroying existing power structures, but if you try to run your country in a distributed way then you're going to get gobbled up by one that is larger than you.

See: Spanish Civil War with the Anarchists/Communists vs Franco.

Unorganized militias are dogshit compared to a competently trained military. It's for this reason unless you convince the police/military to partake in your revolution, you're almost entirely crushed.

thats why you take the ancap pill

No. Anarchy is a direction not a destination. It's anarchist practices in day to day and local politics that are the forefront and strength of the ideology.

This is exactly the issue with Fight Club and other 'muh anarchism' films. Its focus on 'achieving a complete anarchy' totally misses the point of anarchism, its implementation or its core and substance.

One thing the story got wrong is that nobody in their right mind likes to be punched, and physically abused. These sort of clubs would never become as widespread as in the story, because normal people dont want to fist fight strangers in a filthy dark basement

Even ancapistan would result in corporate entities acting as de facto government.

Ever hear of a company town? Imagine every utility, business and piece of infrastructure being owned by one entity or operating with the consent of said entity.

low test faggot detected, have you never heard of a martial art? at combat sport/art is based around extreme violence between two people who consent and use it to train and expel energy and aggression. People will fight and fuck each other up and then hug and slap hands after, it builds massive comradey and morale. an actual fightclub would cause you to bond with your fellow man massively

i used to go to boxing purely because the beatings made me feel alive

Yeah because the guys going to Fight Club were totally in their right minds, and even rational people do absolute right by themselves.

Have sex.

Brad Pitt is Homelander. His "product" was a good american mid western boy who became a Hollywood heart throb.

It's all bullshit. He probably rapes underage girls with Clooney.

>normal people dont want to fist fight strangers in a filthy dark basement
leave normalfag

>See: Spanish Civil War with the Anarchists/Communists vs Franco.
>Unorganized militias are dogshit compared to a competently trained military
Clearly a poor exampole since the csocialist and communist governed Republic constantly deprived anarchist militias of supplies in favor of hierarchical socialist militias, easier to control frm within the parties
Also the Durruti Colun had major victories against organised Francoist armies up until 1937 despite the lack of supplies, arms and general hierarchical mandate.
All in all, not that simple of an issue.

you kidding, hes more twunk in fight club, jared leto was full blown twink in that movie though

Anarchist beliefs have an inability to scale, thus they are easily subsumed by belief systems that do.

Again, look up the conflicts between the Anarchist Commies and the Soviet Communists in the Spanish Civil War.

You would think that, but group physical activities, endurance and pain fosters a feeling of individual purpose and loyalty towards the group.

esprit de corp

It's how smaller forces defeated larger forces in the past. Complete confidence in the tactics, commanders and ability to destroy the enemy with the machine that they are part of.

I don't think Brad Pitt has ever had a shortage of women to fuck since the early 1990s.

There is literally no point in raping someone when you're that physically attractive. Kinda like Leonardo DeCaprio and his rotation of under 25s.

I never noticed before but Brad Pitt has massive beta eyes. No wonder he's an actor and not a male model. He'd get mogged so thoroughly by guys with hunter eyes like Gandy and Jordan Barrett.

>Clearly a poor exampole since the csocialist and communist governed Republic constantly deprived anarchist militias of supplies in favor of hierarchical socialist militias, easier to control frm within the parties

Lol, so the anarchist militia's combat abilities were dependent on arms issued by the state? A state that in turn was dependent upon Soviet support?

You're not doing anarchism any favours.

A modern war is won by achieving more or less industrial parity with your enemy, and utilizing your material more effectively. Or by having a overwhelming material advantage and steamrolling the opposition.

If a war was won by sheer willpower alone then Asia would be ruled by the Japanese.

>no point in raping
underafe redditfag leave

at least its not a government

>Knowing the names of male models
Kill yourself faggot


Fighting is actually pretty fun. And during it you get such an adrenaline rush it doesnt hurt at all. Its the bullshit around it that makes it trash tier. Healing up afterwards, the law, taking things too far.

It's worse than a government because unless you're a shareholder, you get no say at all.

Nah. Morale/ability can overcome material shortage when faced against an opponent that has material but with an inferior ability or willingness to fight. But only up to a certain degree.

I had the Japanese attack on Singapore in mind.

Because when you have sex and lives a normal life you see how much of a joke any kind of leftism is

yeh like you get a say in the government at all anyway lol its all garbage, minarchist masterace

because you white bois are fucking joke
>dude I'm not getting laid so i'm gonna start shooting people
>nothing fucking happens


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>A May 2018 policy brief by the Rockefeller Institute of Government at the State University of New York, which looked at any incident that resulted in deaths or injuries and excluded gang violence or terrorist activity, found that the perception that whites are responsible for nearly all mass shootings is a myth.
>“Despite common misperceptions that all mass shooters are white, the findings indicate that while a majority are, this proportion is just over half of the perpetrators (53.9 percent),” said the study, noting that almost all were men. “More than one in four shooters is black and nearly one in ten is of Hispanic descent.”
>Amy Swearer, senior legal policy analyst at The Heritage Foundation, said about two-thirds of shooters are found to have serious mental problems but that the media coverage has focused on those with an ideological bent such as racism or nativism.

post it again faggot

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Because once people graduate high school and are introduced to how the world really works, most of us figure out that anarchy doesn't really mean anything. It isn't a viable strategy -- it's just an edgy symbol teenagers like drawing on their notebooks to pretend they're fucking punk rockers or anti-establishment or something. But again, it doesn't mean anything and it never has.

>at least it's not a government
Yeah, it's not. It'd be full on despotism and you would have no recourse without owning a decent amount of shares in said company.

And yet, it would cover most government functions still with the added benefit of having absolutely no oversight for corruption or misanthropy.

Wow, sounds like a paradise! I want to live in Wal-Mart, Alabama too.

Power is a zero sum game. If governments don't have it, corporations will.

But wait a second, aren't the Rockefellers like, superstar members of the global elite/deep state? Why are they defending white men like this?

Seems to poke a few holes in a few conspiracies.

Rockefellers are old WASP money mixed up with oil and such. They have a shitload of foundations and Universities named in honour of them.

Yeah but don't they secretly pull the strings behind all of that to destroy America and the white race? Sorry, not a big /pol/ guy, just trying to figure this stuff out.

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Dunno but they're secretly pulling the strings on your mom tho

thats why you limit the power of the government by not giving them any and the limit the power of a corporation with your wallet. people have the final say if the exercise it

They certainly had/have influence, but I'm really not sure their angle on things.

If you limit the power of government, then the corporation will simply expand and expand to maximize profits.

Consumers aren't rational actors. They don't have the foresight to do such a thing.

this is why corporations love government, or at least government they can buy

An uprising is what we need. But not in service of anarchy.

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You're thinking of the rothschilds

Also, your premise exists on the idea that without government, corporations could not grow and expand.

They certainly could and would.

>in their right minds

Read a little about the history of anarchism, it's just random bombings and random assassinations.

Anarchists are always people who wouldn't fare well in an anarchy

perpetrators included a senior heart specialist, multiple masters degree holders and an AI specialist
not quite anarchists, but they fit the bill of smart, successful people willing to throw their lives away for some retarded cause aimed at sweeping political change

Cleaning your room is what you need.