ITT: Movies that exist
ITT: Movies that exist
Didnt Larry the Cable Guy make lots of Direct-to-DVD sequels to movies other had made?
Remember how these frat bro/college movies would always claim to be "unrated" in their home release versions and play up the possibility of lots of nudity, and then you'd rent and watch it and be horribly disappointed because it was total horse shit?
Is that 4/10 beaner supposed to be a young Ryan Reynolds?
That guy is relentlessly handsome. I want to kiss him relentlessly.
Its a shame internet porn killed frat bro movies like this
What about sex drive
No that's Taj, the sidekick of Ryan Reynolds in National Lampoon's Van Wilder.
In Van Wilder: The Rise of Taj, the man known as "Taj" is rapidly rising, and thus, the legend is growing.
Holy shit, what was the last college/frat bro comedy? Can't think of any from the 2010s.
That's so sad.
All I remember about Sex Drive is that the main menu had a naked chick bouncing around doin' goofy shit. So, that's something at least.
If I recall correctly, Eurotrip was a good example of having more nudity on the DVD version. I jacked off to that hot tub scene (where the blonde chick is tricked into rubbing her tits) more times in 2004 than you can possibly imagine.
On sex drive they had random naked women super imposed into scenes throughout the flick
Nice, yeah that sounds familiar.
Imagine a big movie studio doing something like that now. It'd be impossible. They'd be torn apart, and everyone involved would have to release a public apology.
Fun, silly nudity doesn't exist in movies anymore.
Why are those 3 guys committing suicide in the background?
The holy trinity, just in time for Christmas.
Thanks for telling Google
I think I saw part of this on CC once...think it had that one scene
>some woman undercover as a waiter
>larry feeding her info through an earpiece or something
>makes fun of her small breasts
>says her breasts are perky and her nipples could cut glass
something along those lines
also this did not need to exist
I've been meaning to watch this. Is it worth watching?
>hey did you see that popular British dark comedy released last year? Let's make an American(black) remake!
Well it is a dark comedy afterall
Yes, that was the joke in that sentence. Good catch.
40 Year Old Virgin had some titties in the unrated cut
Its...kind of inbetween. There's a ton of gay jokes in it that just weren't funny like one of Dane's friends is constantly describing balls human and animal. Still its not terrible, if you've seen something like Van Wilder its the same kind of movie
That looks comfy