Winner Vs Phoenix Suns
Pelicans Vs Clippers - Final Play-in Game Thread
>two poverty franchises
yawn.... lakers clear these ringlet bums
Where my pellie bois at? Gonna shock the world after sweeping the Snus in 7
a LOT of sunsfags posing as pelly fans just to meme will a victory cause they're fucking SHOOK and scared of the clips
it's our turn
Time for Slimball kino.
let's go
game thread > general
Time for a norman powell masterclass this game, or else pelicans win
my clippies are gonna run through these lelicans then smash the snes
>SHOOK and scared of the clips
how they beat them last year
them niggas really tried to say "theres only one game we dont need a general
fucking newfags and redditors man
Uh yeah I'm thinking Pellies
really hoping the pelicans lose so I can post my favorite pelican image
Kawhi and Zion are teaming up in New York. Injury bros unite.
Imagine Marcus Morris and Reggie Jackson running train on a tiny white girl like Allie LaForce.
where's playin p?
I have a funny feeling this game is gonna be closer than it should be.
>general fast as fuck with 40 posts per minute
>this gamethread dead as hell
>1 samefag shitting it up
gives the noggin a joggin don't you think?
imagine the knicks superteam of zion, AD and kawhi
he's coughin' p now
la sucks dick
why would post speed be indicative of better quality
go ahead and post in your glorified twitch chat
he got da coof
where is playoff P?
>t. scared of MV-P
Go back to fucking leddit you stupid bitch. Fuck Canada.
hes pandemic p tonight
Suns really have been owning LA for quite a while whenever they were relevant. Pretty sure Kobe would of got at least one extra ring if it weren't for these cactus fuckers.
Knicks just need Young Sosho to complete the squad
Are you trolling at this point?
>Game starts at 10om
Why does the NBA hate the east coast?
my nigga BI a dawg
Clips as much as I hate to admit are relentless motherfuckers. Idk what kind of drugs Ty Lue is giving to the team. Also they better have a plan for Reggie
he's just packing on mass
It's always bulking season
zion will return for the finals. he will be 400 lbs and score 40 a game on 100% shooting. he will die of a heart attack in game 7
kek keep seething
gonna crush the league when he returns
sunsfags never talk hoops all they say is 'lol u mad? lol seething?
pretty embarrassing
Imagine being called soft by a lightskin lol
take me back :'(
the cp3/blake combo had real soul. if the clippers were not an inherently cursed franchise they would've had more success
I talk about hoops all the time like how Booker will get MVP in 1-2 years.
snusfag here, I'd rather the clips win because I fucking hate califags shitting up my state and would love to watch them seethe again. Plus Willie Green knows all the Suns plays so the pellies may have a better chance
crazy how much these mfers choked
kek morris flopping around
he's not even the most valuable on his own team. when chris paul finally has his career ending injury and isn't around to whip these bums into shape the suns'll be lucky to stay out of the play in game
every player in the game except ingram look like trash
honestly nba is such a joke when teams this bad are given a chance to win the championship
the better team wins the game if the clippers lose to this "bad" team maybe that should tell you something about the clippers
wahhhh they made more games available to watch wahhhh
shut up nigga DAMN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
>lakers could have built around Ingraham and Randle
>now complete utter shit that will need to rebuild for another 15 years
>All for one fucking covid baby championship
>only worked because it was 40 games
>Devin Booker calling anyone soft
Lol. Lmao.
>the guy who made the mascot sit down is now NOT soft
lmao Ok
Neither of these teams has a chance
Am I watching a basketball game or random people doing stupid shit on a basketball court?
it's worse when you realize that they're just playing to get swept by the suns. At least the pels are a relatively young team looking for experience/lumps. There's nothing in this for the clippers except bonus checks
to be fair getting rid of randle was a huge dub
Randle would've imploded either way.
I mean the nba is one of those leagues where 3 teams have a realistic chance at winning anyway. Still, the play ins really are an awful idea. They're probably only useful in getting teams sort of on the fringe of the playins a reason to not totally tank, but still, i'd rather be watching the first round start right now
kek that covid ring shouldn't count
CP3 effect
and Zubac and DLo and Caruso and..
la getting shit on
>build around randle
and yet the lakers still managed to not qualify
>build around randle
only thing im building around randle is a gorilla proof glass box because that nigga should not be allowed to play basketball. he fucking STINKS
What part of New Orleans you guys from? Metairie reporting in, just 'ate me canes
pellie boyz we're gonna SHOCK the world
you betta ask somebody....
Why is it Nola and not Nole?
>thread moving at 10% of the speed of the cavs-hawks thread
i thought western conference dominated the nba
New Orleans Louisiana
the Canada faggot has got everyone in the general. We need to spam the general with links to this thread.
Casual coach outfits were a mistake
Oh ok. I thought the A is from OrleAns.
reggie jackson is turrible