Attached: 07fe.diana2(juliajones)__900_600_90.jpg (900x600, 142.88K)
Brayden Roberts
Jaxon Gonzalez
Is this the thread?
Owen Watson
Now THAT is a based OP image
Parker Thompson
i hope not
Sebastian Sanchez
why wasnt this thread linked?
Luis Mitchell
Enjoying having more daylight desu
Evan Hill
I like the sun and drinking water
David Taylor
Just like my islanders (:
Dylan Rivera
fuck you guys
Jose Richardson
youre slipping threadcuck
Dominic Jenkins
its joey diaz (improbably) uglier less famous and not rich brother
Jaxon Richardson
for me it's arnold palmer
Parker Lee
If the nhl went back to 1v8 for the playoffs nothing would change in the east kek
Aiden Bennett
My bruins need to win tomorrow so they can advance to playoffs
Leo Perez
Kek. Back to back games that the habs failed to score for him
Brody Barnes
holy fuck boys steve 1989 just put out a double feature
Joseph Davis
where does he go?
Zachary Nelson
so THAT is where to find brilliant young neurosurgeons when they're off duty. My, what a charming young man he truly is.
Aaron Green
Aiden Cruz
I need to buy jelly beans tomorrow
Matthew Cooper
Cab ride to buffalo
Gavin White
Fun game. Constantly getting the same fat kid to dance on camera over and over gain bordered on collective child abuse desu, but whatever.
Jason Johnson
Tavares will win a Stanley cup with Toronto
Samuel Anderson
As president of hockey ops in 2054
Ryan Jenkins
the governor would have an aneurysm
Jackson Diaz
>mfw da Bruins win da Stanleyb Owl
Jace Jackson
Exercise is not child abuse
Eli Stewart
Cameron Morgan
I saw that too I was debating on it's up posting
Brody Collins
>half winnipeg fans and empty seats
Austin Reyes
Is that guy related to Jason Pierre-Paul of the Tampa Bay Bucs?
Grayson Watson
True my Avies already have one hand on it
Charles Hughes
did he do the truffle shuffle?
Jack Torres
Would be kino but tavares sucks
if the leafs win the cup mitchell marner will be wearing the C when it happens
Austin Harris
What an amazing start to the hockey game this was.
Luis White
Justin Adams
The world is going to end in 2167 so the Laffs are out of luck
Benjamin Morris
Those were 2 of the only 8 in the building I could see. Hell, there was a family that flew in from Nova Scotia to see the Panthers.
Noah Cooper
glad to see you here regina chad
Why do the pats have a minor hockey tier score board
don't they have a jumbotron?
Samuel Allen
Cope retard only the Father knows
Matthew 24:36
But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only.
James Reyes
that's nice
Jaxon Bailey
In a decade or so
Grayson Flores
kek no one watches the panther kwab
Landon Jenkins
I'm not too far up in the hierarchy myself, but even I know that the Laffs aren't making out of the first round this year
Luke Butler
Kayden Wright
Joseph Rogers
Yes they do but it was showing ads, was during the intermission
Asher Morales
I've been reading the hockey db for regina
what happened? in 2017 they were in the finals, 2018 they had 40 wins and then the next 2 seasons they were barely above .300
did all their good players age out or something
Jeremiah Lopez
Maybe they could win their next cup in 2168 if it was possible.
Jaxson Barnes
Cope retard only the gary knows
Gary 19:93
But of that puck and stick knoweth no name, no, not the interns of Gary, but my Gary only.
Blake Jackson
well yeah
16-20 and you're only allowed three 20yos
Gavin Roberts
Shut up retard
Elijah Hernandez
Cope tranny it's Christ Chad weekend get bent
Elijah Peterson
In 1995-96 YOUR london knights went 3-60-3 with a 0.068 winning percentage
Gabriel Sanders
how'd they win three times?
Bentley Watson
have that haircut now
Jordan Flores
Shut up retard
Carter Perez
They would just beat the shit out of the other team so if they had a goalie fight against a shit team they could probably pop one in on the backup and then go back to fighting
Jackson Brown
Brandon Williams
Seek Christ tranny
Robert Walker
Shut up retard
Colton Perry
Cope tranny
Daniel Torres
my mind is just worried about fartnado he got fired from his job (due to incompetence) and is failing his classes and he is still fat and he still doesnt have his drivers license
and worst of all his islanders havent gotten to the playoffs without garys covid seasons
Anthony Ramirez
dont care
Jace Wilson
he had a job? very surprising
Andrew Butler
Source on governor impeachment paperwork
Landon Sullivan
I'm a straight white male. I just happen to be intelligent enough not to believe goat herder fairy tales.
Jeremiah Morgan
he had a job then broke down on twitter about failure, then is job hunting again
dots have been connected
Jaxson Garcia
Would you perhaps consider yourself.. euphoric?
Josiah Walker
[euphoria intensifies]
Landon Torres
Digits confirm drought ended
Sebastian Sanders
this niggas enlightened by his own intelligence
Cooper Mitchell
That 95-96 season was the main reason the old london gardens (the place where Johnny Cash proposed to June Carter) got the ice removed. a valve burst when the knights had a 3-0 lead and blew a giant hole in the ice
Lucas Garcia
Jose Gray
how old is that image
Liam Watson
Parker Murphy
Austin King
retards couldn't even figure out how to set the clock
Charles Gutierrez
>I'm a straight white male. I just happen to be intelligent enough not to believe goat herder fairy tales.
Carter Allen
kek never thought about it I think that shit was prime around like 2011-13? Then that guy shoved a banana up his ass to prove there's no deity
Carter Williams
I just saw sarah palin and narwal which I know is an oldfag redditt thing
Jackson Perez
Sarah Palin was a draw
Adam Rogers
yall know this is #truth
Luis Morales
true I didn't even need the porn parody as an excuse to rub one out
Connor Taylor
based and Alaska hockey mom rubpilled
Liam Anderson
is that jason robertson on the left?