Truly how far will the Mouse go?

Truly how far will the Mouse go?

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ugh this fucking nigger

disney objectively has no morals. They are absolute shit at everything. Surprised they pulled Lion King out of there ass which managed to b somewhat decent

We already had this thread

What's wrong with a fucking telescope?

It’s offending the volcano gods

This, protesting a power station, shopping mall, factory, garbage dump or anything like this is understandable, but a fucking telescope?

The way I read it is that they don't so much a problem with telescopes, there's already telescopes on the mountain after all, but the fact that previous telescope-guys promised they'd clean up after themselves and now there's abandoned installations on the mountain just sitting there crumbling to dust because the telescopes aren't up to spec any more and nobody wants to foot the bill for the clean-up they promised. So you protest the new one to make enough noise to actually change shit so they're forced to clean up. Also there's the doubt over whether we even need more telescopes up there that'll be obsolete in a few years, with how we're employing orbital telescopes.

There are very few suitable sites on the entire planet for extremely large telescopes.
>La Palma
>Mauna Kea
Yes it's basically 3 places on the planet. Those sites are already overcrowded.

I always thought those 3 moles by his eyes were a tattoo. Like those teardrop ones gangsters get when to count the number of people they've killed or something, even though I know he's not a gangster.

didn't he grow up in fucking iowa?

LMAO island nigger is afraid of technology

Yes and he’s half white

Well said. Is Jason OK?

Filthy Lies

Ezra is on the island too, I hope Jason and him will reunite for a reunion

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It's a fucking telescope. It's not like they are building a goddamn coal mine or a nuclear plant over there.

>reunite for a reunion

Yeah that was retarded, sorry

The teardrop tattoo is what you get when someone close to you dies from gang violence

If they let the jungle grow over the abandoned complexes, they could open a Final Fantasy theme park.

>growing above the clouds
I don't think you understand how mountains work, or why they put telescopes on top of them.

True enough. It makes their gripe more understandable. Those things are just up there becoming dilapidated eyesores with absolutely nothing to disguise them. I also get why they're questioning the need for more of them in the age of orbital telescopes.

he's such a fucking poser
he was fucking RAISED IN IOWA


he also married Lenny Kravitz used up goods. dumb fucking retard. him and the rock. such a fucking gay ass posers.

>he also married Lenny Kravitz used up goods. dumb fucking retard.
You're just mad that he achieved the impossible of having a childhood tv crush and then growing up to become a Chad and marrying the crush. Your waifu wouldn't spit on you if you were on fire.

No it isn't you virgin

In prison, the teardrop tattoo is used to tell others that you've killed someone. In society, we express the same thing with clown makeup.