What's the verdict on Shoah?
What's the verdict on Shoah?
didnt happen
10/10, didn't happen but shoul- oh, you mean some series
too soon
C'mon post the pics already m8
The Nazi posters vs The Hitler Tranny posters is my favorite rivalry on this board up there with Sneed posters vs Mask posters
Holy shit it worked
YES YES invert my disgusting Nazi penis into a neovagina
Completely not a mad nazi (me) shielding with a layer of urony
Do you think this influenced his behavior in WW2?
Like clockwork
Do you think if we keep creating these threads he'll keep doing it?
Why do you get so upset over memes? Not even that guy btw
>Marx was right
Have you taken your hormone blockers today, faggot?
I hope it will become endearing and friendly rivalry at some point. Honestly, this Hitler stuff just holds back nationalism, so appreciate what the Libertarian is doing. Hitler was agent of the Zog hired to ruin Europe anyway.
get to work /pol/ trannies
Maybe. I’m gonna nazi tranny post on pol on the meantime
Sounds like youre projecting, tranny
Stop making fun of me, I know my attempt at layering irony was pathetic.
Most nazi's were tranny, are you calling me a nazi? Tranny.
>youre projecting, tranny
user has a difficult time with any irony but his own
Nobody cares about Hitler, its the fact that these faggots raid any political thread with obvious bullshit like "HITLER WAS A GAY JEW WITH ONE TESTICLE WHO ATE DOG POO". They do this to shut down valid discussion because they are afraid and want Yea Forums to be a leftist safespace like r3ddjt where everybody has pc opinions.
Lmao did you /pol/ fags really start a new thread because you got run out of the last one? Christ just go to bed already
>L-lmao did you /pol/ fags really start a new thread because you got run out of the last one? Christ just go to bed already
>waaaah stop telling jokes on a meme board
if you want a serious discussion on hitler's sexuality go to /pol/ or something idk what to tell you. People tell jokes here and if you take this shit seriously you're just an autist.
>Most nazi's were tranny,
No they werent you fucking fascist. They were disabled genderqueer afrodykes who worked in the sex industry. Fuck off with this antisemetic and transphobic revisionism
>these faggots raid any political thread with obvious bullshit like "HITLER WAS A GAY JEW WITH ONE TESTICLE WHO ATE DOG POO". They do this to shut down valid discussion
lmao they do it to get a reaction out of the overly sensitive NatSoc posters and it works every single time. Do you honestly think these guys believe Hitler was a gay tranny scatman? They're deliberately over the top with this shit because it draws (You)s and you faggots fall for it every single time. Get a clue
>a no u post
christ you really are fuming. Now go ahead and copy this back you fucking muppet.
Shut up retard, I didn't give you permission to respond to me, inferior little sjw faggot.
post height and jaw
Thats not the point, they are raiding and spamming to inhibit discussion. Any time anything politically right wing comes up they start to do it. Its not just neetsocs who are baited, its autists who care about history too. Spamming is a form of censorship akin to yelling into a megaphone during a speech. Mods and jannies dont do anything about it either.
calm down sweetie
>wahh wahh stop bullying me
Poor little baby.
>t. Literal incel
>libtards are afraid of this
Maybe if you're mad about people spamming in your politics thread which are THEMSELVES spam on a fucking TV board, go to /pol/ or somewhere else.
Reminder this is all because someone archived a /pol/ fag in another thread and he got so mad he spent the next 3 hours spamming the board
No, television and film can overlap with politics. And when it does the discord shills/jidf come out in full force. Stay naïve.
>inhibit discussion
Are you honestly looking to have thoughtful historical discussion about history and the Nazis on fucking Yea Forums dude? A board known for its low tier discussion and spammed memes? Why not go to /his/ or /pol/ if that's what you're looking for? Not even comfy Simpsons posters sperged this much about Simpson discussion being ruined forever and you guys have dealt with 1/10th the spam they have
>they are raiding and spamming
Just like the NEETSoc posters see pic related. In fact Tranny Hitler spam began as a reponse to Bazi spam see pic related (much more where that came from btw). You can't cry when someone fights autism with autism
Nobody cares, seething discord tranny
why would they mock trannies if they're tranny themselves? Seems like you're just trying to repeat back the insult
How is that raiding you fucking idiot? Its one post
nazi tranny posting never fails to get a response. Literally is creating a discord /pol/ tranny raid in response to it.
>why would they mock trannies if they're tranny themselves?
Why wouldnt they? Tranny freaks get aroused by self-hatred
is that why /pol/ mocks trannies?
>How is that raiding
It's spam one that has been going on much longer than Nazi Tranny poster
>Are you honestly looking to have thoughtful historical discussion about history and the Nazis on fucking Yea Forums dude?
Thats irrelevant. Its about discord shills spamming Yea Forums with garbage to control the narrative.
To the nazi tranny posters credit they never start threads, only flood /pol/ threads.
>Its about discord shills spamming Yea Forums with garbage
I take it you're just as outraged with the NEETSoc spammers then right? see pic related and:
Ha. Posting an image every other day isnt spam you absolute dumbfuck, ive never even noticed this. Nazi tranny spammers are way way worse, the fact you think to compare these two things prove youre too fucking stupid to talk to.
>only 13 unique posters
Why do (((they))) think they can spam and no one will notice? Schizophrenia?
I'm gonna take up nazi tranny posting now.
>Posting an image every other day isnt spam
The absolute level of cope and willful ignorance. I guess it's ok when your team is doing it right?
That's Yea Forums related and relatively infrequent, it also appears to be one dude. Stop being a snowflake, sjw libtard.
Again, they are totally different orders of magnitude and that one is from a movie. This is a literal meme too, you're as dumb as a fucking brick.
you're right that it's 1 guy. A really mentally ill /pol/ tranny.
stop crying over off topic shitposting in off topic shitpost threads. Sorry if your ebin trolling isn't going the way you wanted. Maybe you'll have better luck somewhere else if you can't handle it here.
The person spamming the threads is also one person
based schizoposter
>That's Yea Forums related
It clearly isn't you think the OP is trying to start a good faith disucssion about Schindler's List? lmao don't be a simp
>relatively infrequent
There's literally pages and pages of it spread across years. This isn't just replies in threads btw these are full threads in of themselves how is this not spam?
>appears to be one dude
What difference does it make? Sneed poster was mostly one autist too spam is spam
>Stop being a snowflake, sjw libtard
Says the guy literally defending his spammer while crying about another. Again don't cry when someone fights autism with autism
I know this is the designated /pol/ b8 thread but I actually really like the movie. The interviews with the head of Treblinka were kino, and the entire hour of Polacks shitposting irl was great because you could see the director get visibly frustrated.
wtf you literally said it was 1 guy a second ago do you have alzheimers
Spamming to slide a thread is not simply off topic posting, you incredible dumbass.
>getting this assblasted over being called out
We get it, uoure a gay faggot who wants dick up his ass, now stop crying about some bot posting a funny meme, youre such a fucking sperg
Hitler was trans, that's why he had to stop the Jews. Jews hated and will always hate trans people. We have to stop them before it's too late!
>No argument
Holy fuck youre an idiot
This is actually true. Israel's Education Minister called transexuality a mental illness that won't be taught in schools last week and all the lefties freaked
None of this would have happened if /pol/ could just handle the bantz
>p-please argue with me
I only argue with smart people, dont get upset. Most tranny faggots like you dont qualify haha
Jews are the enemies of sexual minorities. If Hitler had won the war, we would already have equality for all LGBTQIA+
>t. Seething discord tranny
Have vaginal sex, incel
>all of this because some fag archived your post
This. Hitler was a disabled poc (self identifying) sex worker. He was trying to expel the bigots, who were mostly jewish. All these fucking tranny shills are just muddying the waters to hide the truth.
>every post on Yea Forums is the same person
Take your meds schizo
(((they))) really are prone to schizophrenia as we can all clearly see in this thread.
yeah what a coincidence some fag keeps spamming his rage threads in here multiple times now.
Fake and gay
Transexuals are mentally ill so your opinion is irrelevant, sorry sweetie ;^o
why didn't he just draw better?
Because he was an untalented jew homo
Looks no worse than van Gogh