why were 80s movies so aggressively homo-erotic?
why were 80s movies so aggressively homo-erotic?
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because republicans were in power
I feel like that body is the most natural type we could ever achieve without roids.
They weren't, you're just projecting.
It was only considered homoerotic after fags starting challenging masculine imagery and male cameraderie.
>pic unrelated
why would you not want to use roids
the 60s sexual revolution and feelgood degeneracy of the 70s had matured into anything goes cocoaine and butt sex, thats why AIDS spread like wildfire, the righteous wrath of God
They shut your balls down, and there's no guarantee that a PCT will turn them back on. And if it does work and your nuts starting producing test again, there's a good chance they won't produce as much as they used to. Being on TRT sucks
What movie
Top Gun
>miring a good body
Mad Max
>They shut your balls down, and there's no guarantee that a PCT will turn them back on.
That's why you blast and cruise. I used to do PCT and sure, it worked, but it's very stressful for the body and your psyche, because you test drops and your cortisol skyrockets.
The balls thing is highly individual btw. My balls never shrink even on a heavy cycle.
>Being on TRT sucks
Why? It's just one shot a week.
i fucking love top gun, but whenever i watch it i feel kind of sad that im only a normal pilot and not some kind of fighter pilot.
good image
I got shitty genetics I guess. My balls look like peanuts on just 500mg of test, I've only ever used test though, maybe I'll try HCG next time. I don't mind needles, but having to get stuck every week for life sounds like a pain in the ass
because wierdo degenerate homos actually get turned on by normal, awesome, healthy masculine stuff. thats what makes them depraved
Are there any roids that make you lose that last 20 lbs of fat and get abs? I have worked out my whole life, and I'm strong as fuck, but I can never get "cut." I have more of a power lifter body type. Don't drink alcohol and eat healthy, but I just can't get that 6-pack look. Any supplements or roids that will do this for me?
>I got shitty genetics I guess. My balls look like peanuts on just 500mg of test,
Nah, most people's balls probably shrink. Don't beat yourself up over it. I just have big balls. I even got a nickname because of it in high school.
>I don't mind needles, but having to get stuck every week for life sounds like a pain in the ass
Meh, I barely even feel it. And you could always do HCG if you want to get off, but why would you after a certain age? Testosterone is the fountain of youth. All male actors over 30 are on it and low dose HGH.
Roids are for building muscle or keeping it on a cut. They don't actively burn fat, except trenbolone, but I wouldn't recommend that shit to a beginner. Try an ECA stack or clenbuterol.
i hod no idea roiding is such a big thing to be honest
>it's not gay if ________
Sure thing homo.
projecting fags and feminists attacking masculinity are the only ones making these accusations
very underrated post to be honest
1 in 3 guys, who lift in Britain, roid or have roided, according to a survey they conducted. Now, imagine a country where masculinity isn't shamed. I live in eastern Europe and I'd say that about 75% of regular lifters roid.
>I live in eastern Europe
Are you the /fit/ guy who lifts in his room with the ski mask?
Top Gear
No, that guy's a fucking retard. If you're from /fit/ you may have seen my pics. I'm the guy with long hair and tattoos.
Lotsa coke.
Why? I lift and people are impressed by my results. Never roided but i get accusatory glances every now and then.
Just eat a shitton of meat and workout constantly. It’s simple. If you can’t afford meat it can be hard I guess but chicken or eggs probably works too.
The Soviet Union has infiltrated Hollywood and had them make movies to turn people gay and stop reproducing.
top kek
People will be impressed by anything. I was accused of roiding in high school when I was 180lbs. I personally started roiding because I was close to my natty limit after 8 years of lifting and I wanted more.
>masculinity isn’t shamed
>muh based east yurop
Yet you need high tech chemical hormone injections to be masculine?
if seeing sweaty half naked men with bulging muscles makes you want to have sex with them then YOU'RE gay. its nobody else that gay, its just you. it doesn't make me want to have sex with them, or any other heterosexual man. thats just normal bro stuff. its good, and its healthy, and its not sexual, its only degenerate weirdo homos that make it sexual
There is no Natty limit. That whole concept is roidist circlejerk propaganda. My doctor asked me twice if I roided.
You’re either a man and you have genetic potential or you’re a faggot and you need external chemical stimulation like a tranny.
I’d say I look pretty big but I’m also training for aesthetics/strength more than sheer size.
ECA isn't a roid and doesn't really function except as an appetite suppressant.
Top Gun is the closet case who doesn't know he's gay of movies.
>There is no Natty limit. That whole concept is roidist circlejerk propaganda
Okay, you've been lifting for a year max. Got it. Come back when you've been lifting for more than 5 and your gains have pretty much reached a dead stop, and you're struggling for months to put another 5lbs on your bench.
>You’re either a man and you have genetic potential or you’re a faggot and you need external chemical stimulation like a tranny.
This is called natty cope. Literally every pro athlete in the world is on gear and they all have superior genetics to you.
>I’d say I look pretty big but I’m also training for aesthetics/strength more than sheer size.
You know the drill. Post body.
I know ECA isn't a steroid. Learn to read. And it absolutely does boost metabolism, just not as much as clen.
>"This is called natty cope."
>there is a fucking name for it
>"natty cope"
How tall are you?
Come to /fit/, way better memes than Yea Forums
no way dude, i'm 5'8. id kill myself after a week of /fit/.
>i'm 5'8.
Perfect. Everyone on /fit/ is a manlet larping as 6'3, 240lbs, 10% bf beast with an 8 inch cock.
Hit the iron lads.
>Literally every pro athlete in the world is on gear and they all have superior genetics to you.
good thing i'm not an insecure amateur athlete then haha
actually watched for the first time today and it was total bro kino, anyone who reads homo-eroticism into what is obviously male comradery and competition has mental problems
The manlet memes are all in good fun, no one actually cares lol
Because we used to love men
everyone on Yea Forums has three girlfriends, five penises, is 7'12" tall with a ten inch dick
same thing
>everyone on Yea Forums is a tranny
5’ 11”
When you try to hold off something for too long, the pressure builds up and eventually erupts. This is true for homosexuality which is present in everyone. Try to be gay sometimes and watch anime and stuff then get back to society and be masculine and tough.
Yes. It's perfect and unironically my goal body.
>Try an ECA stack or clenbuterol.
Done both in the past. Neither did anything for me.
tren it is then
>why were 80s movies so aggressively homo-erotic?
They weren't, they actors where just fit without using steroids
there was nothing homo about it. they put those scenes in there for the WOMEN watching the movies. but of course you think its gay since you are clearly a faggot, OP.
Threadly reminder that 8 years of democrat power got us this.
You're supposed to eat less and lift too, genius. That shit ain't magic.
>why were 80s movies so aggressively homo-erotic?
but society aggressively less gay?
Yeah, dude, two muscly dudes high-fiving and patting each other on the ass has NEVER been homo-erotic. It's just the Jews hijacking white culture as usual.
That's right, I said it: two muscly dudes rubbing up on each other just having a good manly time is WHITE CULTURE
back then being gay would make people not like you, so people werent afraid of doing things that could be perceived as gay, since nobody acted gay or else theyd get beat up.
similar to the muslim world, male friends can hold hands and not be worried about being called gay, since gay people get put in prison they are all secretive about it
pretty much, no one accused anyone of being gay in a serious way since thems fighting words. nowadays people can ask if your gay not caring if you are or not, since theres nothing wrong with it
Who remembers this really gay scene from the Lost Boys?
>a decade of unabashed homoeroticism in film in a decade where being a homo in US public virtually guaranteed being a hate crime victim
I miss the days when Hollywood was so divorced from reality they could produce things like this completely unaware of socio-political agendas. When they got 'woke' was when movies started turning into platforms for ideologies.
why have degenerates made it impossible to appreciate male beauty on a platonic level without being a faggot
she's cute
ok, but that's a girl, maybe not a bio girl, but still a girl.
that's not gay. but shirt cis men with oil all over their muscles is gay. stop trying to cope.
calling it beauty is gay though.
you prefer the basedboys and transfaggots?
good on you then
>but that's a girl, maybe not a bio girl
You're retarded
>imagine being 2% fag
oh well.
more cute trans girls for me then. who's the real faggot virgins? keep fucking your hands.
based, and actually redpilled for once
>more men for me
Nobody that isnt gay cares, faggot.
There's nothing homo-erotic about this scene.
jacking off isn't gay though faggot
yeah it is. you can even get aids
Why not become a fighter pilot? If you're under 32 there's plenty of reserve and guard units hiring around the country.
Actually based post
Is this achievable natty?
Neurotic homosexual midgets like Tom Cruise tried their hardest to project a masculine image and it backfired.
manlets bragging about having muscle is like a fat girl bragging about having big tits
because you're insecure
who was bragging?
im happy in my Boeing
fighter pilots arent even that cool... i guess....
>project a masculine image
By whom?
People are just insecure
Reserve and guard are part time, just one weekend a month you go fly a fighter plane and then back to your main job.
i'm not from the US and i think that "fighter pilot on the weekends" thing is way more complicated than you imagine, dude
>proceeds to fap to traps
They weren't, it was just the tine when men doing ANYTHING even remotely masculine or even just for their own enjoyment was branded as gay or homo-erotic, mainly to shame them into being quiet and humble and small.
Small, quiet men do as they're told and don't get angry. They don't upset the wheels that turn the mo ey machine. It's around the same time communities started being destroyed, and you were convinced your neighbours were all after your shit. Weak, alone, distrustful. Save us papa government.
I think that was the point. Those fags fetishized masculinity. It's like the reverse-trap fetish where instead of wanting to be overtly feminine they want to be overtly masculine in a completely sexual way. Either way I don't get why normal people are forced to put up with their antics for purely moral reasons.
There's nothing gay about shirtless dudes in good shape. Fags and women don't understand viewing things non-sexually as sex is all they think about.
If a hetero man sees a a fit man he doesn't feel sexually attracted. He feels like she should be lifting weights or doing sport so he can look more like the fit man. Today's numales think and behave like women so they probably can't understand this type of masculine motivation.