

Attached: Are_All_Men_Pedophiles_Correct_Poster.jpg (259x383, 12K)

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need hotter girl

never watched it but it should be a cuncun in the poster


I think most men prefer ladies between the ages of 14-20, yes.

I don't know about all of them, but this one is.

yeah pretty much I guess I don't know

If you consider wanting to fuck 13-18 year olds pedophilia then women are pedophiles too.

Bunch of sexist bullshit
>old hag goes after 18 to 25 year old
>30 year old man hitting on a 25 year old
>you fucking degenerate pedo

>chick on poster looks to be at least mid 20s
Wow, so edge


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Better yet a single mother

last time i replied to a thread with this picture i got a 3 day ban for "replying to pedo shit"

be careful friends

Lol pedo

my friend literally argued this. If you even LOOK young even though you are 25, if a man is attracted to you, he's basically a pedophile or is likely a pedophile. It was insane. It removed any and all agency from a woman who chooses to look youthful.

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i didn't even say anything like that, just that i saw the movie and that it was bullshit because it was referring to teenage girls like 14-15 which obviously every straight man is attracted to.

Call him out for being sexist and to check his privilege.

>admitting to being attracted to underage girls
Lol pedo

Mods ban evading pedo

14-15 is granny territory

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no the ban was like a week ago, i'm using my neighbor's unsecured internet to post this in case they ban me again. fuck em. i see people posting /pol/ shit all the time get warnings on the Yea Forums/ban pages but i posted something pretty innocuous and got a 3 day ban.

It's just plain not a bell curve. It's baseline till about six then ramps up rapidly peaking around 10-12 then tapering off to about 3/4 max at about 16-20 before slowly dropping to half or less by about 25-30 before nosediving. Far too complex for such a simple distribution.

that's a grown woman not a baby

You were talking about being attracted to 14 year old girls, you deserve more then a 3 day ban.

She's a woman

cringe reply desu ne. I bet you're gay too

>when you realize most normies actually believe this

I honestly can't wait, 3 more years till I can get some eternal sleep.

Children want and need intimacy.

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would you buy a second hand sex doll?

Thats not remotley true. Nobody cares is shes over 18. Definitely nobody cares if shes over 21

Tell her that she has internalized misogyny and that she should stop holding back other women because of her own selfishness.

Why the 3 years?

I believe there was a SVU episode about this, some woman in her 20s had that Gary Coleman disease that made her look like a kid forever. I believe the moral of the story was that she should die a virgin, cuz pedos.

non sexual relationship with a cute cuncun >>>>>>>>>>> any sexual desire fulfilled relationship with a roastie

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Pedophilia is about the attraction to the power dynamic between a much older person and a much younger person. It has nothing to do with finding a kid sexy or whatever. if that was the case, anyone who thought a flat chested, narrow hipped model is a pedophile. Or anyone who is into short women is a pedophile.

That's why a person can't be a pedophile if he is into a woman who is a full adult but just looks like a child. There is nothing to sexualize there. It would be like being into BDSM except there is no dom or sub, yall just wearing leather gimp suits for some reason.

are wholesome blowjobs sexual?

i just find pubescent girls to be peak aesthetics. if an older girl looks like that even better. but it's extremely rare. and it's far from being just about the size of the body. that's unrefined pleb shit.

This. Does anyone think a pedophile would be attracted to a child who has had multiple sexual partners, talks like a grown up, and doesn't look up to him as a domineering figure?

I have a contract, I've been planning this for over 10 years now. I'm pretty much in the final stretch now. All I'm doing is saving enough money to pay my family when I'm out.

Wrong, because pedophiles have an emotional interest in children. The child has plenty of power in the relationship as they can threaten to withdrawn their affection.

It absolutely is about the child being beautiful.

It's such a pretty place. Pity about the people.

depends how cute and sexy she is

>wrong, because pedophiles have an emotional interest in children
>therefore it is about the child being beautiful

Replied to the wrong post?

You are a goddamned moron. I have no interest in any sort of power dynamic. I just think ten year olds are sexy as fuck.

So you're telling me you're evading a ban by using your neighbors internet. So you can continue to post, i.e., ban evade. Whilst continuing to discuss your sick attraction to underage little girl pussy. I bet you're watching child pornography. Think you'll get away scott free because it's not your internet.
Guess what buddy.
I just let several tips to the fbi and your local police department. Your neighbors will get a visit. Then you will.
Enjoy prison and an afterlife in hell.


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>A woman stuck in the body of a child
You mean like the movie Orphan?

Fuck I'd love that.

>tfw I didn't save pics of women complaining about this very thing because I thought nobody would be stupid enough to not know about it
Next time...

There's nothing illogical about that. They also have a sexual interest. But when people are uninformed about pedophilia, they aren't aware of the emotional component, so their view of how a pedophile is likely to treat a child is extremely skewed.

I'm talking about Earth and our lives.

Ok Yea Forums hackers,
My name is Boris.
I'm what you call a 'boomer'.
You might think this is a funny joke haha.
But it's not.
I'm 5"7 which is tall in my homeland.
In my place, girls get married at 12.
That's how it's always been.
I come to america.
And see all the unmarried 12 year olds.
And think to myself jesus christ these godless heathens.
I drive my honda civic.
Past the playground and its filled with bastard old whores.
Fuck I hate america, alot.

Women between sexual maturity (around 14) and peak fertility (around 21) are the most attractive... that's how human evolved...

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little girls are the only display of true femininity in the modern world. roasties are completely corrupted by the time they turn 16-17. they're taught to behave in a completely unnatural sexually aggressive behaviour and use it like a machine gun. you can still find feminine girls of age but it's extremely rare these days. sorry for not being into birth control addicted trash bags that behave like apes with boobs

You just have to go to twitter and find topics like Leonardo DeCaprio to find people foaming at the mouth about how 19 is pedophilia. It really is insane; so desexualized and dehumanized.

I doubt you would find that ten year old sexy if she didn't fit the innocent child archetype

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i had a friend who went to high school with a girl who apparently had andy milinakos's disease and looked like a prepubesent. she refused to date anyone and assumed anyone interested in her was a pedophile. pretty sad. im sure she moved on from it

It is, but I've overstayed my welcome.

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It's hilarious how wrong you are. One of my favorite stories found on an erotica site follows the exploits of an elementary school aged prostitute. Certainly not "innocent child archetype", but it gets my boner pumping.

I just think they're really cute (and funny)

go ahead, post a pic of a kid you think is sexy

Oh yes, let me go ahead and get myself banned.

How are you going to post this without anymore information regarding the subject matter you speak of?

it can be SFW retard

Have a look at all the women whining about leo dicaprio

Every time I've ever posted pictures of attractive underage girls I've wound up with a ban. Not gonna happen.

mods think all little girls are sexual so they hand out those bans like candy.

based mods proving that little girls are inherently sexual

whos the blondie

no those are for bonding with you're lgf

there is nothing wrong with teens having sex with adults.

Only with the FBI

>dat webm in the other thread
and it's still in the archive

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literally on yahoo right now. look at the comments. full of bitter women and white knight faggots who are supporting them.

>Interviews with Dick Swaab

Dammit, I missed it, what thread?

Americans say that if you are 40 and date a 20 year old, you are a pedophile.

search op md5

I don't know, lost my virginity with a 13 year old and it was pretty fun.
She was horny as hell.

>Dutch movie
>about glorifying pedophilia

Checks out, fucking flatlanders.

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Is it the swimming girls or something else?