What are some sleazecore films?

What are some sleazecore films?

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bull really let himself go

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Timothy Olyphaunt in Girl Next Door

we know. we've all seen this picture a thousand times.

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with a phone, you can post anywhere you want

write a short story about this image

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The Doom Generation
Bad Santa 1 and 2

Most John Waters movies

that's how at least 20 percent of us will die
double if it's energy drink related

this guy got on Yea Forums and saw this thread and died right there in his chair. RIP speedstick bro

>Dresses like he drives a Benz convertible but actually drives an old Civic instead.

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Fear and Loathing

The generic nerd posters make it even better

That makes it even sleazier

He's not a sleaze at all. He's a King.

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Joey laid his head back ready to face the afterlife, he wondered if God was a being that took the form of whatever the beholder thought comfortable and hoped he would look like Fred Rogers. Through his closed eyes the glare of the nuclear detonation shone through the night like high noon. In a few seconds the shockwave would demolish the house and him along with it as he prayed for a quicker death than the incoming fireball. His final thought was disappointment that he would never get to see what the improved Sonic the Hedgehog movie design would look like-

Then Joey knew only silence & darkness.




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It's obviously a burner car with fake plates. Leave the suburbs sometime.

he was waiting for some video game to come out and drank to much and passed out after it got delayed a few hours

I assumed it was a BMW

There really is nothing funny about this text. Really a poor attempt. It’s a shame, too, considering the source material is pretty great.

if you think that's bad, you should read this shit

The cheap headphones tethered his limp form to the computer like a singular grotesque being, they punished his eardrums with an algorithmically-generated playlist of YouTube rap artists, but not even King Geedorah's Take Me to Your Leader at full volume could wake him from his Steel Reserve induced coma. It was 2:11pm in the shanty house in Ames, Iowa, but it was 10:11pm in Minsk, and had he been awake he'd have witnessed a Belarussian user in his Half-Life Blue Shift fan retexture project Discord server call him a lazy nigger for failing to finish the high poly model of Barney Calhoun's tactical vest five weeks after he'd promised. And he was right.

The single bed is the most depressing thing about this image


>Sexy Beast
>Fritz the Cat

Пpивeт из Бeлapycи


>Adonde los peliculas de snuf?

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Big Lebowski

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>"With a car, you can go anywhere you want" he said to himself, out loud.
Why is this the funniest part?

Because it sounds like something an amateur script writer would think is really profound but actually sounds like something an autistic child would say, which is emphasised by the said out loud part.

Having a double bed that’s never had more than one person in it is even sadder desu
>my life
Seriously. I’ve had my bed for nearly 10 years now and there’s a permanent sag on one side where I sleep and the other side is still like new

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One of those things that sounds super cool in your own internal monologue but said out loud it’s just weird

Boy, Adam has really ruined EVERYTHING.

Wild at Heart is the definitive Sleazecore film. nothing even comes close.
Fucking everything in the movie is sleazy. The mom, Harry Dean Stanton as the PI, the music, the cars, the setting.

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I found it funny because it betrays his ever present fear of minorities despite the cheap wine

you're supposed to rotate it and flip it every year dumdum

You fags realize this is Aaron Sorkin right?

Man, I wish I was as cool as this guy.

>Aaron Sorkin is in the UK driving a honda civic while wearing a royal blue polyester suit

That's not the UK

>Aaron Sorkin

Good Time

the gas is in litres per pound you poncey cunt

You wake up. Your routine is fairly simple. You brush your teeth before you eat, because that's what you saw in that text to speech reddit video that youtube keeps recommending. You take a shower. You get your breakfast in, just doing a quick lurk on Yea Forums. You open your roommate's room. You see that he's passed out. 3 tallboys this time, 1 more than the usual. You leave the house, wondering when you'll have the heart to tell him to leave. You turn the key, pull out and ignore he exists for the next 8 hours.

The drivers wheel is on the left side you fucking UK retard


>tfw moved out at 22 and got a double bed, just in case
>set up the room so there was space on the other side of the bed for another dresser, just in case
>bought extra pillows, just in case
>got used to sleeping to one side, right at the edge, just in case
>made use of the extra pillows to prop myself up so my body wouldn't subconsciously turn onto its back and snore, just in case
Sometime in the last 11 years of the case never occurring I stopped caring, and now I don't even let my own family in the door to this filthy abode.

What is top left, the guy with cigar and red leather jacket?

the aesthetic in this image
it's like a mix of nightmare and dream


How do people just leave bottles and shit around their desk. Not only is that an ant risk, its just annoying as shit to move around. How fucking hard is it to take a bottle with you to the kitchen when you are getting a new one.

There's left hand drive cars in the UK.
There's less Family Expresses.

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Those petrol prices are horrendous


Pure laziness.

You kind of would, or maybe a Merc. But no, that's an 8th Gen Civic.

Shouldn't that be "all"?

Is Too old To Die Young sleazecore?

Still cheaper than what I have to pay.

Do americans really pump milk into their cars?

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Vince is the only one who pulls it off

I dont know why but i laugh every time i see this

Make movie about trying to find the source of a snuff film.
plot twist is that the rich guy couldn’t find an actual snuff film, so someone made one for him
Plot twist and believability of the film completely ruined by the internet.
is this now the lamest film ever

Shred my nerves Mr. Cage!

>eight millimeter
In case mutts didn't understand.

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>they guy not from a movie or show is still the best dressed

Oh man. The absolute dread you get whenever you let your room get into a shitty condition, granted mine was never this bad. Cleaning it up is a good catharsis even if it doesn't change the fact that you're still a loser.

we pump it into our bodies by the gallon yuroqueer

>Liters per pound

what? it's clearly in $/Gallon. Are you stoned or something?

Is Taxi Driver still the best one?

Attached: Taxi Driver 6.jpg (913x550, 74K)

>american'ts have to pump their own milk

kek KEK

because it implies he's been talking to himself out loud the entire time

everyone else thinks it's funny so it's more likely that you just have a shit sense of humor

It's clearly Guy Pearce though

It's called Lynchian

Now THIS is sleazecore

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I-i don't have room for a twin bed.
T. Live in a shitty studio apartment. I have a big ass couch i don't want to get rid off

This but unironically

Do american cars really run on milk?

Fuck I forgot that was him. Just started deadwood recently

If you meant Indian by 'Pajeet', then that's what I am. I never do that

nah it's Mickey Rourke

Why did you use spoilers when it's the immediately obvious implication of sleeping on only one side of the bed.

Any late 90s to mid 2000s Nick Cage film. Snake Eyes is a good example of this.

haters gonna hate

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It's the apostrophe before "out loud"

shut up nigger

jesus christ you're dumb

hey I have the same fan


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having sex in a single bed is the best shit ever

Was it shocking to the general public when it came out? He's a 2019 incel living in the 70s.

true romance

Is this all there is? Is there anything but this? The quick and temporary death of comatose bliss. To forget is to live, to live it forget, to live is to acquiesce to regret, to regret is the need to forget.

This is all it is.

i rotate my matress every other week and flip it the weeks inbetween. sometimes when i am feeling lazy i will just throw my pillows at the opposite end and sleep where my feet would normally go.

Get this hothead out of here