Why didn't people like this movie?
Why didn't people like this movie?
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I loved it for its weirdness
but ive not read the books
Has anyone in any Dune thread talked about how hot it is in Children of Dune when Alia gets posessed by the Baron, gains weight and turns into a crazed sexual predator?
The idea of thicc Alia tormenting her harem of sex slaves gets me diamonds, man. Someone really needs to make a "live action adaptation" of that story line if you know what I mean.
I like it, but I can understand why people don't. It's very obtuse and esoteric.
I quite enjoyed it as well but keep hearing bad reviews about it, also most people I know didn't enjoy it.
If theres one word I could use to describe Dune it would be 'Incoherent'
>directionless plot that flies off the handle without any form of exposition
>almost no exposition regarding background details and setting leaving newbies confounded
>lacking plot structure, resembles a hastily compiled 7th grade report finished 5 minutes before submission
>clearly concerned with fan service towards hardcore book fans only without realizing that a sizeable portion of their audience will comprise of non-book fans and first timers to the series
Yeah, they blew their one and only chance at adapting this series for the normies, there isnt going to be another one for a long long time.
>a long long time.
Making the movie directed more towards the people that read the book and scifi fans instead of normies is what made it a good movie. Maybe you should stick to the latest star wars.
How can this be?
It was too s&m for the star wars meta. Too weird. But it worked enough in the fantasy and sci-fi drunk 80s that needs loved it. It's also a mess in regards to pacing unless you watch the six hour cut. even then the third act is rushed like it's on crack.
I hate that the documentary is so soiboy.
Lynch, you horny old bastard, you've done it again
The basic plot is easy to follow though. The movie has a lot of exposition where people just stand around explaining what's going on. On the other hand it's full or weird stuff like the inner monologues and stuff sometimes happens with little explanation.
It's a movie where you have to really pay attention to what's being said and when people aren't telling you what's going on, you have to think about it.
because by the time something has actually happened in the movie, you've fallen asleep
An overall lazy movie with some cool scenes.
basically binge-watch the nipple twisting weird alien scenes and sleep through the rest.
The books are full of damn near unfilmable concepts, so Lynch went out on his own on a lot of stuff (and was likely studio pressured as well) & lost coherency.
Like all his movies, David Lynch lost interest half way through
For the very simple reason that they are wrong. There is nothing wrong with the film, and never has been. Whenever you scratch the surface of a criticism of Dune (1984), you find the indefensible.
Take this gloss, for example. Bildungsroman "Action Hero Journey Boy" in the desert (Bible/Koran) is the exact opposite of "obtuse and esoteric". It is understood by all. Since Dune was clearly got right as a film the first time, the remaining question really becomes: why have large numbers of people rejected it for no really good reason at all? Why the nonsense about remakes and "doing it right, at last"? Why did a documentary film about the un-made film that could have been attract such attention?
When you actually go through it, step-by-step, there isn't an explanation that excuses or really makes sense of popular opinion. What's left is that most people were simply wrong, and chose to club together in their being-wrong about the film. A few months ago, some polite conversation with an immdiate superior at work, nice enough guy. I'd made use of some odd phrase during work (now I wonder which), and he asked about it. Somehow I explained that it was from Dune, oh hey cool, he'd read it, but that awful 80s movie though, too bad about that. I held my tongue.
And yet, an unconscious register of the special effects, the set pieces. Dune was not a forgotten film. The whole reason for aged memes like these is the clear artistry and actual legibility of the Lynch film, itself.
Hypothesis: Dune fell victim to the same wrongheaded 1980s criticism that The Thing did, and unlike the latter, never fully recovered.
I always found it funny the most iconic line associated with Dune actually comes from this movie and no the book itself.
You misunderstand me. By "obtuse and esoteric" I mean that's the way most people just see the movie. It's pretty coherent, but nobody wants to pay attention and they get confused
I agree with that on Dune. There is nothing wrong with the film, it's weird and rightfully so, but it's biggest failure is probably not having a sequel done where Paul and the Fremen actually do anything. You set up for a massive interstellar story and it goes nowhere, leaving you needing to look to the books. And people actually think Jodorowsky's Dune would have more penetration or success?
The thing is pretty perfectly structured and well crafted but much easier to grasp on to.
Dune was a movie you got high to before getting high was accepted.
And IDC what you say the third act pacing is like bring punched in the nuts. you sit there for hours going up a mountain and then everything was resolved in 20 min. It's worse than game of thrones
Behind the Dune. You get to fuck the Guild navigator now.
better than jodorowsky could have done
I liked the reverend mother's old face a lot more
People have ludicrously attached themselves to Jodorovsky's failed movie idea when in actuality he really did not care about Dune and wanted to just push his own crazy ideas on name recognition. Dope poster, though.
Why is there a flaming giraffe?
Because everything jodorowsky does is pay for mat paintings so retards who fried their brains with mushrooms can be entertained like a baby with jingling keys
Its a great movie, just very poorly directed. Fans have recut the movie and its much better.
>Paul leads a crusade to wipe out 99% of humanity because of fears of his Malthusian predictions coming true
>Fremen commit atrocities
>Paul becoming psychopathic slowly losing his humanity
The sequel would be too disturbing.
What did his versions of the giant worms look like?
It did ok financially, and got mediocre reviews.
The only reason you think "people didn't like this movie", is because you're comparing it to the super-popular book. Which isn't a great comparison - movies are usually mediocre adaptions of an excellent book.
Jodorowsky had the right idea, the concepts in the book are largely unfilmable so you might as well go way off and do your own thing.
>a good artwork was executed poorly somehow
No I know there's multiple angles to these things but I'm still calling bullshit on you. This is a technicality-thing, another nonsense. If Dune is such a "great movie", why, exactly?
Real Answer: cribbing an image of a burning Giraffe, a surreal dream-thought among many, from Dali.
Yeah the big lie about dune is that it's normie friendly. Herbert wrote dune to play in the same realm as star wars but it wasn't his thing. Books 2 -5 are philosophical insanity that wouldn't be interesting to most. Imagine 40k with no over the top militarism as a reference point.
It can never be made into a packaged series because the material isn't there. Book six kind of tried to replicate dune and has more space opera shit but only giant nerds read those books.
But then you're in "why even call it fucking Dune" territory. Just do your own shit.
>Herbert wrote dune to play in the same realm as star wars
Dune predates SW by more than a decade. A faithful film adaptation would have actually worked if released before SW (but wouldn't have been filmable), but no studio would try to do it straight post-SW.
I know that people don't like it because they've said so, not because I'm comparing it to anything.
If you've read the books, then you have to concede that for the time it was about the best adaptation you could hope for.
If you haven't read the books, then the question of "What the fuck am I watching?" will be constantly asked, even after repeated viewings.
I love the movie, but I also watched it after I read Dune and Dune Messiah. I had pretty clear ideas about the setting, the vying factions, the different races and families, the importance of Spice, the general Fremen mythology, the Bene Gesserit (spelling is probably off on that one and I don't feel like looking it up) and their breeding program, etc... The film kind of glosses over everything and hits the main points of the story, which is fine for someone like me because I can just fill in the voids with my own prior knowledge, but it has to be maddening for anybody who didn't have any of that when they watched it.
you'll understand once you watch el topo or any jodo film
Would you stick your dick in the box?
The litany against fear is in the books, user.
To get an eyeful of Reverend mother's giant veiny boobs, yes. Fear is the boner killer.
I just finished Jodorowsky's Dune and hope everyone who hasn't seen it to watch it.
It was a wonderful experience.
Daily reminder that Lynch's cut was like 4 hours, and likely had a much more rich and coherent story and narrative. But the studio took the movie away from him and butchered it down to about 2 hours. Lynch complains about it to this day, saying that the main mistake he made was not getting final cut in his contract.
Devin farci is a fat fuck that makes me want to vomit.
Four hour Dune makes sense, would have been a top tier movie. I feel like the moviegoing public, for all their issues, don't have have issue with longer films. The multiplex landscape is also more robust than the early 80s, it really shouldn't be an issue to have a 3 hour movie playing because these theaters tend to have 20+ screens compared to the make 4 or so screens of theaters back then.
Yeah, the '80s was definitely the era of shorter movies. Too bad they won't even let him do a director's cut blu-ray. He probably doesn't even want to think about Dune anymore with how much it traumatized him.
It was pretty shitty, they didn't even fight with swords.
>comparing Dune to any other Lynch movie
Quite Lynchian
there was simply too much incest in this game
based dunepasta
>too much incest
>too much
You're not making any sense fren.
people wouldn't shut up about how "long" Blade Runner 2049 was
A few that did like the movie went and bought the book, at least when it was available at the bookstore.
A dune game shouldn't just be 50% sex with jessica, 50% sex with every other female character. If anything, Chani should have taken center stage
No, it should be 90% the Reverend Mother and 10% everything else.
This. RM is best girl, followed by Harah.
Old women are always better
I'm thinking of watching this today. My other choices are Apocalypse Now, Stalker, Lawrence of Arabia, Tremors, or Child's Play (1988)
I just lover her big saggy venerable boobies and veins that likely pulse with spice.
It starts with a talking head giving exposition.
It's a prologue. Novels do this, especially in fantasy and sci-fi, where shit is just too complicated to just jump right in.
>Novels do this
This is a movie.
Sorry about that.
All good movies were better as books 100% of the time
have you read the book?
It has some really weird interpretations of things.
do you think villeneuve's dune will fare any better?
he wanted to do "Dune" so it would attract the fans, but he didn't want to do "Dune" because he has an unwarranted superiority complex and thought his ideas were better than Frank Herbert's.
ideas like the mass harkonnen army shit on the landing field at Arrakeen, the idea that caused Charlotte Rampling to bow out.
one of my main objections. the reason the Emperor fucked over the Atreides was because Duke Leto had a small fighting force better than the Sardaukar, and was in a position to expand it. rather than have 5x speed knife and sword fights, he went with that stupid sonic weapon idea.
The movie is a classic despite having major flaws.
The flaws in the movie aren’t small.
Despite theses major flaws, the film has imagery that is iconic to the extent that it dwarfs the flaws, and makes the film a classic.
Blade Runner is similarly flawed.
That has also become a classic.
he also wanted to do things just to do them, like Dali's ridiculous fucking proposed contract
Because they were promised something completely else and what they were given didn't deliver.
You really enjoy moving those goalposts.
Contrary to popular rumors, no 6-hours long director's cut, ever existed.
that wasn't me and i didn't move anything you fucking ingrate, learn how to argue, repeating things you hear others say doesn't count. if you think it does then i'll just tell you to have sex and ask who hurt you
its boring as fuck. the acting and sets were terrible. seeing picard in it was literally the only good thing about it.
Why did they add all that shit with the king at the start? Why not begin with Paul in bed like the book?
jodo has some talent, but it's overshadowed by his shit fetish and his arrogant notion that the shaman is the highest calling there is.
if he wants to rape a franchise, he can rape the metabarons.. but he'll have to go to court and fight Moebius' widow for the rights, and she's bat-shit insane. more so than he is.
I disliked Children of Dune for that and the weirdass worm mergin shit at the end. The tonal shift from the previous two put me off the series since. First book is pure excellence though
I remember when I was a kid and the Dune was shown from the TV. The next day at school, several friends asked me what the fuck happened in the movie as they knew I had read the book.
Fucking Marvel expanded universe mentality.
It overexplains itself.
Best version seek it youtube.com
Problems with Dune book 1, if you are going for a straight adaption:
1. Mentats, Space Guilds and Bene Gesserit doesn´t do anything until later in the series.
2. Jessice is a low end Breeder in the Bene Gesserit hierachy, so she isn´t as scary as actual revered mothers
3. The core conflict is about a chairman position over a mining planet, where the Spice augmented humans are conspirering to make spice inexpensive
4. Book stops after Paul ascends and controls Freemen society, so no Harkoonan war
5. Piter do something significant. Tufir does nothing until one of the last chapters where shows how scary mentats are
Problems for the movie:
1. A lot of the plot is social manipulation
2. And even more is twitches and reading people
>love Dune II video game on DOS growing up
>go to library
>there's books about Dune
>there's a Dune movie
Good times
Dune can only work as a 50 episode anime don't @me
I don't generally like Pepes but that one's quite clever. Did you make it?
Frank was blasted on shrooms on the regular
I enjoyed it.
I know you said not to @ you but I would love to see a Dune anime, it basically is anime anyways
Iconic in its own way, although in others just adds to the problem. Irulan barely gets a line throughout the rest of the film although the character is the author of the official biography which introduces most chapters in the novel.
Time for my usual observation about Irulan's superiority to Chani.
Because its an absolute triumph of production design. Also because the decision to give the Atreides a demense they neither want to move to nor would the Harkonnens otherwise want to give up is inexplicable. More widely gives muh politics a bit of input and also lets us see the Emperor before he turns up at the end.
Beware, another Bene Gesserit witch when we get down to it but I broadly share your observation.
>currently rereading Dune
>I now see that Lady Jessica in my head
Because it becomes an absolute mess after Paul and his mum crash in the desert.
They take all this time establishing, plots, intrigue.
Then it just bashes through the last hour of the movie with loose scenes.
So it alienates the stupid in the first hour by being too derp. Then alienates the patricians in the second half by being too deep.
Shame too, it still looks amazing