Do males really live like this?
Do males really live like this?
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What is this from user
yes, i have lived like that since highschool
wow I guess I am LITERALLY Rust
no just in the movies
true detective season 1
How new can you be? That's like asking what movie where Ryan Gosling wears a shiny silver jacket is from.
you know after a certain age...
If you're not a Chad it's pretty much your destiny to be completely ignored by women for your entire life.
It's a long, lonely ride and you intimately understand why men are four times more likely to kill themselves.
relying on a woman to not be lonely is retarded. a woman cannot complete you. your first step to getting a woman should actually be to become as self sufficient as possible. job, money, healty, friends, hobbies, then getting a woman is simple. even as an attractive guy, you still have to do a lot of the initial work. but you cant consider yourself a failure cause you dont get attention. thats woman shit. work on your shit and you can get something for sure
>four times
Yeah minus the work part.
>this is what incels actually believe
Go outside, man. The world isn't all sunshine and rainbows but it's not some desolate wasteland for men that don't look like Brad Pitt like you guys say
100% true.
>le go outside meme
I've been outside, that's where that belief comes from
women are dogs
dont hate them but dont try to impress them
every woman even the dumb 3rd world ghetto girls can detect insecurity, even if you try to act confident,
Thread theme:
Not really. I'm 47 and look after myself, I have a well paying job, own my own homes and, out of choice, don't have a wife or kids (I have two kids, but they live abroad with their Mother and I never see them or have had to pay anything towards them). This means my money is my money and seeing as how I live in a city that has three universities within 20 miles it means that I can go out on any night and 7/10 nights I can go homes with a girl half my age for some no-strings attached fun.
>Creampies Michelle Monaghan
Everyday male struggle
>Not really. I'm 47 and look after myself, I have a well paying job, own my own homes and, out of choice, don't have a wife or kids (I have two kids, but they live abroad with their Mother and I never see them or have had to pay anything towards them). This means my money is my money
And seeing as how I live in a city that has three universities within 20 miles it means that
>I can go out on any night and 7/10 nights I can go homes with a girl half my age for some no-strings attached fun.
same here but since birth
you worked when you were 5? If we're counting school then I am also since birth
yikes, that's the dad from interstellar, famous nolan movie
It can feel that way I'm sure but some of you guys need to venture out of your house. Women will fuck ugly men with some confidence. Especially when they have some alcohol in them.
why would ugly men have confidence? they have nothing to be confident in.
I see this shit all the time, 'you're just insecure' yeah, obviously, and with good reason. what do you want me to do delude myself into thinking I am better than I am?
christ. i was dating some QT swedish 18 year old in college as a freshman in 03. she told me she was going as the log lady for Halloween, and i remember thinking how cool and under the radar of a pick that was. nowadays any dumb bitch does it and expects a pat on the back. fuck this life.
a woman fucking some dude while drunk that she would never go near sober is just begging to be slapped with a rape accusation
pretty much why i dont even try to talk to women anymore they're all shit
Literally my house minus the cross
Man, mattresses on the floor are comfy kino. I want to do this when I move.
>It's a long, lonely ride and you intimately understand why men are four times more likely to kill themselves.
i'm 34. I've known i've been ugly all my life. I can pull women but never the ones i want. this weekend i'm packing up the things i don't need and donating them, and then on xmas i'm going to kill myself. don't believe the memes, don't believe the hype. some people are lucky in this world, and nobody hears from the rest. long and lonely road is the fucking understatement of the last millennia
Breaking Bad
That's rape if they look at you the next morning and regret it
Steam it, human waste
what a fucking zoomer thing to say. my glory won't be on display for any of you faggots. pick up a fucking newspaper for a change and read about it queer
>what do you want me to do delude myself into thinking I am better than I am?
Yes. Sure it's easier for a great looking person. And rich people. I see ugly dudes having happy families all over the place.
game of thrones
I wonder how his balls smell like.
kill yourself
is preddy gud
fuck another mans wife
dont have to deal with her shit
drink when you like
you can't even pretend to be confident, because if there is a better man anywhere even remotely nearby it immediately exposes you as a fraud which can only result in ridicule.
>I see ugly dudes having happy families all over the place.
very likely that either a) the kids are from the woman's previous marriage or b) the women is literally only there for the money because she had no other option upon reaching 30+.
There are short ugly older guys where I work too and they are all married, except the married the women when they were already well into middle age and have no biological children of their own, only step children. I would be surprised if they ever even slept with their wives.
yes and it's amazing
steel reserve
Shant be reading you blogpost, loser
What exactly am I looking at here?
seems like it would be a pain to get in and out of with just the mattress, you need at least a box springs+mattress with no frame
I'm an average as much as an average goes. I didn't care much for women growing up since I'm not handsome or tall I just got women when my friends would toss somd over my way. I managed to marry someone as well and have a kid and the burden of wagecucking seems to hit me hard even though I'm only 37. The realization that I have to wagecuck it for 20 more years just to finish our mortgage fills me with dread. Sometimes I just wish I'd die peacefully in my sleep but then I'd fear what will happeb to my family when I'm gone.
Remember whose WIFE got FUCKED in that show.
>you can't even pretend to be confident, because if there is a better man anywhere even remotely nearby it immediately exposes you as a fraud which can only result in ridicule.
That's why douchebags do really well with women. They don't have that introspection that smart people have. They have confidence (unjustified) that helps them.
Don't be Albert Brooks from Broadcast News be William Hurt. Or just pretend you know everything about human sexual dynamics and give up. Being smart and ugly probably is a curse fwiw.
I've done it for around a year or two when my bed frame broke. It fucks up the mattress and eventually you'll be waking up with a sore back
>Being smart and ugly
This is truly the worst.
Dumb and ugly guys can get laid all the time, since they don't worry about shit like "standards." Same with autists. I know a few autisitic super nerds who are full on married to fat, ugly, nerdy women.
>tfw smart and handsome, but didn't understand women until much later in life.
>Plz stream
>kek won't read your blogpost
make up your fucking mind, christ. no wonder everyone hates your generation
>Or just pretend you know everything about human sexual dynamics and give up
I'm not pretending, I have firsthand experience.
you're probably right that if you keep trying eventually you could find someone willing to settle for an ugly guy, but it's all but guaranteed that you will need to go through an ocean of women to find them. Ask yourself how many times you could actually endure that and keep going, getting brutally rejected over and over. Seemingly never able to succeed. at some point you need to know when to throw in the towel because it becomes unbearable.
Yes roastie, you wouldn't understand
a lot of these fucks that claim to be motivated and know all the tricks don't take endurance into account at all. how long should you look for someone, a year? two years? how about five? what if you've been looking for someone for 10 years? no one is meant to take that much rejection or isolation. the social stigma is the fucking worst too. i've all but given hanging out with my non-single friends or co-workers. i have nothing against them whatsoever but FUCK ME i'm tired of being one of the few single people in a group. let me be, please and don't ever bother me, why can't that be a thing instead of "oh you'll find someone" or "bro, i know this super hot chick that you'll love i'll introduce you..."
people mean well, but i've been on this earth a long time, and nothing is truly new. if you're a guy and you're single at a social event better fucking get ready to be the punching bag.
33 here. You're a brave man. Take out a banker or two while you're at it.
You are trying to sex women who are hotter than you. Aim a little lower, and you'll be set.
did you say the same thing last year? you said you wouldnt be in the same situation and would turn your life around by xmas? didnt you?
maybe i will, just for you buddy
this post is purely for entertainment.
15 years ago when i first came to Yea Forums the thought of writing that in a post would have been laughed at. look where we're at now. get me off this fucking wild ride/
The classic response, but it's wrong
no i didn't fuckwad. i was at least optimistic at that point. optimistic at 33, imagine that, what a fucking loser.
That's the thing. we all know the truth, we all know the inevitable fate that awaits us, yet we try to cling and survive. for what?
I wish you well. If you really want to get back at roasties there are better ways than offing yourself. Be in a position of authority and discriminate against them. They're just dogs wearing human skin.
that's all petty shit. why live my life being petty? the problem will exist when i'm gone, just as it does now. society will continue to be fucked. i'm checking out with the intention of actually gaining peace, not making my life complicated and petty. no offense, just not my style
It's over for sub-8 men, as all women want Chad and reject their looks-match.
Then there are some of us who cannot get, keep, or tolerate a front-line job and are therefore unemployable these days. No wonder that male NEETdom and inceldom are booming now.
Most of the zoomies here were only 12 or 13 when this season was popular
you came all this way for nothing, what a waste
my life is mine, sorry. if i want to end it that way i don't owe anyone anything. like anything in this world, do it yourself if you want it done right
How many times you say "just lower your standards bro" in a month, user?
Just neck yourself already and stop blogging, you cringy LITERAL incel
no, i want to continue being a constant pain in your dick. maybe this is my new purpose in life
replace no girlfriend with raping women and this is entirely what life is about
>I had sex with 2 different women yesterday and they weren't hookers
give me all your valuables
What movie is this aeroplane scene from? It contains a large masked man.
Damn, I need to re watch Blade runner
the rolex is already taken. there ain't much else. hope you like PC's with 1080 cards and a vr headset because that's all that's left.
>Ask yourself how many times you could actually endure that and keep going, getting brutally rejected over and over.
I understand. I'm just rooting for you and don't want you to give up hope more than anything. I've been lucky in this regard. Life is cruel bitch though and no one cries tears for men.
Being ugly is mostly about bodyfat and how you dress. Even for women. Literally anyone can become at least a 6.
Can I have your Magic cards?
No, but you can have some Dune ones. fuck, where did all the good CCG games go? another reason to take a shot i suppose.
>implying I just want to fuck them
Ditched them only Legacy remains. Only arena now
Fair enough. You have to start somewhere though. Having sex gives you some confidence with women. That's all I'm promoting.
>Having sex gives you some confidence with women. That's all I'm promoting.
You seem to be honest, and not deliberately promoting this out of malice.
Contrary to what you have spoken here today, the bible speaks of adultery as a sin unto God as equal to only those sins who wound him beyond what would otherwise be thought possible.
As someone who loves God and wishes him no further pain, I refuse to partake in the worldly dichotomy you present before me.
May God bless you and may you find your way in spite of the obstacles placed before you.
We're waiting for you brother. Come whenever you wish. We'll be here when you're ready.
Only white """males""" live like that
Others enjoy banging their white females
i would go full degenerate, sell everything pack your bags go to a 3rd world shithole do drugs/hookers and other shit, might as well go out with a bang
I respect your principles. I wish our society was more like your beliefs. I would be ready to adjust to an orthodox christian society tomorrow believe it or not. People would be happier.
no offense, but i've done that. want to know what it's like doing drugs and hookers in a third world shithole? pretty bad. exploitation isn't a fucking fairy tale. knowing you drilled the everloving shit out of some poor girl who's entire village was depending on the money she got from letting you disfigure her vagina as you wake up with a hangover isn't the best feeling in the world. much less amplified with the worst cut drugs on earth the feeling of necking yourself only increases much faster. the only way to leave a real lasting change on this earth is to make peoples lives better, and I can't do that with my meager savings.
you sound like a decent human.
godspeed user
wouldnt be bad if my job was something cool like a police detective and i had as much agency in my work as rust and marty are given
thanks user. i hope i remember your comment as i fade into the void.
/r/asianmasculinity still going at it huh
It's a cliche but do you know where nice guys finish? Be a sociopath and still go to heaven. Power Christianity is what I am promoting.
based, i'm thinking of doing something similar. Same age, same story, the thought of doing this for another 50 years is pretty maddening
if you're over 60
otherwise just make sure you don't do what I did and smack your head on the wall
Not everyone is white here you know
My biopic
what do you get out of it
i dont see the point of sex unless you have a relationship with her
i have had sex btw
*tainted love plays loudly through shitty car speakers*
>i dont see the point of sex unless you have a relationship with her
what a nice domesticated sóiboi
what movie where Ryan Gosling wears a shiny silver jacket?
thanks for the detailed and informing answer
>your appearance dictates your skills, charisma, gains, intelligence and knowledge
Dig a hole crab-bro.
It's even less work since it's one piece instead of 3. I've moved twice in the last 5 years, have you ever even seen a bed? You disassemble it so it will fit through doorways. if you tried to move it when it's together the box springs and mattress would just fall off the frame because it has to go sideways.
is this how people cope when they realize nobody wants to hear their shit? instead of becoming interesting they just insult the audience?
How would people like you come to be if this were true? (rhetorical)
ive never tried. i spend all my free time alone. i just dont care. life is a meme.
The Dark Knight Rises Season 11 Episode 5
This is what millennial failures tell themselves in order to not even try.
Not that I feel bad for you, this is your own choice, and it's always good that people suffer for making bad choices.
27 here, been researching suicide methods for some time, I'll try doorknob hanging tonight
Yes we get it
You're white.
You're male.
You're a virgin
You're "depressed" and think all the media sucks now and can't consume it anymore
We get it? Okay? Now kill yourself.
>Yes we get it
>You're white.
>You're male.
>You're a virgin
>You're "depressed" and think all the media sucks now and can't consume it anymore
>We get it? Okay? Now kill yourself.
The only one you nailed was that i'm white and a virgin.
at least be comfortable and depressed
don't live like white trash and be an alcoholic that makes everything worse