> previous
>no schedule
well lads I fucked up the OP aha
Thank you for adding the previous thread, OP.
Confío en que la humilde siempre humilde paloma mecánica clasifique al mundial pipipipipi
Millos y Cerro
You did your best.
So... is City buying Bahia or not?
Ale Bè Mwen Kom
Bellintani OUT
>no schedule
offduty cop yourself
>Heart of Cope
>+1 armor against banter from actual world cup winning teams
>san pablo can't be do povo because they come from fucking morumbi
Morumbi is now one of the cheapest middle class neighbourhoods because of Paraisópolis, a favela venceu, não ironicamente
They NEED to receive my seed.
>argie lad invites you to the boliche
>it's actually pic related
Hopefully not
>grupal fiesta
Lads... I've never been to a boliche
Gaúchão will be lit next year
BBinter x Crêmio
I go once or twice a year making the gamba to a friend, and every fucking time I step in I'm like "what the fuck am I doing here?"
I just don't get it, I never got it. I would rather be siiting down at a bar, drinking beer and smoking /vela/ with a m8
due to popular demand
pw: guild
fuck a.nal
aviancao caiu
>brasileirão on casimiro's twitch channel
spanish makes no sense
Let me get that straght, TNT got the online rights to Brasileirão but only to broadcast on Casimiro's Twitch channel?
i'm so fed up with all these globo competitors making the futebol broadcasts modern and funny and interactive
i just want good old kleber machado, caio ribeiro and casagrande, and two reporters on the field
Tem que ser muito demente pra achar graça no Casimiro.
it's probably only athletico games like last year
Flamengo is going to pay for a reform of Teresina's stadium.
If true, this is based
SPFC is the Working Class club, we have the cheapest entrances plus our stadium is rootsy af.
Corinthians became a literal playboy club
We also got 30k yesterday to see our B-team play against a literal who team from Chile.
wtf i thought he was vascaino
That's just because you haven't won shit in years and can manage your own stadium unlike Corinthians
We won a sudamericana in 2012 and a paulista in 2020 tho.
>inb4 no one cares
Yes you do care, Palmeiras celebrated the Paulista a lot
God, that was a decade ago...
being drunk can be written estar embolado or estar bolo, bolo-boliche where the people gets drunk
Theres the Paulista in 2020, ofc is not a big title, but its still cool, specially beating Palmeiras or Corinthians
A wild pack of family perros came runnin' through the yard
And as my own perro ran away with them
I didn't say much of anything at all
Didn't say much of anything at all
There's a difference between winning a estadual after over a decade and winning a estadual with 4x0 comeback
I'm not Palmeirense btw, but you know that was a massive KWAB moment and that's why it was talked a lot
Boliche in brazil means bowling
you only get to call yourself "working class club" if most of the working class in your region supports your club. in SP it's corinthians
if i was gay i would fap to hulk
also, there wasn't julk bunda in the last thread, shame on you all
Nah, Corinthians is unnironically Playboy Club. and have lost their "street credibility" a long ass time ago. Corinthians is basically the rich kids who larp as thugs club. SPFC is the club of normal middle class working law abiding paulista ppl
Your club is from Morumbi, no mental gymnastics can change that
Most favelados are still corintianos
You cannot call yourself "working class club""" if the entrance to your marble stadium built by a currupt contractor is like 400 reais.
>São Paulo
Richfag club in order
also, the drought, and some meme moments like the morumbi flood and diniz era made us the most sympathetic club in SP
Morumbi houses the biggest favela is SP mate, lmao. plus morumbi has always been a middle class hood, not an upper class one
Fuck Dana
What do you do once you're there?
Corinthians was foundedd in the neighbourhood of Bom Retiro, a neighbourhood full of JEWS, everyone knows jews are rich
São Paulo was founded in Praça da República, a square full of HOBOS, everyone knows hobos are poor
I think there was? Or was it the thread before?
Anyway, I also demand more bunda and gostosas!
>1 min: Bahia midfielder gets yellow card
>12 min: Bahia midfielder scores and takes his shirt off
>13 min: Bahia midfielder gets a second yellow for taking his shirt
At least he kept the game entertaining
Marcelo o caralho enfia o pastelão no cu
Essa porra tá uma merda com esse copo de caju
Ão....Ão...Ão abaixo ao pastelão
Take, take, take....take me back
Marcelo o caralho enfia o pastelão no cu
Essa porra tá uma merda com esse copo de caju
Marcelo o caralho enfia o pastelão no cu
No cu, no cu, no cu...
Com esse copo de caju
Ão....Ão...Ão abaixo ao pastelão