I apologize Miss Bond. But we don’t serve purple drank shaken. With syzzurp

>I apologize Miss Bond. But we don’t serve purple drank shaken. With syzzurp.

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>You and your 7 children are more than welcome to sit in the back row and watch Miss Bond.
>But I kindly ask you to stop clapping and talking loudly and saying “ooooooooooh” every time somebody places a large bet.

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Hahaha, racism, how funny, really wish I could get a girl, huh fellas?


these aren't good because people pretend they're racist they're just straight up not funny

based redditor policing raycism online

it sure is nigger

>No miss Bond. Your father didn’t call.

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Not really, faggot. I get more women than you can count.

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>Stop lying to me.
>Your name is not Kunta Kinte. I know you are Miss Bond.

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please elaborate, I'd love to have a chuckle

>Miss Bond, I'm afraid I think you cheated, OH GOD SHE HAS A GUN RUN!
>*rapid footsteps retreat*

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>Bond, Bail Bond

miss bond, those chips are yours until you wager them. you don't have to keep slipping some into your purse.

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>Ms Bond I'm sorry but we do not play dominoes in this establishment

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>I’m afraid yelling World Star and pulling out your phone save won’t you from this trail Mrs Bond.

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Where do you people even come from? Stop taking everything on the internet so seriously.

>No no Miss Bond. You cannot wager your illegitimate children when you run out of chips.

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based internet civil rights activist and paladin of racism
Keep up the good fight comrade, I've heard the ladies fancy a kind hearted soul like yours ;)

New age black lady Jane Bondson is a golden meme mine. James Bond will be ruined but the memes almost make it worthwhile.

there's literally no elaboration required it's a simple statement. you dumb boy?

i dont even care that much about racism, but people that act like the most lazy racist shit is just high-larious because omg-so-edgy are just tiresome as fuck

how is it racist?

>Miss Bond. Atributing negative personality traits to a person’s skin color also makes you a racist. What race are you attaching these comments too? And why?

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chapo check

what are you saying? do you hate niggers or not?

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>Miss Bond. Putting your gun to my head does not intimidate me. I will not pay for your AIDS medications.

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>Look Bond, I don't care what gender you are. I just want you to tell me, what is the best chess piece?

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>because that’s what I am

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>Miss Bond, white moving first is a time honored tradition, don't read so much into it.

kudos to this one's original poster

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>I do have a word to play Miss Bond, in fact it's a word that is closely associated with 'your people'

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Best Yea Forums meme in a while.

Look at how many (You)s he got. He's just a troll. Posting anti-racism shit is what gets the best reaction out of people nowadays so anons are going to post that.

It's also why Yea Forums will support a democratic candidate in 2020. Not because they give a shit about politics but because it will cause the most butthurt on Yea Forums and accumulate the most (You)s.

Nice try, demonigger shill. Pro-republican stuff still yields the most (You)s per post

Whatever you say. You better start coming up with better memes because blacked threads and the like generate the most posts by far site-wide and it's going to be a though race in 2020.

I personally am on the troll side. In 2016 I was pro trump and posted "WE WUZ" and *smacks lips* posts because it was funny and generated (You)s. Now I post blacked threads and anti-white threads because people can't stop replying to it and it's funny triggering people.

2020 can go both ways but right wingers are easier to trigger nowadays so I will probably side with the democrats if they have a crazy tranny or something easily used as bait as a candidate this time.

>black cope

so much cope
