>character does something embarrassing
>have to pause the movie and pace around the room for 10 minutes
I can't be the only one.
Character does something embarrassing
What the fuck is he doing? Holy fuck if I saw him in my gym I'd put him on the ground in a second
I only do that with cringy Youtube vids, but I don't pace around lol
I do the same, user.
Yikes, that's fucking terrible
How does he think that's okay?
What's he doing?
t. don't go to the gym or lift
For new users: the joke here is that he isn't doing anything wrong - squatting in a power rack is normal - but we pretend he is.
Stay far away from a gym if you can't see a single thing wrong...
>resting his arms on the bar
I hope he got banned and his ass kicked for that
I just finished a film I started 2 days ago because MC was doing too much embarrassing shit.
That and jump scare are the 2 things I hate cinema.
can't tell if b8
>squatting in the deadlift rack
Literally nothing wrong. Maybe camping out in between sets. Doesn't matter if no one is waiting for the rack
I wasn't planning on it whether you told me or not. I just want to know what he's doing wrong
can someone actually explain what's going on besides saying cringe or yikes?
his shoes
It's not a joke. He's a grown ass man who can only squat 1 plate. He should gtfo the gym or lift harder
The joke is that he is only squatting 1 pl8 because /fit/ is closet homosexual.
he better not be squatting in the curl rack, fucking faggot
What’s he doing?
It’s what he will be doing in a few weeks. That is not someone who will commit to the fit life style. It’s a passing hobby that he’ll half heartedly attempt and then give up and say “lifting doesn’t work” in a r9k thread. He’s a weak scrawny beta and he’ll always be a weak scrawny beta and everyone knows one when they see one.
Is that the El Mexicanbabble shooter
Maybe he should load the bar up with his 'body weight' and squat in sandals
I used to do this. Try meditating. It's helped me a ton.
>/fit/ aka /r9k2/'s sense of humor
/fit/ gets annoyed when casuals "use the equipment wrong" and this scrawny kid is on the "wrong" equipment for the exercise he us participating in. The Yea Forums equivalent might be leaving your popcorn on the floor.
A few things. Firstly, he's wearing long shorts when shorts should go no higher than mid thigh. Secondly, he's wearing emo shoes which are not good for weight lifting. And lastly, he left his baby bottle on the safety bar.
I don't understand what is he doing wrong?
>he doesn't know
There is no hope for gymcels
Chucks are perfect shoes for doing squats, what the fuck do you mean?
He did nothing wrong.
dont worry about it, read this instead
This isn't a skateboard park, you stupid emo.
>tfw too scared to try out the gym for anything but the ellipticals
Glad I have dumbells back home
>photo by Mohammed Salah
I thought the gym is supposed to be a welcoming place and fit guys nice helpful people. How about instead of taking the kids picture, tell him what hes doing wrong.
the Alpha males are usually friendly and will help you, it is the try-hard /fit/ manlets who make life strange
You gotta build an immunity. Go to TikTok and browse for literally ONE minute.
And you'll be numb.
you are so fucking gay mate lmfao
Lmao fucking white boys
Dis. Why peepoo be cray cray.
imagine being so beta that you look down on people in the gym
Every gym I have ever been to was full of people who mocked ugly and fat people
The stupid "everyone is welcome, we resprct if you wanna improve xD" only applies to literal gay fuckgyms /fit/tards go to
In normal gyms the skinny guy will be pushed off the equipment by a 300 pound alpha male and be asked why the fuck he even bothered to show up, while all the cardio bunnies snicker
i hate people like you
people go to the gym so they can one day do 1 plate
what the fuck is the point of waiting till you can do one plate to go to the gym then?
you're a fucking dick, kys
Idiots will read this and think it's real
kys faggot
everyone is welcome at the gym
You sound like a virgin
Imagine being that guy, probably some social outcast loser who gets no girls, and you actually unironically go and lift weights because you think that will somehow change your life. It’s absolutely laughable, look at the fucking guy, he’s ugly as fuck, he’s wearing non marching colors which demonstrates low social IQ, he’s just a fucking creep.
You sound like you're 5'1"
Maybe in your Blue Oyster men only vegan gyms, everywhere else skinny nerds are treated like unwanted subhumans
This is some incel fantasy for you.
In real life gym people are focused on themselves and very often dont even notice the other people in there.
Stop projecting your psychological dysfunction onto everyone else and sort yourself out manlet
Keep believing that nobody cares
I think that mostly happens in América because here in latin america you could be weak and ugly as fuck(or fat) and still you are gonna get Chad Friends who Will teach you how to lift and eat
I'm not the one engaging in fantasy behavior. Anyone who has actually been in a gym knows you are full of shit and it's actually embarrassing you think life is like a 1980s teen drama where the women all laugh at the nerd.
Like what fucking planet do you live on retard?
Even /fit/s hero Zyzz was a scrawny nerd before he started roiding and lifting
I'm Eastern European
Actually America sounds like the place where you get coddled by gay manlets, unless you lift in a 56% neighborhood
>girls don't laugh at nerds
Damn imagine having to live life being blind and retarded
He's squatting in the curl rack.
>Damn imagine having to live life being blind and retarded
Nigga at WORST they ignore you
state of this projection lmao
lmao at what kind of gyms do you people go? Everybody is just focusing on their shit, at most you'll get called out if you're doing an exercise in poor form so you don't take a trip to snap city
Normalfags are too pussy to actually confront you on anything. I intentionally would go days without showering and would sit next to them and watch them squirm while they did nothing. Sometimes I would fart too and they'd just sit there and take it like good little cucks.
at my gym we kick the shit out of people who take pictures of others that are trying to improve themselves
Reminder that /fit/ are still KHV's that have turned gay because lifting didn't teach them how to talk to girls.
You sound like a fucking liberal or something
1. No you are too pussy to beat anyone up
2. "Trying to improve themselves"lmao do you give each other hugs too?
#1 you obsess over what is and isn't alpha
jesus christ. ishygddt
Where was this confidence when Adam was talking to Joe Rogan?
Jesus christ I can't believe he thought he could get away with that lol
I hate this guy
>wearing emo shoes which are not good for weight lifting
Literally the type of sneaker that's usually recommended, retard.
t. /fit/ard who knows jack fucking shit
How much is 1pl8?
Yeah look at that guy. What a loser for trying to improve his life and stop being a loser
Chuck's are good for deadlifting, but proper squat shoes with a 1/2"-1" lift is preferable for squats
135lbs including the bar
I do 70 lbs on each side for 15 reps. Should I increase the weight?
>wanting to be the RDJ of the gym
I absolutely do that too. Can't stand watching people embarrass themselves.
How much in stone?
like $40. stone is cheap right now
Stone is for bongs to weigh themselves. We use kilo and lbs for lifting
You're paying way too much for stone. Who's your stone guy?
Not using stone but using pounds is like using grams but not kilograms.
steve. you know him?
>He buys stone from Steve
I'd say yeah. Depending on your program, you want to be averaging 5-8 reps per set.
Be sure you're breaking parallel though. You're much better off lifting lmao1pl8 with perfect form than snapping your shit up
Isn’t that Tom Holland?
Everyone Chucks are really good for squats and deadlifts. Stop talking about things you don't know.
Go back to /fit/, retard. You're just spouting memes. Why are you emo fucks so impressionable?
This happened to me. I was a noob and started curling incorrectly. This 6'4" chad smacked the weight out if my hand and told me to rack them. A few of the chicks near me bursted out laughing before the Chad went over and chatted them up. I ended up jerking off to the humilation to cope with the pain.
He's OHP'ing that.
>post something vaguely political
>discord shills start spamming nazi trannies till the thread reaches bump limit
Jeez grow a thicker skin guys
Everyone has to start somewhere. Making fun of newbies is immature and discouraging.
What is wrong with the fat Muslim?
This is fake and fucking gay
This is such a dumbass argument. The term alpha male communicates something that everyone instantly understands and they definitely exist. No one is making the claim that wolf social dynamics are directly comparable to humans when they use it.
>mixed grip
Enjoy you asymmetrical freak body.
If you wear squat shoes, people will gtfo out of the rack.
The """joke""" is that he doesn't do anything wrong.
it took me 7 hours to watch The Invitation because it was so awkward. every minute or two i'd have to get up and do something else. the longest chunk I watched was the last 15 minutes solid because it stopped being awkward once the tension in the movie broke
>No one is making the claim that wolf social dynamics are directly comparable to humans when they use it.
But they did when the term was getting popular which is why it's still around now. The people in the past were wrong for doing it and you're wrong for doing it now, everything you do is based on false equivalence, you're being wrong just by arguing that "I-I-I-ITS DIFFERENT NOW THO NOBODY REMEMBERS HOW WRONG THEY WERE SO THEY'RE RIGHT"
>Faggot ruins everything
How the hell were you curling incorrectly
Awimbaway Awimbaway
Fucking /fit/shits. I was in a car accident, a month in hospital, rods drilled into my spine, six months in rehab, and finally got a gym membership to work up my strength. headed to the squat rack with just the bar to work on balance and form and I’m grimacing (not grunting or anything stupid) because, fuck, my body is still in pain. A couple /fit/faggits start chuckling so I stare them down, take off my shirt. There’s a fucking two foot scar down my back, still pretty raw, and others on my chest, and they just go slack jawed. The hot female personal trainer immediately notices, rushes to me, starts helping. We get in a good chat about what happened, and life and exercise, and she give me her number. We dated for more than a year.
Faggits saw us together every time in the gym, the staff fucking hated them.
Fucking /fit/
>And then everyone in the gym clapped
>emo shoes
What the fuck.
And then I gained the ability to fly at Mach 5 so I sold my car and I picked her up for our date and flew really fast and then I noticed her face had disintegrated because of my speed
What's bad about that?
Ehhh, it's closer to goth shoes.
Goths and neo-nazis tend to wear those. (actual neo-nazis, not the fags that amerifats are obsessed with)
>i could never do this therefore it could never happen
Naw. She was hot, dude. It didn’t work out because I went back to college to finish my degree.
You have to go back
they're converse you dipshit, they are not at all related to boots
He's just another white guy who don't know how to talk to women so he started lifting, thinking when he will get the "abs" suddenly women will start flocking to him.
Guess what happens to these idiots...nothing. Expect now they have abs. Until they don't.
what about sneeds?
That's literally a squat rack.
>inb4 h-haha that was the joke haha
This is why I never go to a gym, I would have no idea how to workout. Better stay at home being a fat neet and save myself the embarrassment
>not a single correct deadlift
You should always warm up with 1pl8 first buddy