>Well... we call you "normies".
Well... we call you "normies"
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based chad peter
Ballsack chinned little faggot
Is this where the term originated? if so it really tells you how much Yea Forums culture has gone down the shitter
>Well... we call you "roasties"
>Is this where the term originated?
no you fucking newfag, normalfag was what it was originally here but then it got shortened by redditors to be "normie" so as not offend anyone with the "F" word.
Then people here started using "normie" ironically to make fun of the type of person who would think being normal is an insult.
Then it became unironic.
Yeah but it was first on family guy
Not even.
No, everyone had forgotten about this scene by the time the internet "normie" came about
>muh reddit
No bruh. It was us. Swallow the shame.
It came about during the original "beta uprising" shitposting now stop trying to "purify" yourself through revisionism like an insecure recent migrant. The whole "REAL 4channelers say normalFAG o.k.?!" shit is such tryhard faggotry.
you're both telling half truths to suit your narrative
the reality is somewhere in-between
No, his claims are pure horseshit. The whole
>it got shortened by redditors to be "normie" so as not offend anyone with the "F" word
is pure horseshit that can only be conjured up by someone who wasn't there. It's ficticious filling for his "narrative", as you'd say. The reality was quite simple though, it was condensed to normIE to meld better with "REEEEEEEEE" in those macros. It then took on colloquial usage.
My grandfather called me a normie for not liking shitty beer, apparently what he used to call non-alcoholics when he was an alcoholic
it's an obvious corruption probably been around for a long time with disperate groups
>Ballchin gets larger
are you really just finding out that early-to-mid 2000s internet culture originates from pre-cancelled family guy? yeesh you're young
Honestly I'm not sure which came first. The reddit theory is plausible, but I didn't lurk reddit (still don't) and I saw it here first with the beta uprising meme. Then I saw it get popular elsewhere.
The full "normalfag," however, is older than the internets. People were using that before 2006 when I came here.
Nobody was whining about "it's normalfag not normie" back then. We didn't care. It was new, funny, and quippy.
The reddit 'theory' was borne from 8ch and it's paranoid insecurity, just like >reddit spacing. Then it leaked here for insecure post-tumblr Yea ForumsesetEra fags to wave as a plastic OG signal.
you're the worst historian i've seen on here in like three weeks
People online loved Family Guy back when this aired. "Because you touch yourself at night" was a common reply.
formerly fat
Normies and normalfags are two different things. A normie is what a normalfag aspires to be, many normalfags are normies. Being a normie doesn't necessarily mean you're a normalfag though.
t. reddit migrant
this is mine, this is where my babies come from
formerly normalfags
don't go to /his/
They're the exact same thing except one is a pussy term because some faggots can't bring themselves to call someone a fag.
the problem was that normie got taken over by normalfags who use it unironically. It was overproduced in /r9k/, got transfered to reddit, then reddit made it more popular, which is why everyone is paranoid about it. anyway, normalfag is the best word and you can easily know who is and who isn't a redditor/newfag with it.
Based and falloutpilled
Yeah but that happens with everything. Big fucking deal why the fuck your entire diction needs to revolve around reddit is beyond my caring.
project harder, candyass
Its a sterilized version of the term "normalfag" originally used by rebbit users who got offended by the "-fag"-suffix
Family Guy S1-3 were just as good as good as the golden age Simpsons and early South Park
the only people that get upset about reddit being put in a badlight are redditors
you can pretend to be an oldfag all you like but you already outed yourself hours ago
>browses reddit ironically
>browses reddit unironically
go back in time and lurk moar
pretty sure this episode was out before Yea Forums existed. its okay, youngsters dont remember things that far back and tend to think their current interest/phase is the coolest shit ever
Stewie member that one time on epstein's island hehehehe
Did you write this while canning your own spooge to rub over your computer screen? You are an imbecile who thinks he (there is no way you are a woman) is hot shit and that is the most pathetic.
>tfw had so many faps to lois as a kid that even this unflattering pic of her is giving me a stiffy
Send help
>creates a thread in reference to a specific thing
>doesn't post a link to said specific thing
Coining new phrase "Normoids". Invest now.
Fallout 2 and the garbage pale kids movie
No, idiot. He's saying the term comes from fallout 2. Retard.
who here unironically likes family guy?
It's completely trash but i enjoy it.
people who can't admit they like trash are absolute betas
>watching family guy
>calls other people betas
the state of this board...
>I-I only enjoy the highest of l-ludo!
>i-i have never tainted my eyes with the trash of plebeian tv!
zzzz, everyone has their personal trash they enjoy, doesn't even only happen with tv
itt normans