Cast it

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Idris Elba

Attached: E90FE747-387A-4E25-A101-DAB5C0C8C0B7.jpg (2015x3000, 1.05M)

kek what a bitch

Attached: oo.jpg (600x400, 38K)

Not a sport, fatty

Attached: rolando.png (964x508, 535K)

Dive harder, yuro

lose weight

I'd rather watch paint dry

Attached: image.jpg (1272x720, 167K)

Gain weight

Attached: 1565560539446.jpg (1064x720, 110K)

Melissa McCarthy as the butt

He is dead

The 2nd most athletic sport isn't a sport? (Besides boxing, objectively).

so baseball?

Literally who?

>(“soccer”) stars

Attached: 52E84397-E147-4B59-AB07-06FF7991F5A9.jpg (960x960, 565K)

No wonder he got to cuck Rex Ryan

What am I supposed to be looking at here

Nigg*r collision

Is this how Americans scout bulls for their wives?

kek cheatfags still seething at based sanchez for eliminating them

No, you are NOT white, amerishart


65 is Leslie Jones

>Jets on 5th rebuild in the last 20 years
>still nothing to show for it
>got to watch Namath flip the coin that gave the Pats another Owl.


>some football screenshot
is this the super ball? what happened this year?

A black man with a white wife beat another black man with a white wife over a $400 million pay day.

Sorry but my IQ has 3 digits so I don't watch sportsball.

di-did they win?

They had mulatto children, yes.

Who was in the wrong here?

Attached: based.jpg (1200x1554, 382K)


Attached: 1555795978349.gif (625x348, 1.37M)

Brady for being wh*te

>literally illegal to use your arms

Antonio banderis

The Seahawks for chimping out

Attached: tumblr_nj4jlx2bOT1qd4z2ko1_400.gif (400x181, 860K)

Who was in the wrong here?

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Good. Our mixed blood unironically makes us superior. We produce the best athletes in the world and Europe is our vassal state.

>We produce the best athletes in the world
Do Amerilards actually think this?

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Typical double standard. If a mother did this, there would be no problem.

Fucking disgusting, you should only do that wholesomely with your daughter.

Attached: elway.gif (320x240, 2.22M)

What did they mean by this?

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What am I reading

Ya. also all our best athletes don't even compete in the olympics

Attached: usausausausa.jpg (1095x198, 54K)

Oh, you mean manufacture. I was more so referring to natural athletes.



Nothing, apparently.You stupid fuck, go to school.

Funny because Americans always used to bitch about the communists using PEDs.


Have sex

Means he's a delinquent.

Attached: c.jpg (640x480, 48K)

You have obviously never played a sport at a high level dude. Every athlete at the highest level in every sport takes or has taken PEDs (this excludes sports that don't require athleticism like soccer, golf, curling etc.)

t. Amerifat who only watches cuckolding exhibitions

What did he mean by this?

Attached: ourguy.webm (1152x648, 2.15M)

soccer's best produces only 1.5x bodyweight force output on vert jump. COPE

Found a good bull for the wife yet, Chuck?

Attached: cucks.jpg (1024x576, 208K)

Second funniest sports moment of all time behind Brazil in the world cup. It will always amuse me.

Attached: 37i3i1e.png (640x270, 191K)

pete carroll

oy vey

That was Darrel Revis, no? I vividly remember those pics of him licking Rex's wife's feet. What a hilarious scandal.

A Thanksgiving day miracle.

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>you should only do that wholesomely with your daughter

Attached: David Beckham and Daughter.png (1024x1024, 1.17M)

Attached: when your legendary shoulders finally drop.jpg (620x412, 47K)

>And you may ask yourself, "How do I work this?"

Attached: 1560137571917.jpg (620x434, 34K)

>dumb whore cousin was bragging about fucking a football player
>wouldn't say who for years
>turns out it was mark sanchez
>whole family makes fun of her any time she tries to even mention anything to do with football
She hasn't shown up to any family functions for like 2 years lmao


Attached: Cristiano-Ronaldo.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

Dude acts like a rude, loudmouthed, whiny faggot the whole week leading up to the game and then suddenly he tries to act all humble and a good sport after losing

sherman dropped off so hard, why isnt there a corner who stays relevant for years and years. speaking as a non american who has only watched nfl for about a decade

>she fucked the buttfumble