How the fuck do you sell a screenplay?
Also, why the fuck are most movies made today have such bad dialogue?
How the fuck do you sell a screenplay?
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The only way to sell a screenplay is to be part of the writers guild.
But you are in luck. First of all no one wants to buy a screenplay. All studios are looking for proven, adaptable IP. Which means you need to write a fucking book. And it turns out, its literally never been easier to write a book. You can even self publish on Amazon for about 200 dollars, complete with trademark protection.
>200 dollars
Not even. $55 for a copyright (in America) and then it's free to publish to the KDP marketplace. I have 2 books on there myself. Only sold to friends and family, but it's something.
give us a rundown or links if you're comfortable
You guys are incredibly demoralizing me....why can't someone just read my screenplay when I'm done and tell me if they want to buy it?
>why are most movies have bad dialogue?
I don't know, maybe because brainlets like you keep trying to write 'em?
They're both poetry collections. I wanted to write something as different as possible from the shit that's popular nowadays, stuff like Rupi Kaur and all the other "instapoets" out there. The problem is, that's what people want now, so I haven't sold many copies. It's really neat to hold something like that in your hands though, at the end of the day. Something to be proud of, I think. If nothing else, publish your stuff so you can have it to yourself.
Dialogue is hard as fuck to write man.
I suck at it. Of course I could go full meme and do some of the Tarantino stuff, talk about pop culture and make all the characters extensions of me, but making the balance of realism and entertainment and information is tough.
...Show us your fucking work, twit.
The best way to write dialog is to, whether you like it or not, say the conversations out loud and record what you say. Imagine yourself as the characters and speak to yourself. Do voices and accents if you have to, it honestly helps. Hearing it aloud lets the dialog feel more natural and also lets you get rid of cringy lines or weird sentences that sounded good on paper but really sound robotic coming out of a person's mouth.
Trying to write speech is tough because speech doesn't follow written grammar. People have slang, they swear, they stumble, they ramble, etc etc. People not talking naturally can really throw a good scene off.
Quit being a pussy and make your own films. No one wants your screenplay.
all movies are kinda shit tbqh witch ya famalam
>Write a movie about a trans woman that falls in love with a black guy
>Details irrelevant.
>Get some dumb white chick to be your face
>Sell screenplay to idiot studios.
>Let her take all the trash when movie flops
Now this is Hollywood.
There are a million screenplays, and less than 1% of them get made into movies. Movie directors/screenwriters/whatever have limited time.
Unless you have the perfect screenplay, it won't get made. And half the time, that requires original source material (e.g. a book, or an original movie).
Try doing something else - it's very, very difficult to sell a script. It's about as difficult as winning an Olympic medal.
Dialogue is hard to write, sure.
But getting 2 or 3 additional writers to shuffle shit around and claim screenwriting or story credit is that much more complicated. By the time the script gets readings, it's barely better than first-draft quality.
>Unless you have the perfect screenplay, it won't get made.
There are a lot of terrible movies with terrible screenplays being made today....I don't think you know what you're talking about...
I personally think there is a gigantic nepotistic firewall around film making in the world...
>There are a lot of terrible movies with terrible screenplays being made today
Artistically, maybe. Most movies studios are chasing money, rather than art. And movie studios are pretty good at making a dollar.
So you need a script that's going to make them millions. And you have lots of competition.
Less than 1% of all screenplays get made. You're unlikely to become part of the 1%. You're the one that doesn't know what you're talking about.
You dont.
Instead, you need to make short movies yourself to get attention. And don’t say you don’t have the money or resources, if you think you're capable of writing a script someone will buy and sink millions of dollars into, then you should be capable of writing 10 pages with whatever real life constraints you have.
Once you get some attention, then you’ll have bargaining power, or at least a reason for someone to care about your creative endeavors.
It's good money too because the market it literally potentially everyone in modern society. Tons of people will read a gimmicky popular book even if they don't like the genre. Find the right hook and you'll get a netflix/amazon deal quick.
Writing good dialogue is the hardest thing you can do. Back in the day Hollywood had a lot of dialogue doctors who did nothing else but fix clunky dialogue, now the egomaniac writer directors don't want them, as they believe their work to be superior.
Is this from sopranos? And if it is, post a link to the scene pls
I need a sauce on that animu. For science, of course.
Based and thank you
>When user was loyle to the capo
You move to a large city, preferably LA or New York, and go to screenwriting classes. If you're any good, the screenwriting teachers will refer you to more advanced, invite-only classes. If you continue to do well in those classes, the teachers, who usually are people who have written at least a few things that made it to production, will introduce you to some agents, and things will pick up from there.
Ichi the banana pooper, or as it is known in Japan Bananapūpā
>For science
go the fuck back to imgureddit you uncreative sack of shit. it wasn't funny or clever the first time it was said, why the fuck would you repeat it for five years every god damn time you want the source of something you god damn underage piece of garbage
What if I don't want to work for Hollywood but I want to make blockbusters?
My grandfather did the same thing, he published a poetry book with artwork from my grandmother, sold a couple dozens copies but he was happy about it.
go to festival circuit and hope that the movie you've somehow produced gets picked up to wide release.
>Dialogue is hard as fuck to write man.
Depends. Form should follow function. The biggest problem is that people focus too much on dialogue these days because of QT and Kevin Smith. The most important thing in a screenplay is STRUCTURE which very few people pay attention to.
The two most important things in a script are WHAT IS HAPPENING and WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. Decide what type of story you want to tell. This is happens then that happens next the end.
If you take a movie and break it down to what is happening you can describe the whole thing in a few paragraphs.
Then as you develop the story you expand those paragraphs into pages until you have a synopsis of most of the story beats and little physical details . THEN start focusing on dialogue but that which moves the story along or explains something that the audience needs to know that can't be conveyed through motion.
Guys like david Koepp, John August and David S. Goyer are solid when it comes to structure but their dialogue is weak while Joss Whedon has the opposite problem, strong dialogue but weak structure.
>invite only classes
This is a thing?
what screenwriting software should i get?
Also, when it comes to dialogue watch The Ninth Configuration or The Exorcist 3. William Peter Blatty was GREAT at dialogue that had references but it sounded conversational unlike QT or Smith whose stuff feels like jokes for the audience to laugh at. Seriously, Blatty's work is soo smooth compared to Paddy Chayefsky whose work I adore but feels like characters monologuing grand speeches rather than people chatting!!!FACT!!!
Yes. Same for acting too. It's not a secret thing, they just don't want noobs who need to be spoonfed everything holding up the class.
Wordpad. Notepad will work as well.
You can't sell a screenplay because you can't fucking write in English, let alone speak it, you goddamn third world retard
Nobody will ever buy my script because the kikes can't handle art.
I have a feeling you're that guy who writes those sex fanfics and posts the links on any lewd thread.
Even when its done and over it seems impossible in my opinion. Good luck.
do you use a specific template or just fountain syn?