Zero (0) bad episodes

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The last one

reminder that fly is the undisputed best episode and the ultimate pleb filter

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reminder that you're a contrarian idiot who got their expectations dabbed on by master rian

who's master rian

really tho?

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>soi wars
yeah no thanks

he's the one who wrote the fly episode you fucking nonce, that's why its so jarringly out of place and pointless

He directed the fucking episode you fucking pleb!

>the fly episode
i haven't seen any of the new star wars movies so i don't which episode has the fly in it


The first couple of seasons aren’t much more than “Walter White solves problems with science™.”

It’s a great show but it’s not the 11/10 GOAT show that reddit tards have been trying to meme it to ever since the last season.

reminder you didn't get Breaking Bad

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Fly episode was nowhere near as bad as people made it out to be. I love episodes/movies where two great actors are holed up together and do some actual acting.

Archie Bunker and Mike accidentally locking themselves in the bar freezer was one of the greatest episodes of All in the Family ever. Same with the Fly. Some good heart to heart conversation there.


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No you are right The Shield was better.

>the episode where gus dies
>the plane crash episode
>the episode where mike dies because walter is a faggot

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Same with family guy
Same with Bojack
Same with Daredevil

You got the wrong show OP

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an IQlet amongst IQlets

No. More like Sopranos, the Wire, Deadwood


justify the plane episode then

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only because all the skyler and tardkid scenes aren't packed into their own episodes but spread into a layer of shit throughout all of them instead

Absolutely filtered

>you cum on the king, you best not miss
what did he mean by this

>unironically liking skyler as a character and/or anna gunn's sour face

I'll give you the plane crash. Then again, the first season is boring.

>cast woman for bitchy wife
>write character as bitchy wife
>film show with bitchy wife
>have to pretend she's empowered strong and brave due to changing political climate
kek what a blunder

well, yeah, if they admitted that she's supposed to behave like a shitty person and make you mad it'd be fine; but instead they took the whole stance that it's walt(trying to provide for his family family after death, early on at least) is the asshole and she's a stronk independent woman

can someone explain why its so hated?

very, very cringe

Me and my friends held a mock funeral for based Walt after this series ended. Why was Skyler such an ungrateful bitch?

How anyone could interpret Skylers character that way is baffling. She was a hypocrite and revealed she was just as sleazy as Walt. I never once got the impression the show runner was trying to convince me she was strong or independent.

mikes death is kino
guses death was kino except the last part
plane crash was dumb

this show has goos episodes, but bad charaacters though
gus dieing

I like the fly but prefer the krazy-8 situation and peekaboo

>devoting screen time to gay niggers
>multiple times in a row
fucking americans have become so deluded they think this is normal or enjoyable to the average viewer

>t. Neveractuallywatchedtheshow

both Omar and Kyma or however the fuck you spell it are highlighted

And if thats the highlight for you then I guess youre gonna have to confront your own sexuality

Season 5 still makes them mad

I'd like S5 more if Mike wasn't retarded and if the Aryan Brotherhood characters were more developed. They should've just made Mike the final boss.

>muh plot