I don't tip

I don't tip

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Don't be cheap, just leave a tip

I'm a pizza delivery guy and this is honestly fine. You don't have to tip if you don't want to. There are more than enough people who cover the tip deficit you create.
It's ridiculous the kinds of tips I get tbqhwy.

i hate tarantino so fucking much

Last two digits decides what percent you tip your next waiter.

Ah niggers lets roll!

I hope he's happy never eating at the same restaurant twice.


0 wins and the thread ends

Went to burgerville today and now they have a tip option. It's a fucking fast food restaurant...where does it end?

How much of a fucking pussy do you have to be to hate yourself this much, holy shit dude. Please never have kids.

If your company charges a delivery fee I don't care if you have starving kids at home to feed. $1.00 dollar.

Cheap fuck

I don't get it.
My company has a $2 delivery fee and I get half of it. a $1 tip is good. The next guy or gal will give me 2, 3, 4, 10 dollars. It's all good.

Keep the change, bruh.



He's right, however, he only use it as an excuse to be a cheapskate.

Based Mr. Pink.

Come on 00

The fact that delivery charge doesn't go towards the drivers really bugs me for some reason.

>Americans literally have to pay protection money for their food so wagies/illegal spics don't spit in it
Defend this right now

roll 0

Just out of curiosity I did some browsing of Twitter and Reddit to find out if a tip is expected for take out orders only to find servers calling customers assholes for not tipping for take out.

Isn't tipping for quality of service? Wtf?! You're not serving me when I pick up food in a bag.

I hate American tipping culture so much. It has created some real entitled faggots.

Some customers think that it does and they don't tip.

I'm a pizza delivery guy and we make a hell of a lot less money than waiters and waitresses do despite doing a more dangerous job, paying for our own gas, paying for damages to our vehicles (I spent $1500 last month fixing my car) etc. etc. I'm not even complaining. I'm just trying to justify getting a few bucks as a tip when we're only getting $5 per hour.


No, that's too obvious. You'll get glasses and silverware that have been soaking in the dish pit along with everyone's spit and garbage and leftovers. You'll never notice after they've been rinsed off.

Good restaurants will just tell repeat customers who don't tip not to come back also.

Then become a waiter, goddamn. They shouldn't charge people a delivery fee and they absolutely should pay you minimum wage. All your gas and car repairs can be written off in taxes. It is a dangerous job and you should demand more money if you feel you aren't being compensated properly.


I aint tipping shit nigger.

well this has terrible odds

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Oh shit

I just don't tip

guys. pls tip. it really helps me a lot. I'm going to become an electrician, so I'll pay it forward.

Work at a restaurant that isn't IHOP or Applebees or something equivalent so you're not serving white trash desu.

i got a tip for them right here *unzips*

can the americans here explain to me what tipping is?

It's very rare to not tip at all. If I take 70 deliveries in a week, maybe one white person and about 5 blacks (out of 8) don't tip. The white non-tippers are usually children or people whose trailers or low-income housing apartment smell like dog shit and I feel more sad for them than mad.

I work in a hip, "health food" variant of a pizzeria in an upper-middle class area. They tip pretty well, but some of these schmucks, man... I tells ya

Working class people get to earn a decent wage while giving lower-working to upper-middle class people the experience of having servants.

>thinks you tip before the food is prepared
Do 3rd worlders really not understand how tipping works?

You give your waiter extra money as a sort of personal thanks because having food brought to you feels like a luxury thing even though it's totally normal. But then, even though tips are private donations and not their fucking business, greasy scumbag bosses decided that it was okay to cut wages for people who get tips because God forbid your employees get extra money from a fucking unrelated third party. So now not tipping is fucked up because waiters don't get paid very much by the establishment based on the assumption that tips will make up for it. Yes, it's legal.

In cents, sure

We non-poorfags can get better service by paying a pittance extra for it. I love tipping, 20 bucks is literally nothing to me, but all I have to do is slip it to the maitre d' or bartender and I get to skip the line and get fantastic service while all the seething poorfags have to stand there and wait.

i know it's a character and i think his bit is funny. but if you honestly hold this view don't fucking go to a restaurant. learn how to put a piece of meat on a skillet and some bread in the toaster and make your own damn food. everyone knows servers/delivery/bartenders are all living off of less than minimum wage and depend on the tips. just fucking tip them or don't use their services. if you want to be a piece of shit just make some depressing bachelor meal in your micro instead. don't bother those people who serve you in hopes of a tip

>Good restaurants will just tell repeat customers who don't tip not to come back also.
Fucking America

>everyone knows servers/delivery/bartenders are all living off of less than minimum wage and depend on the tips
And by tipping you're just perpetuating the system that allows that to exist

I honestly don't want reform. We might end up making less.
>give food service workers $15 per hour and eliminate the need for tips!
lol. no. I often make much, much, much more than $15 dollars per hour. Stop complaining. Things are good for us.

Two words: Learn to fucking type.

How are they supposed to do this if you pay after your meal

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>I'm not being cheap, I'm changing the world!

>Good restaurants will just tell repeat customers who don't tip not to come back also
What the fuck is wrong with you, burgers?

ok mr. righteous don't use any rideshare apps or food delivery apps if you don't want to perpetuate the systum. better cancel that amazon prime too while you're at it. oh and stop buying products that were made in sweatshops while you're on your high horse. might as well stay away from walmart too. there's no point in "trying to stop perpetuating da system" just fucking play along and give a tip or cook your own fucking food. i bet you don't tip your cabs/ubers. being poor and using privileged services like rideshares and restaurants is a classic sign of a delusional poorfag. just fend for yourself, don't be a pussy and don't shit on the guy next to you. if you want to stick it to the man shoplift from your local walmart as often as possible and tip your bartenders generously

It's usually if you're rude or if you're a shitty repeat-customer. If you travel a lot, are polite and simply like to give shitty tips or no tips, then I guess you win.

No one's waiting on a table that won't tip.

Want more money? Vote against immigration. Poof, your wages suddenly increase.

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Add the service charge to the food. They dont give me a cost run down of the ingredients, rent and utility bill, why wages?

Living outside the US, don't need to tip anywhere

three words: dilate

Or just vote Democrat which simply pass policy to raise wages. Your shitty economically-illiterate solution doesnt even guarantee wage raises.

shut up nerds

That’s what Italy does, the moment you sit down they charge you around 30€ for music and tip no matter what you order.

>You know, I used to work minimum wage and when I did I wasn't lucky enough to have a job that society deemed tipworthy.

I'm not just quoting this, i really did work at minimum wage without tips.


why do american wagies feel like they are entitled to getting more money for free from customers just because they did their job?

Who needs to feel entitled? We get it anyway.

Check em

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judging by the vitriol from some people it seems like that unless you get given extra money for doing your job as expected then you will murder your customers firstborn and shit down their throat

>unless you get given extra money for doing your job as expected then you will murder your customers firstborn and shit down their throat
I would never do that. Even if classy people didn't outnumber trashy people like they do.

Yeah I'll do it

I don't even know a fucking Jew with the balls to say that



Fuck wagies

Taking orders and carrying plates is quite literally one of the easiest jobs in the world. They get crap wages because they deserve crap wages.

i dont go out to eat so i never have to tip

im not doing over 5% but let's see this

>everyone knows servers/delivery/bartenders are all living off of less than minimum wage
why are you blaming the customers for that, blame the restaurant owner or the government
you should be thanking the customers for coming at all, if they didnt, the restaurant would close down

Pizza delivery driver here. It varies by company but I actually do get a cut. I make 34 cents per mile so most of my deliveries I get at least $2 no matter what.

how much would you tip this dude

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He can keep whatever change I'm due on the bill.


Where the hell do they still do 30 minutes or free?

>everyone knows servers/delivery/bartenders are all living off of less than minimum wage and depend on the tips
Everyone believes this lie because waitstaff perpetuate it to make you tip. They always get at least 7.25 an hour, more depending on state minimum wage. Their employers make up any tip shortfalls. Stop falling for this shit, retards.

>wages are now higher
>waves magic wand


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>getting paid less than MINIMUM wage
literally illegal polish immigrant tier oh no no no no hahahaha

This huge fucking debate about tipping always surprises me. There's basically always this argument:
>I don't tip my doctor, garbageman or cleaning lady. Why should I tip people working in restaurants?

To my knowledge tipping is more common in the USA due to the fact that the wages for people working in restaurants are quite low. Hence, the tipping was encouraged to fix this problem. This seems like a natural and normal way for people to deal with money and trading. It's a bit convoluted, but if it works, it works.

Now I don't know what the current wages in the USA are, but I feel like there's a very simple answer to why people tip and where it started. What's the big deal?

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Nothing since the pizza will be cold by the time he arrives

That piece of shit that doesn't tip. I can't even say his name.

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>You'll get glasses and silverware that have been soaking in the dish pit along with everyone's spit and garbage and leftovers
what third world country doesnt have the glasses already set on the table. Stop larping nigger

>americans cut their foreskin all the time
>people are shocked they also tip

learn what american exceptionalism is

People that get tipped out regularly (waiters) make way more than minimum wage. Attractive young bar staff can earn 70,000 USD a year or more, and won't pay taxes on a large portion of it.

>mfw american
>mfw not cut
>mfw never tip

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fuck off you impoverished commie, if you want tips become a whore

The virgin tipper vs the Chad objectionist

Wouldn't you agree that this is a problem that wouldn't exsist if people stopped giving waiters extra money? If people really felt like it was bullshit they simply would not give money. Or would you say tipping is forced because of a social construct and people simply tip because they want to fit in? In the latter, this will also solve itself although it would be a slower proces. Social changes can take decades to shift.

Bro, just do a job that pays you fairly, retard

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This feels similar to clapping for the plane to land or clapping when a movie ends. What the fuck is wrong with people in general who do this?

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Yeah, this isn't fake at all. People can't just send each other texts on facebook with fake profiles to simulate a text exchange. No, that would never happen.

If this was real that restaurant would get sued into oblivion so fast it wouldn't even be funny.

If you believe in tipping, you also have the same line of thinking of paying reparations.

What's wrong with that?

supremely based

You tip when the service you recieved was good or better. Americucks are retarded tipping everywhere.

>What's the big deal?
you don't actually have to tip and can easily avoid tipping with no repercussion because every US city has like 1000's of restaurants and fast food places so people get butt hurt about people that don't cling unto that one unique aspect of american culture that is throwing money away so that you look like a generous and wealthy person

I tip because people do it but I seriously don't get why. Is waiting on tables that hard compared to other jobs? No one tips me. Why should I tip people that bring me food on a plate?

>Americans have to tip even when the service is below average.
is there a more cucked nation

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Nothing. I'd call him out on his retarded priorities and advise him to strip away his slave "gotta keep my master happy at all times" mentality.

I can understand the plane landing part. People are probably scared and clapping is almost cathartic.

But tipping or clapping during movies is beyond me . I don't tip cashiers, police officers(unless I get a ticket), firemen of that guy that sells me weed, so I don't see why I should tip wagies in restaurant.

>don't be cheap, just pay an extra 10% on a new car

>everyone knows servers/delivery/bartenders are all living off of less than minimum wage
So why did nobody warn the servers/delivery/bartenders?

Pizza guy here.
I get a flat $22/hr and any tips are just additional to that.
Although I live where people dont tip at all, so when I get one I note the address and make the delivery extra speedy the next time.

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I only tip in the summer.

The real question is, do you have to deliver in your own vehicle and are you otherwise compensated for doing so?

Why stipulate a minimum wage at all if there're ways to get around it?
It must be nice in your privileged fantasy land.


My sphincter is dilating right now giving your mom the old Cleveland steamer. You should see how wet this deviant whore gets for a hot plopper right on her tits, it's pretty obscene.

There are tons of other jobs.
In case you haven't noticed, unemployment is at an all-time record low.
But I'm sure you don't actually want to do some heavy and/or dirty work that doesn't involve institutionalized panhandling to make up the difference from minimum wage.

>proletarian "humour"
you "people" deserve to be downtrodden

Americans, everyone.

Sorry buddy, but in 1st world countries you don't tip because the staff is already paid well enough, we don't need to pity-pay them with the small change at the bottom of my pockets.

The only time it happens it's when you have exceptional service/food.
It's certainly not fucking mandatory.

It sucks, so I drive fairly slow and careful unless it's a tipping customer.

>amerimutts unironically defend this

pathetic desu, your employer should give you and adequate wage and that's the end of it, the customer should only tip when he feels that the service/food was of a high enough standard to reward it by paying some extra money. Anything besides that is autistic.

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>it's the employees fault their employer doesn't pay them minimum wage
You're right, let's torpedo the service industry so that everyone is getting their fair share, eh bootlicker?

No, it's your fault for not getting another job if you don't like going tipless.

Why would you think that's funny? Stop kinkshaming your mother.

>bill comes with a 20% service charge
>still expecting a tip
my tip to you is ask your scum employer for a 20% raise because I won't be eating here ever again.

go back to school

What is with this notion that "certain jobs aren't worth minimum wage" that you corporatist assclowns keep pushing? Why are you defending huge corporations defrauding their employees by shifting a portion of their wages onto an optional donation from the public?

Imagine being held a ransom by minimum wage brainlets so they don't leaving disgusting body fluids in your food

But I'm against tipping.

Only if you'll stop sucking bourgeois cock ;^*

That's not the point. "Get a real job" is both not a solution to the tipping problem and a callous ignorant judgment that unnecessarily devalues other people's labor. Work is work no matter what your job is and everyone deserves a living wage.

>no matter what your job is and everyone deserves a living wage.
This is some commie bullshit.

I'm really polite when I go to restaurants. I always say please and thank you. I also stack all the dishes so the waitress can pick everything up in one trip

That's my tip

It's simply not true. I don't play that shit. Waitresses and servers are bottom of the barrel shite that aren't fit to lick the grease off my boots. If I caught any of my dishwashers creating health and safety violations to white knight some chapped cunt server they can hit the fucking road lmao. Don't give a fuck if you didn't get tipped, don't be such a cunt next time or learn a real skill like using a knife and making a constant wage (which is less than these whore waitresses but cry anyway cause being a slutty woman pretending to be nice is so hard).

34 cents per mile is the government tax rebate for miles traveled for work. So your boss is writing that off, and then I am paying your fucking salary with my taxes. Fucking hell

That's hella based bro

spare me your leftist millennial newspeak

wait, you get banned if you don't tip?

Yes, banned from eating spit-free food.
Poorfags are spiteful like that.

It's called "basic humanity". Maybe try it sometime instead of advocating race war and stockpiling weapons.

Maybe try learning a marketable skill lmao

>It's called "basic humanity".
No, it's called "actually being useful to society" rather than going for the easiest, closest job you can find.

Customers already pay for food, why should they have to pay your wage too? Also, why the fuck should tips be percent based, it's not more work to serve an expensive meal vs a cheap one

based, i'd might even consider tipping you

Shut the fuck up donnie

get a real job you unlogical primadonna

dance for me and i'll consider throwing a coin your way

If someone drives food to my fucking house I'll drop a tip but otherwise why would I? Worst part is using a small cafe (usually in commercial buildings) and all they do is take your order for whatever you grab in their shop, then they give you one of those touchpads asking to tip 15, 25, or 35%

not hard, but waiters get paid sub minimum wage, they live off their tips. The attitude of "why should it be my responsibility to pay their wage" is fine, but if tips were gone and those people were paid a minimum wage what you would get is an increase in the price of your meals.

>if tips were gone and those people were paid a minimum wage what you would get is an increase in the price of your meals.
The price of the meal increases if you tip too, obviously.

For me, it's a convenience thing more than anything.
After a long day of work/travel, I like to just plop down, see the price, order, eat, and gtfo without having to worry about having enough bills on me or hurting someone's fee-fees by not tipping "enough".
That's just bad psychology.

It does, I'm just pointing out that if Americans didn't tip you wouldn't necessarily be pocketing that money.

Just having the price of the meal be the price of the meal is a vast improvement over the tipping system.


Because then you wouldn't get a bunch of butt hurt wagies bitching when a customer only pays for the price of the meal

Not having to make sure you have enough small bills, not having to decide how happy/unhappy you want to make someone on a routine basis. That kind of thing.
Basically the peace of mind knowing in advance what's what.

so, fuck them. They make more money from tips then the wagies in the kitchen and only pay taxes on a small portion kf that income.

Tipping is retarded but it makes perfect sense for America. Business owners are happy because they pay their wagies less, wagies are happy because they make far more than they would in a non tipping environment, and the customers are happy because they've bought the struggling waitress propaganda and get to indulge their benevolent saviour complex while also living their fantasy of having a little slave, if only temporarily.

Manipulative retard

For those that have never served before, food servers/delivery people do not make typical minimum wage here in Burgerslavia. Minimum wage in my state is 2.50/hr for waiters - combined with a typical 20 hour workweek that is a weekly paycheck of around $30.

Tips are LITERALLY food servers’ livelihoods - hence why AT LEAST 5%, even on the most stammering, awkward, autismal waiter, is expected (if your waiter is a dick, you’re fully entitled to not tip - if he’s trying though, you’re expected to).

Even worse, most restaraunts have a tip-out system, where you have to pay a percentage of your total food sales back to your restaraunt at the end of your shift. So, say, I sold $500 in food/drink on my five-hour shift - I now have to pay 3% of that $500 back to my manager JUST so I can clock out. I literally have to open my wallet and pull out $15 just to get in my car and go home - and all I earned on my PAYCHECK that day was $12.50 (before taxes), because of low waiter wages.

BUT, if I made AT LEAST 5% tips on every table, then I had a fresh $25 in my pocket, and, after paying the $15 tip-out, I am at least walking out the door with $10 more than I walked in with. And I have to tell myself it was a good day.

So, basically, food service is a fucking dystopia.

(Note: I make between $30 - $80 in tips a shift working a smallish brunch place in Central Texas - usually selling around $370-$600 in food per shift - only a tried and true autist would make 5% maximum)

>Even worse, most restaraunts have a tip-out system, where you have to pay a percentage of your total food sales back to your restaraunt at the end of your shift. So, say, I sold $500 in food/drink on my five-hour shift - I now have to pay 3% of that $500 back to my manager JUST so I can clock out. I literally have to open my wallet and pull out $15 just to get in my car and go home - and all I earned on my PAYCHECK that day was $12.50 (before taxes), because of low waiter wages.
You only tip your manager 3%? Surprised he doesn't spit in your paychecks

>Americans start leaving the tip from childbirth
literally can't make this shit up

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>make more then minimum wage for doing your job
>all you have to do is not be an asshole
Waiters and waitresses are the biggest pussies I have ever seen. All I hear is whining about how bad you have it while you pocket a ton of tips and go home with a big ass smile. Oh, and I know damn well yoy're only declaring the bare minimum on that so you don't pay taxes, which is fine but don't whine to the rest of us about how hard you have it.

this is exactly what it's like

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Card tips (written onto checks by customers and checked by managers before calculating tip out) are on our W2s for obvious reasons, but yeah, no I definitely say I made $2.50 in cash tips when my fat ass knows I have a hot $40 in tens and fives in my back pocket.

the tip out system exists because the waiter didn't do all the work on that table, so why should they get the full tip? It gets split.

top fucking kek

which is exactly why when I go out to eat I tip in cash and pay with my debit card.

>deliver pizzas for a living
>crash car delivering pizza
>most likely totaled
>only thing left to do is keep my job

what's wrong with this

>Even worse, most restaraunts have a tip-out system, where you have to pay a percentage of your total food sales back to your restaraunt at the end of your shift. So, say, I sold $500 in food/drink on my five-hour shift - I now have to pay 3% of that $500 back to my manager JUST so I can clock out. I literally have to open my wallet and pull out $15 just to get in my car and go home - and all I earned on my PAYCHECK that day was $12.50 (before taxes), because of low waiter wages.
Are you telling me that you literally lost money on that day?

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only in muttland

>Mfw wagies pay to work

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>Just the tip

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do americans tip their janitor?

Ex-delivery guy in western Europe, I feel the same. 7 euro pizza for take-a-way, 9 euro for delivery. Some people just give a tenner, some have you give change. You can usually tell which one is going to happen just by what kind of house it is. Then there are the types of houses that always give a hefty fucking tip and all the drivers fight over. I used to like confusing junkies: once gotten 50 euros for a 22,50 order and didn't have enough change plus it was raining. Went back and forward with the guy until he just gave me the 50.
Only time I dislike customers is when they don't treat you like a person and throw social formalities out the window. Either happens with really rich or really poor people.

That’s exactly why those systems are in place, yeah, but why in the blue fuck is that perfectly reasonable solution paired with low wages? If servers got the same wages as all other food workers, then tips could just go to the house and get split evenly amongst everyone (at my restaraunt, those tips did indeed get split to everyone else, their weekly percentage equal to the hours they worked - IE, Joe was working as a dishwasher 30% of the time we were open this week, so he gets $18 amount of tips from the pile, whereas Emma was hostess 10% of the time we were open, so she only gets $6).

We are the tried and true cucks of the working world.


Dude just pick up a hammer and do construction rofl

it is up to the management how they want to do it, but considering every waiter I've ever known has made more then the minimum wage when tips are added in, I don't see the issue.

You ain't getting shit with a $20 stop lying

I eat with my hands, like a real man.

>an increase in the price of your meals
I'm already paying around $12 for a fucking fist-sized burger in most resturaunts, food isn't that fucking expensive

My favorite meal is salmon with rice and that runs around $15 at most restaurants. It's fucking fish

As a rule of thumb you tip for
>Table service
>Delivery service
>Bartender but only if they make you a special cocktail or it's incredibly crowded and you want to be served quickly


edgelord retard

Based af
I would actually give tips if there were more people like you

no, food is not, ehat is expensive is wages for employees.

This post is kino. Do you have some kind of tip website that I can give you a tip on for this post?

>post "Just be yourself... but better!" as advice to my bro in another thread
>tranny janny sees it and gets so triggered he deletes the entire thread
Hit a nerve there?

I don't bump because anons say I have to. Alright, I mean I'll bump if somebody really deserves a bump. If they really put forth the effort in their OP, I'll give them something extra. But I mean, this bumping automatically, it's for the redditors.

I tip my bartender well because she gives me free shots every single time I go

>you create
like it's a fucking problem if I don't tip.
please, kys

You good, you loyal.

>tips the waiter
>tips the bartender
>tips the delivery man
>doesn't tip the fast food wagie
I cannot comprehend this. This inconsistency is even more retarded than your tipping system.

>pay $15 for meal plus tip
>pay $17 for meal with no tip

it is a problem you fucking retard. people who work in food service rely on tips to get by, and that is an indisputable FACT. and no your “b-b-b-but just get a real job!!!!!” argument doesn’t work when you take into consideration that everyone’s situation is different. do you honestly think people want to work in food service? especially when actual piles of human excrement like you refuse to tip? no, of course not. some people have to take what they can get to scrape by. if you had an ounce of compassion for your fellow man you would understand that

>$100 plus tip order now becomes $110 no tip