What's the most historically accurate holocaust film?

What's the most historically accurate holocaust film?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Holy shit lmao did that kind of stuff really happen? If I saw this in theaters I'd have busted a gut laughing at this ridiculousness

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He didn't fly so good

this literally happened

This shit happens all the time in modern Saudi Arabia.


Does he do it for free?

Cringe and yikespilled

>these are the creatures that call others shills

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Jesus christ

Seriously though why do this?

>mfw you dedicate your life to fighting da j00z on a malaysian knitting board

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Why doesn’t he just have sex?

how embarrassing

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Why do they always look like this

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What do you think his parents think?


Cast it

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imagine being this butthurt by a scene in a motion picture film that you dedicate your entire existence screeching about it on a cartoon board for the rest of your life


He needs to dilate and have sex



same person btw

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Shot damage control tranny

check bottom right corner user lmao


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>waaaah mean trolls are shitposting in muh thread!
kys tranny

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Why does this cause OP so much denial and panic?

holy shit

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goddamn I hate incels so much

Does he receive monetary compensation?

>only 9 unique posters itt
stop spamming the thread you faggot redditor

stop crying tranny


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I don’t get why somebody would do this

He still hasn’t said what he meant by this

it grows longer every day

Why do they do this, it just means Hitler was LGBT and no longer associated with cis white males

It's nobody faults but Hitler's that he was a faggot.

Wtf did this movie do to make someone this butthurt?


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wtf was his problem?

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Herr Woof was such a charismatic badass motherfucker, that the rainbow brigade and their kike handlers want to appropriate his legacy for their own.

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i dont know who is the bigger loser here, the guy posting this so much or the guy around to take the screenshots

Illsa She Wolf of the SS.

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>gaydolf himher
lmao he literally was a soi-riddled tranny

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Hitler was a methhead.


>15 posters total ITT
>more than 15 replies to this one post
Yup, it's a JIDF thread

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>mein fuhrer demands ze dialator

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cocked out of his mind.

Obvious JIDF thread

>lmao he literally was a soi-riddled tranny
See lmao? Even YOU want to reinvent him in your own image kek. Sad!

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Onions beans were literally called "hitler beans" mate

>tranny doesn’t know how to hide IP
Not surprising, back to chapo trap house

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>onions boy gets power over an entire nation...

>getting this butthurt over memes

Attached: tumblr_oipq1tYPX21sxsnpco1_400.png (400x358, 80K)

Almost all the posts in this thread come from one IP address

A nation of trannies, what’s your point?

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almost all tranny seething has come from one poster

Oh shit, Nazi-obsessed JIDF tranny has been summoned!

Why do these threads just turn into /pol/ kvetching about shitposters and their problematic memes? Nobody cares about your butthurt.

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Reminder: all the posts in this thread come from one IP address

He needs sex bad

>making fun of trannies makes you a tranny now

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One (((autist))) spent his time samefagging this whole thread

He didn't fly so good.

Reminder to dilate twice daily minimum

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You post the same gay shit and same images every day in any nazi or hall of cost thread. (((You))) are mentally ill and you arent fooling anyone itt.

how much more are Soyuz gonna cry about the mean trolls user.

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Mel Brooks had some harsh things to say about Life Is Beautiful.

"(The message of the movie) . . . you can 'get over' anything. No. You can't 'get over' a concentration camp!"

plz PLZ stop crying crying your inside out vag is gonna break open from all the screeching

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Imagine being so mad that you spend all day samefagging nazi threads on Yea Forums

>filename is heeb-ho
Fucking kek

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Why does this board have so many schizos

>33 replies to one post
>20 posters

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I never knew the nazis were a bunch of trannies till this thread. Thanks user

>retard knows how to fake an image

>pol trannies don’t know how to hide IPs

>just a prank, bro

>it...it's a big conspiracy!
absolute yikescore

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poor jews

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>pol trannies

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This video clip, taken of-itself, is objectively very funny. What's OBJECTIVELY humorous about the clip, is that what's in-frame makes clear that something is going on out-of-frame behind the walls). Then all of a sudden an unexpected wheelchair guy is wheeled up, Peek-a-boo! Whoops let's dump you on the street all of a sudden!

Of course, the jewy context makes it better, but my point is that the clip itself is a sort of unintentional physical comedy which presumably undercuts whatever serious "killing jews is bad and terrible" message they were going for.

>spamming now
ho boy somebody pissed off the incels

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Daily reminder

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>a retard faking an image is a conspiracy
Le yikes xD

Why are you bringing up jews?? this thread is about nazi trannies and spamming autists.

someone seems a tad obsessed

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>ho boy somebody pissed off the incels
You're refering to yourself fyi

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stop projecting hasbara

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Sorry for samefagging all thread guys. JIDF are holding me hostage and forcing me to post anti-nazi memes.

holy shit the mockery broke OP and now he's just spamming random shit

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The OP was about the alleged holocaust, tranny

Cope, incel

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Seriously though... what's the deal with (((their))) BBC obsession???

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Uh what? Seems like a guy having a tantrum about nazi tranny memes. Why can't you handle the bantz?


No, everyone is pointing out the absurd amount of shilling itt. Ie the 33 replies with 20 posters...

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what a retarded thread


>Why are you bringing up jews?
see >historically accurate holocaust

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You've spent like an hour now crying about shitposters ITT. I don't think anyone is ever going to care but you. Why don;'t you go cry to janny or something idk how we can help you

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>laughing at tranny retards = le not handling le bantzzz (lulz so rand0mz xd)
Have you taken your estrogrn pills today, freak?


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why so obsessed about the holocaust in a meme thread? Stop freaking out over memes. You take this shit too seriously and nobody really cares about your butthurt

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>You've spent like an hour now crying about shitposters ITT.
I just got here, schizo. This might surprise you but most people on this board arent pathetic jew lackeys spamming garbage to stop discussion.

lmao does this /pol/ tranny really have a folder of BBC porn? Oh yeah, you're sure showing them

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Its obvious what (((you))) are. Jews are prone to schizophrenia as we can clearly see itt. Everyday you spam the same bullshit muh nazis are muh trannies.

>stop talking about the holocaust in a holocaust thread
No thanks jew, triggering your tranny faggot anxiety is amusing

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You can see the exact moment ITT that the mad pol tranny showed up and had a meltdown lmao

Sorry for what I did in this thread. My (((handlers))) are forcing me

Attached: sorry.jpg (655x640, 43K)

Why does posting memes make anyone jewish? You're just obsessed. I wonder why...

>lmao does this /pol/ tranny really have a folder of BBC porn? Oh yeah, you're sure showing them

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Slowly i began to hate them...

this isn't a holocaust thread mate, it's a nazi tranny thread. I don't see any holocaust stuff here. Why are you so obsessed with the holocaust?

Jewish media headlines arent memes, tranny freak

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>lmao does this /pol/ tranny really have a folder of BBC porn?
The sad part is, I'm actually Ashkenazi too. The stereotype is true!!! :O

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>getting this buttmad over some shitposting in your thread

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>I don't see any holocaust stuff here
Forgive me for presuming that you werent an absolute fucking idiot

Holocaust never happened but it should have

wewlad this is a new form of tranny rage

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And then one day, for no reason at all, the people voted Hitler into power...

Reminder that anime fags are almost always trannies.
>teehee im just like le cute anime girl look at my reaction image

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how exactly does this disprove his pics? not even that guy btw

Based on ITT it seems they were largel trannies like him

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You literally spammed jewish media headlines like the other shills do. Keep deflecting from that fact, you fucking coward.

I noticed too lmao. He really is having a chimpout it's pathetic

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Why are you calling people mocking nazi trannies tranny?

sorry snowflake lmao

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So in response to a few memes, OP went berserk and started spamming BBC porn.

why???? what's his end game

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>still only 27 unique posters itt
The (((samefag))) is clearly a schizo

>prove a negative
No, the burden of proof is on the people spamming garbage. An out of context jewish media headline doesnt need to be disproven.
>not even that guy btw

You don’t get to dictate who tells jokes about what. Now fuck off back to redit

I'll admit, I'm actually a self hating Jew, and I love seeing our women get niggerized, sue me kek.

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>da j00z
Never seen this written by anyone besides a raging Jew

He forgot to post the classic pic related

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it's not a negative there are a lot of studies. Apparently your "proof" is to simply cry about jews or something? seems weird to me...

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>spamming BBC porn
>one image
Dont get too exicted faggot

Pretty sure (((he)))'s getting paid to be here. If not, it's even sadder

This level of buttmad pol tranny shouldn’t even be possible

Neverending Story

go to bed OP I'm sure jannies will save your thread for some serious discussion and keep you safe from the mean old trolls

Nice opinion, tranny incel


can you disprove anything here without yelling about jews?

>jewish media headlines are jokes
Based schizo tranny

Why is this pol tranny having such a chimp out Christ

Keep seething goyboi lmao. Your disgusting wh*teoid women will never look this beautiful taking monster nigger shafts.

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>if I say their mean words back it doesn't count!

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>calling others snowflake when youre too much of a pussy to reply to my point
kys discord tranny

That pic reminds me of MUGEN

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>gish gallup of msm headlines
Nice "studies", tranny freak

So this thread proves /pol/ trannies are the ones behind BBC porn spamming. The question is...why? I don';t think everyone is into that stuff man

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Show me a more powerful pairing goyim. I'll wait.

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as a boxer, that punch is terribly telegraphed but lands so beautiful and true

>i-its not my opinion youre just a meanie racist
Cope harder, tranny

I'm OP and I've only made 1 post so far I'm just enjoying the ride. I don't know who is samefagging but it ain't me.

not an argument. You didn't refute 1 point. You just yelled "NO U" ineffectually...

So this is the power of /pol/ debating skills...

Why do they get so mad if you call Hitler a fag lmao

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okay you're mad, I get it. But can you debunk anything he said?

>So this thread proves /pol/ trannies are the ones behind BBC porn spamming.
Are you mentally ill? Trannies hate pol, they have discords dedicated to shilling against them, youre probably in one, you sound like a fucking loser who doesnt leave mommys basement

>/pol/ trannies are the ones behind BBC porn spamming
Why do you keep ignoring my Jewish heritage, you anti-Semite Nazi fuck? Reporting your ass for racism btw, enjoy your ban, shithead.

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>the one /pol/ tranny spamming whatever pic he can find ITT because of all the nazi tranny posting

nice to know I've riled xer up so bad

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Trannies don’t seem to hate pol most seem to be pol themselves look at the evidence ITT

You spammed corporate media headlines after claiming you had tons of studies, theres nothing to argue. You humiliate yourself. Same as when you go in public dressed like a girl.

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why would he dilate. It's clearly a polack.

>having this level of a meltdown over jokes/memes
>calling others losers

>as a boxer
didn't noticed he momentarily stopped.

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>muh corporate media!
okay if it's so fake you can easily refute what they say then right? Yet all you do is cry and cry that it's mean and unfair....

Most pol posters are trannies

>p-please respond to my bait

Meanwhile reality is totally different than your schizo worldview. Trannies are almost exclusively left wing. Although the nazis were economically left wing, so theres that.

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why do /pol/ trannies get so mad over jokes? Tell a few and they start spamming porn in the thread to try and shut it down.

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>wahh wahh dont call me names
Not an argument, try again freak.

Im a zoomer and no one in my generation believes in the Holocasut because we arent retarded.

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The British still regard cross dressing as the pinnacle of comedy to this day though

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you'r ethe one who said the pics were fake, but you refuse to clarify why. Why is this?

Wow, you antisemite stop it. These are our fellow whites.

>okay if it's so fake you can easily refute what they say then right?
You're a retard who cant even source your own schizo claims. The burden kf proof lies on you, tranny incel. I askd for proof and you gave fucking guardian articles.

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>whatever pic he can find
Um sorry sweaty, but I'm pretty obviously only spamming pics of the beauty that is my women, Y*hweh's Chosen Daughters, getting niggerized by superior mandingo manmeat. Keep coping though lol.

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I'm curious how much longer this /pol/ tranny is gonna spam random shit. Imagine getting this mad over a few memes

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Is anything that triggers you Jewish lmao

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Same here, my younger brkther and his friends are literally reading mein kampf. Im not joking

Never said that. Youre a schizo.


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>everyone who makes fun lf me is the same person!
Based schizo tranny

Have you cut your little penis off yet, freak?

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What's disturbing isn't the scene. It's people automatically thinking historical movies are factual.

This thread proves once and for all that /pol/ can not handle the bantz.

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based and true

>left wing memes
They really just arent funny, you should stop.

Yeah because suddenly 15 different trannies all started spamming random shit in exactly 60 second intervals lol

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Not even a leftist, I support trump

nazi's being trannies is funny and historically accurate tho

>Yeah because suddenly 15 different trannies all started spamming random shit in exactly 60 second intervals lol
Yes, and they were mostly left wing discord shills

Attached: shill cringe 2.png (605x376, 43K)

The pic that caused OP to snap and spend the next 50 mins spamming the thread kek


don't worry mate we're almost at 300. Just keep sliding and the thread will bump and all the mean bullies will go away.

OP wasnt the one samefagging his post 20+ times lmfao. Are you fucking high?

Why can't we talk about nazi trannies without a /pol/ chimpout

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Fucking B&R. When will those raging incels just surrender and accept the power-pairing that is Jewish holes and nigger poles?

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One of the symptoms of being socially isolsted to the point of psychosis is a poor fashion sense.

nah you can see the exact moment some mad /pol/ tranny (probably OP) showed up and started spamming his folder of BBC porn in abject rage. Why? because of JOKES!

it's p sad.

>36 posts
>224 post

You trannies need to seriously kys yourselves

>don't worry mate we're almost at 300
Thats the idea. Discord tranny shills and JIDF just spam garbage until the bump limit is reached on any politically right wing thread. Its really pathetic, you must be really afraid of /pol/

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228 posts man. Just a little more and the thread will go away. Keep sliding!

Oh how horrible. If only the mean bullies let you have your safe space in peace

we were just having fun with nazi tranny memes in a nazi tranny meme THREAD and then suddenly this /pol/ tranny showed up and started spamming BBC porn.

Why can't you just learn to take a joke and not be such a snowflake?

>One of the symptoms of being socially isolsted to the point of psychosis is a poor fashion sense

The thread is full of samefags saying the same bullshit as you. Everybody knows its bullshit and thks thread was raided by a discord or something.

Attached: trannyfreak6.jpg (652x700, 73K)

Posting here just cuz I want to see OP spam more black porn

thread was raided by a /pol/ tranny discord after they got wind oif all the nazi tranny memes

Can see the exact moment it all began

No its more about Yea Forums being pro free speech and these shills artificially prohibiting that. Safespace is a leftist concept too, youre projecting

No, youre a shill and a piece of shit.

this much salt shouldn't be possible.

even the filename shows his mental state. The images (1) shows he's just googling whatever he can and dragging it to his desktop in a desperate fit to spam more blacked porn. All because of a few jokes about hitler...

Is it Euro hour thing or American hour thing?

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No, most of the spam is about muh nazi trannies and muh bbc. You're fucking stupid.

You would wanna see that faggot

why are you crying about muh free speech when you're the one crying about jokes being too problematic?

Why can’t pol just take a few gay Hitler jokes

You type like you frequent r3ddit and put things up your ass though

>having this much self-importance
>taking this so seriously
CHRIST you need sex fast. This is a shitty pedo cartoon board, not the fucking constitution. Get a fucking life dear god.

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Fuck off polcel, go shoot up a Walmart or molest your body pillow or something. I'll keep proudly preaching and proclaiming the supremacy of my women and nigger bulls until the day I die.

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Kek I love the reaction this caused

Irrelevant and off topic. Youre a coward.

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>if I act sarcastic they can't make fun of me hehe
did this work with the bullies in school?

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>wahh wahh waaahhhhh

The one where aryans gorge themselves silly on slav cock.

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holy kek

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If you want a safe space free of memes redit is that way

Get to work tranny

Trannies like you can only bully people on the internet, otherwise youd get fucking knocked out like in those webms

>Edgy /pol/fag startung the thread knowing that will bait "someone"
>Dedicated discord derailer (most likely not even not a tranny, just /leftypol/ having a shitposting breakdown) spams nazi tranny pics
>/pol/fag having a mental breakdown and spamming BBC to show how not mad he is
>Either that or another persona of the same Discord derailer
Have you taken the centrist pill? Both cringe nazis and kikes get the bullet

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delete this NOW

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Watch them all congregate to the other thread now

>says the shill spamming leftist garbage to fight right wing bigotry on Yea Forums
Babby needs a safespace

get to work tranny

This thread is going to reach the bump limit
Wtf do we pay these jannies for, oh wait.

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Nobody here is a nazi, bbc spamming is discord tranny tier too why the fuck would a nazi do that?

>Both cringe nazis and kikes get the bullet
What if you're both a Nazi and a kike like me? Do double negatives rule out me getting shot by antisemite fucktards like you?

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why is /pol/ so into BLACKED porn.

And yeah I get your whole little act but it's way to salty to have the sarcasm come off as genuine.

Every movie in which the holocaust doesn't occur. Yes, I'm based and redpilled

>wahh wahh stop providing valid points that discredit my schizo ramblins
Cope, incel

Why did he have feces in his stomach?

Attached: hitler druggy.png (1679x649, 82K)

>why is /pol/ so into BLACKED porn.
They arent, youre schizophrenic and a hypersexual faggot

>why is /pol/ so into BLACKED porn
Because of our predominantly Jewish ancestry, duhh. I know its difficult for your little brain, but try to keep up goy.

You're close but the thing is I'm the OP and had this webm saved for a while and just recently watched The Pianist and wanted to make a thread about it. I already knew this thread would result in shitpostong but I didn't envision this level of autism. This is only my 3rd post ITT btw. I'm just enjoying the show.

>pic unrelated

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Did OP really spend 3 hours spamming his own thread over a few memes?

One discord tranny jew has been samefagging the whole thread starting with this post:

It's a hilarious webm. I think I'll save it and post it whenever I see a thread going too smoothly for my liking.

the absolute state of you m8.

Attached: dilation.png (1792x345, 54K)

The /pol/ trannies literally are spamming the rest of the board this shit made them so mad holy shit

Attached: 735.gif (290x189, 27K)

Pol trannies live in your head rent free

>getting this butthurt over being exposed

That's just autism, I do that while playing fps games on console.

I'm about to make this post disappear

Attached: c40b95cd745546d5222dfc6316bc6d22.jpg (467x700, 49K)

Were it ever made it'd be illegal to show in Europe.

He was just pissy because a gentile made a superior holocaust film to those of any of his creatively dead friends.

>Nazis help man never need to use a wheelchair again with this one simple trick that the Jews want you to never forget

Everyone with a brain knows that only jpeg infographics are factual.

Watch the Russian film 'T-34' , but think the literal opposite of what is happening on screen actually happened ; as realistic as it gets t b h

People see scenes like this, they know it's a movie bit it still effects them emotionally. It's designed to

Also human soap, masturbation machines, nailing babies to lampposts and the holocoaster.

>Also human soap, masturbation machines, nailing babies to lampposts and the holocoaster.
Can you name a single historian that claims any of that?