Holy shit. He played 4D chess and won

I've had George wrong all this time.

>Be George. Get hated for his art and unique vision.
>says fuck it and sells his IP to Disney for billions.
>he knows Disney is so fucking corrupt and devoid of talent they would ruin everything.
>he knows they would haggle and oy vey over making the IP just different enough to shut him out of residual profits (which is the biggest cash cow for Star Wars and Star Trek)
>Disney makes Finn, Rose, chunky bland vehicles and clothing and differentiates from OT and Prequels.
>Shelves are full of crap Finn and Rey plastic from china.
>The Mouse is fucked and their Cash cow becomes an exercise in breaking even.
>they double down on greed and open an amusement park that bleeds money
>Lucas laughs as he not only ruins Disney, but shows the world only he can do Star Wars right.
>they beg him to come back to fix things.

Is he /Ourguy/? Did he reach his final form of Palpantine?

Attached: George-Lucas-DisneyMM-600x412.jpg (600x412, 35K)

Other urls found in this thread:



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still shit lots of money

I think he's /ourguy/. Past all the bullshit, he seems like a genuine enough guy in an oblivious kind of way. I think the only reason he's the one who can make--or at least has to be present--for a Star Wars movie is because he, just like his movies, is extremely autistic in kind of an endearing way. When you take him out of the equation, all those little decisions that would've added something evaporate, and you're left with stronk woman and her market-vetted multi-cultural sidekick flopping around some bland desert in the carcass of the Millennium Falcon. A copy and a copy and a copy and a literal visual representation of disney forcing itself and its characters to climb inside a dead horse and puppeteer it around for $10 at a kid's party.

Good on ya, George. Eat mall court food salads. You won, dude.

the prequels are mostly boring shit but he's based as it gets.

Lol, no. He's a shallow corporate hog who was bored of SW and wanted to swim in a pool full of money. He probably does feel some satisfaction at the fact that Disney fucked up SW even more then he did though.

it might be better than that, current rumor is that george actually still owns the rights to the ot and the prequels and only really sold the brand "star wars"
it would explain why disney tries their hardest to avoid using characters from the ot and pt since they would have to pay george every time they did so and why they are so adamant to drag them through the mud whenever they do

I guess he knew Hammill was too old to carry much. And Han had no interest, and leia was probably going to pass. I bet the only thing he feels bad about is Luke Being written as a loser and shit all over.

I would love to see him come back with some fire and balls.

He was already worth billions before he sold it dumb fuck.

The man was/is tired. He has been since '83.

>Good on ya, George. Eat mall court food salads. You won, dude.
This is the best thing I’ve read all day.

Remember when he turned up on the set of the last season of game of thrones that reddit hated?

it's never enough for these guys

I've been forced into a position of thinking about negotiation and about Game Theory lately, and yeah, George won the long game, 100%.

it was a half stock, half cash deal, disney's stock price tripled since that time, george has been cucking studios for decades

the only thing I don't get is he married some ugly black and raised worthless children. I guess he never developed a social life but won the private sector.

he has a white kid who was also worthless

Now tell us the one about Rian Johnson, master troll who saved us all by killing Star Wars.
I love how batshit these are.

Attached: 0243257423051.jpg (870x1390, 129K)

>kill franchise
>sell franchise
>new owners mangle the franchise's corpse a bit and try to reanimate it, but nothing near what you did
>new owners are unable to turn franchise into money making machine
>ask original owner back for creative input

no matter what happens, star wars is still dead and, ultimately, george lucas is what killed it.

Does he really get 25%? I thought he sold the whole thing.
Someone please explain his residuals.

the best theory there is KK dictated he could do whatever he wanted, except kill any women or kylo. So he killed literally everything else.

Except he donated all of Disney's blood money because he didn't want to sully his financial legacy, dipshit.

>Lucas becomes a meme
>disney uses his franchise for a chinese money laundering scheme
>star wars becomes jewish propaganda
>george is forced to hug the mouse and pretend he cares about this shit
press F for boy george

Nah he's a hack. He's basically Rick and Morty the director. It dies help Lucas though

But he killed Admiral Genderstudies.

... hmm. Y'know. I'd put that up there next to my "Jim Carrey designed Sonic for the movie, hence why they went along with such a shit design for fear of Jim refusing to do a sequel or even doing the film at all." Theory. Which has merit.

But he killed Phasma, Ken Jeong’s sister, and Vice-Admiral Snowflake.

she "heroically" sacrificed herself, there's a difference.

>current rumor is that george actually still owns the rights to the ot and the prequels and only really sold the brand "star wars"
This is a very interesting theory. Really does make sense. But surely something like this would've been pretty well known from the outset, no?

And this really doesn't seem like Yidsney's "style" of deal, not one they'd go for, especially not happening in the midst of them owning only part of the Marvel film rights.

They don't tell us much. It's mostly a propaganda line. Companies lie about everything

The prophecy "Long Gaming George" continues

Attached: longgamegeorge.jpg (1401x337, 158K)

Reminds me of this.

Attached: Star Wars Sequel Trilogy.jpg (1948x1047, 806K)

By invalidating the need of ever single space combat scene in the whole series.

Lucas died years ago you fucking brainlet
Phil Margera has been standing in as his double since like 2013

you seem to be operating under the assumption that I am defending disney's star wars movies. please correct this.

Naw, just wanted to see if it would add more fuel to the fire, sorry.

The prequels were terrible films but the tie in shit had tons of cultural penetration.
Lucas was always better at making a “phenomenon”
It’s ironic since usually Disney is good at that too, however there toys only policy has really fucked it all up combined with boring characters

So in a “artistic” (of Star Wars was EVER even that) way yeah Lucas killed it, but in a cultural sense Disney definitely killed it. Remember even after the prequels the turbo fans still were on board, along with the idiot zoomers who grew up on prequel video games and toys. Now almost everyone even them have turned against it

This was meant to be a reply to this post

Visualizing Bam beating the shit out of George while he sits on the toilet & say "ow, stop it" produced a hearty kek.

this is my first post in the thread, just here to tell you that the prequels were good films. Maybe not the greatest star wars films but they were great films.

today they look like masterpeices compared to the last jedi and solo, nu star wars in general

Attached: George Lucas Comic.png (1024x776, 568K)

Yes I enjoy them more than nuwars if only to laugh and have fun with. It’s at least possible with the prequels, nuwars is to clinical

The prequels killed star wars for the mainstream. Killing the EU killed star wars for everyone else.

The people excited for nuwars when it came out WAS the mainstream, and a lot of them were like I said zoomers raised on prequel video games and toys

so your saying if he chose to sell all his stock he could basically crash disney anytime he wanted?

correction: after george lucas killed then sold the franchise's corpse, everyone was at least interested in what literally anyone else would do with it. then they did nothing with it.

You mean the best season with /ourqueen/ that got all the redditors seething?

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>le prequels tots killed the franchise
Stop embarrassing yourself, rlmdrone.

If by killing star wars you mean making billions of dollars, becoming a stapler of modern culture, games comics and novels everywhere and merch flying off the shelves, then yes, prequels did “kill” star wars.
Fucking retard.

Every Star Wars film has made money, except for the Han Solo prequel.

Disney didn't fuck them up, financially, at least. Maybe they made artistic mistakes, but that's subjective.

Tlj made almost 1b less than tfa.
That’s a failure for a company that flipped it’s shit when age of ultron made one hundred million less than predicted.

While this is true, Disney has yet to make its investment back, and has further invested heavily in toys which has operated at a major loss as inventory sits in warehouses unbought.
I’m not saying nuwars has been a flop, but given there investment and clear expectations based on what they produced it has massively underperformed

and episode 9 will hit a billion at the least. the fact they bought out theaters for ms. marvel shows they don't give a shit and will stuff their own box if they have to to inflate their films.
They won't even need to do that for Ep9 though. I'll be floored if it makes under a bil and a half.

son, there's a world outside your bedroom filled with prequel merch that will never be worth anything.

Yup, this is a disney mom post alright.

Attached: BD27F15F-FAAA-4C75-A8F2-7B52A667B671.gif (250x250, 141K)

>the only people who hated the prequels are disney shills!

so its autism, that's great

>They won't even need to do that for Ep9 though
Yeah, they will. The way they've given up on 9 essentially is proof even they undeniably know it, too.

>no punctuation and capitalization
I’m not the one autistic around here, love.
Now post your timestamped tits.

Attached: lucas entrepeneur.png (1479x361, 29K)

>get accused of autism
>double down on the autism

that's pretty fucking neato dude

The disney sequels being terrible does not retroactively make the prequels any less shit. The disney sequels are far worse but you can't apply a reverse critical analysis based on that. They don't all of a sudden become good movies just because the next batch are worse.

The prequels were shit but they made a fuckton of money. Toys flew off the shelves.

kids liked them, and they see it as good films.

>Toys flew off the shelves
They did for TFA too. Not necessarily a metric for artistic quality. But yes, TLJ killed Toys R Us.

prequel toys flew off the shelves because collector culture valued the OT toys at utterly obscene prices. So collectors kept hoovering up prequel merch because they thought it would just gotta be worth something someday. In response, more prequel merch was produced. Then it got hoovered. Then more was produced. Then it got hoovered.

If anything the prequels killed collector culture.

lucas and GRRM will team up before you die

>the prequels killed collector culture
Nothing of value was lost then.

I completely agree with all of you, George is fucking based and is /ourguy/.

The prequels didn't kill anything, they added a VAST amount of cool lore to the franchise, kept interest in the Star Wars franchise alive and made lots of money from spin-off comics, spin-off novels and spin-off games, you fucking retarded Disneynigger shill.

The EU kept the franchise alive. The prequels were mostly ignored.

>The EU kept the franchise alive. The prequels were mostly ignored.
Not that guy but what about stuff regarding the clone wars? The cartoon, the games, those all involved PT stuff.

Tfa was a fatigue it sold well but a lot of people had figured out the collecting meme already.

the canceled cartoon, the progressively worsening games, and the god-awful CGI cartoon?

yep, those set the world on fire alright

All of the stuff related to the prequel trilogy (ESPECIALLY Clone Wars stuff) flew off the shelves like hotcakes.

>the canceled cartoon

Except it's been renewed for a seventh season due to fan demand. Shill harder, Disneynigger.

>the canceled cartoon

Attached: Anakin Ventress Duel.webm (608x336, 2.65M)

man, what an embarrassing post.

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Can disney shills even be considered human anymore?
Serious question.

Attached: Kao Cen Darach and Satele Shan vs Lord Vindican and Malgus.webm (1000x562, 2.96M)

>the progressively worsening games
Jedi Academy and Battlefront 2 shit on your opinion.

cringe, what an awful game

>the games are getting worse

>Tards on Yea Forums are so contrarian that they have to make up autistic theories about how George "won" and why the prequel movies were good

The sequels are absolute fucking dogshit but stop deluding yourselves you underage retards. Just because the prequels came out when you were kids doesn't mean the movies were good.

Attached: 7fe.png (514x352, 32K)

no they were pretty good

>Just because the prequels came out when you were kids doesn't mean the movies were good.
I watched the OT before PT and I can safely say there were those who enjoyed them.

>the prequels are still bad

They're all awful on a technical, storytelling and emotional level. Literally no one liked Phantom Menace, not even George, and the other two were pretty bad as well.

I'm 35 and have always enjoyed them. Fuck yourself faggot.

Attached: 2f5c3b2584da57dae3d2f0d9f3770bb0.jpg (1024x1541, 113K)

George is alright.

The prequels were probably as good as they could be with the story they had to tell. Taking out some of the stupid scenes like when they are running through that factory or R2D2 flying probably wouldnt of made them much better

There is no excuse for these new films to be as bad as they are.

Everything wrong with star wars movies and fandom.

>Bruh let's make a mystical tale about good and evil all about autistic anime sword fighting.

Attached: 5fec2be0d16d808b517eca63f35d3a98.png (459x436, 371K)

I'm 50 and I fucked your mom. Prove me wrong.

>Literally no one liked Phantom Menace
utter bullshit

the phantom menace was aimed at a very young audience. Yet the choreography and set designs were great, the pod race was technically brilliant and the sound track was excellent.
Now go back to worshiping your depressed failed midwestern film makers on youtube.

Is it just me or is the hate for the prequels kind of a new thing?

When the phantom menace came out I remember everyone liking it. Sure it wasnt nearly perfect like empire strikes back but it was a good movie.

People these days act like watching it is like wiping your ass with sandpaper.

People who weren't children hated it when it came out. Even a lot of children did. Are you seriously so young that you don't remember everyone on the internet and outside making fun of every aspect of the movie?

>They're all awful on a technical
Opinion discarded youngfag

Can you prove me wrong?

dont try to join a conversation you obviously have no fucking clue about.

>everyone on the internet
All 30 of them

>It's a zoomer pretends he was alive in 99 episode

Not that guy but the effects included tons of great animatronics and sets.

Absolutely seething rlmdrones itt.
It must suck having your idols and your identity exposed for a sham and a forced meme.

Trying to excuse the phantom menance as a kid's movie, when about half is trade negotiations and senate politics and blockades, etc, is pretty fucking moronic dude.

also "kid's movie" is just code for "movie no one would want to watch." As kids will watch literally anything.

See guidance

Attached: Stop.jpg (768x1024, 114K)

This thread is like an eye game

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>Bruh let's make a mystical tale about good and evil

Attached: Kreia.png (373x460, 297K)

try to get your kids to watch the sound of music
oh wait that's right you don't have any because you're not even old enough to use this website.

I forget that most of Yea Forums's userbase was born after 9/11 and don't remember all the gifs and videos and jokes making fun of Phantom Menace for the better part of the decade after it came out. Keep being contrarians, faggots, I'm sure you're feeling real good sticking it to the man or whatever. Just don't ever watch the prequels again, cause reality might hit you with how awful they are and you might feel like retards about the dumb shit you vomit on this board.

Attached: 1399910954152.png (989x1018, 428K)

>make real sets
>they still look like 90s/00s CGI


Jar jar still stands up well against any modern cgi character and the fact that pretty much every movie today uses the techniques and technology developed during the making of the prequels, also the sound design is betrer than anything thats come out in the last 20 years.

>tons of great animatronics and sets.
>They still look godawful, the scenes are all meh and the writing and story are still garbage
But it's okay cause they used muh sets muh miniatures that excuses the movie being bad haha

god, imagine thinking that's a scathing retort.

At the time they didn't. George Lucas wanted CGI because he liked pushing what you could do, visually. It's just that CGI ages like milk kinda like the claymation rancor and handpuppet whompa did

yeah and where did people discuss movies online back in 1999? some shitty irc channel? I think you are the young one..

I dont think you realise how little was on the internet back then. google was barely even a thing in 1999. Napster only got released in 1999. All the internet was used for was to play quake.

They look much better. The stuff on Naboo alone included lots of real buildings and even those hard to sit through Anakin/Padme love scenes had lots.
There goes a word you don't understand

I love the prequels you retarded fuck but to suggest phantom menace backlash is a new thing is the fucking height of idiocy.

the only thing that's in the prequels that other movies use is the practice of using stand-ins for entirely CGI characters in order for actors to give better performances.

a practice that was not invented by the prequels. a practice the prequels didn't even use consistently (obiwan hugging air in AotC).

>They still look godawful
Some of them still stand well today. Just look at so many during the Kenobi vs Maul scene or Kamino or all the others.

>the CGI in the 90s/00s didn't look like CGI in the 90s/00s

You seem like you have pretty severe cognitive defects.

Phantom menace came out 4 years before Yea Forums was even a thing

>most of Yea Forums's userbase was born after 9/11
Yes, and all 30 faggots posting on 1chan in '99 did so from their iPods.

>No one was on the internet before I got in please stop making fun of my childhood movies
You fucking retard. There were still forums, sites, USENET, you can still find archives of people discussing shit all the way back to 96 and 97 and earlier. And people kept making fun of the Phantom Menace and the Prequels in general during the entire 00's.

Attached: 1307646543040.jpg (388x384, 27K)

>old good
>new bad
>just give me a rehash of the OT
Shut the fuck up, boomer.

Attached: D18F1695-402F-4BB8-A5FF-03DDD68B8291.jpg (1200x854, 279K)

>muh minatures!

those were reference models, my incredibly autistic friend. they were not actually on screen at any point of the prequels.

Wasn't that post on practicals?

The only good things the prequels did right was the spin offs trying to make sense of the fucking prequels.

>gifs and videos didn't exist before Yea Forums
>people didn't make fun of things before Yea Forums

you really need to stop embarrassing yourself.

Not that guy but you're discussing the real life prequel times. Those were games around that time period.

>those were reference models, my incredibly autistic friend. they were not actually on screen at any point of the prequels.

the backlash back then is not even close to the flack it gets these days

that has nothing at all to do with what i said kiddo.

the fire rises

>Rated T for Teen

What a family friendly story you've crafted.

Are you being willfully dense or just retarded? Did I say that they were making fun of it on Yea Forums in 99? No. I said that you're all underagefags and that you don't remember people all over the internet mocking it. Hatred for the prequels and PM especially goes all the way back.

>those were reference models, my incredibly autistic friend. they were not actually on screen at any point of the prequels.

Attached: laughing_luke.jpg (843x612, 120K)

Next you'll say they didn't have a miniature millenium falcon flying in front of a bluescreen in OT.

Yeah, he never was happy with how fanatic the fan base had come as that made his job damned hard and tired him out.

>those were reference models, my incredibly autistic friend. they were not actually on screen at any point of the prequels.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1500x1120, 252K)

Literally kill yourself.
Entire pod racing and geonosis arenas were handmade and used in the movies.

Boys, lads, fellarinos...let's all calm down and go back to hating Disney.

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>steadily worsening games
... i just don't even... how are you able to keep from suffocating from simply forgetting to breathe?

>every reply chain in the thread is about the prequels.

For the love of shit dude.

You're still embarrassing yourself youngfag, it was worse a decade ago than it is now that the children who grew up with them are adults and and the gen xers from 99 moved on long ago, plus now the hatred for nu wars has given some people a more favourable impression of them

Is this a real concept drawing?
Looks actually cool.

oh please tell me of all these videos you were getting in 1999 from the internet.

They didn't say that. They said that those miniature models were used.

Needs an explanation for pic related

Attached: Untitled.jpg (792x449, 31K)

as reference for the CGI. There is practically no practical effects in the prequels. You know this. I don't know why you bother trying to deny it. Its just full-on revisionist history for it's own sake.

>Videos didn't exist before youtube and twitch
Just stop.

Attached: 148623103812.jpg (1207x859, 369K)

>as reference for the CGI. There is practically no practical effects in the prequels.
Blatantly incorrect. Did you see the sets?

You need me to explain why they're recording footage of the reference material?

No, they were always hated. I remember my local MTGing/rpg game store had on the store white board at the top "episode 1 was not cool" for like 2 years after it came out

>as reference for the CGI
Even this?

Attached: Untitled.jpg (956x491, 22K)

why are you pretending to have a clue zoom zoom?

>they beg him to come back to fix things.
did I miss something?

Not that guy but where's your evidence they didn't just use it as then? It's the simplest explanation. Occam's razor.

>You need me to explain why they're recording footage of the reference material?

Attached: Retard.jpg (682x548, 35K)

>he didn’t have a 5 digit icq Id
If you have a 6 digit icq you are forever a newfag

Nobody cares about some fucking mtg failures at life.
Normal people loved the prequels.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (799x542, 56K)

>It's true because "You know this"
That's a logical fallacy user.
Sounds like a bluff.

No they didn't

What set is that?

Normal people fucking hated the prequels, junior.

Attached: 1563515073282.jpg (1280x720, 68K)

I heard someone say sets

Attached: Untitled.jpg (963x536, 41K)

>everything is clearly CGI in the movies we've all seen

so what's crippling autism like?

Not that guy but they flat out said that they had more practicals in the tpm alone than ot in dvd extras. Are you doubting the film makers?

if the prequels had heavy usage of real sets and miniatures, why did everything in the prequels look like bad, even for the time, CGI?


They gave evidence. You didn't.

>everything is clearly CGI in the movies we've all seen

Attached: Bait.png (625x626, 66K)

Show us the proof or stfu.

>pod race
Fuck off, only people who were 6 years when the movie came out liked the pod race.
It was a stupid plot, durher, zoom zoom little cars driven by a little kid.
Compare that to an x-Wing trench run.. something old and young kids could find cool, imaging they are a space rental fighting in a space war with a cool spaceship, the podraces were playscok crap.

What happened? Is George coming back to do more Star Wards or something?

Attached: CjcQBE6_d.jpg (362x346, 13K)

>even for the time

I really want to know how you were getting videos in 1999.

it took me like 2-3 days to download the trailer to the movie. No one was doing video critiques or making video memes or whatever the fuck you think people that hated the movie were doing.

Stop making assertions on quality

Attached: consider the following.jpg (600x600, 32K)

Looked decent enough

Attached: Untitled.jpg (640x344, 31K)

>If the prequels had heavy usage of real sets and miniatures, why did so much look good

They didn’t, zoomie.
When they released they were cutting edge and nothing came close to them on.
>why does a trailblazer and first of it’s kind look bad 20 years later compared to the movies that came out later and expanded on it’s technology
Fucking braindead cattle.

My evidence is the movies themselves. We've all seen them. The fact they had real versions of sets that, in the movies, looked like bad CGI doesn't really answer or change anything, and, in the end, just makes the prequels more confusing.

Who is "they" and what video?

AotC was the first movie to be filmed 100% in high-definition digital cameras and RotS was filmed the same way. Lucas had a boner for pushing forward tech and he did so.

Imagine bing such bitter cunt you hate literally everything.

My evidence is the movies themselves and the behind the scenes footage. They look good.

Is this the thread where we pretend Lucas is a genius and the prequels were good?

What amazing practical effects!

Attached: Petition-For-George-Lucas-To-Direct-Star-Wars-greenscreen.jpg (694x466, 67K)

digital cameras at the time were utterly worthless compared to film. that's not pushing technology forward, that's early adoption autism.

So grateful George kept to his old ways.

Attached: b59690fb176a649b977ec0e4c0b6cec8.jpg (1024x674, 79K)

Kill yourself mouse nigger

>My evidence is the movies themselves
They looked good. You made an assertion that they're bad looking.
He's talking about behind the scenes.

Who said anything about critiques you tard? Also, do you not remember this? Do you also think it happened only in 99 and not for the entire fucking decade after it? You dumb fuck.

Attached: Force_Push_Bottle.gif (249x216, 855K)

What the fuck, why weren’t they fighting over an actual active volcano?!
Fucking hack Lucas!

Not the other one but at minimum the platform was.

Nah, George Lucas made digital film making viable. They didn't send hardcopies of the film reel to movie theaters. They sent it out in a digital format that only new projectors at the time could play. He set the standard for every digital film release.

Everything is shiny in a uniform way, the background is blurry in a uniform way, the foreground is all in one focus and the background is all in one focus.
Compare to this image,
The OT looks apslutlet amazing

Attached: D7E84839-295D-411A-A5E0-F905BA9FD283.jpg (822x555, 81K)

My assertion is they looked like bad/obvious CGI. Which they did.

Every time someone points this out, there's some autistic prequelfag who will spam prequel BTS footage trying to claim the movies did not actually look like CGI.

Yes, and who behind the scenes said this?

I swear I've seen a slightly different version of that picture? Had some of the new stuff in

Woah, look at that immaculate set creation.

Attached: practical effects.jpg (1155x768, 88K)

See youtube.com/watch?v=jhpFsO8wUoI

... no, george lucas had very little to do with the steadily advancing resolution of digital cameras... Just because he (mistakenly) used some in his movies didn't affect the rate at which digital camera resolution was increasing.

Bluescreen is very much the old ways. They bluescreened from EP4 to EP6.

Is it true that Galaxy's Edge is filled with nu-Wars shit because they didn't want to give royalties to Lucas?

>Still shot is the same as a super fast moving duel between three people
Are you even listening to yourself anymore?


How exactly is this gif shitting on the prequels?

I enjoy it when people without arguments (or, in this case, knowledge) attempt to assert intellectual superiority.

>everything good about sw is anyone else
>everything bad is all Lucas
Are you rlmdrones actuallt jealous of the guy? What the fuck is up with this psychosis?

>Everything is shiny in a uniform way, the background is blurry in a uniform way, the foreground is all in one focus and the background is all in one focus.
Sounds like the Death Star

you became incoherent at the end there

Calm down, George.

The color doesn't fucking matter for VFX. The green is just easier on the actors. Now excuse me, my practical effects mechanical bull has to take a piss.

Attached: 322b07b9ef590fd2c0a2c66fd3d8d524.jpg (350x535, 26K)

There must be a trailer about to drop or something, the mouse shills always have the knifes out for george and mark just before they push some nu wars shit.

>imaging they are a space rental

Attached: 1560809258538.gif (500x375, 221K)

try actually reading posts before responding

Another weird thing about the Precueals, a lot of sets you seem to only see from one or two angles, because most of it is a digital matte painting,
Where the OT sets feel like fully realized areas with real uses the way something in the real world would be built, the prequels had sets designed like video game lvls, the unlocking/locking shield doors during the fight at the end of phantom and the smoke and sparks factory one in epi3 with flying r2d2, and padma jumping between stamps come to mind.
But none of this matters actually. No one would care if the story was good, and not cringe. The first lightsword fight after his training between Vader and Luke is good because you care about the characters and plot, that is why it will always be better and more dramatic and enjoyable than tpm fight, no matter how much dual of the fates music and high jumps they added.
Deus ex had crappy graphics for its time, but it is still an amazing video game, becuase surprise if the story is good, no one cares

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>implying these movies were bad
>implying people didn't love them when they came out, especially III

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The "lived in universe" was a brilliant aesthetic choice that began in ANH- and was never abandoned. The idea of the used universe is that the GFFA is a lived in world just like ours- so where things would reasonably be worn and dirty, such as a Tatooine slum or a scrappy Rebel hangar, you should find grime and dirt. Few if any space films before it ever did. But what people miss is that the OT films were never afraid to show clean places when it made sense. The Death Star interior, Cloud City, the Rebel flagships were all a stark contrast. That balance is tipped in the PT, but it's entirely circumstantial. Of course a giant city that represents the center of galactic society isn't dirty, of course a high-tech cloning facility is clean. The variety in aesthetics throughout the saga doesn't take away from the realism, it adds to it. You wouldn't expect real world hospitals or a UN building to be broken down.

If everything was depicted as worn, it would be just as bad all universally clean and proper. Neither is very realistic. And worse, people have conflated the "lived in" look with visuals that are pared down and small in ambition. It blows my mind that some people actually want new films the same limitations as ANH. We are not living in 1977 anymore. ANH is my favorite movie of all time, but I have no trouble admitting that its limited visual scope was a product of technical and budgetary limitations, rather than some brilliant artistic choice made in defiance of future CGI blockbusters. The visuals of ANH would not fly in 2015, and future Star Wars films shouldn't be afraid to step far beyond its boundaries. George Lucas understood this because he was never a fanboy to his own creation, and while I don't think the prequels are visually perfect films (there are a few moments where the scope undermines realism, as could be objectively said about some moments of the OT) I will always respect them for going beyond into genuinely new visual territory.

Well you posted outfits which had to be designed and sown.

They were quite bad and just about killed the brand

Is that why you post retarded, shit opinions with out knowledge or experience?


They killed the brand by making billions of dollars and hundreds of games, books and comics all loved by the fans?

>The visuals of ANH would not fly in 2015
Everything you said is wrong, but this is particularly stupid.
The OT special effects hold up, and you are retarded if you think otherwise

What's it like being retarded?

The pod races are a call back to George's hot rod days and American Grafiti like he did with the Millennium Falcon.

He needed Disney to buy Fox so he could get A New Hope back

You can literally see the matte borders, and the terrible looking explosions as puffs of smoke on the models.

He's not wrong considering I ignored the prequels after the first one. They sucked then and still do. If you were alive at the time they were mocked constantly (still are). The CGI was terrible even at the time. The different edits and re-releases were also panned of the OT. It's one big fat mess and Disney bought it. Their problem is they made soulless adaptations of the OT almost verbatim with current groupthink included.


Even in the 90s they were six months to years out of date before the issue was even printed, and often still completely wrong.

That entire article amounts to nothing but "george lucas did a thing." Wide adoption of digital wasn't going to happen for another decade, primarily because the prequels set digital back by making everything look like bad CGI.

Stop posting.

Attached: Star-Wars-Lucas-Featured.jpg (1000x584, 507K)

>just about killed the brand
>opened up the universe and made welcome additions to the lore

Ok mouse.

If those things actually happened, george lucas wouldn't have sold to disney.

>Tribes Ascend died
>there wont be tribes 4 or 5 because HiRez is legitimately evil

Keep trying, disney shills.
People love the prequels unlike your masters trash and they will live far after your abortion of a trilogy is forgotten.

You're not choking on my cock, because you haven't tasted my balls yet isn't a good argument when you are just flat out fucking wrong. Because the quality of CGI has abso-fucking-lutely nothing to do with the quality of the digital film you stupid fucking cunt.

He sold it because he was too burnt out to make another trilogy but he didnt want the brand to die with him

1 and 2 weren't good films but the lore the prequels introduced was amazing. Star Wars would be half as good if it was just the "flying around space and attacking the death star" of the OT. We'd have nothing about the Jedi, coruscant, emperor, anakin, fall of the Republic, clone wars

Not that guy but that’s standard for ot

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He was 80 years old and couldn’t deal with autistic retards flying off the handle whenever he so much as took a breath.
Good for him finally teaching the cattle a leason. Enjoy your new and improved sw, saved by based Disney.

keep raging against reality. I hope one day you win, and reality conforms entirely to your autistic interpretation of it.

This is for you too.

>because most of it is a digital matte painting,
That’s pretty incorrect

>He was 80 years old and couldn’t deal with autistic retards flying off the handle whenever he so much as took a breath.

read: most people hated the prequels, the steadily worsening games, the cancellation of the 2D show, and the god-awful 3D show, that has only now developed a fanbase because people started watching it when they were 7.

Same goes for you.

Try visiting skywalker alley

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Is this a new script disney gave you?

>they beg him to come back to fix things.

Faggot few retarded youtubers mean nothing. Like 90% of fans are still angry at him for special editions bullshit.

Not him but really? There were loads of effect failures that wouldn’t fly today. Take Return of the Jedi. Some of those puppets look ridiculously dated, besides Jabba who still holds great, and just that one shot of all those stormtroopers lined up for the Emperor’s arrival looks good only if you don’t stare at it for over a second and notice it being matte.

why are you so triggered by facts?

>The prequels didn't kill anything

You are actually retarded if you think that. PT destroyed SW brand.

>the steadily worsening games
Some of the best Star Wars games were in the prequel era. KOTOR and KOTOR 2, Jedi Outcas and Academy, Battlefront and not EAfront, etc.

>se movies
Did the original movies get erased out of existence?
Like i said, autistic retards

It's been renewed due to Disney being in panic mode. Clone Wars cartoon was never even popular.

Neither of those guys but what’s the evidence?

Why are your masters so triggered by people loving the PT?

>Clone Wars cartoon was never even popular.

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>clone wars cartoon was never popular
This is it guys.
We finally reached peak shilling.

and the games got steadily worse up till the sale.

I miss her

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>but the tie in shit had tons of cultural penetration

Tell me again how anything from PT that's not Maul or droid armies became a cultural icon. And even Maul was only popular among kids because his design was cool. He was a garbage character.

What kept Star Wars brand alive was games like KOTOR or Jedi Knight that had shit to do with prequels. Republic Commando pretty much had to completely retcon half of the movies lore to be a good game. They even fucking changed droid voices.

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>dude people love helicopter light sabers!

>posts OT


>Tell me again how anything from PT that's not Maul or droid armies became a cultural icon.
Not him but what about from grevious to the style of lightsaber fights? I remember kids swinging toy lightsabers more than ever. Now they just want avengers.

whats that? whats that you say? people liked the games that had ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY FUCKING NOTHING to do with the prequels?

I can't quite hear you, speak up?

>Did the original movies get erased out of existence?

Lucas unironically tried to do that with special editions.

>What kept Star Wars brand alive was games like KOTOR or Jedi Knight that had shit to do with prequels.
Entire characters like Jolee and Kreia had much to do with the state of the Jedi order in the prequels.

Helicopter lightsaber duels were disney trash, not cw cartoon, you retarded nigger shill.
Your masters will be disappointed with your performance itt!

TLJ was pleb filter

>clone wars time frame
>mandalorian wars being entirely because someone liked the mandos and jango

But are they erased out of existence and if not what is stopping you from watching those instead autistically pissing and shitting yourself for 20 years?


>user ratings

This is a sign that you never played them. They had lots to do with them.

>He bargains with Disney and buys back the Star Wars rights for $1 billion.

Attached: starwars17854105.jpg (411x640, 320K)

I know two dozen of SW fans. People with shitloads of SW merch, games and other shit. One of them saw Clone Wars. One. Other guy started watching it recently but dropped it.

Fuck off.

Learn english, you poo in loo.

yes, you still cannot buy an HD version of the OT without the special editions bullshit because lucas went around and hoovered up all the film reels he could find and destroyed them.

>people liked the games that had ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY FUCKING NOTHING to do with the prequels?
The lightsaber action of the outcast games were definitely influenced by all the movies. And while totj is a great influence, the prequels too were a great influence on kotor. Just the Jedi Order's dislike of attachments is something echoed in the prequels plenty.

>kotor had tons to do with the prequels!!
for the love of christ dude

ive noticed something about lucas and why possibly diseny's star wars is so shit.

I like to write, I come up with stupid stories, they aren't good because if they where id be making money off them which I don't, However, I have friends and a few acquaintances who know that I write and they all say things such as "wow, I could never imagine anything as amazing as that" or "I wish I was like you, I don't have an imagination", some of them then ask for my advice in creating their own pieces of writing which are dull and boring or they ask for my help in writing for some video game projects since they like some ideas I have and want to use them in their games cos they "don't have an imagination"

this made me realize that there are two kinds of people, those with imagination who can think up entire fictional universes with minimal effort while the other type of person either cant think of anything what so ever or can only borrow ideas that are only a pale lackluster imitation of the original they borrowed from. if you look at the transcripts of lucas discussing Indiana jones with Spielberg when they came up with the idea or even when George was writing the star wars story originally he is definitely part of the group of people who can have an imagination. meanwhile at Disney you have them writing stories about han solo when their is nothing to write to add to his character and the final result was just copy paste jabba the hut but woman. all of JJ Abrams films from star trek to star wars are the same with a rushed copy paste plot with space battle and dialogue more forced than Georges with a rehashed empire. and with Kathleen kennedy and her story writing team who are meant to over see all things creatively star wars then you can tell that they have no imagination for any over arching story as there is no over arching story.

what im trying to say is, Disney star wars sucks cos they have no imagination

Consider learning to samefag better. And cite better evidence. Seriously, Rotten Tomatoes?

But are able to download the from pirate bay or other site, or not?
Go on, entertain us...

The fact that Lucas refused to release normal version of OT for fucking years and claimed the destroyed the original tapes? You were only allowed to like his terrible CGI crapfest edition.

Like holy shit only way to watch OT in HD are fucking fan editions.


George Lucas dropped himself into shit recently by running his mouth off at Disney (during an interview with Charlie Rose) over Star Wars Episode 7 The Force Awakens, referring to them as “white slavers” in regards to their handling of the child he sold to them in exchange for four billion dollars, which also included Lucasfilm, LucasArts, Industrial Light & Magic, Skywalker Sound and Indiana Jones.

Afterwards Turkeyneck had to release a “special edition” of his comment where he claims to have misspoke and apologized but you know what’s really bothering him? A Star Wars movie was made without his involvement to huge financial success and it’s burning him up inside because even at this stage in life, George Lucas is and always has been a money grubbing control freak.

On the outside he’s cold and detached but, speaking as someone who was also born under the zodiac sign of the Taurus, under this exterior lays a strong-willed character with great perseverance, determination and passion who occasionally shovels out a lot of fucking bullshit!

One of the things that always confused me about the prequels was the reason why Lucas decided to Direct them when he hadn’t sat in the Director’s chair since making the first Star Wars? Over the years I thought it was because he was worried that either someone would make better movies than him, as Irvin Kershner did with The Empire Strikes Back, or that he just didn’t want to share a slice of the box office pie with whoever helmed them.

Attached: CITIZEN LUCAS1.png (320x319, 168K)

>dude the despecialized editions exist so george lucas didn't try to wipe the un-altered OT from existince

... where does sally look for the ball?

Lots man. From the aesthetic to the characters. There was a guy who loved the mandos from his time seeing jango and expanded them.

But Lucas is the type of guy who doesn’t do something unless he has a burning desire to and I now realize what that was.

Born in Modesto California, Lucas was an angry and repressed boy living with his parents and under the thumb of his Conservative Father which fueled George’s lifelong anti-authoritarianism. After high school he went to USC (University of Southern California) in the late 60’s where he found his vocation as an editor/filmmaker, eventually coming under the tutelage of Francis Ford Coppola with whom he co-founded American Zoetrope. During this time George met Marcia Griffin, a fellow editor, who he fell in love with and married while becoming friends with some of the most influential filmmakers of that time such as Steven Spielberg, Brian DePalma, Martin Scorsese, John Milius and Paul Schrader among others.

This was the height of Lucas’ success as he had nurturing support and healthy criticism from his near and dear while fandom regarded him as a God. But each movie that George Lucas has Directed reveals a piece of the puzzle that is his psyche as it unravels from idealistic youth to embittered old man living in his own Xanadu known as Skywalker Ranch.

THX 1138 was a feature film version of the award winning short film that brought Lucas to Coppola’s attention. In an underground futuristic Orwellian dystopia, THX 1138 is a worker drone emotionally controlled by the state. He’s brought out of his conditioned conformity by LUH 3417 with whom he makes love, which is forbidden, and inspires THX to escape onto the sunlit surface of the Earth. The thesis of the film is that emotion, love and sexuality can help free your mind and reflects George’s relationship with Marcia during those early days.

I accept your defeat.

Clone Wars toys sold like shit and series was cancelled. Only super hardcore autist fans ever cared about it.

its cute watching you constantly try to revise history to validate your opinions of your favorite childhood movies

Fucking nailed it.

Unfortunately the movie bombed which is why Lucas changed gears and made American Graffiti. Now pushing 30, George’s reflective film was a nostalgic elegy for his childhood, set in 1962 before the cultural/political upheaval that later took place in the United States, about the fear and uncertainty a group of teens feel towards their upcoming graduation as adulthood beckons. The movie was a massive hit, giving George success far surpassing that of his Father but he now had bigger competition in the form of his former mentor Coppola who had become one of the most exalted filmmakers on the planet with The Godfather.

Lucas had no expectations with Star Wars, was convinced it was going to bomb and hoped that he could make more money than Francis with toy sales. In the end he made a movie that had more cultural impact that any other in cinema history not to mention the vast fortune he amassed from it. But despite its simple black and white, good versus evil plotline mined from mythology, it still feels like a deeply personal film that people have mistaken for a Vietnam allegory but is actually about his relationship with Coppola and Hollywood.

Luke Skywalker is a disaffected young man living in a cultural wasteland and spends his time hot rodding as Lucas did in Modesto. Longing for more in life, he comes into contact with young woman (Leia/Marcia) who leads him to an older sage (Ben/Francis) who takes him on an adventure to defeat the ruling class (Empire/Hollywood) and by using smaller equipment and fewer resources, the Rebels/Artists are able to take down the Death Star which could be seen as a metaphor for the Studio System who were trying to squash independent filmmakers with an original vision.

>kotor had tons to do with the prequels!!
They did. One of the most outstanding features of Jolee Bindo is the way he opposes the teachings of his fellow Jedi, teachings that continued until the prequels.

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And even though he didn’t Direct them, you can still feel Lucas throughout Empire and Jedi. Now in a position of power himself, Luke/George is pursued by the Empire/Hollywood who wants him to serve them. The most significant scene in Empire is the vision in the cave when Luke decapitates Vader. This foreshadows the danger of Luke becoming like Vader, an authoritarian who is revealed to be his Father as Lucas must have been concerned that his drive for success was turning him into that which he rebelled against during his childhood. But by the time Jedi was released there was no happy ending as Lucas had turned to the Darkside which is why, on the surface, he paints a rosy picture of good defeating evil with the Ewoks being his subtextual comparison to the end of the Vietnam War and Luke rejecting the Emperor. But the reality is that even though a system of control was eliminated, another one would inevitably take its place just as the Hollywood moguls of old made way for the younger generation, like Lucas who aspired to not make the same mistakes and, in the end, replicated them while lying to himself in order to justify his actions.

It’s also noteworthy that by the end of the original trilogy Luke had lost Leia as a love interest just as Marcia left George soon after finishing Return of the Jedi as he became wound tighter due to his need to maintain success. This is why he’s more Turkeyneck now than man. Twisted and evil.

>Clone Wars toys sold like shit and series was cancelled.

So I guess that means endgame has zero feminism or diversity because the zero feminism/diversity fan edit exists.

Yet the two highest grossing Star Wars films were made by Disney. It's over Yea Forums

Are you legit retarded? George fought against that. His special editions got worse and worse to the point he was just adding shit to spite the fans.

But yeah, keep defending the old retard because youtube sheep told you to. Disney movies being garbage doesn't magically make George's crap good.

During his hiatus from Directing, Lucas made some half-assed attempts at Producing films such as Howard the Duck, Willow and The Radioland Murders, all of which tanked. Then in 1994 he announced that he was going to be doing new Star Wars movies utilizing the latest digital technology which he claimed would allow him to make them the way he always dreamed of. Lying to one’s self is the beginning to the path of darkness and by the time the 90’s rolled around Lucas was also at ease with lying to the public.

Lucas originally saw the incredible success of Star Wars and its technological advances as something that he could use to transform cinema. But by the time the “Special Editions” of the OT were released it was clear that the new blockbuster system he helped to created had changed him and now he not only hated Star Wars but despised its fans. He would stick the knife in with Greedo shooting first and then twist it with Jar Jar Binks. This is because despite being a good idea man, Lucas just never really had anything to say and the only thing that ever really drove him was surpassing the success of his Father figures while maintaining his anti-authoritarian stance in a form of FUCK THE MAN! posturing. But as the 80’s wore on he began to strip himself of the people who helped guide him which is why, with the help of his wife and friends, Star Wars was filled with warmth and humanity unlike the prequels which are cold and lifeless.

It went on for 3 seasons and ended leading right into RotS. It ended where it was meant to.

Can you tell that your autistic? I mean you're confusing a lot of series of events and acting as if identical knowledge exists on all points of a timeline you don't really seem to understand.


Lucas could have hired more capable people to Write and Direct new Star Wars movies but he was determined to do them himself because he really did have something he wanted to say. At first I thought Anakin was supposed to be the Christ Child, born from an immaculate conception and destined to free the slaves ala Moses. But in reality he’s now the character George identifies with; a child without a Father figure who tinkers with technology as he himself had regressed, making the Phantom Menace into an infantile mess over reliant on cartoonish caricatures such as Jar Jar.

And while the crux of THX 1138 was about a man ascending into a new world through love and emotion, the Turkeyneck of today sees love as being a destructive force that brings people to ruin as it did to Anakin Skywalker. The Emperor in the Prequels is STAR WARS itself who used Anakin’s ambition against him, destroyed his marriage and employed him to eradicate the Jedi/Cinema with a clone army (JJ Abrams, Michael Bay, Brett Ratner, Paul “What Script?”Anderson, Len Wiseman etc….) to ensure the domination of his new Empire which he also did out of spite because “They don’t give Academy Awards to popular films” as Lucas commented to Charlie Rose in a blatant lie which was reminiscent of Anakin bitching about being allowed on the Jedi council yet not being given the rank of Master as Lucas no doubt see's himself, having never won an Oscar.

>with the help of his wife
>someone who didn't do shit besides that any other editor was supposed to do

>his special editions got worse and worse to the point he was just adding shit to spite the fans
Based Lucas.
You “fans” deserve disney.

Stop rewriting history they had more seasons planned but it was cancelled.

So why did Lucas start shooting his mouth off during the interview? It’s because he’s an irrelevant old man who’s been living in his own reality for far too long. One of the things about getting old is realizing that you’re no longer a part of the zeitgeist and time is passing you by while you begin to assess the sum-total of your existence as you get closer to the end.

Turkeyneck lost the love of his life, never fathered any children, allowed his ego to burn down his legacy with the Prequels, not to mention Kingdom of the Crystal Skull, and then let his greed piss on the ashes by selling everything he built before mouthing off to a corporation to make himself feel like he was sticking it to The Man before walking that comment back like a Flannel wearing dog having its nose rubbed into the shit it took on the carpet.
George Lucas has nothing left, not even his pride or dignity.

"Mr. Lucas was a man who got everything he wanted and then lost it. Maybe "Han shot first" was something he couldn't get, or something he lost. Anyway, it wouldn't have explained anything... I don't think any phrase can explain a man's life. No, I guess "Han shot first" is just a... piece in a jigsaw puzzle... a missing piece.”


What are you saying? I'm saying that Jolee was written entirely as a response to teachings of the Jedi we knew from the prequels. These were not teachings we knew before.

Yeah, I liked so much unwatchable crap when I was a kid.
Of course, once I grew up, I didn't like that anymore. It would be really sad if I did.

>Lucas could have hired more capable people to Write and Direct new Star Wars movies but he was determined to do them himself
He offered it to Spielburg didn't he?

That's just regular chess, user. Quit being impressed by a fat dumb fuck who made 5 bad star wars movies in a row.

most everyone has you filtered, nigga. you may as well be shitposting in notepad

>with the help of his wife and friends
His wife deserves no such credit. She was one of 3 editors Lucas brought because he found the first edit unsatisfactory and Lucas himself did some editing. Nobody cares for the other editors, only her. She deserves no such special attention. What did she even do outside ANH?

your argument is that people loved the prequels because some of the non-prequel media referenced them.

Mark Hamill and Steven Spielberg contend that Lucas was solely responsible for the overall vision and aesthetic of the films (a Space opera B-Movie done on the scale of an Epic Movie with mixes of Japanese Jidai Geki and The Western) and that he had to constantly fight naysayers, producers, and cast and crew who didn't take the film seriously because the subject matter seemed childish to them, as it did to most audiences of Science Fiction B-Movie before Star Wars. In the case of The Empire Strikes Back, Lucas served as producer and writer; while the film was directed by Irving Kershner, Lucas was entirely and solely responsible for the film's central Plot Twist (Luke, I Am Your Father), as well as deciding on the Han/Leia romance, creating the characters of Yoda and Lando Calrissian, without which it's unlikely that The Empire Strikes Back would be as respected as it is. Lucas was also more hands-on in Return of the Jedi owing to the contentious direction of Richard Marquand.

Wrong. My argument is that the prequels had much influence on material released within the prequel timeframe, including kotor.

Jesus who the fuck cares. Star Wars was never good. Just enjoy ut for the kitsch it is.

>>someone who didn't do shit besides that any other editor was supposed to do

Yet everything he made after their divorce has been complete and utter shit!!!FACT!!!

>Lucas could have hired more capable people to Write and Direct new Star Wars movies but he was determined to do them himself because he really did have something he wanted to say.

>Do you also think it happened only in 99 and not for the entire fucking decade after it?

So you pretty much summed up my point that all this hate came well after the movie premiered.

In 99 people went out to watch it and thought meh and got on with their lives. They didnt act like it raped their sister like people do today.

That doesn't mean people didn't hate the prequels. Especially considering jolee is a vehicle to criticize how poorly the jedi are written in the prequels.

>most everyone has you filtered, nigga.

Except for you, faggot!!!FACT!!!

>yet nothing else the dumb bitch made got any attention
She deserves no special attention, especially when the other editors on ANH didn't get any. She's at best a one hit wonder. At best because she wasn't the only editor.

>Especially considering jolee is a vehicle to criticize how poorly the jedi are written in the prequels.
>defined and consistent ideologies being criticized as poorly written

Attached: What the fuck am I reading.jpg (736x1080, 75K)

Jolee wasn't made to criticize the writing, heck, even the prequels echoed that the jedi failed. He was to say that their buddhism based ideology rejects human nature and that their lengths to stave off the dark side have worse consequences.

>She deserves no special attention, especially when the other editors on ANH didn't get any. She's at best a one hit wonder. At best because she wasn't the only editor.

She guided him emotionally and once she was gone he regressed into infantile drivel!!!FACT!!!

>Especially considering jolee is a vehicle to criticize how poorly the jedi are written in the prequels.
>are written
Criticizing the core philosophies of a faction held in-universe as flawed isn't a critique of the writing.

Attached: Consider the following.png (824x720, 430K)

>She guided him emotionally
The bitch did nothing of the sort. She opposed things Kubrik, a far superior movie maker, liked. She deserves nothing. She had her paycheck and her spotlight which no other editor of the 3 got.

That just makes no logical sense.
George Lucas had no co- director on the set of ANH.
Marcia and whoever the fuck else you think really made the movie weren't even on set.

This is the kind of stuff you only notice after 10+ viewings of the OT and are not a legitimate complaint

Why did people lie to me about Lucas being a bad editor and all that "ANH was saved in editing by Marcia" stuff?

I'm reading this book, and not only do people like John Milius say things like pic related, but it talks about how Lucas was the one who decided that the original guy he had hired to edit was shit, and brought in Marcia and two other people and gave them direction on how he wanted the edit, and was very hands on.

He was apparently a respected editor.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (3264x2448, 1.88M)

jolee was a response to the lack of depth the prequels added to star wars as far as the jedi are concerned. for every jedi in the prequels was of identical opinion and ideology, despite how utterly flawed the ideology was.

>This is the kind of stuff you only notice after 10+ viewings of the OT
I noticed it the first time. It's called being older than 10 when you watched it.
Not those but lack of depth wasn't jolee's criticism at all. To say such is to fail to understand him completely.

>jolee was a response to the lack of depth the prequels added to star wars as far as the jedi are concerned.
>lack of depth when none of this was brought up
>he hasn't read about Buddhism and separating yourself from worldly desires
>he thinks that flawed ideologies haven't been held by many, even now

Attached: What the fuck am I reading.gif (446x469, 808K)

>but lack of depth wasn't jolee's criticism at all
I didn't say it was, my barely literate friend.

Lucas was the entire reason Marcia came on to ANH. The original guy he hired made a complete disaster of a cut, and refused to listen to George, so he replaced him with two other guys(Richard Chew and Paul Hirsch). And later allowed Marcia to come aboard as well while she was also editing another film with Martin Scorsese.

>The bitch did nothing of the sort. She opposed things Kubrik, a far superior movie maker, liked. She deserves nothing. She had her paycheck and her spotlight which no other editor of the 3 got.

Go to bed George on your pile of money and cry that your sperm count is soo low that you had to buy children to raise!!!FACT!!!

Is this a troll post?
Marcia was not a writer, she was only one of three editors on ANH, and George was a noted editor in his own right. John Milius and others (including Marcia) have talked about how George is a talented editor in his own right.

Because Lucas bad.
Anyone else, good.
Lucas was a fucking retard that walkex around sets with his pants around his ankles, slipping on banana peels while the movies he directed, wrote and produced were in fact “saved” by some literally whos.

Stop sucking off Marcia. She deserves no special attention. The bitch gets too much attention.

>That just makes no logical sense. George Lucas had no co- director on the set of ANH.Marcia and whoever the fuck else you think really made the movie weren't even on set.

You're a real fucking moron aren't you? Either that or a Lucas apologist forever sucking on his giblets. Just because people weren't LITERALLY on set doesn't mean that he wasn't influenced.

So, care to explain how ANH was soo great despite all of that adversity yet when he had 100% control with the prequels they turned into complete fucking shit?!?FACT!!!

It wasn't lack of depth. They had a defined pseudo-buddhist philosophy that was internally consistent. They acted they way they did because centuries of no large scale conflict had made them passive. Extremely so. Jolee was an in-universe criticism to in-universe philosophies.

ANH was the only good film. ESB was an incomplete mess which wasted half its screentime on Han and Leia filler which a child would recognize as filler.

The prequels are nowhere as bad as you say. He also had opposition on the set and various other input, including script doctoring and ghost directing by others.

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They shoehorned in a few things into kotor, which always stood out, but kotor could still exisit pretty much complete with out the PT, all the main lore was from OT
The mandolorian wars were from the EU books long before the PTs

>So, care to explain how ANH was soo great
Decent at best
>despite all of that adversity
Like budget & why he had to settle for merchandising rights?

Explain why everything besides ep4 sucked balls.

>Marcia was not a writer, she was only one of three editors on ANH, and George was a noted editor in his own right. John Milius and others (including Marcia) have talked about how George is a talented editor in his own right.

At what point in this thread did I say Lucas was a bad editor? Fucking moron. Now you're making up imaginary arguments because you've got Lucas' cock jammed down your throat!!!FACT!!!

>The mandolorian wars were from the EU books long before the PTs
Is this a joke? The Mandalorian Wars were made for KOTOR.

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Nothing besides KOTOR 2 had any sort of merit beyond cliche. So who cares? Marcia failed to make those pulp films good. ANH wasn't "soo great", it was child tier.
Not even true and not even one of those. Just look at Kreia who's entire character is a dismantling of the force, the jedi, etc. She can't exist without her message, which relies entirely on dismantling what we know previously. What OT thing said the force had prophecies and control like that?


>They shoehorned in a few things into kotor,
>which always stood out
It was some of the core things.
>all the main lore was from OT
Absolutely wrong. KotoR draws a lot from TotJ and the prequels and originals to set itself up. It draws lots from prequels.

>all the main lore was from OT
>Exar Kun
The most amusing thing is that Bioware thought that the Phantom Menace was actually a good movie, and they then proceeded to rip off a significant chunk of it. If the other 2 prequels had released earlier, Kotor 1 would have ripped them off too

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You mean plagiarizing every plot point of the OT & TPM (it came out too late to rip off the later prequels), then sure.

>Opens with the Sith shooting down a Republic ship, with their target getting away in an escape pod
>Hero is told they have to find a Jedi
>Heroes meet scoundrel+wookie duo in cantina
>Hero has to win a swoop race to free someone from captivity
>Female lead is captured, but breaks free and kills her capturer
>Hero is told they're force-sensitive and this is why they're so good at swoop racing
>Heroes meet a guy in a Cantina who offers access to a ship off-planet, which is named after a bird, supposedly the fastest in the sector and described by the owner as not looking like much
>Hero taken to Jedi Council for training, although some Jedi reluctant to do so due to "person's age"
>Has a Yoda clone
>Sith hire bounty hunter to kill heroes
>Hero built their own protocol droid
>Old Jedi living as a hermit joins the hero
>Awkward personality droid translates Sand People speech for heroes
>Underwater section with a giant fish wreaking havoc
>Ship caught in tractor beam. Crew plan "alternatives to fighting" before being taken in, but end up fighting anyway
>Heroes run around to disable the necessary systems so that the ship can escape
>Villain is disfigured Sith Lord and has some cybernetic parts as a result
>Villain makes surprise appearance. Han Solo type tries to shoot him and fails
>"I am your Father" type reveal. Jedi friend knew
>Jedi friend stays behind to fight main bad guy so that others may escape
>Main threat is a weaponized space station capable of destroying planets
>Republic/Sith square off in front of space station that's being protected by a shield generator disruptor field on a nearby world
>Heroes disable disruptor field, defeating the Sith who were waiting for them
>Hero/villain fight in observation deck overlooking said Republic/Sith battle
>Ends with award ceremony

Ignoring the quality of this game, I think it's a missed opportunity that the Jedi in the films didn't wear actual armour. They were supposed to be Jedi KNIGHTS, but for some reason Obi-Wan's hermit disguise is the uniform of the Jedi.

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Kotor is also derivative of the prequels. The only reason it didn't copy Attack of the clones is that it was too far in development.

These plot points were all copied from Phantom of the mance:
>Hero has to win a swoop race to free someone
>Hero taken to Jedi Council for training, although some Jedi reluctant cuz age
>Hero built their own protocol droid
>Underwater section with a giant fish

KoTOR aped the prequel aesthetic rather than using the previously established Tales of the Jedi stylings.

Episode IV is the only Star Wars movie in which Jedi aren't retarded. Since Episode V Jedi are liars and autists, and Luke has to prove them wrong. He wins only because he doesn't listen to Ben and Yoda that thought Vader is beyond redemption. They were too autistic to comprehend such feelings like love and family bounds, but not Luke. In prequels their autism makes Anakin fall into the Dark Side.

In Kotor they were even more retarded and would let Republic and themselves be killed by Mandalorians which would also result in Sith winning as there would be nobody to stop them. Mandalorians wanted to force Jedi to fight and so tempted them to act by committing all those atrocities. Ultimately they would just enter their temples and started shooting at them but there would be no Republic to help them. Exile and those who he trained rebuilt Jedi Order into slightly less dumb version as Jedi weren't apathetic retards in prequels, they joined war after all, they were just autistic retards.

In old EU Luke ultimately rebuilds Jedi Order in it's best incarnation though there is a lot of Jedi falling into Dark Side. In Disney sequels there is nothing and no lore.

>They shoehorned in a few things into kotor, which always stood out, but kotor could still exisit pretty much complete with out the PT, all the main lore was from OT
>The mandolorian wars were from the EU books long before the PTs
This better be a joke

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The main lore was Tales of the Jedi. Not OT.

Attached: TOTJDLOTS2-FC.jpg (1387x2100, 2.3M)

George is the true master of the game.

I’ll check those quads. RoTS holds up. Fight me
