What's the hardest sports related loss you've ever taken?
That one loss you still feel to this day.
Who/what do you blame for the loss?
Let it all out anons.
What's the hardest sports related loss you've ever taken?
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Euros final 2021. No question about it. I don't think non-English people realise how actually horrifying that night was for us. It wasn't just a meme.
Who/what do you blame for the loss?
Pain. Endless pain. The only time I ever cried for somebody outside my family.
1. Gareth Southgate
2. The cucked attitude of English football fans that thinks "glorious failure" is acceptable, rather than going all out for the actual win
The 93 world series.
That Phillies team was pure SOVL and even as a young kid I knew it would be the last time my grandpop would see them in the series.
He loved them and kept going to games in his 90s.
Mitch Williams for the game 4 debacle not the Carter walk off.
Greece in the finals and nothing even comes close. Hardest I’ve drank in my life.
David Luiz, CBF, Felipão, Thiago Silva and Zuninga.
Yeah this. I was ready to go celebrate in a convertible 4x4 of my uncle and then that happened, it was the only time I saw him and my grandfather cry too
wanted to die when usa lost to ghana in 2010 world cup
i was legitimately ready to die
spurs liverpool in cl final
30 seconds in a dodgy handball call gives pool a pen and its all over
Yeah the pub I was at turned so fucking quick it was surreal
It was nervy but as soon as the Maguire smashed that penalty in the place was bouncing
"Give it to the black man, he'll score"
I don't let sports dictate my emotional state. Sports are a psyop on the general masses to feign a war between two clubs or individuals. It distracts the normie from real world issues.
1974 WC final is/was a national trauma.
Ajax: I guess losing to Tottenham in the CL semi's altho reaching that stage was a miracle itself.
In the 90s 00's there was a penalty trauma at NT which haunted us and ended in 2004 vs Sweden.
96 vs France
98 vs Brazil
00 vs Italy
Brazil World Cup final 2022. Worst day ever.
98 ECF v. the Bulls. No one to blame except for Jordan I guess. That was brutal
Luis Suarez was my favorite player for years because of the handball
My team had the worst collapse of all time in the Super Bowl. Can never be as big a fan of them as I used to be after that
Nothing, because I'm an adult and I know sport is only and entertainment, not worth of losing your nerves over. Please grow up, there is enough evil in this world, so you don't have to cry over entitled millionaires losing football match.
Liverpool vs Sao Paulo 2005
There's too many to list.
This is how I feel in the end.
Gotta have to go with the penalties against >schalke
I didn't care who won that final but I was so mad that after such a kino tournament the final was such a wet fart. I blame that handball call.
Bears losing the super bowl with rax
School championship final in 9th grade.
I blame the right back who scored the winning own goal in the last minute.
Two stand out.
Game 7 of the 1997 World Series. Jose Mesa was brought in for the 9th inning with a 1 run lead. He fucking blew it. Goddamn I hate him so much. But I was young so no Cleveland championships in any sport didn't really matter to me. I had only been alive for 8 years.
2007 ALCS (the series before the World Series).
Indians had a great team. Late in the season they had brought back Kenny Lofton (one of the most iconic Indians from the 90s). The Indians had the first and fourth best pitchers in their half of the MLB. It actually seemed like a movie, and I was sure the cosmic forces had aligned for a Cleveland championship. They were up 3 games to 1 and just needed one more win. Then the fucking wheels came off. Goddamn. Fausto Carmona (who used a fake identity to make it to the US. his real name is Roberto Hernandez) shat the bed hard. He had one bad game and one horrifically embarrassing game in the series. I pin the blame mostly on him. Had the Indians won the ALCS and gone to the World Series, I am confident they would have won.
Then the Cleveland Curse got broken by the Cavs, aka the least favorite Cleveland team during an away game. Such a non-kino way to win the first championship for any Cleveland team in 50+ years.
How many deaths?
France again?
Dont do this with me, man....
I got mad when Spurs scored that bullshit last minute winner against Ajax to take them through to a thoroughly undeserved final of a competition they have no right being in. I literally stood up and launched a bottle across the room the moment Moura scored.
By comparison, the final was extremely chill. By the time I had arrived at the pub to watch it, Liverpool were already 1-0 up, and justice was done.
For me it's college football, the 2009 SEC Championship, basically the beginning of the Saban dynasty. My Gators were the defending national champs and undefeated, and were favored to win. That ended up being the only game they lost that year, and was the end of a dominant run by an incredibly based team led by the future king of Yea Forums (Tim Tebow)
Saudi Arabian GP 2021 - I was mad at the decision of both my driver (Verstappen) and the stewards choices. It was a hard pill to swallow for a week but jokes on his rival we won the final race and the Championships
I was rooting for you in 2016. Sure we crapped on your 1997 hopes, but crapping on the Cubs in 2003 was much funnier and I wanted them to continue suffering for it.
I remember that shit. 3 goals were not given to Liverpool. Rigged shit.
Sorry we had to rig it for the pecho frio. It was part of his contract.
Super Bowl 49. Still seething to this day and until I die.
I went to get a drink at 87' to celebrare river winning the second libertadores in a row, when I came back a weird looking brazilian names gabagool was scoring a tap in, before I could even understand what was happening he scored again
the disallowed last minute city goal was more bullshit
both games high sovl though, unlike the final
>The cucked attitude of English football fans that thinks "glorious failure" is acceptable, rather than going all out for the actual win
this would be so upsetting if I was English. It's definitely real and it bothers the fuck out of me and I'm not even from the country. It's baffling
You only beat the Yankees that year because of the midge flies feasting on Joba Chamberlain who was literally unhittable to that point. Like historically dominant.
I was a student when UNC lost the buzzer beater to Villanova after pic related happened. Luckily I got to see the kino redemption victory the next year
>college ball
Yeah man I was heartbroken when the Cambridge year 7s beat the Oxford year 9s.
first time I see a boca fan talking about this
Sporting lisbon, so many losses i became numb and stopped caring about football. It sucks because you vant just change teams
(lardass giambi still should've beat that out)
An old fag Gooner out in the colonies says:
>Euro 96
Didn't really matter it was Germany, but the penalty loss was gut wrenching. And I'm still traumatised to this day. When England went 1 up early on against Italy last year, my first thought was, "Yeah, this happened against Germany in '96 and we still lost." FFS.
>vs Man Utd, FA Cup semi-final
Awful loss and the beginning of that bitter (kino) rivalry between Arsenal and Man Utd. It feels worse in retrospect knowing Man Utd would go on to do the treble, but Bergkamp missing that penalty at the end and Giggs being a cunt and his hairy fucking chest infuriated me then and to this day.
>vs Barcelona, Champion's League final 2006
Obvious. I've never been able to re-watch any part of this match, let alone the whole thing.
>vs Liverpool, Champion's League quarter final 2008
Absolutely enraging end. With five minutes to go Arsenal get a goal that puts them through on away goals. Within a single fucking minute they give away a ridiculously stupid penalty, which is promptly scored. The plunge from the high to the low was awful. I just couldn't believe it. And then, chasing the game, Arsenal concede one more goal in injury time to rub salt in the wound.
It's a good thing Arsenal haven't been competitive for a while. There's less hope to kill me with.
Game 4 of the 2001 ALCS. Watching Soriano hit that walkoff broke me. We had never won the pennant before. It was our year. 116 wins. Greatest team of all time. Destiny. I BELIEVED. Technically, Game 4 wasn't an elimination game... but it didn't matter. I knew it was over. 116 wins gone. Just gone. A minor curiosity in history. Nothing more. Last time the M's appeared in the playoffs. That's okay. Failing to reach the playoffs is an act of mercy. Don't ever get my hopes up again. Can't let them hurt me again.
1. 2006 wc
2. 2010 wc
3. 2020 euros
>he doesn’t just become a fan of whoever wins
Fucking loser
2007 World Series. Rocktober ended...
When I was a junior in high school we got blown out 63-14 in the state championship football game.
deep down it hurts, most will not acknowledge it, but it does
Gotta admit, this is now my go-to song for feeling depressed, and I live as far away from the Mariners as possible.
2006 World Cup Grosso dives against Australia
We weren’t going to win the cup but we didn’t deserve such shameless cheating to lose
>What's the hardest sports related loss you've ever taken?
Game 7 Canucks vs Rangers. For some odd reason, I watched/listen every game that year and wrote down the score in my calendar. Never did anything like that before or after. Anyways, I developed a betting system from this pain called Happy Insurance Betting. You bet a shit ton of money against the team you cheer for so you are never totally gutted. When the Bruins beat the Canucks in the finals, I raked in a couple of months salary and was okay with it.
>Greatest team of all time
>couldn't get past the FIRST playoffs series
Seacucks forever cucked into oblivion
SB49. no words needed