Post the most handsome players from your National Team. For me it's Borna Sosa...
Post the most handsome players from your National Team. For me it's Borna Sosa
Lmao no way that goblino is better looking than Šajeta Car
this is now gay/sp/
btw best looking in your team was Manđukić, dunno for our fags as I don't follow them
Can’t wait until our ngubus stomp your boomer ass team. Homo
our team is all hideous
Ferrán Torres is handsome, I guess. Morata and Koke are not good looking, but they look manly. Pau Torres is 'pretty'.
>meanwhile, on female Yea Forums...
What you talking about? Sosa looks like a long haired DiCaprio, he mogs caleta car
I am a straight male that can appreciate male beauty
>posting ass ensues
for me it's faf, king of the manlets
Brother your team won't touch a ball, brozo-kova-modric will destroy you in the middle and gvardiol, sosa and perisic will destroy you on the left side
Isn't this the german player Bruno Zoza?
gavi is the cutest
No. That's Brunhold Soßer.
> thinks rough looking Manđukić is the best looking
This user is a confirmed bottom.
No pencil moustache can hide the fact that he’s a twink
>euro povertyball thread
>full of men-loving faggots
lol. lmao.
I noticed that Argentine bitches go crazy for Lo Celso on instagram.
Probably because he's rather white-looking.
For me it was rakitic
When Iceland played against Argentina, argentine bitches went crazy for Gislason on instagram and he went from like 30k followers to 700k in a week lmao
He looks ok
I think the moral of the story here is that Argentine bitches go crazy for GOOD LOOKING white men like most women anywhere would. Any mutant stormfront nigger thinking he'll slay in Argentina just because he is white is in for a rude awakening.
jelly are we amerilard?
Thank god i am handsome then
based fellow Trapp chads
Why are you seething so hard?
lo celso is pretty hot
gtfo of my board
why doesn't he shave off his facial hair, it looks horrible
i'm sure he'd look much better without it
Is this actually considered handsome?
he's not ugly. handsome, who knows. he's no movie star but he's prety attractive.
My team is all Bvlls
Muttoid cope
Declan Rice is pretty handsome these days, which is weird because he used to look like a thumb. I guess that's what happens when you stop being Irish.
Hair. He looks awful with buzzcuts
Anime website and texhnolyze is kino that everyone should watch even if they don't like anime
Alisson would be top tier anywhere in the world if he actually cared enough to get treatment for acne
The rest of the team is in a grim state
A challenger emerges
guess this guy counting the only playing ones and not ex players
more like oussama hadaddy
Aaronson is kinda cute
Modric will have his hip broken by the 10th minute. Our ngubus lack technicality but don’t lack strength.
Piątek my beloved
Rent free.
I think fags consider this look attractive. Not sure why. Whereas a straight man like myself sees someone like John Hamm as the epitome of male attractiveness.
Middle back row looks like a gigachad
>everyone should watch even if they don't like anime
Every anime fag says this about every anime. You're watching cartoons made for CHILDREN
Gay sport. Gay thread.
DePaul is considerd the hottest
>Every anime fag says this about every anime.
not even close
based Brazilbro
>My ancestor
I am announcing my intention to hide this thread. Suck it EZ u faggots
Yeah soccer is gay not the sport where they dress up the players as hyper-masculine caricatures of men in spandex and wrestle eachother to the ground constantly and the commentary is all about obsessing over physique. You're more gay than you realize.
Huh, fewer ngubus than I thought.
Best looking White: Pulingz
Best looking Mutt: Cade Cowell
Best looking Non-White: Daryl Dike
Oh you think so.