No but at least RM aren't obnoxious hypocrites. Madrid supporting the Super League is based, Barca trying it is repulsive.
Christian Watson
no cap liverpool be bussin rn fr fr ong
Elijah White
>look how faithful i am >picks 2 buy their wins clubs, 2 oil sheiks, and the most annoying fairweather fanbase in europe well done retard
Easton Powell
This is the most obvious bait I've ever seen
Nathaniel Reed
Oh wow Barca nearly came back yesterday. I turned it off after 3-0 down.
Hudson Ross
I WAS faithful, but my tolerance can only take so much. I'm tired of the scummy tactics Barcelona has been pulling in the last 10 years.
Nathaniel Young
ive always felt this as an arsenal fan when madrid want your player theyre chads about it. they slap their dick on the table and pay you the money and its sorted in a week
with barca they just leak shit to the press about how your player loves barca and hates your club, all slimy underhanded tactics to get your player to burn all ties with the club/refuse to play for you and then bid derisory offers. and then they try and act like theyre good guys and more than a club
Angel Nguyen
I don't believe you, if you were really a fan since '86 you'd have witnessed Barcelona winning 5 European Cups and countless other trophies, at this point you'd have to be crazy to switch your allegiance to another club.
Joseph Nelson
Still I respect your choice because yesterday was an absolute embarrassment for Barcelona on all levels
Thomas Carter
I did experience those wins, but the way the club has been acting these past few years has left me feeling like shit. This guy knows what I mean >with barca they just leak shit to the press about how your player loves barca and hates your club, all slimy underhanded tactics to get your player to burn all ties with the club/refuse to play for you and then bid derisory offers. and then they try and act like theyre good guys and more than a club
Dominic Bailey
Thank you user. I wish you well.
Caleb Walker
seriously? stop picking plastic money clubs you dolt you listed 5 clubs who do the same damn thing
Blake Harris
Maybe they all do similar scummy things, but the way Barcelona carries themselves is just a whole different level of scummy imo.
Aiden Reed
gotta be bait same club/different colors
Jaxson Thomas
>la liga big 3 realmadrid barca and whos the other one?
Landon Williams
Atletico Madrid, though historically its Sevilla.
Lucas Wood
obviously bilbao
Liam Myers
ok boomer
Leo Wright
>I'm a lot older than you think I am. pics or it didn't happen
It's like de-transitioning when you still have your penis intact
Leo Flores
>Makes faggots eternally see the >Makes the top cancer eternally see the >Group of players you can't help but love (except for Sterling) Manchester City is the only choice inb4 waaah waaaaah muh oil money, we can't dominate with old fashioned corruption anymore waaaaah
Jonathan Hernandez
I forgot to add that Madrid these days are kind of likeable and Liverpool as usual are the nogs of England
Parker Williams
Kek at this seethe of a thread and every Madrid roach in it, 0-4 IN OUR WORST SEASON IN YEARS AND YOUR BEST SEASON IN YEARS.
Jaxon Martin
Matthew Davis
Go suck some Frankfurt sausage lmao
Ryder Rivera
>tfw I'm a Nino fan as well Maybe rooting for RM was my destiny all along.