/heem/ - Discuss MMA Edition
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just woke up wasup
>discuss mma edition
Reminder there's a 50 percent chance an american poster is not white
first for meershart
>Yeah I'm a jACK-
a jack?
How pillowfisted is Volk to not be able to heem Zombie even though he was getting woobled from every shot.
Walk into the thread like what up I got a pink cock
P4P means how good you are relative to the rest of your division
Hey fatfuck are you still there?
What is that expression trying to convey?
he's THE Korean Zombie for a reason
none in particular I believe. neutral
Under 200lb = child
hi guys
Regret and cope.
Threatened to heem 4 different people today.
Cops called.
I think i will not threaten anyone again, just heem.
end yourself fatty
THE gegard mousasi?
Anyone ever take those over the counter test boosters at GNC? Thinking of taking some to increase my mma training and also because im going to fuck a huge titted black girl and wanna get more in tune with my monkey nature beforehand
its a scam B, just take roids if you really want to increase your test.
Heem the cops as well
no but you can get a couple free sniffs in if you leave your bottle behind and a girl starts using that equipment
>UK 12 million US 120 million brazza
Does this look like a child to you?
lol what does that little dude weigh, 199 lbs?
i slapped a rookie once for stopping me when i wwas drunk driving
Where can i get steroids over the counter, i dont f with doctors
yeah, would be champ in the ufc now
Just buy them online B, they literally mail it to your house.
>uk and canada spun up already
we're looking at a high thread count tonight boys
He doesn't
y' retarded b?
why the fuck is cannonier ranked
Damn tito ortiz has gotten so fucking old
This is just how Americans talk
let's go tony
let's go tony
let's go tony
Impressive, very nice.....let's see Tony's pad work
>pablito manleto right on cue
Smart of him to get used to sand
Got nothing to say on Tony's cso movmint?
Looks like my grandad with Alzheimers
Speak up boy i can't hear you from all the way down there
Jewbros...what did he mean by this?
goodbye ufc marketing machine
khamzat is a belal fan? kinda weird but good for him i guess
Gyno bros?
I accept your concession.
Who is Luque fighting tomorrow?
this guy
THE shazam?
I'm 187 cm (6'1"5?) and range from 185 to 195 lbs and I have super skinny build. I recon 10 lbs are just water retention and some fat around the lower belly. Even then I'm very self conscious and still feel awkward and skinny despite being pretty fit and muscular. I'd still look skinny at 200 lbs I'm sure. So according to my experience and calculations, if you're 6'1, being 200 walk-around weight is the bare minimum to consider yourself a chad. Shit even at 220 with my build I don't think I'd look super big
Just heem.
kek I do hope Costa can find his way to be champ
new apartment, about to take my first schaub in the till
no one asked
The framepill is real, if you arent 6’5 with a large frame muscle wont look the same, better to just be leanpilled if youre a normal framed guy
>I have a super skinny build
>despite being pretty fit and muscular
Holy cope!
moden ufc star meta is only:
>anglo cringelord
>muslim wrestlefucker
why is MMA so dead?
how can you be super skinny but muscular and with a fat belly
Sounds based to me b
mma bros..
gamers are so fucking gay, embarrassing hobby
>1 billion chinese
>zero champs
it is so based
mma is from brutes. the chinese are a civilized population that value respect and honor over all else, not brutish acts like the savageries billed as mixed "martial arts"
>ian garry is cringe