Post the country you want losing the WC no matter what.
Post the country you want losing the WC no matter what
South Korea, England, France, Argentina, South Korea again, Brazil
France and England. Would be funny.
I want a Sudaca country to win the cup again, getting tired of the European domination desu.
oh wait
well, given my flag you can already guess which country
yes you want america to win
Until the HEXA, Alemanha e Itália
Bongland, Ireland, France, Germany, Brazil, Spain should all lose.
I don’t care about anybody else, I want Germany to win and the rest doesn’t matter to me
We didn't make it to the world cup you asshole.
>Post the country
Stupid ESL cholo
But the British team is only in the Olympics
I want England to lose in the finals again with at least 3 black lions choking on penalties. Imagine the shitposting.
i'll use an anecdote
cowboys fan, hate the eagles
loathe the patriots
rooted for the eagles when they won the superbowl
no regrets
sometimes you have to compromise your morals to watch patriots fans cry
germany, argentinia and england
Shit analogy, I'm a Giants fans and was rooting for the Pats. Fuck Philly.
You have to go back
England, France and Brazil.
Uruguay too but they aren't worth the hate.
back to where piefke-bro?
The slavic shithole your forefathers came from
Hatred of the British is the hatred of everything righteous in the world. I've never seen an anti-brit who wasn't a cocksucking mongrel
I want the US to lose badly so this semen slurping sport goes back across the ocean and south of the border.
But we still need to do better than Canada.
>But we still need to do better than Canada.
>knows jackshit
Dont go to Ireland
Just England I want everyone else to have a good time
>island monkeys p-p-please like me!!!
t. Benedict Arnold
Brazil, USA, Bri ish
There isn't a British football team in the WC you spastic burger twat
>Would be funny
Why? England are shit. France are good and have won the World Cup multiple times.
Only for women. Men still scared that FIFA will demand the individual FA's fold and UK team is formed.
Stop thinking we care about your stupid semantic distinctions. You're the retards who came up with the idea.
I dunno why you lads care about England not winning, we won't be here to see it because Yea Forums is being blocked.
new law coming in under Internet Safety Bill, basically forces ISPs et al to block access to websites that have hurtful/offensive content or contain damaging propaganda etc. So that's Yea Forums. Other fun parts of the law including 2 years in prison if you send any content that 'causes psychological harm' so any memes you post, well, somebody can claim they were harmed by it so off to the nick you go.
So yeah, since Yea Forums isn't big enough like Twitter/Facebook/Reddit, it will be flatout blocked. The other sites will just be ''''fined'''' if they don't take down evil bad wrongthink content. Which might just lead the sites to block access to them from a UK IP. I see Elon doing that for Twitter. Also the return of the Porn Pass that got shutdown but is now back again in this law.
finally, my emails reporting this site for being racist to the uk autorithies were taken in consideration
Qatar (they'll bribe their way to semis)
Also, fuck Mexico.
I don't care who loses. All I want is for America to win so that this board ceases to exist forever. There would be suicides for sure.
>America to win
Canada or Qatar would be funnier. Canada because they are just worse America and Qatar because even if it was a legit win nobody would believe it kek.
Absolutely pathetic. Basically Chinese levels of social control but for the god of globohomo. Why do you always do this? You're a great people no doubt but your overlords are OBSESSED with rules and regulations and control.
doubt that's happening
We've tried and tried and tried to fight it. Covid was just a coinkydink to keep it out of the media spotlight so all the chances to object to it were minor news at best. I mean this isn't particularly unique to the UK, but yeah. It sucks. Nobody can do anything about it.
Are you serious? Like does it legit have a chance of being implemented or is just scaremongering? I hope its not going to happen. This site wouldn't be the same without you lads. Shitposting and talking trash won't be the same
Google it. Everything I said is true. I just hope the big media companies block UK IPs from accessing their website and that forces the public who live on that shit to complain and the fucking thing to be dropped. But it won't. Remember user, there is nothing more dangerous than sending a black person a monkey emoji.
I am serious, yes. Google 'Internet Safety Bill UK' and you'll get all the info you need. Whether as soon as it is implemented Yea Forums gets yote I don't know, I suspect they'll send demands to Yea Forums or some shit and Hiro will ignore it or just block UK IPs or the UK government will force, as I said, ISP blocks (like it does to lots of stuff already). As for getting through, it is making its way through without issue. Nobody wants to resist it because you're evil racist sexist etc etc.
Man if it does happen I'll spam monkey and banana emojis at every single high profile black person in the UK with an online presence to avenge you lads. I'll find a way.
People losing access to social media would be a net benefit to society, though.
maybe but normies wouldn't like that, so it would mean changing shit to make it less likely they'll be blocked.
i dunno man it's just fucking gay, hate this country for a lot of shit.
Thanks, I hope it won't, but this is UK governance. Don't think, just do. People will get over it!
it's not happening, too difficult and too much effort to implement, you'll still be able to post on Yea Forums