Is having a better season than :
And many other frauds
Is having a better season than :
And many other frauds
True. But he's still finished
There are people in lower leagues who score more in 2 matches than he did in the whole season. That obviously means they're better than him.
What a fraud.
I thought that was the Firmino role
Objectively wrong but don't let that stand in the way of you fellating your gay man crush
Yep. The finished GOAT is still better than the that huge list that includes many rated as elite / world-class
He's finished by his standard. Remember that he used to score braces day in day out a few years ago. Manure situation doesnt help either
When people say he's finished they mean he's finished as one of the worlds elite, not that's he's completely past it and should retire. Only the most rabid fanboys would still rate him as a top 10 player.
Stats aren't everything. He got outscored by Quagliarella and Immobile in two separate seasons while playing for a better team but you didn't hear anyone claim either of those two were BPITW material.
Ain't stopping Ten Hag from booting him out of Yanited.
The same amount of G/A as Messi but Ronaldo played 439 minutes more than Messi. He contributes nothing without that tapin and he can't even do that this year.He isn't involved in the build up etc. he is useless. At least Messi can still control the game. Several people you named are better than him this season. Significantly better since they have other aspects to their game. Not just waiting for tapins.
Ronaldo made Juventus and Manure objectibly and visibly worse, the teams suddently scored less goals while Ronaldo's tally went up
The anti Giroud
based and accurate
Goal-tally is not dispositive. And if it were, goals-per-90 would be a better barometer. I have yet to have anyone even bother a reply to my argument that if goal-tally were dispositive, then people would remember the name of the guy whose goal-tally record Ronaldo broke, but nobody does. Context matters, but alas football fans are actually generally quite thick, as the sport requires very little intelligence to enjoy at its most basic level.
He ruined the Jewve locker room and is probably doing the same at United. People feel obligated to assist in his stat-padding, lest they incur the opprobrium of his massive ego and clout. He is not clinical, contributes nothing in attack if he doesn't score (and certainly nothing on defense), and is a conspicuous and demoralizing absence when he isn't getting his medically necessary tap-ins and penalties. This is glaringly obvious to anyone who has bothered with the effort of trying to objective. Ronaldo is a faggot narcissist and Messi is an autistic sudaca, but one is also something more than a goal-scorer.
How many of those players have the entire team playing almost every single attack through them to the point it's detrimental to the team as a whole?
Ronaldo is the only player in the world whose vulnerable ego is so palpable on the pitch that teammates will forgo a better option to try to feed him the ball and ensure he gets his medically necessary stat-padding, even if its to the detriment of developing a good attacking play. Everyone - everyone - knows that he is hurt and insulted if his team wins without him scoring.
>Having to compare Ronaldo to Fekir and Jesus in order to prop him up
Oh how the mighty have fallen
>stat padding
>stat padding in a dire team that doesn’t score, doesn’t win, doesn’t beat opponents with big goal margins
How many useless goals did he score for united? Even the ones where he scored twice or thrice they were crucial: Newcastle, Spurs, the UCL ones
Please kill yourself.
Stat-padding behavior includes trying to score but failing to.
The fact you're comparing the supposed GOAT to mostly overrated shitters says it all.
Hes 37 outscoring expensive forwards in their prime lmao
Not like hes 34 getting outplayed by Payet
New proxy, Twain?
>Is having a better season than many other frauds
Well, he most certainly is the biggest fraud of all of them.
Yeah but unlike them he'll win 0 trophies this year
Messi will have won a league by the end of the season, and a CL ticket
Quagarella did the same. Out scored 35 year old ronaldo when he was 37, in a much worse and weaker team
gayest of all time? I agree
>Including cup goals
Gayest of all time, most definitely.
How many trophies, Pierre?
I'd say around 15 or 20
It's 32
Isn't Neymar constantly hurt?
Ronnie should unironically join Bayern and replace Lewandowski there.
Bayern is insanely strong and they just need a good finisher.
He should go back to real madrid and retire after 2 years
How many trophys he do be winning this session? Oh right, none.......
Pretty impressive to get so many in one season
He was out for several months yes.
>good finished
Why would they want Ronaldo then? He fails to score against relegation shitters. He has opportunities, he just fails to convert them.
>34 games
>18 goals
>3 assists
>30 games
>17 goals
>3 assists
Is one goal more after four extra games 'better'?
Lewa needs to stay at Bayern for another season and score another 20+ goals because atm he is joint with Muller in total amount of seasons with 20+ goals.
What they need is a good coach. The one they have now is younger than Ronaldo. I'm sure that would go over well.
Better teams also with better coaches
Wish I was as finished as Ronaldo. Fuck me, the only person he looks bad against is his past self.
Juve 18/19 won the league in like 15 fixtures beforehand and the team just trashed the field including Ronaldo in the remaining games
He overall play that season was actually very good, he was still legendary in UCL scoring all 5 KO goals for Juve.
Clear decline at the top level started from last year, This year his overall play took an even bigger hit, I assume the PL intensity accelerate his decline
b-b-but i-it's norwich
Ronaldo could probably still bang in 15 goal seasons into his mid 50s atleast
>joins a league with six London Eibars, slippy Eibar, the other scouser Eibar, oil money Eibar, Saudi Eibar, East Anglia Eibar, two south coast Eibars, two Midland Eibars, and a couple of Eibar Eibars
>becomes the only striker
>woah he's scoring so many goals
As a Messifag.
Yeah,its agaisnt norwich,but he´s hard-carrying manure this game.
He could if he drops down a tier or two, but no way his ego will allow him to play for Derby or Preston
He should start doing HRT and play womens football unlit he´s 60.
He would score at least 3 every game.
I am of the opinion that Penaldo dickriders are people that have never payed football, not even in a pickup game. He is the type of nigga always hog the ball and lose it, or to always be calling for a pass even when he has two other people defending him.